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26-Apr-2010 11:33 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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 this morning some people use CFD to short selling.

now they had to buy back , so
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26-Apr-2010 11:19 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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to baker is Good the News
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26-Apr-2010 10:26 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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Then YZI had to look for another company if They got the projects.


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26-Apr-2010 00:19 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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I Think YZi got some offshore project on hand so they nee d to buy PPL and offeer High Price.

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22-Apr-2010 16:16 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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Tomorrow -0.60-- 0.65 ?
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21-Apr-2010 09:49 China Env   /   ChinaEnv Set To Rebound TP 0.70       Go to Message
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CHINA ENVIRONMENT: 50-ct price target & 72% upside by Finansa

Written by Sim Kih   
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Written by Sim Kih   
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
INVESTORS NOT familiar with China’s determination to clean up its environment may overlook stocks like China Environment, according to Finansa Securities of Hong Kong.

China Environment listed on the Singapore Exchange in Aug 2009.

Finansa yesterday (Apr 19) initiated coverge of China Environment with a 50-cent target price, compared to its closing price of 29 cents.

Finansa’s price target is based on 12.5 times its forecast of FY2010 earnings.

China’s pollution is so serious that about 250,000 deaths each year is associated with its poor urban air quality, and a baby with physical defects is born every 30 seconds.

In recent years, the government has asserted its position on pollution, closing many power stations, coal mines and factories that cause pollution.

Businesses are required to retrofit systems to capture dust and toxic gases, or install systems that prevent pollution at the development phase.

Industrial plants failing to meet carbon dioxide emissions standards incur penalties of up to half a million yuan, or are eventually shut down.

Some Rmb 1.4 trillion had been earmarked for investment in environmental protection during 2006-2010 (11th Five Year Plan), up 60% from its previous plan.

EPC provider of waste gas treatment systems, China Environment, last week secured 3 contracts amounting to Rmb 76.2 million to design, construct and install such systems for thermal power projects in Hebei, Jilin and Mongolia.










Thermal power plants are typically coal-fired, and China Environment’s electrostatic precipitators function as heavy-duty air purifiers for industrial coal fumes.

The projects are expected to be completed by June this year and will contribute positively to FY2010 results.

Each power plant has capacity for 200MW to 600MW and China will build 315 such plants this year or more than 3,000 such plants by 2015, according to Finansa.

Between 2009 and 2015, the market size for China Environment’s electrostatic precipitators products is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19% to Rmb 38 billion.

Other than a positive macro outlook, the broker likes China Environment for the following reasons:

Firstly, its footprint is across a wide territory in China. It has sales service centers in Beijing, Hebei, Henan and Xiamen, and projects spanning from Fujian in the south to Xinjiang in the north.

Secondly, its project size is increasing.  In 2009, it completed about 30 projects at an estimated Rmb 16.7 million per contract.  Lately, its project size has been as large as Rmb 58 million for the two 660 MW power stations at Maanshan.

Thirdly, in addition to dust removal, it plans to foray into desulphurisation and removal of nitrogen oxides (De-Nox).

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16-Apr-2010 09:57 China Env   /   ChinaEnv Set To Rebound TP 0.70       Go to Message
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The Board of Directors of China Environment Ltd. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce

that its wholly owned subsidiary, Fujian Dongyuan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (“Fujian

Dongyuan”) has secured another 3 contracts amounting to RMB76.2 million through its main

contractor, Shanxi Province Electric Company Electric Environmental Equipment Main Factory



) (“Shanxi Electric”).

The contracts are to design, construct and install Electrostatic Precipitators or ESPs for

2X300MW, 2X350MW and 2X330MW thermal power projects in Hebei, Jilin and Inner

Mongolia respectively.

The projects are expected to be completed by June 2010.

The contracts, entered into on commercial terms, will contribute positively to the earnings of

the Group for the current financial year ending 31 December 2010. None of the directors has

any interests, direct or indirect, in the contracts. As far as the directors are aware, none of the

controlling shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect, in the contracts.

Huang Min

Executive Chairman and CEO

15 April 2010


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12-Apr-2010 22:04 Oceanus   /   Oceanus       Go to Message
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Long long wait for three Mobth , finaly



LISTED ON THE TAIWAN STOCK EXCHANGE ( Aproval by Both Sg And TaiWan  stock exchange )

Today Taiwan Close at $ 14.25 / 23 =  About ( S$0.615 )






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16-Feb-2010 11:05 Z-Obee   /   LISTING IN HONG HONG       Go to Message
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Z-OBEE posts 169.90% increase in revenue to US$46.1 million in Q3FY2010

  • ��

  • Net profit improved by approximately 166.9 times y-o-y to approximately US$1.8 million on the back of excellent revenue


    CDMA trading and "VIM" brand mobile phone sales contributed to the Group’s revenue significantly

    Singapore and Hong Kong, 13 February 2010 – Z-OBEE Holdings Limited ("Z-OBEE" and, together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a full-set solutions house that provides complete design services spanning the entire handset design cycle and owner of the "VIM" brand series mobile phones, has announced its financial results for the nine months ended 31 December 2009 ("9MFY2010").

    Financial and Operations Overview




    % Change



    % Change








    Gross profit







    Profit from operations







    Profit attributable to shareholders







    As a result of the recovery of the mobile phone market in China, the Group posted an excellent set of results with an increment of approximately 169.90% in revenue to approximately US$46.1 million in Q3FY2010 compared to the same period of FY2009. On a 9-month comparison, 9MFY2010 revenue improved by approximately 12.21% to


    approximately US$100.9 million compared to revenue of approximately US$89.9 million in 9MFY2009. This is primarily due to the revenue contributions from "VIM" brand series mobile phone sales and trading of CDMA related components starting in Q2FY2010 as a result of the recovering China mobile phone industry.

    Gross profit in Q3FY2010 improved by approximately 186.32% to approximately US$3.5 million compared to approximately US$1.2 million in Q3FY2009, on a 9 month comparison, gross profit improved marginally by approximately 14.77% to approximately US$8.4 million compared to approximately US$7.4 million in 9MFY2009.

    Administrative expenses increased by approximately 62.26% y-o-y to approximately US$1.6 million in Q3FY2010 as a result of one-off expenses related to its primary dual listing project and the increase in overall administrative expenses after the mild recovery from the financial crisis.

    General decrease in the bank borrowing interest rates led to lower finance costs in Q3FY2010 of approximately 11.67% compared to Q3FY2009.

    As a result of the above, net profit for Q3FY2010 amounted to approximately US$1.8 million which represents an approximately 166.9 times increment, over the net profit of approximately US$10,758 in Q3FY2009.

    Industry Outlook and Future Plans

    China has the largest mobile subscriber base in the world. In 4Q2009, mobile phones sold in China’s domestic market amounted to 48.775 million sets, up 24.8% compared to the previous quarter (Beijing, 3 February 2010, Xinhua). By the end of 2009, China has a total mobile subscriber of 747.4 million.

    Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC; Rising Securities Research



      Good Post  Bad Post 
      12-Feb-2010 16:41 Z-Obee   /   LISTING IN HONG HONG       Go to Message
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      (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

      (Company registration number: 39519)



      Reference is made to the announcements made by Z-Obee Holdings Limited (the "Company") on 8 February 2010 and 10 February 2010. The board of directors of the Company wishes to announce that the prospectus dated 12 February 2010 (the "Prospectus") in relation to the proposed dual listing on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") ("Proposed HK Listing"), was registered with the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong on 11 February 2010.

      1. Audited Financial Results for the Period Ended 30 September 2009

      In relation to the Proposed HK Listing, the Company is required to provide the Company’s audited financial results for the six months period ended 30 September 2009 ("

      The Company further announces that there is no difference between the unaudited FY2010Q2 financial results previously announced on SGXNET and the audited FY2010Q2 financial results stated in the Prospectus.

      The Company also wishes to announce that the section titled "Statement of Indebtedness" and "Liquidity, Financial Resources and Capital Structure" in the Prospectus contains certain financial information which has not yet been made available to Shareholders and investors. The relevant financial information is extracted from the Prospectus and is attached to this announcement as Appendix A. FY2010Q2"). The unaudited FY2010Q2 financial results were announced on the SGXNET on 13 November 2009. The audited results of FY2010Q2 are set out in the section titled "Financial Information" and Appendix I of the Prospectus.

      2. Amount of Proceeds to be Raised

      The Proposed HK Listing involves the public offering of 11,400,000 Shares to the public in Hong Kong ("

      The gross proceeds from the Share Offer attributed to the Company will be approximately HK$156 million and the net proceeds from the Share Offer, after deducting underwriting fees and estimated total expenses paid and payable by the Group in connection thereto, are estimated to be approximately HK$147 million and calculated based on an offer price of HK$2.00 per Share, being the median of the proposed offer price ranged from HK$1.70 to HK$2.29 per Share.

      The net proceeds from the Vendor Shares which will not contribute to the Company's proceeds and will be attributable to Ms. Wang Tao are estimated to be approximately HK$70 million and calculated based on an offer price of HK$2.00 per Share, being the median of the proposed offer price ranged from HK$1.70 to HK$2.29 per Share. Public Offering") and the placement of 102,600,000 Shares (the "Placement", together with the Public Offering, the "Share Offer"). The Share Offer comprises of 78,000,000 new Shares and 36,000,000 Shares ("Vendor Shares") to be sold by Ms Wang Tao. All the Vendor Shares would be allocated in the Placement.

      3. Intended Use of Proceeds

      The Company and its subsidiaries ("

      1. Approximately HK$13 million to recruit additional professionals to join its research and development ("

      2. Approximately HK$60 million to invest in research on the application and solutions of 3G technologies and operating platform of mobile handset in order to capture the

      Group") intend to use such proceeds as follows: R&D") team and to improve the R&D team’s equipment.


      potential opportunities of the rising demand for 3G mobile handset and module especially in the multi-functions mobile handset.

      3. Approximately HK$60 million to strengthen the brand awareness of "VIM" or in Chinese "偉恩" in the mobile handset market in the People's Republic of China ("PRC") in order to position the Group’s strong industrial design of mobile handset with fashionable and trendy styles and to expand the distribution network and sales channel of the Group in the People's Republic of China.

      Shareholders and other investors are reminded to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares. Shareholders or depositors of the Company who wish to transfer their Shares between the SGX-ST and the SEHK, or trade their Shares on the SEHK, should consult their stockbrokers, bank managers, solicitors, accountants or other professional advisers.

      Further announcements will be made on this matter as and when appropriate.

      Important Notice:

      This announcement and the Prospectus do not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for shares or securities of the Company in Singapore, nor is it intended to invite any offers for shares or securities of the Company in Singapore.


      Wang Shih Zen

      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

      12 February 2010




      As at the close of business on 31 December 2009, being the latest practicable date for the purpose of ascertaining the indebtedness of Z-Obee Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (the "

      The bank loans were secured by the following:

      (i) A bank loan of US$1,742,931 was secured by corporate guarantee executed by a subsidiary of the Company and personal guarantee executed by a director of a subsidiary;

      (ii) A bank loan of US$1,266,746 was secured by a bank deposit;

      (iii) A bank loan of US$732,648 which was arranged under the Small and Medium Enterprises Loan Guarantee Scheme and guaranteed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, two subsidiaries of the Company and the Company; and

      (iv) Remaining bank loans of US$2,039,891 were arranged under the Small and Medium Enterprises Loan Guarantee Scheme and the Special Loan Guarantee Scheme. These loans were guaranteed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Company.

      Other loans of RMB3,000,000, which was approximately US$435,733, was borrowed by the Group from Science and Technology Bureau, Fu Tian District, Shenzhen Municipal (

      All trust receipt loans were secured by bank deposits and all finance lease payables were secured by the lessor’s title to the leased assets and corporate guarantee executed by a subsidiary of the Company. Group") prior to the printing of this prospectus, the Group had outstanding indebtedness of US$18,981,089, comprising bank loans of US$5,782,216, other loans of US$435,733, trust receipt loans of US$10,594,364 and finance lease payables of US$2,168,776. 深圳市福田區科學技術局), an Independent Third Party, which is a government organisation of Fu Tian District, Shenzhen Municipal and was guaranteed by Shen Zhen High Tech Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. (深圳市高新技術投資擔保有限公司), an independent third party. The loan was counter-guaranteed by a subsidiary of the Company. The legal adviser of the Company in the PRC laws considers that the above loan agreement is in compliance with laws and regulations, and is legal and valid under the PRC.


      Based on the unaudited combined management accounts of the Group as at 31 December 2009, the net current assets of the Group increased from approximately US$45.32 million as at 30 September 2009 to approximately US$47.35 million, comprising current assets of approximately US$80.10 million and current liabilities of approximately US$32.75 million. The current assets of the Group increased from approximately US$68.20 million as at 30 September 2009 to approximately US$80.10 million as at 31 December 2009, mainly comprising inventories, trade and other receivables and bank and cash balances. The current liabilities of the Group increased from approximately US$22.88 million as at 30 September 2009 to approximately US$32.75 million as at 31 December 2009, mainly comprising trade and bills payables, accruals and other payables and trust receipt loans. The increase in the net current assets of approximately US$2.03 million was mainly due to the accumulation of assets generated from the Group’s profitable operations during the period from 1 October 2009 to 31 December 2009.




      The principal register of members is maintained in Bermuda by Coden Services Limited. The Company has established a branch register of members in Hong Kong which is maintained by Tricor Investor Services Limited (the "

      The transfer agent for members of the Company in Singapore is Tricor Barbinder Share Registration Services (the "Hong Kong branch registrar") whose address is 26/F, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Singapore transfer agent") whose address is #11-00, PWC Building, 8 Cross Street, Singapore 048424. Certificates in respect of the Shares registered on the Hong Kong branch register of members will, as far as practicable, and unless otherwise requested, be issued in board lots of 2,000 Shares. The Bermuda principal registrar will keep in Bermuda duplicates of the Hong Kong branch registers, which will be updated from time to time.


      Only certificates for Shares issued by the Hong Kong branch registrar will be valid for delivery in respect of dealings effected on the SEHK. Certificates for Shares issued by the Bermuda principal registrar will be valid for delivery in respect of dealing effected on the SGX-ST.


      Dealings in Shares on the SEHK and SGX-ST will be conducted in Hong Kong dollars and Singapore dollars respectively. The Shares are traded on SGX-ST in board lots of 1,000 Shares each.

      The transaction costs of dealings in the Shares on the SEHK include a SEHK trading fee of 0.005%, an SFC transaction levy of 0.004%, a transfer deed stamp duty of HK$5.00 per transfer deed and ad valorem stamp duty on both the buyer and the seller charged at the rate of 0.1% each of the consideration or, if higher, the fair value of the Shares transferred. The brokerage commission in respect of trades of Shares on the SEHK is freely negotiable.

      The brokerage commission in respect of trades of Shares on the SGX-ST is freely negotiable.

      A clearing fee in Singapore is payable at the rate of 0.04% of the transaction value, subject to a maximum of S$600 per transaction. The clearing fee subject to goods and services tax in Singapore (currently at 7.0%).

      Settlement of dealings in Singapore

      Shares listed and traded on the SGX-ST are trading under the book-entry settlement system of the CDP and all dealings in and transactions of Shares through the SGX-ST are effected in accordance with the terms and conditions for the operation of securities accounts with the CDP, as amended from

      time to time.

      The CDP, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Singapore Exchange Limited, is incorporated under the laws of Singapore and acts as a depository and clearing organisation. The CDP holds securities for its accountholders and facilitates the clearance and settlement of securities transactions between accountholders through electronic book-entry changes in the securities accounts maintained by such

      accountholders with the CDP.

      Shares will be registered in the name of the CDP or its nominees and held by the CDP for and on behalf of persons who maintain, either directly or through depository agents, securities accounts with the CDP. Bermuda Companies Act and the Bye-laws of the Company only recognise the registered owners or holders of the Shares as members. CDP depositors and depository agents on whose behalf CDP holds Shares, may not be accorded the full rights of membership, such as voting rights, the right to appoint proxies, or the right to receive Shareholders’ circulars, proxy forms, annual reports, prospectuses and take over documents. CDP depositors and depository agents will be accorded only such rights as CDP may make available to them pursuant to CDP’s terms and conditions to act as depository for foreign securities.


      Persons holding Shares in a securities account with the CDP may withdraw the number of Shares they own from the book-entry settlement system in the form of physical share certificates. Such share

      certificates will not, however, be valid for delivery pursuant to trades transacted on the SGX-ST, although they will be prima facie evidence of title and may be transferred in accordance with the Bye-laws of the Company. A fee of S$10.00 for each withdrawal of 1,000 Shares or less and a fee of S$25.00 for each withdrawal of more than 1,000 Shares will be payable upon withdrawing our Shares from the book-entry settlement system and obtaining physical share certificates. In addition, a fee of S$2.00 (or such other amounts as the Directors may decide) will be payable to share registrar for each share certificate issued, and stamp duty of S$10.00 is also payable where Shares are withdrawn in the name of the person withdrawing Shares, or S$0.20 per S$100.00 or part thereof of the last-transacted price where Shares are withdrawn in the name of a third party. Persons holding physical share certificates who wish to trade on the SGX-ST must deposit with the CDP their share certificates together with the duly executed and stamped instruments of transfer in favour of the CDP, and have their respective securities accounts credited with the number of Shares deposited before they can effect the desired trades. A fee of S$10.00 is payable upon the deposit of each instrument of transfer with the CDP.

      Transactions in Shares under the book-entry settlement system will be reflected by the seller’s securities account being debited with the number of Shares sold and the buyer’s securities account being credited with the number of Shares acquired. No transfer stamp duty is currently payable for the transfer of the Shares that are settled on a book-entry basis.

      A Singapore clearing fee for trades in Shares on the SGX-ST is payable at the rate of 0.04% of the transaction value, subject to a maximum of S$600.00 per transaction. The clearing fee, instrument of transfer deposit fees and share withdrawal fee are subject to Singapore goods and services tax of 7.0%.

      Dealings in the Shares will be carried out in Singapore Dollars and will be effected for settlement in the CDP on a scripless basis. Settlement of trades on a normal "ready" basis on the SGX-ST generally takes place on the third market day following the transaction date, and payment for the securities is generally settled on the following day. The CDP holds securities on behalf of investors in securities accounts. An investor may open a direct securities account with the CDP or a securities sub-account with a depository agent. A depository agent may be a member company of the SGX-ST, bank, merchant bank or trust company.

      Settlement of dealings in Hong Kong

      Investors in Hong Kong must settle their trades executed on the SEHK through their brokers directly or through custodians. For an investor in Hong Kong who has deposited his Shares in his stock account or in his designated CCASS participant’s stock account maintained with CCASS, settlement will be effected in CCASS in accordance with the CCASS Rules in effect from time to time. For an investor who holds the physical certificates, settlement certificates and the duly executed transfer forms must be delivered to his broker by the settlement date.

      An investor may arrange with his broker on a settlement date in respect of his trades executed on the SEHK. Under the HK Listing Rules and the CCASS rules, the date of settlement must not be later than the second day following the trade date on which the settlement services of CCASS are open for use by CCASS participants (T+2). For trades settled under CCASS, the CCASS rules provide that the defaulting broker may be compelled to compulsorily buy-in by HKSCC the day after the date of settlement (T+3), or if it is not practicable to do so on T+3, at any time thereafter. HKSCC may also impose fines from T+2 onwards.

      The CCASS stock settlement fee payable by each counterparty to a SEHK trade is currently 0.002% of the gross transaction value subject to a minimum fee of HK$2 and a maximum fee of HK$100 per trade.

      Foreign Exchange Risk

      Investors in Singapore who trade in the Shares on the SGX-ST should note that their trades will be effected in Singapore dollars. Investors in Hong Kong who trade in the Shares on the SEHK should note that their trades will be effected in Hong Kong dollars. Accordingly, investors should be aware of the foreign exchange risks associated with such trading.

      Transfer of Shares

      All duties, fees and expenses specified herein are subject to changes from time to time.


      From SGX-ST to SEHK

      Currently, all the Shares are registered on the principal register of members in Bermuda. For purposes of trading on the SEHK, the Shares must be registered on the branch register of members in Hong Kong. Shares may be transferred between the principal register of members in Bermuda and the branch register of members in Hong Kong. An investor who wishes to trade on the SGX-ST must have his Shares registered on the principal register of members in Bermuda and an investor who wishes to trade on the SEHK must have his Shares registered on the branch register of members in Hong Kong by removing them from the principal register of members in Bermuda to the branch register of members in Hong Kong. A resolution has been passed by the Directors authorising the removal of Shares between the principal register of members in Bermuda and the branch register of members in Hong Kong as may from time to time be requested by the members of the Company.

      If an investor whose Shares are traded on the SGX-ST wishes to trade his Shares on the SEHK, he must effect a removal of Shares from the principal register of members in Bermuda to the branch register of members in Hong Kong.

      A removal of the Shares from the principal register of members in Bermuda to the Hong Kong branch register of members involves the following procedures:

      (1) If the investor’s Shares have been deposited with CDP, the investor must first withdraw his Shares from CDP by completing a Withdrawal of Securities Form (CDP Form 3) available from CDP and submitting the same to CDP together with a bank draft for the amount as prescribed by CDP from time to time.

      (2) The investor shall complete a removal request form obtained from the Singapore transfer agent and submit the removal request form to the Singapore transfer agent.

      (3) CDP will then send a duly completed transfer form together with the relevant Share certificate(s) registered under the name of CDP to the Singapore transfer agent directly.

      (4) Upon receipt of the duly completed transfer form and Share certificate(s) from CDP and the removal request form from together with bank drafts for the amount as prescribed by Bermuda Registrar and Hong Kong Branch Registrar from time to time the investor, the Singapore transfer agent shall send all the documents to the Bermuda principal registrar.

      (5) Upon receipt of the documents referred to in (4) above and the relevant payment, the Bermuda principal registrar shall take all actions necessary to effect the transfer and removal of Shares on the Bermuda principal register of members. On completion, the Bermuda principal registrar shall then notify the Hong Kong branch registrar of the removal whereupon the Hong Kong branch registrar shall update the branch register of members in Hong Kong and issue Share certificate(s) in the name of the investor and send such Share certificate(s) to the address specified by the investor. Despatch of Share certificate(s) will be made at the risk and expense of the investor as specified in the removal request form.

      (6) If the investor’s Shares upon being registered in Hong Kong are to be deposited with CCASS, the investor must deposit the Shares into CCASS for credit to his investor participant stock account or his designated CCASS participant’s stock account. For deposit of Shares to CCASS or to effect sale of Shares in Hong Kong, the investor should execute a transfer form which is in use in Hong Kong and which can be obtained from the offices of the Hong Kong branch registrar or the Singapore transfer agent and deliver it together with his Share certificate(s) issued by the Hong Kong branch registrar to HKSCC directly if he intends to deposit the Shares into CCASS for credit to his investor participant stock account or via a CCASS participant if he wants the Shares to be credited to his designated CCASS participant’s stock account.

      Note: Under normal circumstances, steps (1) to (5) generally require 12 business days to complete.

      From SEHK to SGX-ST

      If an investor whose Shares are traded on the SEHK wishes to trade his Shares on the SGXST, he must effect a removal of the Shares from the Hong Kong branch register of members to the Bermuda principal register of members. Such removal and deposit of the Shares would involve the following procedures:

      6 7

      (1) If the investor’s Shares are registered in the investor’s own name, the investor shall complete the Combined Share Removal and Transfer Form and Delivery Instruction Form (the "Removal Request Form") available from the Hong Kong branch registrar or the Singapore transfer agent and submit the same together with the Share certificate(s) in his name and bank draft for the amount as prescribed by Bermuda Registrar and Hong Kong Registrar from time to time to the Hong Kong branch registrar. If the investor’s Shares have been deposited with CCASS, the investor must first withdraw such Shares from his investor participant stock account with CCASS or from the stock account of his designated CCASS participant and submit the relevant Share transfer form(s) executed by HKSCC Nominees Limited, the relevant Share certificate(s) and a duly completed removal request form to the Hong Kong branch registrar.

      (2) Upon receipt of the removal request form, the relevant Share certificate(s) and where appropriate, the completed share transfer form(s) executed by HKSCC Nominees Limited, the Hong Kong branch registrar shall take all actions necessary to effect the transfer and the removal of the Shares from the Hong Kong branch register of members to the Bermuda principal register of members.

      (3) The Hong Kong branch registrar shall then notify the Bermuda principal registrar of the removal whereupon the Bermuda principal registrar shall update the principal register of members in Bermuda. Upon completion, the Bermuda principal registrar issue the relevant Share certificate(s) in the name of the investor and deliver the share certificate(s) to the Singapore transfer agent for onward transmission to the investor.

      (4) If the investor would like the Singapore transfer agent to assist in depositing the share certificate(s) into CDP, he should submit a duly completed transfer form and a bank draft for the amount as prescribed by CDP from time to time to the Singapore transfer agent at the same time he submits the relevant documents to the Hong Kong branch registrar (as contemplated in paragraph (1) above). The Hong Kong branch registrar shall then notify the Bermuda principal registrar, to issue the relevant Share certificate(s) in the name of CDP and arrange to deposit the same with CDP. The investor should ensure that he must have a securities account in his own name with CDP and the shares are credited to his securities account or sub-account with a CDP depository agent before dealing in the Shares.

      Note: Under normal circumstances, steps (1) to (3) generally require 12 business days to complete.

      For those Shares, which are registered on the branch register of members in Hong Kong, any transfer thereof or dealings therein will be subject to Hong Kong stamp duty and any passing thereof on the death of the owner will be subject to Hong Kong estate duty.

      All costs attributable to the removal of Shares from the Hong Kong Share Registrar to the Bermuda Share Registrar and the removal from the Bermuda Share Registrar to the Hong Kong Share Registrar shall be borne by the Shareholder requesting the removal. In particular, holders of Shares should note that the Hong Kong Share Registrar will charge HK$150 for each removal of Shares, HK$20 for postage (if required) and a fee of HK$2.50 (or such higher fees as may from time to time be permitted under the Listing Rules) for each Share certificate cancelled or issued by it, whichever number is greater, and any applicable fee as stated in the removal request forms used in Hong Kong or Singapore. In addition, the Singapore Transfer Agent will charge S$25.00 for each removal of Shares and a fee of S$2.00 for each transfer form in respect of transfer of Shares or for each Share certificate cancelled or issued by it and any applicable fee as stated in the removal request forms used in Hong Kong or Singapore.

      4. The balance to be used for working capital and other general corporate purpose.

      If the offer price is set at the high-end or low-end of the proposed offer price range, the net proceeds of the Share Offer will increase or decrease by approximately HK$23 million, respectively. In such regards, the Company will increase or decrease the allocation of the net proceeds to the above purposes on a pro-rata basis.

      To the extent that the net proceeds of the Share Offer are not immediately applied to the above purposes, it is the Group’s present intention that such net proceeds will be deposited into interest bearing bank accounts with licensed banks and/or financial institutions in Hong Kong.

      Information on registration, dealings and settlement of the Shares on SGX-ST and SEHK is stated in Appendix 2 of the circular to Shareholders dated 19 January 2010, and is attached as Appendix B of this announcement for the convenience of Shareholders.

      Good Post  Bad Post 
      12-Feb-2010 15:55 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      I do'nt think you can get $1 .. Because they push back to $1.08 =   

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      One-Day Pass - Monday to Friday (excluding black-out dates)
      Adult - Sin$ 66
      Child - Sin$ 48
      Senior - Sin$ 32

      Weekends and Black-Out Dates
      Adult - Sin$ 72
      Child - Sin$ 52
      Senior - Sin$ 36

      Black-Out Dates = Public Holidays, Eve of Public Holidays and Super-Peak Periods.

      Two-day Pass (valid for two consecutive days)

      Adult - Sin$ 118
      Child - Sin$ 88
      Senior - Sin$ 58

      Express Pass

      Express passes offer ticket holders priority access to all attractions. A limited number of express passes are sold each day, and it has to be bought in conjunction with an admission pass.

      Weekday (non-school holidays and non black-out dates) Sin$ 30
      Weekday (School Holidays) Sin$ 48
      Weekend and black-out dates Sin$ 68 

      All the prices quoted above are in Singapore Dollars. The cost of the ticket includes admission to all attractions in the park. The term "adult" in this case refers to people aged 13 years and over, a "child" is between 4-12 years old, while "senior" refers to people aged 65 and above. Terms and conditions may apply

      Good Post  Bad Post 
      11-Feb-2010 22:24 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      How to win money in casino

      Bring Cash They No ATM in casino and sentosa.  Vivocity they are some ATM

      every one they are No Bourn will luck. so every Month you got Bad Day and also Good day

      and some of the Day is Very Good/. ( Fortunes teller can find out for you) 1. know Your Lucky Day then go in casino

      Zi Wei Dou Shu  ,Eight Characters can find out for you .

      2. know your unlucky day DO NOT went in to Casino

      3. when your sick is No Luck Do Not go in

      4. very very unLuck daygo in with your friend ( you can help your friend to win money )

      This is Example  only : when you are very very unluck day ( you buy bet in Big  result will be small )(BiG /Small Games , or Player nad Banker Games : when you bet $10 on banker result out will be player , so your friend can bet $100 or higher $1000 on player. then when he win money your can share.


      Good Post  Bad Post 
      11-Feb-2010 21:56 Z-Obee   /   LISTING IN HONG HONG       Go to Message
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      Z-obee pass the Metting waiting for listing in hong kong



      (Incorporated in the Bermuda)

      (Company registration number: 39519)


      The Board of Directors of Z-Obee Holdings Limited (the "Company") would like to announce that all resolutions relating to matters set out in the Notice of Special General Meeting ("SGM") dated 19 January 2010 were voted on by way of a poll. The scrutineers appointed to conduct the poll were Tricor Barbinder Share Registration Services, the Share Transfer Agent of the Company.

      All resolutions were duly passed at the SGM of the Company held on 11 February 2010. These resolutions relate to:


      Ordinary Resolutions


      Listing of all Ordinary Shares with a par value of US$0.008 each in the share capital of the Company in issue ("SHARES") on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") ("HK LISTING")


      Proposed Termination of the Z-OBEE Holdings Limited Employee Share Option Scheme ("ESOS") and Performance Share Plan ("PLAN")


      The Adoption of the Z-OBEE Holdings Limited Employee Share Option Scheme 2010 ("2010 SCHEME")



      Special Resolution


      Adoption of the new Bye-laws of the Company


      By Order of the Board

      Z-Obee Holdings Limited

      Wang Shih Zen

      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

      11 February 2010

      Good Post  Bad Post 
      11-Feb-2010 14:02 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      Finally open for cash In

      Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore’s First Integrated Resort

      Casino opens 14 Feb 2010;

      Celebrates with Universal Studios Singapore Previews

      Singapore, 11 Feb 2009

      (RWS), will begin the first day of the Tiger year with the soft-opening of its casino and a

      preview opportunity to stroll through the amazing environments at Universal Studios

      Singapore and enjoy the specially themed dining and shopping venues that will complement

      the incredible attractions, rides and shows that soon will be revealed.

      The casino, the Resort’s much-anticipated attraction, will have its first play at an auspicious

      hour with a private ceremony and welcome its first public guest at 12.18 pm. A day of

      festivities at the Integrated Resort has been planned to mark the red-letter day, including

      the debut of its public attraction, Lake of Dreams, and evening previews at its Universal

      Studios theme park.

      The casino opening is part of the initial phased opening of Singapore’s first IR that began on

      20 Jan 2010 with the opening of its four hotels: Crockfords Tower; Hotel Michael; Festive

      Hotel; and Hard Rock Hotel Singapore. Its shopping and dining promenade, FestiveWalk,

      soft-opened on 30 Jan 2010.

      Resorts World Sentosa chairman, Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay said: “In less than three years since

      the time we broke ground and commenced construction for Resorts World Sentosa, we have

      taken our vision from drawing board to reality. This is a significant milestone in Singapore’s

      business history. We promised to deliver a true Integrated Resort, and we have not

      deviated from that.”

      Chief Executive Officer of Resorts World Sentosa, Mr. Tan Hee Teck said: “We know a lot of

      Singaporeans are looking forward to the opening of both our major elements, the Casino

      and Universal Studios Singapore. We are ready to soft-open the Casino but are still finetuning

      the rides and shows in the theme park, which are still on schedule to open in the first

      quarter of 2010. However, since its Chinese New Year, we decided to offer Singaporeans a

      week long preview of Universal Studios Singapore with a special and unique first-to-see

      walk-through opportunity. The theme park’s unique restaurants and shopping venues will be

      open for guests, although rides and shows will not be operational. However, we are

      confident that the park’s design, vistas and photo opportunities will truly excite and impress

      guests and motivate them for return visits when fully operational.’

      “We celebrate the New Year with the people of Singapore and are thrilled to provide a sneak

      peek of Universal Studios Singapore during this festive holiday period,” said Tom Williams,

      Chairman and CEO, Universal Parks & Resorts. “It’s an exciting time for all of us and a great

      opportunity to share a glimpse of the action, thrills and adventure that Universal will bring

      to the region.”

      For sneak peek week, Universal Studios Singapore will open from 5pm to 9pm every night

      from 14 Feb to 21 Feb. Admission will be by $10 tickets, rebated by a same-value dining

      voucher. Sale of the tickets starts from 11:18am Friday, 12 Feb 2010. Guests can visit the

      box office at the Universal Studios Singapore front gate to purchase tickets for another day

      (there will be no same day ticket sales available).

      Following the sneak peek week, Universal Studios Singapore will open on 22 Feb 2010 to

      Resorts World Sentosa, Genting, and Universal employees followed by limited audiences of

      families, charities and invited guests. It expects to welcome its first public guests in early

      March.- Singapore’s first Integrated Resort (IR), Resorts World Sentosa

      Casino Levy

      Singapore citizens and Singapore permanent residents can start buying the casino levy at

      the similar time of 11.18 am on Friday, 12 Feb 2010. The levy can be bought from counters

      outside the Resorts World

      the tours, levy terms and conditions will be posted online from Friday. Enquiries can be

      made at

      - End -Sentosa casino and online at www.rwsentosa.com. Details ofenquiries@rwsentosa.com or 6577 8888/99.

      About Resorts World Sentosa

      Resorts World

      resorts at S$6.59 billion, was built in a record time of under three years. It is opening

      Southeast Asia’s only Universal Studios theme park, four hotels, its Compass Ballroom, 26

      function rooms, a 1,600-seat Festive Grand theatre and its luxurious casino in early 2010.

      Supporting the attractions are a 3,500-lot car park facility, restaurants and retail stores.

      Resorts World Sentosa will open the world’s largest Marine Life Park, a Maritime Museum, a

      destination spa and two remaining hotels in a later phase.

      Sentosa, one of the world’s most extensive and expensive integrated

      Good Post  Bad Post 
      11-Feb-2010 10:29 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      All Asia Stock up for CNY CHINESE NEW YEAR rally

      Asian stock market indices Quotes
      Stock Index Change Proportional Local
      New Zealand 3068.34 -17.17 -0.56% 14:58
      Australian stock market 4581.80 48.80 1.08% 13:25
      Nikkei 225 9963.99 31.09 0.31% 02/10
      Topix 883.50 1.93 0.22% 02/10
      Topix two 2072.96 3.71 0.18% 02/10
      JASDAQ 49.77 0.21 0.42% 02/10
      South Korean stock market 1591.22 21.10 1.34% 11:05
      Taiwan Weighted 7441.84 80.80 1.10% 02/10
      Taiwan-the-counter 129.26 2.31 1.82% 02/10
      Shanghai Composite 2988.53 6.03 0.20% 10:07
      Shanghai A Shares 3133.58 6.20 0.20% 10:07
      Shanghai B Shares 248.42 2.59 1.05% 10:07
      Shenzhen A Shares 1174.78 1.67 0.14% 10:10
      Shenzhen B shares 583.96 1.16 0.20% 10:10
      CSI 300 3222.55 8.42 0.26% 10:10
      Shenzhengchengzhi 12,210.13 24.75 0.20% 10:10
      Hong Kong Hang Seng 20,190.49 268.27 1.35% 10:24
      State-owned enterprises in Hong Kong 11,550.72 205.08 1.81% 10:24
      Hong Kong red chips 3981.70 39.00 0.99% 10:24
      Singapore 2744.37 9.98 0.36% 10:10
      Straits Chinese 281.24 1.89 0.68% 10:10
      Good Post  Bad Post 
      11-Feb-2010 10:16 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      Mypaper to post they prepareing for the openning.

      Good Post  Bad Post 
      11-Feb-2010 10:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      Genting sentosa Casino will be open this friday 12 Feb 2010

      When casino open then genting cash flow in will begain .... share price up up up begain ,


      Analysts said that while the ideal situation is for both the casino and theme park to open at the same time to capitalise on the CNY holidays, RWS can still expect to reap dividends from opening the casino first.

      Chesterton Suntec International head of research and consultancy, Mr Colin Tan, said: "To hold back the casino means they lose money, so it's better to open as early as possible to start earning money.

      "Chinese New Year is the best time to open. That's when they get the most publicity. It is also nice to start the New Year with a casino."

      But with the weekend inching closer and no firm date for the casino opening announced, it may now be too late for tourists to fly in to gamble at the RWS casino.

      Travel agents told MediaCorp that flights to Singapore over the weekend were full. While there are still hotel rooms available in the city, hotels in Sentosa are fully booked for the weekend.

      Ms Alicia Seah, CTC Holidays' senior vice-president of marketing and public relations, said she expects visitors to RWS this weekend to comprise of mainly Singaporeans - instead of tour groups whose travel plans would have been firmed up for the weekend.

      Good Post  Bad Post 
      10-Feb-2010 23:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      The four Hotel is fully Books this week end.
      Good Post  Bad Post 
      10-Feb-2010 22:49 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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      Universal Studios theme park cannot open in time in CNY. Sentosa casino-resort is ready to open on this week end they will wait for theme park then open together.
      Good Post  Bad Post 
      10-Feb-2010 22:21 Z-Obee   /   LISTING IN HONG HONG       Go to Message
      x 0
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      (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

      (Company registration number: 39519)



      Reference is made to the announcement made by Z-Obee Holdings Limited (the "Company") on 8 February 2010. The Company wishes to announce that it has on 10 February 2010 (after trading hours) entered into an underwriting agreement for a public offering of 11,400,000 Shares in Hong Kong ("Public Offering") in connection with the proposed dual listing ("Proposed HK Listing") on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK"). The Proposed HK Listing involves the Public Offering of 11,400,000 Shares and the placement (the "Placement", together with the Public Offering, the "Share Offer") of 102,600,000 Shares.

      1. Principal Terms of the Public Offering Underwriting Agreement

      The Company intends to enter into an underwriting agreement for the Placement of 102,600,000 Shares in connection with the Proposed HK Listing at a later date, and the Company will make further announcements on this matter as and when appropriate.

      1.1 The main terms of the underwriting agreement ("

      Subject to (i) the Listing Committee of the SEHK granting listing of, and permission to deal in, the Shares in issue, the Shares to be issued pursuant to the Share Offer and Shares which may be issued pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the 2010 Employee Share Option Scheme; (ii) the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("

      1.2 The Public Offering Underwriting Agreement can be terminated by the Joint Lead Managers (for themselves and on behalf of the Public Offer Underwriters) serving a notice to the Company on or before 8 a.m. on the date of the commencement of dealing in the Shares on the SEHK if there occurs any force majeure events which are common in this kind of underwriting agreement, for example, material adverse changes to the Company or to the international or local financial markets, or the outbreak of wars.

      1.3 The Public Offer Underwriters will receive an underwriting commission of 2.5% of the aggregate offer price payable for the Shares under the Public Offering, out of which they will (as the case may be) pay any sub-underwriting commissions. Public Offering Underwriting Agreement") for the Public Offering of 11,400,000 Shares entered into between, among others, the Company, SinoPac Securities (Asia) Limited ("SinoPac"), Emperor Securities Limited (together with SinoPac, the "Joint Lead Managers"), and certain other public offer underwriters ("Public Offer Underwriters") are as follows:- SGX-ST") granting listing of, and permission to deal in the new Shares to be issued pursuant to the Share Offer and the options granted under the 2010 Employee Share Option Scheme; (iii) the Joint Lead Managers (for themselves and on behalf of the Public Offer Underwriters) and the Company (for itself and on behalf of the Selling Shareholder) agreeing on the offer price for each Share (which shall be between HK$1.70 and HK$2.29 unless otherwise announced by the Company on or before 19 February 2010) in the Share Offer on or before 6 p.m. on 24 February 2010; and (iv) other conditions stated in the Public Offering Underwriting Agreement, the Joint Lead Managers and the Public Offer Underwriters have severally but not jointly agreed to subscribe or procure subscribers for their respective applicable proportions of the Shares which are not taken up under the Public Offering at the agreed offer price and on the terms and subject to the conditions set out therein.

      Page 2

      2. Restrictions on allocation of the Shares in the Share Offer

      Investors who have been allocated any Shares under the Public Offering will not be allocated any Shares under the Placement, and vice versa. All the Shares under the Share Offer are not available for subscription by the directors, chief executive of the Company, existing beneficial owners of the Shares or their respective associates.

      Shareholders and other investors are reminded to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares. Shareholders or depositors of the Company who wish to transfer their Shares between the SGX-ST and the SEHK, or trade their Shares on the SEHK, should consult their stockbrokers, bank managers, solicitors, accountants or other professional advisers.

      Important Notice:

      This announcement and the Prospectus do not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for shares or securities of the Company in Singapore, nor is it intended to invite any offers for shares or securities of the Company in Singapore.


      Wang Shih Zen

      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

      10 February 2010


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