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13-May-2011 12:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Wow, you scare big people, scare small people,. 

Isolator      ( Date: 13-May-2011 10:29) Posted:

Actually 2600 also can....  

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13-May-2011 10:46 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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No wonder  in singapore,      seeing  lesser and  almost  'NONE'  stray dogs for the past few years!!

Anyone sees any  stray dogs  around  in Singapore island?

Where have the gone to??    In someone's stomach ?

niuyear      ( Date: 13-May-2011 10:44) Posted:

Last  3 weeks,      got people said  go  mountain  beat  Tiger,

Now, Tiger turns into    Dianosaur  ?

Some sell  pork , but,  menu says  Dog's meat.

It sounds its discreetly truth hinting  on the menu  that " dog meat is sold here,. but per request"   ????

pharoah88      ( Date: 13-May-2011 10:38) Posted:

Is  PAP 

an  AGEING  DINOSAUR  ? ? ? ?

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13-May-2011 10:44 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Last  3 weeks,      got people said  go  mountain  beat  Tiger,

Now, Tiger turns into    Dianosaur  ?

Some sell  pork , but,  menu says  Dog's meat.

It sounds its discreetly truth hinting  on the menu  that " dog meat is sold here,. but per request"   ????

pharoah88      ( Date: 13-May-2011 10:38) Posted:

Is  PAP 

an  AGEING  DINOSAUR  ? ? ? ?

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13-May-2011 09:54 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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I am sure we are not going to stop  at  the so call  '5th university' (Singapore Institute of Techonology), the up and coming london  music degree looks promosing.    Future plans 'might' include , arts or various degree whereby they are cheaper to obtain it here in singapore than spending much $$ in giong overseas to study.  All-in-one for one-in-all.

niuyear      ( Date: 13-May-2011 09:49) Posted:

Those who have no faith, stay away from this counter .

Investors are lured into here for reasons  singapore is  a promising country with  iincrease population, a centre of  gavity for   education  , medical  and research  teams,   and stable environment,  where else investments could be made more promising than here?   

Though , the Strong Singapore $$ has made overseas  propetites (weaken pounds and dollalrs)  more attractive for time being, but, the

Country's fundamental is one's biggest concern when  comes to investing .

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13-May-2011 09:49 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Those who have no faith, stay away from this counter .

Investors are lured into here for reasons  singapore is  a promising country with  iincrease population, a centre of  gavity for   education  , medical  and research  teams,   and stable environment,  where else investments could be made more promising than here?   

Though , the Strong Singapore $$ has made overseas  propetites (weaken pounds and dollalrs)  more attractive for time being, but, the

Country's fundamental is one's biggest concern when  comes to investing .
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13-May-2011 08:54 Others   /   GE2011 Co-driver analogy...haha       Go to Message
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PAP needs to change? change what?

Scholars must sign on the dotted line -    No joining of oppostions parties??

yes or no.?

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13-May-2011 08:48 Others   /   GE2011 Co-driver analogy...haha       Go to Message
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Talented overseas singaporean  comes back to  serve opposition, but not PAP?

PAP lured talented people back to serve opposition?

Jackpot2010      ( Date: 13-May-2011 00:00) Posted:

The American Lawyer named Chen Show Mao - Deal Maker of the Year (April 2011).


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12-May-2011 17:16 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Will we be seeing  DOW    shows positive sign for tonight?

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12-May-2011 16:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Investors Shifting to Cash From Commodities

Investors Shifting to Cash From Commodities in Poll Outlook

Sixteen percent of survey respondents identified commodities as one of the markets that will suffer the worst returns over the next year, more than double the proportion that said that in January. Photographer: Dadang Tri/Bloomberg

Attachment: Poll results and methodology

Global investors have tempered their optimism about the U.S. and world economies and plan to put more of their money in cash and less in commodities over the next six months, a Bloomberg survey found.

Almost 1 in 3 of those questioned say they will hold more cash, while 30 percent intend to reduce investments in commodities, according to a quarterly Bloomberg Global poll of 1,263 investors, analysts and traders who are Bloomberg subscribers. Both results were the highest since the survey began asking the question last June.

A plurality -- 40 percent -- expects oil prices to fall in the next six months, the first time respondents felt that way since the inception of this poll in July 2009.

The “big stimulus game is over,” said Bill O’Connor, a poll participant and founder of Sagg Main Capital hedge fund in New York, in explaining why he’s moving money into cash as the Federal Reserve winds up its bond-buying program and U.S. lawmakers look to cut the budget.

Fewer than 4 in 10 of those surveyed described the U.S. and global economies as improving, down from about 50 percent who felt that way back in January. U.S. economic growth slowed to 1.8 percent in the first quarter of this year, down from 3.1 percent in the final three months of 2010. Home prices fell in more than three-quarters of U.S. cities in the first quarter of 2011, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Bearish on Stocks

The poll, conducted May 9-10, also found that investors’ ardor for stocks is cooling. Two in 5 intend to increase their exposure to equity markets over the next six months, down from almost 3 in 5 in the last poll in January. U.S. investors in particular have become less keen on stocks: Just 37 percent say they are increasing their exposure, down from 57 percent in the previous poll.

The survey was taken after a turbulent week in the markets that saw commodity prices suffer their biggest decline in more than two years. The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Total Return Index of 24 commodities dropped 11 percent last week, led by a 27 percent collapse in silver prices.

More than half of those surveyed expect silver prices to fall further in the next six months. Sixteen percent identified commodities as one of the markets that will suffer the worst returns over the next year, more than double the proportion that said that in January.

Commodities have “become a bubble, with a lot of non- specialist investors,” said Ken Welby, a salesman at KNG Securities LLP in London and a poll participant. “Demand cannot cope with the price rises that we have seen.”

Still No. 1

While the attractiveness of the U.S. is ebbing, it still comes out on top when survey participants are asked to name the best countries to invest in. Thirty-one percent cited the U.S. as among the markets that will offer the best returns over the next year, down from 37 percent in January.

U.S. investors are more enthusiastic about their country than those in either Europe or Asia. Almost 2 in 5 Americans picked the U.S. as a top market. Only one-third of Asians and less than a quarter of Europeans felt that way.

Brazil and China trailed the U.S. in the poll, with 1 in 4 investors citing those countries as good places to put money. Fifteen percent singled out Japan, almost double the amount that did so in January, before the country suffered a devastating earthquake and tsunami that left 24,837 dead or missing as of May 7 and cratered its stock market.

“We have confidence that the Japanese are addressing the issues, and that earnings will not disappoint the market,” Welby said. “I see it as a relative-value trade.”

Nikkei Seen Rising

More than 2 in 5 investors see Japan’s Nikkei 225 (NKY) Stock Average rising over the next six months. That compares with about 1 in 4 who said that back in January.

The Nikkei average yesterday rose 45.50, or 0.5 percent, to 9,864.26. That’s down from 10,254.43 on March 11, the day of the earthquake.

Investors have turned less optimistic about other stock markets. Less than half see the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rising during the next six months in January, almost two- thirds forecast an advance. About one-quarter in the latest poll say they expect the stock gauge to fall. The S& P 500 fell 1.1 percent to 1,342.08 yesterday in New York.

Energy, Food

“U.S. stocks will have a 5 to 8 percent decline in the coming months,” said Joe Larizza, a director at Vining Sparks IBG in Memphis, Tennessee, and a poll participant. “I see energy and food prices causing a drag on the economy.”

Global investors still consider equities to be among the most lucrative places for their money, with more than 1 in 3 forecasting that stocks will provide superior returns over the next year.

Asian investors are the most confident in their regional economy, with 42 percent saying it is improving, compared with 31 percent of U.S. poll respondents and 26 percent of Europeans who feel that way about their areas.

Half of global investors forecast that the MSCI Asia Pacific Index will rise over the next six months, down from 58 percent in January. The index advanced 0.5 percent to 138.64 as of 7:11 p.m. in Tokyo yesterday.

EU Returns

The European Union was seen by the most respondents as one of the markets offering the worst returns over the next year, with 38 percent singling it out, little changed from January. The turmoil-racked Middle East ranked second worst, with about 1 in 4 investors describing it that way, up from less than 1 in 10 in the previous poll.

About 1 in 3 investors see the Euro Stoxx 50 Index, a measure of shares in nations using the common currency, and the FTSE 100 Index rising in the next six months. That compares with more than 40 percent who forecast advances in January.

The Euro Stoxx 50 Index gained 0.3 percent to 2,942.43 yesterday. The U.K.’s FTSE 100 Index fell 42.89, or 0.7 percent, to 5,976 at the 4:30 p.m. close in London.

More than half of those surveyed forecast that the dollar will strengthen against the euro over the next three months. The euro tumbled 1.4 percent to $1.4205 at 4:17 p.m. in New York yesterday, from $1.4409 on May 10.

The quarterly Bloomberg Global Poll of investors, traders and analysts was conducted by Selzer & Co., a Des Moines, Iowa- based firm. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.

To contact the reporter on this story: Rich Miller in Washington rmiller28@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Chris Wellisz at cwellisz@bloomberg.net
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12-May-2011 16:28 Others   /   GE2011 Co-driver analogy...haha       Go to Message
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PAP must transform?  Must change?

CHANGE BACK TO SPEAK TO dialects, instead of using English

Like Malaysia??    Malay language in being used instead of english.    Good or bad?    How to lure their talented people back to Malaysia if teaching is in malay and not international language i.e. English??

Will the talented malaysians working overseas willing to go back to its home land?

pharoah88      ( Date: 12-May-2011 12:20) Posted:

ELECTION  has nOt  ended.

it is just  the  BEGINNING  fOr 




the  Aljunied  CREAM   TEAM  SACRIFICE 

Is  nOt  jUstIfIed  ? ? ? ?

artng25      ( Date: 10-May-2011 11:59) Posted:

SINGAPORE: Foreign Minister George Yeo said on Tuesday he will not be contesting Aljunied GRC at the next general election.

The 57-year-old Minister told a news conference that he'll leave the important task to someone younger.

As for his role in public life, he said he will 'contribute in whatever modest way possible'.

He also added he will help 'in whatever way possible' to bring about the transformation of the People's Action Party.

Mr Yeo said Singapore's political development is entering a new phase.

So how the government responds to it will decide Singapore's destiny in the 21st century.

He reiterated his disappointment at losing Aljunied GRC contest, and said he respects voters' decision to have the Workers' Party to be their voice in Parliament.

On his next career move, Mr Yeo said he's not rushing to decide and added that he and his wife agreed he should take time to think things over.

In the meantime, he'll take a break to spend more time with the family.

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12-May-2011 15:31 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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I have never doubted this for as long as people still has the gambling interest.

pharoah88      ( Date: 12-May-2011 15:29) Posted:


Analysts say they expect stocks of gaming companies such as Genting Singapore to stage a strong rebound in coming weeks.

This is due to easing concerns over Genting’s profit outlook and expectations of higher tourist arrivals that will provide a boost to earnings.

Analysts are bullish about the long-term prospects of the two integrated resorts here as tourist arrivals are expected to continue to rise over the next two to three years.

“The medium- to long-term story for tourism remains very strong,” says Mr Wong Sui Jau, Fundsupermart general manager, citing the 20 per cent growth in tourist arrivals last year.

However, some market watchers say the local gaming industry could face a policy risk. In a report on Monday, Nomura Equity Research said “investors may be concerned about sectors such as residential and gaming, which may be affected as a result of policy review”.

Genting shares traded at a low of S$2.08 to as high as $2.24 last week. They have since rebounded to close at $2.20 yesterday.

In a May 9 report, Credit Suisse research analyst Foong Wai Loke said the market consensus for Genting’s Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) remains very wide, ranging from S$1.4 billion to S$2.3 billion.

“This we believe contributes to its lacklustre share price performance,” his report said.

Still, Credit Suisse believes Genting can also benefit from the region’s active stock market which could be positive for VIP casino revenues, as well as strong commodity prices in Malaysia.

Ahead of Genting’s results announcement today, analysts said investors would rather sit on the sidelines.

Genting’s results may surprise us. So I would say the verdict is still not out yet,” said Mr Liu Jinshu, investment analyst at SIAS Research, adding that investors will be looking closely at Genting’s profit margin and whether it will beat the lower-than-expected first-quarter results of Marina Bay Sands.

Last week, Marina Bay Sands’ parent company, Las Vegas Sands, reported that the profit margin at the Singapore resort was 48.6 per cent, down from 54.6 per cent in the fourth quarter of last year.

Analysts at Mumbai-based financial group IIFL which initiated coverage on Genting believes the stock is well-placed to capture the rise of gaming in Asia.

In a report on Monday, IIFL estimated the Asia-Pacific casino gaming sector would grow 24 per cent yearly to US$62.9 billion from last year to 2014.

Singapore, in particular, will be able to tap into this given its position as a gateway to South-east Asia.— The chips were down for the local gaming sector last week but its fortunes are set to change.

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12-May-2011 15:29 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Developers are not going to compromise the price of  expensive  lands they purchased to cater to affordability which, should be the responsibility of the government.

They can still build, but,  THIS TIME ROUND.

Hihger and higher floor,  may be    60 Storeys or 80 storeys flat.

Do i make sense here since  7 million of population is the target in time to come?


sureesh40      ( Date: 12-May-2011 15:18) Posted:

The market is expecting more cooling measures to be done to make property more affordable.

This is because the PAP's has lost some percentage of votes and one of the reasons is the high cost of property. So now the PAP must make things cheaper so less revenue for Kepland

pcxiao2008      ( Date: 12-May-2011 14:37) Posted:

can anyone share what happen to kepland....vested quite a few in this stock...than capitalan

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12-May-2011 15:22 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Yes, if  we can build cheaper flats indeed for just    RENTING purpose.

The solid foundation still intact,except,    we can do away with  '" Design" ." glamour" or  " colour" and simple wall tiles, grills.....etc

Just simple but soild white building, like those 50 years ago type of  flats.........therefore,  we dont have to pay so much for rental.




Riskless      ( Date: 12-May-2011 11:24) Posted:

when is sg govt going to build low cost hdb like 30 years ago?

niuyear      ( Date: 12-May-2011 11:07) Posted:

If so affordable,  can consider to buy ?  Can keep ' 2nd milk'   also.    hahaha

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12-May-2011 14:41 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Does public have the right to  tell a  noisy child or runing child in the library :    TO SHUT UP AND STOP RUNNING WTH WARNING TONE.?

OR  to introduce the kids' parent to    buy a cane and cane the naught child?

What will be the reaction.


niuyear      ( Date: 12-May-2011 14:22) Posted:

In response to  :    Where to study ?  Library ?

The China Aunties, grandmothers , grandfathers,  together with their  PRECIOUS ONLY GRANDKIDS,  take up most of the library seats,

The naughty  kids running around,  these aunties just sat there,    ENJOY aircon,  never stop the running kids.  KNN!

They also enrolled thier  only PRECIOUS ONLY GRANDKIDS,    into  many    CCAs and they said, since its free, many CCAs good for their kids,

Gu zheng, wu shu , drawing classes. etc.........................................


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12-May-2011 14:22 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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In response to  :    Where to study ?  Library ?

The China Aunties, grandmothers , grandfathers,  together with their  PRECIOUS ONLY GRANDKIDS,  take up most of the library seats,

The naughty  kids running around,  these aunties just sat there,    ENJOY aircon,  never stop the running kids.  KNN!

They also enrolled thier  only PRECIOUS ONLY GRANDKIDS,    into  many    CCAs and they said, since its free, many CCAs good for their kids,

Gu zheng, wu shu , drawing classes. etc.........................................

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12-May-2011 11:07 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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If so affordable,  can consider to buy ?  Can keep ' 2nd milk'   also.    hahaha!

niuyear      ( Date: 12-May-2011 10:51) Posted:

May 11, 2011 - PropertyGuru.com.sg
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CapitaValue Homes, the low-cost housing unit of CapitaLand, has entered into a joint venture (JV) agreement with Vietnamese real estate company Khang Dien House Trading and Investment to develop a 29,000 sq m land site in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The land site will be developed into 974 low-cost homes, with a total development cost of approximately US$70 million.

CapitaValue Homes will hold a 70 percent interest in the JV project, while Khang Dien will hold the remaining 30 percent.

The “value” housing project will be CapitaValue Homes' third low-cost housing development in Asia, as well as CapitaLand's sixth residential project in Vietnam. 

Last year, CapitaLand launched CapitaValue Homes to enhance its low-cost residential portfolio in China and Vietnam. The property company also paid S$360 million last month for a 40 percent interest in HDB's former building and development unit, Surbana Corp, in a move to speed up the growth of its low-cost housing business.

CapitaLand plans to develop between 10,000 and 15,000 value homes in Vietnam and China per year over the next three to five years.

The JV project is situated in Binh Trung Dong Ward, nine km away from Ho Chi Minh City's central business district.

“Our third value housing project will comprise six mid-rise blocks and a park by the river as well as other basic amenities within the development,” said Mr. Chen Lian Pang, CapitaValue Homes’ Chief Executive.

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12-May-2011 10:59 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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The only way to " bring down" the HDB price is  thru new system - renting which could serve as    cooling measures.

Once people start to rent directly from HDB at affordabe rate for sometime, they will have enough saving to buy pte pty, have babies, and perhaps, they might want to own hdb flats.

The resale flats price will dip to a more sensible selling price concurrently.

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12-May-2011 10:51 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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May 11, 2011 - PropertyGuru.com.sg
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CapitaValue Homes, the low-cost housing unit of CapitaLand, has entered into a joint venture (JV) agreement with Vietnamese real estate company Khang Dien House Trading and Investment to develop a 29,000 sq m land site in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The land site will be developed into 974 low-cost homes, with a total development cost of approximately US$70 million.

CapitaValue Homes will hold a 70 percent interest in the JV project, while Khang Dien will hold the remaining 30 percent.

The “value” housing project will be CapitaValue Homes' third low-cost housing development in Asia, as well as CapitaLand's sixth residential project in Vietnam. 

Last year, CapitaLand launched CapitaValue Homes to enhance its low-cost residential portfolio in China and Vietnam. The property company also paid S$360 million last month for a 40 percent interest in HDB's former building and development unit, Surbana Corp, in a move to speed up the growth of its low-cost housing business.

CapitaLand plans to develop between 10,000 and 15,000 value homes in Vietnam and China per year over the next three to five years.

The JV project is situated in Binh Trung Dong Ward, nine km away from Ho Chi Minh City's central business district.

“Our third value housing project will comprise six mid-rise blocks and a park by the river as well as other basic amenities within the development,” said Mr. Chen Lian Pang, CapitaValue Homes’ Chief Executive.
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12-May-2011 10:44 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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If people like " Renting" ,  can suggest to HDB .      There is the Feed back form to fill up.

It has to come with some conditions like  cant buy flat within 5 years period, but,    one should be able to buy private property since one doenst OWN  any hdb flat.     

The renting price (looks too cheap), HDB might not even look at it.    Any sensible price one can suggest?

Many friends like  " Renting" idea.

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 12-May-2011 10:38) Posted:

Yeah.. does this rental scheme apply same regulations as current?

Good point Laulan.. Can use CPF money we have in the ordinary acct? (If follow current rgs, then should be can) Also, is this at fixed rate? Or fluctuates with demand/supply?

I really find it very attractive to be able to rent as niuyear suggested below:

$500 - for whole 5 rooms flat (one year only $6000, 10 years only 60,000 plus GST)

$400 - for 4 rooms flat

Salute      ( Date: 12-May-2011 10:29) Posted:

any income ceiling

must both be singaporeans. couple, or 2 sisblings abv 35yo.

how about singl

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12-May-2011 10:07 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Apply to those  new BTO flats -    u just need to go to the Newly invented HDB kiosk,  scan 2 persons i/c -, click on the Unit you want to rent  and  duration, and  bank ac,   then,  deal is done,  Pty agents are not needed.

Anytime, anywhere,  can just get married anytime, dont have to wait for flats.

$500 - for whole 5 rooms flat (one year only $6000, 10 years only 60,000 plus GST)

$400 - for 4 rooms flat

Hows that?


rotijai      ( Date: 12-May-2011 09:54) Posted:

those ppl who own HDB can rent to the government instead? then the government rent to thos who didnt own HDB?

in the end the government still earns ? lol

niuyear      ( Date: 12-May-2011 09:47) Posted:

I am very much  waiting  " if "     there is  change to HDB rules..........

Let them  test out    " Renting "   instead of selling hdb to singaporeans....

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