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22-Aug-2011 16:05 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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mArkEt  plAyEr


hErE  ? ? ? ?

STGCC (Lifestyle Asia)
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22-Aug-2011 16:01 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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STGCC (Lifestyle Asia)

iPunter      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 15:26) Posted:

The sheety falls started  some time ago...  Smiley

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22-Aug-2011 15:34 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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What does HP’s exit signal for the PC market?

cOnsUmerIsm  is  dEAd

In  US  ? ? ? ?
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22-Aug-2011 15:27 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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US data not likely to look good


Already, analysts polled by

Including transportation, orders for durable goods are expected to have climbed by 2.1 per cent last week on the back of supply disruptions caused by the earthquake in Japan and higher bookings for aircraft.

Consumer sentiment is also expected to fall. According to Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan’s own index, consumer sentiment fell to 56 last month, down from 63.7 in the previous month.

US GDP for the second quarter is also expected to be revised downwards to 1.1 per cent, according to a

With data already expected to be bad, market watchers will be turning to comments from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke instead. Mr Bernanke will be speaking at the Fed’s annual conference for global central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on Friday.

Last year, he used his speech to hint at a second round of quantitative easing (QE) in which the Fed bought US$600 billion ($725.5 billion) of Treasuries from November last year to June.

While some are hoping for QE3 now [Only when mArket hIt bOttOm ?], a

It is not surprising then that some investment banks have started downgrading growth forecasts. Morgan Stanley, for example, cut its global GDP forecast to 3.9 per cent growth from 4.2 per cent for this year, and to 3.8 per cent from 4.5 per cent for next year.

But while the consensus is that there will be a slowdown, most are still refraining from saying another recession is due.— Key United States economic data will be released this week starting with figures for durable goods orders on Wednesday. This will be followed by the August consumer sentiment survey and  gross domestic product (GDP) numbers for the second quarter on Friday.Bloomberg believe that bookings for durable goods (excluding transportation) probably fell 0.5 per cent last month, after rising 0.4 per cent in June.Bloomberg survey. This is lower than the earlier estimate of 1.3 per cent.Reuters poll revealed that primary dealers set the chances of Q3 in the next six months at less than 40 per cent.

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22-Aug-2011 15:20 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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BOJ to consider easing

monetary policy again


The government may also intervene unilaterally again in the currency market to weaken the yen, although analysts doubt whether such moves can alter a broad weak dollar trend.

A senior government official expressed Tokyo’s readiness to step into the currency market to stem yen rises if necessary, saying that recent moves have been speculative.

“Japan’s stance is consistent in that it will take decisive action depending on market developments,” the official told

The central bank loosened policy only two weeks ago to ease the pain of persistent yen strength on the export-reliant economy, and has expressed its readiness to act again if the prospects of a moderate economic recovery come under threat.

After the yen rose to a fresh record high against the dollar last Friday, BOJ officials will scrutinise Asian market moves today and start debating whether the potential harm from recent yen gains warrants further policy action.

The BOJ’s next regular rate review is on Sept 6 and 7.

But the chance of it easing its already super-loose policy before that cannot be ruled out, depending on market developments, sources familiar with the BOJ’s thinking say.

“We will act swiftly, if needed, with an eye on economic conditions,” one of the sources said.

— The Bank of Japan will consider easing monetary policy further, possibly at an emergency meeting before next month’s rate review, if further rises in the yen push down Tokyo stock prices enough to hit business sentiment, sources said.Reuters yesterday.Reuters

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22-Aug-2011 15:16 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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mArkEt  crAsh

stArtEd  ? ? ? ?
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22-Aug-2011 15:13 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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cOmIng  sOOn  ?

END  aUgUst ?

7th mOOn ?

Bloodybloke      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 14:08) Posted:

possible to reach 60cent again? lol

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22-Aug-2011 15:09 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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Mermaid Maritime

Outperform | S$0.275

CIMB Securities maintains Outperform rating and target price at S$0.49.

House notes new management team is working to unlock shareholder value, and that improvements in quarterly results may win investors over while mid-term catalysts could come from contracts for its new-build jack-ups. House says: “With the share price trading below break-up value, investors could profit from any asset divestitures.”

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22-Aug-2011 14:12 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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When that bowl of curry is too much for the tummy ...




The study, which was published last month, found that patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease — upper abdominal discomfort with symptoms like heartburn — who consumed curry experienced greater and lengthier periods of pain than healthy volunteers.— While Singaporeans’ passion for curry — a favourite among all races — was abundantly displayed in recent weeks, a recent study conducted by the National University Hospital (NUH) has found that spicy food such as curry worsens acid reflux.

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22-Aug-2011 14:03 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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A man keen to share his achievements

cheow xin yi


The first things that catch the eye in the office of presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian are the rows of framed newspaper profiles of himself and certificates to document his various achievements in public service and in the corporate world.

Mr Tan, 63, is also keen to share his achievements, including how he transformed customer service at NTUC Income during his tenure as CEO and how his former teachers reminded him that he had gotten full marks in his tests in primary school.

But lest anyone should think that he enjoys blowing his own trumpet, Mr Tan shares with this reporter — who had shadowed him on his campaign trail on Friday — his belief that he can motivate others by sharing his achievements.

O V E R H E A R D :

Mr. TAN Kin Lian  wAs  AlsO  a  UniversIty

LectUrer at SMU  ? ? ? ?

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22-Aug-2011 13:58 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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So many people have got no achievements to talk (of), they don’t take any risks, they don’t want to put in the effort, they want to enjoy themselves. I put in a lot of effort, and if (the efforts) result in success, I say it, not for personal pride, but actually to encourage other people:

These things can be done, why don’t you do it?

Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian

EvEn  wIth  jUst an 'O' Level  ?  ? ? ?

prEsIdEnt  nEEds  nOt  bE  UnivErsIty  GradUAte  ? ? ? ?

becAUsE  OncE  a prEsIdEnt, thErE  wIll bE  FREE  hOnOUrAblE  PhD ? ? ? ?
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22-Aug-2011 13:49 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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China adopted an aggressive fiscal stimulus policy even before the Lehman implosion in September, 2008.

It can still afford to do so.

Government revenues are quite healthy these days, up more than 30 per cent for the first half. Government debt to gross domestic product is low (though the problem loans of the big banks should probably be included in the calculus). But China needs to wean itself off its dependence on fixed-asset investment.

So 10 days after Aug 9, the talk in Hong Kong is dominated by concerns about growth rather than fears of inflation.

In coming months, the authorities will probably allow more exchange rate appreciation and policies will continue to encourage rising wages and other measures to foster homegrown demand.

Maybe the next time Western economies stall, domestic demand from Asia will pick up the slack. But not yet.

The Financial Times Limited

Henny Sender is the FT’s International Financial Correspondent.

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22-Aug-2011 13:43 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Asia won’t make up for global slack

Henny Sender

On the morning of Aug 9, the day after

markets in Europe and the United

States collapsed, the Hong Kong government

agreed to sell a plot of land at the

minimum asking price to the sole bidding

group that bothered to show up.

For a property market that has seen

prices rising 80 per cent in the past 30

months, the results sent a frisson of shock

through the territory. That same day, the

Hang Seng stock index dropped 5.7 per cent.

Several days later, Mr Kevin Lai, the local economist for Daiwa Capital Markets, noted that with a 0.5 per cent seasonally adjusted contraction over the second quarter, Hong Kong — the most externally driven economy in the region — is now “halfway into recession”.

Of course, the Hong Kong market always drops more because it is liquid and foreign investors in Asia sell what they can, not just what they wish. But suddenly, the fundamentals have also shifted.


The plunge in the South Korean market was even more dramatic and across the board, hitting everything from Korea’s (generally unimpressive) banks to its awesome technology companies, for the same combination of fundamental and technical reasons.

The plunge reflected the fact that South Korea is a proxy for global growth in trade.

It was not supposed to be like that.

Asia had begun to believe it was different— immune to the disease of low growth and deflation threatening the West’s developed markets and Japan (which has never been considered part of Asia anyway).

The most surprising fact about the contagion was that it caught Asia by surprise, marking the end of complacency about the extent to which the region has decoupled from the rest of the world.

Before Aug 9, most of the region seemed to believe that globalisation could only work one way — to its benefit. The orders would only flow in, trending ever higher, the global capital flows would only gravitate to Asia, never move in the opposite direction.

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22-Aug-2011 13:29 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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All  the  restrIctIOns

UpOn  the  IRs

are  mEAnt 

tO  prOtEct

the  sIngapOre  pOOls'  prOfIts  ? ? ? ?

stoheart72      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 13:19) Posted:

Yup. And from my past experience of how its like to work with gov controlled bodies, u can expect  from such a lucrative business, you usually hold less then 40%.

sinetic8      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 13:13) Posted:

I think getting a franchise for singapore pools is not a problem. The problem is how much % SP going to take from your earnings. I think if only we singaporeans know the accounts of singapore pools, then the problem that genting has caused might be just minimal.

Well, politics..........

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22-Aug-2011 13:20 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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bUy  the  shArEs  fOr  lOng

shOrt  CFDs

wIn  bOth  wAys

whEn It  fAlls


And  hOld  OntO  the  shAres fOr  rEcOvEry
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22-Aug-2011 13:14 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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shOrtIng  tArgEt 

S$0.999 ? ? ? ?

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 12:32) Posted:

Haha, no more financial analysts come out with target

price and blah blah blah. What have you got to say now.?

Going below $1.00????????

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22-Aug-2011 12:28 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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nO  stOck  Is  dEfEnsIVe  At    All

Oil & Gas    fAll

telcO    fAll

retAIl    fAll

prOpErty  fAll

shIppIng  fAll

  lOgIstIc  fAll

aIrlInEs  fAll

LeIsUre  fAll

fOOd  fAll

cOmmOdItIEs  fAll


? ? ? ? fAll

All  fAll

becAUsE  Of

sUrgIng  InflAtIOn  ? ? ? ?

hIgh  cOst Of  lIvIng  ? ? ? ?

cOmplAcEncy  ? ? ? ?

cOmprIse  ? ? ? ? ?

ZERO  sAvIng  IntErEst  rAtes  ? ? ? ?

crAzy    gOld  prIces  ? ? ? ?
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22-Aug-2011 12:22 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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fAll  fAll  fAll  fAll





fAll  fAll  fAll  fAll

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22-Aug-2011 12:19 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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DR tOny  TAN  wArnEd  Of 



nO  mOre  gOOd  thIngs 

In  sIngApOrE  ? ? ? ?


sUrgIng  InflAtIOn  ? ? ? ?

rIsIng  prIcEs  In  EvErythIng  EvErywhErE  ? ? ? ?

fAllIng  emplOymEnt  ? ? ? ?

lOwErIng  eXpOrts  ? ? ? ?

zErO  sAvIng  IntErEst  rAtes  ? ?  ? ?

nO  pAssIvE  IncOmEs  ? ? ? ?

eAsIng  prOpErty  prIcEs  ? ? ? ?

Noob79      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 12:09) Posted:

more room for the fall...i believe will at least fall to 1.3 or below ... Look at noble with good result but also fall. Not to said GentingSP since profit start to drop...

pharoah88      ( Date: 22-Aug-2011 12:03) Posted:


brEAchEd  jUst  nOw

sUppOrt  nO  mOre  ? ? ? ? 

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22-Aug-2011 12:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Genting SP  wIll

crAsh  belOw  S$1.00

If  DR Tony TAN  is nOt the  prEsIdEnt  ? ? ? ?

thE OthEr  thrEE  prEsIdEnts 

All  wAnt  tO  clOse  thE  IRs  ? ? ? ?

thAt's  why 

jUnckEt  LicEncEs 

arE  nOt  IssUsEd  ? ? ? ?
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