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04-Oct-2013 16:24 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Uppa then?. Predicted to hit  2.8 whao...then din expect it go further to 2.6. So

There were be some loss n some win...Human got too much flawed


solidbuy      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 16:19) Posted:

you mean he shorted instead of long?

Tomique      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 16:00) Posted:

Back to square one and then minus...Iso have exited with big profits. You guys mouth wide wide. Lol...

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04-Oct-2013 16:07 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Oct 7 to Oct 11. Another week to go n more.  Dust is everywhere now.

Another nine  months waiting game for price to float up abit. 

oreocookie      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 16:02) Posted:

well done bigmama! Iso... your credibility how?? lol

Bigmama      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 15:39) Posted:

I thought you say 4 cents lowest
Then 3.7 cent lowest
Then 3.4 cent lowest
Then 2.8 cent lowest
Now 2.6 cent lowest.......... Lo

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04-Oct-2013 15:54 Others   /   For the contra players....       Go to Message
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True true, that true. Never never n ever play against BBs who has deep pocket.

BBs can loss 50k?. We loss 5k. We are dead. For BBs (they) can buy back another 50k cheaper. Can we. Since we (retail players)  are dead.

Play within mean.

JarolLo      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 13:38) Posted:

We are fighting against the BB, the insiders, shortist  and the trading house. Who are we? We're just small ants.  The moment key in, we're  losing the split and brokage. The price has to move up to cover the split, and followed by the brokage, then we start breakeven. During which still have to face the heavy storm from the BBs, insiders, shortist  and trading house. Very tough. I also scale down a lot.

Bro Sofarsogood, I can understand how you feel because I'm one of the many losers also. Life still have to continue, please remember. Talk to your wife tell her you need her, and tell her that it will be very bad for the baby without a complete family. How will he or she face the reality when grown up. There is also a government consultation agency for anti gambling one. Try to contact them and ask for help.

Tell you the truth, I'm thinking of approaching them also. You're not alone. 

solidbuy      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 11:46) Posted:

oh sorry to hear that. if play contra, play small small can liao. sometime win kopi money sometime lose lunch money can liao. if want to play big, you need to be able to hold long....BBs are out to take money from small players. whether up or down, they can play you out and swallow you.

Hope everyone restrain himself/herself.

For me I can lose on paper but I can long for years until profit....and I play within my means(the most lose 1 month salary). :

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04-Oct-2013 15:42 Others   /   For the contra players....       Go to Message
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U are absolutely right, each bet before U. Must think of the family n kids first.

solidbuy      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 13:50) Posted:

To add to my post, I'm also married and has a kid. When I play, I always think of them to restrict my bet. Until now, I have not lose any 1 month salary. Maybe 1-2k paper loss. Thinking of pulling out after reading your sad post....

SofarSogood, hope to see you can get support from your wife and family to see you through the mess. Wish you good luck.

JarolLo      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 13:38) Posted:

We are fighting against the BB, the insiders, shortist  and the trading house. Who are we? We're just small ants.  The moment key in, we're  losing the split and brokage. The price has to move up to cover the split, and followed by the brokage, then we start breakeven. During which still have to face the heavy storm from the BBs, insiders, shortist  and trading house. Very tough. I also scale down a lot.

Bro Sofarsogood, I can understand how you feel because I'm one of the many losers also. Life still have to continue, please remember. Talk to your wife tell her you need her, and tell her that it will be very bad for the baby without a complete family. How will he or she face the reality when grown up. There is also a government consultation agency for anti gambling one. Try to contact them and ask for help.

Tell you the truth, I'm thinking of approaching them also. You're not alone. 

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04-Oct-2013 15:23 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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If U mean dust, U are right.

paisaa      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 14:01) Posted:

Up Up and Away.

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04-Oct-2013 15:20 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Another week to go  n more for dust to settle, enjoy the weekend.

Now dust is everywhere flying fly  flying up up  n away. 

solidbuy      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 14:00) Posted:

ya hor....maybe......enjoy.....

Isolator      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 13:55) Posted:

why dont you say 0.8ct lowest...... You must know how to use your tools.....See chart not see this way... lol

  My crystal say it has hit low today..... nicely fitted into the balls..... LOL

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04-Oct-2013 15:14 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Oct 7 to Oct 11, another week to go...another chance to spoilt the weekend.

solidbuy      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 15:09) Posted:

if you don't buy, you still can enjoy the weekend....if you buy, you cant sleep.....lol

gohuatah      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 14:59) Posted:

Spoilt weekend..

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04-Oct-2013 15:08 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Another nine months of waiting games B4 seeing some light again...
Down do much, so is little bro IPCO. Huat huat...arhh....:(

Rosesyrup      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 13:58) Posted:

Does it mean that Ong Beng Hock is now bankrupt? Make sure he get his well-deserved punishment for such shameful acts.

Isolator      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 13:48) Posted:

Ipco already hit low..... now it can only go up...... The choice is yours..... all within my crystal ball control.....

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04-Oct-2013 12:48 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Nothing to start better then starting a blame games plan.
More room for back door negotiation n a last minute solution.
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04-Oct-2013 12:39 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Nothing to start better then starting a blame games plan.
Starting with none others than Omaba himself first. Sound like no fault of himself.
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04-Oct-2013 11:32 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Change Obamacare health policy to
NATIONAL NATION HEALTH Policy n not Obamacare.

If Obama is still very stubbornly want it to his very own way. It will not work his way. Compromise, compromise n com pro.use....will settle the debt silly ceiling. Both houses will lock horn to make history for the first time. Govt really really shutdown. No child play.

moneycow      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 22:45) Posted:

OBAMA keep hinting to wall street.   He indirectly telling the Republicans holding his budget proposal that, if   the GOV remain shut, financial institution and wall street is going to be hit hard.

What that mean is DOW would plunge................. shares would plunge................. he knows   some big wig of Republican hold large shares in some huge companies.....................................

Their action of holding up the approval of budgets would ultimately   harm their own   wealth.................

He tries to hurt them where it would hurt most - in their pocket via   wall street.   To hopefully force the Republican to give in.

In a way - (OBAMA) he is torturing the Republican and indirectly the world stocks market..................

Its his last term as President , he care less if People starts to hate him................his health insurance covers the poor, he only cares for the less fortunate and not the middle class or Wall streets................

.............the longer they are at logger head, the longer stocks holders suffers as price of stocks slights by day with uncertainty.................. 

Obama is playing a mind game with the Republican...........a game of brinkmanship   see who brink first who loose.........................

BUT I think there will be no winners if they carry on like that............................ 

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04-Oct-2013 11:21 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Double troubling bubbles. Blumont n Asiaones, both counters suspended after it share fallen by more than a dollar n ten cents. Trade within mean as mkt turn cautious till world biggest economy. U.S. settle their debt rising ceiling matter.

Regional bourses oso turning to trade cautiously. Red red day for today.
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04-Oct-2013 09:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Due to U.S. political un-solve position on rising debt ceiling matter.

Regional trading will be trading in cautious mode. Trade within mean.

Innopac n little bro IPCO kena hit by kateks king....Kateks winning this round.
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04-Oct-2013 09:01 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Due to U.S. political un-solve position on rising debt ceiling  matter.

Regional trading will be trading in cautious mode. Trade within mean.
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03-Oct-2013 22:38 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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By Antoni Slodkowsk, Reuters

TOKYO -- A Japanese fast-food chain has announced plans to grow rice and vegetables on a farm 60 miles from the crippled Fukushima power plant, site of the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

Yoshinoya Holdings, which sells " gyudon'', or stewed beef over rice, has formed a joint-venture with local farmers to grow onions, cabbage and rice for use in outlets across the country.

teeth53      ( Date: 27-Sep-2013 12:51) Posted:

TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Electric Power Co on Friday applied to restart a nuclear plant in northwestern Japan, an initial step on its planned recovery from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The Kashiwazaki Kariwa facility, world's largest nuclear plant some 300 km (180 miles) northwest of Tokyo.

All of Japan's 50 reactors were shut down after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima plant, triggering a nuclear crisis and a spike in popular opposition to the industry.

Two units were brought back on line last year.  The return to govt last year of PM Shinzo Abe, a proponent of nuclear power who says Fukushima is " under control" , has given rise to suggestions that idled reactors may be restarted under new safety guidelines.

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03-Oct-2013 22:14 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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A few financial institutions are doing just that betting govt will default on its debt if Congress can't agree to raise the debt ceiling this month.

If the U.S does default, they could reap a total payout of around $3.4 bil.

Sound like a lot? Actually, investors seem less convinced that a default will occur this time around than they were during the last big debt ceiling scare in the summer of 2011. Back then, they held contracts that would have paid out about $5.6 billion in the event of a default, according to the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation.


" If the confidence in the reliability of payments were cast into doubt, the consequences for the budget, the U.S. economy, the U.S. and global financial systems could be large and lasting and very damaging," Douglas Elmendorf, the current CBO director, told Congress recently.

teeth53      ( Date: 17-May-2011 20:51) Posted:


The tap dance begins: Treasury Secretary Geithner said he can move money around to keep U.S. out of default until Aug. 2.

NY(CNNMoney) -- It's official: The U.S. govt hit the debt ceiling on Monday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told Congress. He would have to suspend investments in federal retirement funds until Aug. 2 in order to create room for the govt to continue borrowing in the debt markets.

He went on to urge Congress once again to raise the country's legal borrowing limit soon " to protect the full faith and credit of the United States and avoid catastrophic economic consequences for citizens."

Congress, meanwhile, is not showing any signs of budging. Many Republicans and some Democrats say they won't raise it unless Congress and President Obama agree to significant spending cuts and other ways to curb debt. (Social Security and Medicare squeezed)

  If lawmakers don't get it together by Aug. 2, the United States will no longer be able to pay its bills in full.

S& P said it did not see Washington agreeing on a plan for its dept before the Nov 2012 presidential election.

Defaulting on BOND in unthinkable, it debt now stood at US$14.29 trillion (S$17.6 trillion)  a click away which can plunging U.S. into it ever worst finance disaster again.

How many times has the ceiling been raised? Since March 1962, the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times, according to the Congressional Research Service. Ten of those times have occurred since 2001. Expect more of the same over the next decade. Barring major changes to spending and tax policies, " Congress would repeatedly face demands to raise the debt limit," CRS wrote.

What happens if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling before Aug. 2? No one knows for sure. But the going assumption is that no good can come of it.

What happens if Congress blows the debt ceiling?

Treasury would not have authority to borrow any more money. And that can be a problem since the government borrows to make up the difference between what it spends and what it takes in. It uses that borrowed money to help fund operations and pay creditors.

Agence France-Presse, Reuters.

teeth53 thot: What can happen here, when our politics is based on U.S. style policy. I can ONLY see two big elephant fighting it out for it own political selfless own  agenda.


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03-Oct-2013 17:43 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Hard to say with our fren posting a lot of -ve news n even posted tml opening is at..
He is very sure about those opening price (think so)
Well, watch for Aldedo news, if any, if there none. It mean players is speculating n doing day trading.

There is nothing can done as trading had closed for the day.

sp3025      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 15:41) Posted:

Does anyone could enlighten what is ahead for this counter?

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03-Oct-2013 17:33 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Everyone's know that news is out...think our fren is helping BBs to collect, as far as possible, the cheaper the better.

cheesykian      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 16:17) Posted:

uncertainties and losing confidence due to unavailability of news & directions from company.

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03-Oct-2013 17:27 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Almost achieve the price u wanted badly, that is to close at 0.048c. How sure tomoro opening is at 0.043c huhh??, Inside news huhh.

9hly99      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 16:56) Posted:

quick.  there is still time before it hits 0.043cts tmr on opening.

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03-Oct-2013 17:20 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Last Monday. U were very +ve. Today u turn been a kateks player..???

9hly99      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 16:56) Posted:

quick.  there is still time before it hits 0.043cts tmr on opening.

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