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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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10-Jun-2011 05:08 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Happened to chat with  friends -

Is Internet banking popular among singaporeans?    if so,    do we need so many  Bank branches and ATM machines in this small island?

Have you started " Paperless" at your end?    No phone pills / banks statements /credit cards billls    to  choked up  your letter box.

Do we need a bigger  size  Letter Box to accommodate  magazines that mailed to us?

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08-Jun-2011 11:46 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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Fengshui has changed...

China  becoming world's richest coming its way....

US citizens cant even afford a cigar now ....buying OSIM " sky king massage chair"   ,      becoming a faraway dream....

krisluke      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 09:59) Posted:

Osim: to raise $120m 5-yr 2.75% unsecured convertible bonds due 2016. Conversion px at $2.025/sh, 25% premium to last close at $1.62. On full conversion, dilution will be 7.8% of existing share base.
Net proceeds of $118.3m to be used for general working capital, to finance acquisitions (with a focus on opportunities in China), and/or to reduce existing debts.
Issue of bonds is subject to SGX approval for the listing of the bonds...
Street has unanimous Buy ratings with recent TP ranging btwn $1.84-2.25.

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08-Jun-2011 11:33 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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This stock code is AJ1

Anderson JC, cheong arhhhhhhhhhhhh.................hahaha!
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08-Jun-2011 11:24 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Singapore is  still    intact.

Singapore  has clinched the world's top 10  (7th position)  spenders.

Who are the contributors to this award? 

The filthy rich  PRs or true blue singaporeans?

pharoah88      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 11:12) Posted:

WHERE  is   S I N G A P O R E  ? ? ? ?



niuyear      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 14:44) Posted:

Some had been waiting for pty price to come down, waited since 2009 and keep on waiting.      Properties here psf is still not the highest among developed countries

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08-Jun-2011 11:20 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Trader's foe -  fear, hope and greed.

When one makes profit (or loss), one quicky takes profit " fearing" his profit will be wiped out next day or the loss become bigger loss.

Then, he enters another trade, now, he " hopes" .. if the hopes become more intense,    it will become    GREED.

The fact is, this wont go away until one stops to trade........





Isolator      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 11:09) Posted:

Fear.... I have been seeing fear in most of you here... worry that CPL will go down further.... Yes, keep buying as it is getting cheaper as time pass.... Enjoy.... lol

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08-Jun-2011 11:06 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Your " hope"   of  price to go down  has become your daily   " FEAR" ...    LOL!


Isolator      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 10:42) Posted:

Nice... loss 10 times more than dividen earn... very nice.... lol

Riskless      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 10:27) Posted:

Received cpl dividend. Nice!

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08-Jun-2011 09:45 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Taiwanese are getting very much   influenced by china's  black sheeps in producing " Black heart food" ..

The only way is to impose caning .

China premier is welcomed to view how caning is carried out in changi prison.    haha!


AnthonyTan      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 09:31) Posted:

If in doubt abt china stock, the best policy

is not to trade them." Only some r good" may

turn bad later, who know. We have seen bal. sheet

and a/c reflected cash balances but in actual fact, it

is in somebody personal bank a/c, hahaha

warrenbegger      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 01:43) Posted:

Just 2 words

S-Shit !!!

Most r hidden bomb, only some r good,

But, u know which and who can be trust!

S-shit / S-cheat / Sick-chip / Suck-chip / Siao-chick / Sai-chip / Sorry-cheat / Sian-cheap / Super-cheap / Zzzzzz...

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08-Jun-2011 09:39 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The fundamental reason being :  China has been rising TOO FAST!

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 07:35) Posted:

Important to note before u jumped in and buy anything today. Mr Ben has admit weakness in US economy. We are in for a rough ride.

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07-Jun-2011 14:44 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Some had been waiting for pty price to come down, waited since 2009 and keep on waiting.      Properties here psf is still not the highest among developed countries.

pharoah88      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 12:29) Posted:

Is it wise for relatively new properties to be encouraged to go en bloc?

Letter from Francis Chan

SHOULD the authorities take another look at their policies for en bloc sales, particularly of newer properties?

In the light of an urgent need to keep a check on rising property prices, is it wise for relatively new properties to be encouraged to go the en bloc route?

The immediate impact is an increased demand for both the purchase of replacement properties, affecting both the HDB resale and private property markets, and demand for new rental units.

For the latter, it is not uncommon for most of the newer properties to be investment-owned and tenanted, hence there is a multiplier effect that heats up the entire property market.

Besides, the continuing demand drives up construction costs and the need for more foreign workers.

While this may be good for our GDP, is the quick rise in property prices what the nation needs?

What drives the private property market ultimately impacts the HDB market, in terms of land cost, construction cost, and HDB resale prices.

Given that a major part of our national wealth is our land bank, and that they are revalued based on current market prices, the longer term risk of an asset bubble cannot be dismissed.

Perhaps, it is time to re-examine the merits to place a cap on the age of properties that can be put up for en bloc sales.

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07-Jun-2011 14:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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  Bingo, you are 100% correct.   

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 13:57) Posted:

My question was in reply to your question to Alex asking if there is risk involved in shorting. " Short without risk?"

Since when is there no risk involved in buying OR selling the market? Be it you consider shorting the market trading/investing/gambling. Even you ask the most skilled trader/invester/remiser, none will be stupid enough to answer NO RISK. LOL!!!!!!!!


niuyear      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 09:56) Posted:

    " .....................  Go Short or Stay Out......................"    


Short without risk?



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07-Jun-2011 12:44 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I dont know the answer, you care to tell me?   

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 11:03) Posted:

Shorting market is _______ (trading or investing?)

niuyear      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 10:52) Posted:

Yes sir, 'trading'   got    risk.

I dont trade.    :

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07-Jun-2011 12:22 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Are they PR  or  they are already singaporean?

PR can own hawker stalls? 

These people from china are  learning fast, from  working as cleaner, helper and now  become  store owner selling Korea food?

Salute      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 11:35) Posted:

just to side track my experience at the local food court, one is the republic.   food in suntec and is the one next to the national library. You know the grill fish serve in Korean cuisine.

normally, we got one fish(of course only half side of the fish). well, the republic had an extra 3 inch x 2 inch piece of fish...could it be from other collected back dish.

the second store is even worst, no extra but the fish was so soggy soft with lots of oil. after eating felt funny.

these 2 stalls owners are china chinese.

next time I will not order such dish from china chinese stall, they are quality in food standard concept is still back home as cost saving is their top prority. why buy fresh fish at high price, it's grilled or fried so just settled with cheaper unfresh ones.........I guess so

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07-Jun-2011 12:06 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Like that,    CCTV    companies and cisco  can  have  more business  mah!!

pharoah88      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 11:32) Posted:

town councils




at  ROOF TOP  ? ? ? ?

niuyear      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 11:23) Posted:

But, God  should not  let that    Indo maid died in the heartlanders'  roof top water tank.      knn!  That bangla ought to be slashed with 25 strokes  before hanging him. 

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07-Jun-2011 11:23 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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But, God  should not  let that    Indo maid died in the heartlanders'  roof top water tank.      knn!  That bangla ought to be slashed with 25 strokes  before hanging him. 

Salute      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 11:13) Posted:

god repent the rich, or why only orchard rich and city area the main affected ones..........:) so rich, be carefully, have to do some good deed to pay back....keke

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07-Jun-2011 11:10 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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This makes me want to go Heartlanders'  shopping Malls  rather than going orchard road    that  " Samantha  from holland village"       wouldnt want to go.............hahaha!

Samantha is trapped in high-class shopping malls in orchard area.   
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07-Jun-2011 10:52 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Yes sir, 'trading'   got    risk.

I dont trade.    :)

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 09:58) Posted:

Is trading ever without risk?   Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 09:56) Posted:

    " .....................  Go Short or Stay Out......................"    


Short without risk?



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07-Jun-2011 10:48 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Chart is drawn by who?  LOL!!

Isolator      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 10:44) Posted:

Never listen to anyone... key principle.... Only listen to your own chart... lol

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07-Jun-2011 10:46 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Its got to work like this :    Both US and China compliment each other,  there is no big brother or small brother in between. 


Betting greenback should bounce back, in matter of time..  :)

capland      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 10:39) Posted:

yes. confirmation. The funds they have cannot compare to individual. What they told me has been shown correctness.

1) Greece will eventually get their loan. But ones has to think whether it is good for EU as a whole. They are buying time, and not solving the whole crisis. It will haunt them in the yrs coming.

2) China will eventually stop using interest rates to control the inflation. As rumors has circulating for the past 2 weeks. But nothing happen. It shows China is worry that if further rates increased will hurt the economy even worst. Ending with increasing value (as mention before) of the yuan, to curb inflation.

3) US disappointing figures are 100% political motivated. Some opppose the present president not to re-elected. So they against the debt ceiling. So in return, in order to make the opposition to give way- to give a weak reports. Just to tell them, that if they do not agree the debt ceiling icrease, they are reponsible. Ending the opposition will agree at the " last min" in july- where the bull set in.

Overall, fundamentals are in the right place, this happens cos this is the periods that most traders avoid the market, and have to create tumoils for all to hide. Depressing prices are picking up by the funds. Will witness in july onwards, whether what i was told was right. And i had bought in 3.00 and now q at 2.96 (hopefully)

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 10:24) Posted:

Are your friends still accumulating?

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07-Jun-2011 10:42 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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If The overseas-based  comany faulters, and if one wants to sue this company, its not so easy.


" ................The SGX must devise ways to make errant bosses of overseas-based companies accountable rather than tiptoe around the problem, as it does now, by putting the onus on the professionals and independent directors to keep them in check.

But Singapore has no extradition treaty with China, so there will be difficulties getting a wayward boss to face the music here, even if he readily confesses to cooking the books, as Oriental Century chairman Wang Yuean allegedly did.

Most of these China-based bosses do not own assets such as houses  here. This makes it almost impossible for an investor to get any form of redress by suing them in the event of a financial misdeed.

There is also the problem of how to deal with listed firms incorporated in foreign jurisdictions such as Bermuda, where the Companies Act does not apply.

China waste-water treatment firm Bio-Treat Technology provided a glimpse of some of the cross-border problems.

Two years ago, former chairman Wing Hak Man came here alleging that his shares had been fraudulently transferred out of his name.

But the High Court told him last month that it was not appropriate for him to start proceedings against Bio-Treat here as its operations are abroad and the parties he is suing are non-Singaporeans.

Until there is a solution to this cross-border problem, investors are likely to continue to treat S-chips with caution, given the 'heads you win, tails I lose' situation it produces.............................."


This article was first published in The Straits Times. (year 2009)



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07-Jun-2011 10:13 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Wow, RWS expecting more visitors.....................  :)


RWS to open new nature-friendly hotel in 2012

Equarius Hotel in Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) is expected to open next year, with the topping-out ceremony held on March 27 led by Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, Chairman of the Genting Group and Resorts World Sentosa.

“This topping-up ceremony of Equarius Hotel is a momentous milestone for us, as it marks the structural completion of our first of two hotels in our phase two development and is yet another unique offering in the stable of hotels in RWS,” said Mr. Tan Sri.

Equarius Hotel is a 172-room, seven-storey nature-friendly hotel located near the Equarius Water Park in Resorts World Sentosa.

Mr. Tan Sri said they have hosted more than 15 million visitors at RWS since January last year. He also noted that visitor arrivals will increase significantly as RWS prepares for the West Zone development.

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