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05-Jul-2013 21:53 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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OCBC try to short cosco ???

cosco Group secured a contract didn't  announcement  to sgx ?
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04-Jul-2013 23:05 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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OCBC Investment Research
Market Pulse
4 Jul 2013

Midas Holdings: Wins CNY44.3m metro
Midas Holdings (Midas) announced last
evening that it has secured a CNY44.3m
metro contract for the Changchun Metro
Lines 1 and 2. This involves the supply of
aluminium alloy extrusion profiles for 44 train
sets (or 264 train cars), with delivery slated
to occur from 2013 to 2015. This latest
development brings total YTD contract wins
by Midas to ~CNY423.2m and also illustrates
the positive momentum in China’s metro
industry, given the development of new
metro lines and upgrading of existing
systems. We are keeping our estimates intact
as our projections allow for such contract
wins. Maintain BUY and S$0.54 fair value
estimate on Midas, based on 1.1x FY13F P/B.

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04-Jul-2013 22:36 Olam Intl   /   OLAM_OLAM       Go to Message
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The sky is clear now,

Long terms Olam is Good to buy, They loan money from bank for investments.

Olam International is a leading global, integrated supply chain  manager and processor of agricultural products and food ingredients from farm to factory gate. Our distinctive position rests on four sources of competitive advantage:


1.            The strength of our origination capability and risk management


2.            Our strong position in the destination markets worldwide by virtue of our ability to offer customised marketing solutions and value-added services to our customers


3.            Our focus on the agricultural commodities asset class and our selective integration and diversified presence across this asset class and


4.            Our organisational advantage by virtue of our leadership, ability to operate as one company, entrepreneurial and empowered culture and embedded stretch and ambition.



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04-Jul-2013 22:29 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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ship building projects are picking up ,

Keppel FELS secures order for jackup rig worth about US$210 million   

follow by Yangzijiang secures order  US$414  million    .


Next will be cosco ?
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04-Jul-2013 22:02 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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Time to move up up up


The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited (" the Company" )
wishes to inform that the Company will be releasing the financial results of the Company
and of the Group for the Quarter ended 30 June 2013 on Thursday, 1 August 2013, after
trading hours.
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04-Jul-2013 22:00 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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收 購 江 蘇 揚 子 長 博 船 廠 有 限 公 司 的 剩 餘 49%股 權
The Board of Directors of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) Ltd. (the “Company” or “YZJ”) is pleased to announce that the Company has acquired the remaining balance of 49% of the equity interest in the capital of Jiangsu Yangzi Changbo Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (“JCSC”), of which 25% of the equity interest in JCSC was acquired by the Company directly, and the remaining 24% of the equity interest in JCSC was acquired by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Co. Ltd (“JYSCO”).
揚 子 江 船 業 ( 控 股 ) 有 限 公 司 ( 以 下 簡 稱 “公 司 ” 或 “揚 子 江 ”) 董 事 局 公 佈 公 司 已 收 購 江 蘇 揚 子 長 博 造 船 有 限 公 司 ( 以 下 簡 稱 “長 博 船 廠 ”) 剩 餘 49%的 股 權 。 其 中 25%股 權 由 公 司 直 接 收 購 , 剩 餘 24%股 權 則 通 過 公 司 的 全 資 子 公 司 江 蘇 揚 子 江 船 廠 有 限 公 司 ( 以 下 簡 稱 ”揚 子 江 船 廠 ”) 收 購 。
Prior to the acquisition, the Company was holding 51% of the equity interest in the registered capital of JCSC. Following the Acquisition, JCSC will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
完 成 本 次 收 購 前 , 公 司 持 有 長 博 船 廠 51%的 股 權 。 完 成 收 購 后 , 長 博 船 廠 將 成 為 公 司 的 全 資 子 公 司 。
JCSC is a company registered in the People’s Republic of China with a registered share capital of RMB100,000,000. The principle activities of JCSC are shipbuilding, ship repair, production and processing of large scales steel structures.
長 博 船 廠 是 一 家 註 冊 于 中 國 的 公 司 , 擁 有 註 冊 資 本 一 億 元 人 民 幣 。 長 博 船 廠 的 主 營 業 務 包 括 造 船 、 修 船 及 大 型 鋼 結 構 生 產 加 工 。
The total consideration for the Acquisition is RMB110,000,000. The amount of the investment was arrived at after an arms’ length negotiations on a willing buyer willing seller basis and taking into account, inter alia, the net book value of RMB286,098,601 of JCSC as at 31 December 2012.
本 次 收 購 之 總 代 價 為 人 民 幣 1.1億 元 人 民 幣 。 該 金 額 為 買 賣 雙 方 在 平 等 自 願 的 前 提 下 參 考 長 博 船 廠 2012年 12月 31日 人 民 幣 286,098,601的 帳 面 資 產 淨 值 而 達 成 。

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03-Jul-2013 21:54 Olam Intl   /   OLAM_OLAM       Go to Message
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Temasek Holdings threw its weight behind .suppports

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03-Jul-2013 21:29 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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train start to move are you on board

Page 1 of 3
- To supply aluminium alloy extrusion profiles for 264 train cars to
Changchun Metro Lines 1 and 2
- For delivery from 2013 to 2015
Singapore & Hong Kong, July 3, 2013 – Midas Holdings Limited (麦 达 斯 控 股 有 限
公 司 ) (“Midas” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group” SGX-ST
stock code: 5EN SEHK stock code: 1021) today announced that its subsidiary, Jilin
Midas Aluminium Industries Co., Ltd (“Jilin Midas”) has won a RMB44.3 million
contract from CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd (中 国 北 车 长 春 轨 道 客 车 股
份 有 限 公 司 ) (“CNR Changchun”) for Changchun Metro Lines 1 and 2.
Under the terms of the contract, Jilin Midas will supply aluminium alloy extrusion
profiles for 44 train sets (1 train set = 6 train cars), or 264 train cars, with delivery
expected to take place from 2013 to 2015.
This contract is expected to have a positive impact on the Group’s financial performance for the 2013 to 2015 financial years.

http://infopub.sgx.com/Apps?A=COW_CorporateAnnouncement_Content& B=AnnouncementLast3Months& F=880510& fileId=Midas-ChangChunMetroLine1and2-3Jul13-SGX.pdf

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03-Jul-2013 11:08 Olam Intl   /   OLAM_OLAM       Go to Message
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This is the investments Good news Plam oil now is Good price

The AfDB says the the OAIP as part of value chain will create 600,000 tons/annum of additional processing capacity, one million tons of palm oil supply chain with matching infrastructure, regional food supply chain as well as 8500 direct and indirect employment opportunities. By Ekow Quandzie/ghanabusinessnews.com Related posts:

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02-Jul-2013 23:06 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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any way is time to move  the  big ship
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02-Jul-2013 22:41 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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The Baltic Dry Index, which measures the cost of
shipping bulk commodities including iron, rose from
801 on 5 June to 1179 ( 47% increase) yesterday, amid
re-stocking efforts of iron ore from Chinese steel mills
for the past few weeks. Stocks including Cosco Corp
should benefit in the near term from the higher freight
Exhibit 1: Baltic Dry Index – Short term Rising Freight Rates Source:

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02-Jul-2013 22:37 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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thsi is no Announced in sgx web
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30-Jun-2013 11:50 Vard   /   Vard Holdings       Go to Message
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2013 Delivery Lower than Expectation

The long-lasing poor condition in dry bulk shipping market has driven many owner and shipyards to go bankrupt, thus suspending many new vessel orders which were mostly place before the financial crisis. Aa a result, the newbuilding output level has been much lower than the market expectation. The lower deliveries and continuingly high ship scrapping level has somehow eased the capacity pressure.
It its said that global ship fleet growth is about 100m dwt, more than 10%. However, according to Torvald Klaveness Group, the actual increase volume should be around 65.m to 70m.
The net growth is about 35m dwt, Safe Bulkers CFO Konstantinos Adampoulos says. This is lower than Morgan Stanley’s former expectation 63m dwt, which is right 10% of the fleet and reduces the fleet utilization rate from 77% to 74%.
In 2012, totally 34m dwt elder vessels were scrapped, about 5.5% of global fleet and the highest level in the last few decades. More ships are estimated to be sent for scrapping if current weak freight market continues in the next six to nine months, according to DNB. There is about 90m dwt elder vessels over 20 years can be scrapped currently.
According to DNB, about new vessels of 170m dwt were orders in the peak season in 2007 while the volume were only 20m dwt in 2012.
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30-Jun-2013 11:49 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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China Put Spurs to Offshore

The Shipbuilding Finance Center of China Development Bank (CDB) signed a financing cooperation agreement with Reignwood International Leasing (Reignwood Leasing) on June 20.
According to China’s official news agency People.com, the agreement is involved in CDB providing CNY 10bn ($1.64bn) loan to Reignwood Leasing as an innovative model of 'loan cooperation' to help charter offshore facility.
The offshore facility is a fundamental growth engine for Chinese offshore economic development as a strategic industry in line with the 18th Party Congress' guiding principle of " building a maritime power" .
The cooperation between CDB and Reignwood Leasing is one of the most imperative measures to take for upgrade and development of Chinese offshore facility, expected to greatly contribute to Chinese offshore facility industry in the future.

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29-Jun-2013 14:57 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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The takeover of Sevan Drilling by Seadrill is back on the cards after the latter signaled its interest in taking a 50.1% stake in the former.

John Fredriksen-led Seadrill has engaged DNB Markets to explore the purchase of almost 117 million Sevan shares to give it 50% of Sevan.

The price it is offering is Nkr 3.95 ($0.65) a share.

However, Seadrill also signaled its intention to chase 50.1% of Sevan which would then give it full control.

The move is being made in response to a financing plan revealed by Sevan on 19 June where it plans to issue $500m in senior secured bonds and finalise a $1.45bn corporate bank facility to refinance outstanding debt.

“Seadrill is of the opinion that the financing plan proposed by Sevan … is value destructive for the shareholders,” Seadrill said in an Oslo bourse announcement late on Wednesday.

“Subject to a completion of the proposed share purchase Seadrill will seek to propose an alternative and improved financing structure.”

If Seadrill does get its hands on 50.1% of Sevan it said it could call an extraordinary general meeting where it would propose a new board.

If it fails, however, it will consider selling off its entire 30.4% in Sevan.

In January Seadrill sold all its shares in Sevan – then 28.52% - but struck a forward agreement to buy them all back at a strike price. This kept Seadrill’s foot in the door in terms of a possible takeover.

Seadrill’s holding had theoretically moved up to 30.31% in early January following an emergency equity issue from Sevan to plug a funding gap.

Oslo-listed Sevan successfully raised Nkr987.5 million ($177.4 million) in the private placement, which was oversubscribed, at a price of Nkr3.95 per share.

This brought Seadrill perilously close to the 33.3% ownership threshold that would have required a mandatory takeover offer to be launched under Oslo Stock Exchange regulations.

Sevan secured waivers from banks on loans for its operating rigs Sevan Driller and Sevan Brasil until the end of February, while also gaining beneficial amendments to the loan agreements to lessen the financial strain and a low interest rate.

The cylindrical units have proven a cash drain on the company as lower utilisation rates have hit dayrate earnings, leading to a cash shortfall of $154 million for the special-purpose vehicles set up to own the pair that has had to be covered by parent Sevan.

In particular, the newbuild Sevan Brasil was hit by an issue with its blowout preventer last year that had to be repaired, leading to a reduced dayrate for the unit shortly after being delivered.

Sevan is also expecting delivery of two further units: the first of the replica ultra-deepwater rigs, being built at a cost of $526 million apiece at China’s Cosco Shipyard, is scheduled for delivery in November with the second due to exit the yard in April 2014.
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29-Jun-2013 14:50 COSCO SHP SG   /   Shooting Star       Go to Message
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Cosco and X-Drill in build deal

Chinese yard group Cosco has signed a contract to build two deep-water drill-ships for US-based newcomer X-Drill, with an anticipated total delivery cost of between $650 million and $700 million per rig, writes Xu Yihe.

This  news cosco don't reports to SGX 


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27-Jun-2013 23:16 Wilmar Intl   /   Wilmar - Watch for a Strong Rally to Come!       Go to Message
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Wilmar sells off 15% interest in Fortune Gas Investment Holdings

Cash consideration is worth US$60m.

According to a release, Wilmar International announced that it has conditionally agreed to sell all of its 15% interest in Fortune Gas Investment Holdings Limited to China Natural Gas Investment Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Gas Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, for an aggregate consideration of USD60 million.

This is subject to the terms and conditions of the Share Purchase Agreement relating to the sale and purchase of FGIH, entered into on 16th December 2012 between Fortune Oil PRC Holdings Limited and Wilmar International Limited as Sellers, China Natural Gas Investment Limited as Purchaser, Fortune Oil PLC.

Fortune Oil is a company listed on the London Stock Exchange, as Guarantor of Fortune Oil PRC Holdings Limited's obligations under the Agreement and China Gas as Guarantor of China Natural Gas Investment Limited's obligations under the Agreement. A summary of the Proposed Disposal and key terms of the Agreement are set out in the attached announcements by Fortune Oil and China Gas.

Wilmar purchased its 15% interest in FGIH in 2008 for USD36 million consideration.

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27-Jun-2013 21:59 Wilmar Intl   /   Wilmar - Watch for a Strong Rally to Come!       Go to Message
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Proposed Disposal of 15% Equity Interest in Fortune Gas Investment Holdings Limited (" FGIHL" )   

Further to Wilmar International Limited’s (“Wilmar”) announcement on 18 December 2012, Wilmar wishes to inform that it has today entered into a supplemental agreement to the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 16 December 2012 (“S& P Agreement”) relating to the sale of inter alia Wilmar's 15% equity interest in FGIHL, pursuant to which all parties to the S& P Agreement have agreed to extend the Long Stop Date of 30 June 2013 to 30 September 2013.

Issued by
Wilmar International Limited
27 June 2013

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27-Jun-2013 11:13 Wilmar Intl   /   Wilmar - Watch for a Strong Rally to Come!       Go to Message
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six month Target


Open Price

Target Price


Price Call






+0.05 (1.56%)







+0.47 (14.37%)







+0.35 (10.45%)


Phillip Securities





+0.13 (3.86%)







+0.28 (8.19%)


Phillip Securities





+0.48 (14.04%)







+1.18 (34.50%)


Maybank Kim Eng





+0.32 (9.36%)







+0.52 (15.38%)







+0.36 (10.65%)







+0.60 (18.18%)







+0.37 (11.11%)


Phillip Securities





+0.51 (15.50%)


UOB KayHian





+0.50 (15.20%)


Phillip Securities



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26-Jun-2013 17:14 Wilmar Intl   /   Wilmar - Watch for a Strong Rally to Come!       Go to Message
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European Central Bank President Mario Draghi stressed that its mission in support of the euro area economy played a significant role, OMT will resume proper functioning of markets and the euro area have an impact on trust, we are always ready to act again if necessary .

Draghi noted that the effects of monetary policy has limitations, can not create real economic growth, the central bank can not repair the loss of competitiveness, fiscal consolidation should support economic growth in the euro area to restore balance to make progress on the European Central Bank has been possible to stabilize the market and support economic growth. Financial crisis did not originate from the euro zone.

Draghi believes that the government should make every effort to increase growth potential, the European banking union is necessary, we need a strong single clearing mechanism, the bond market is not destroyed in the case of providing constraints, a single clearing mechanism requires strong EU dimension. OMT debt purchase plan made without spending one euro in the case of all the results.

The ECB will oversee approximately 130 banks, the establishment of a single regulatory mechanism is essential, the European Central Bank will cooperate with national regulatory agencies, a single regulatory mechanism " is about to be finalized."

Draghi is expected before the end of the gradual economic recovery in the foreseeable future, the policy will remain accommodative. Exit from unconventional monetary policy is still far away, under certain conditions, be ready to start the OMT program when necessary.

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