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Latest Posts By teeth53 - Supreme      About teeth53
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07-Oct-2013 10:05 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Blu n Innopac is in super penny league now, how to good report???. later hopefully.

handongni      ( Date: 07-Oct-2013 09:59) Posted:

Without significant profit on Financial Asset, the next Ipco report may look rather ugly.

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07-Oct-2013 10:01 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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Chio. Tai Ka Lai Si..Die die must buy 2.0

.....n bring (the dead)  along to ver 1.9, then version 1.8 for another year wait.

handongni      ( Date: 06-Oct-2013 08:26) Posted:

4.0 buy

3.5 good buy

3.0 better buy

2.5 best buy

2.0 die die must buy

just buy, why worry, my crystal ball says TP 10 cents (not that I say one, I didn't say)

but must hold tight tight, wait long long, lol.

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07-Oct-2013 09:21 IPO   /   IPO-ing. what U should look out for...       Go to Message
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Offer oni at $0.25cents...Tua tua tan tan...ARHH.

AsiaPhos -- 0.420 0.455 0.000 0.0 vol - 27,314,000

teeth53      ( Date: 03-Oct-2013 11:44) Posted:

ASIAPHOS Limited, a Singapore-based explorer and miner of phosphate in China, hopes to raise about $24.4 million in an initial public offering (IPO) on the Catalist board.

Going,  go and apply and gone. Closing soon tick tock tick tock  thumbs up

Closing date n time - 3 October 2013, 12.00 noon


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06-Oct-2013 22:04 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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Just wanted to act as big BRO...among the nine stock brokering houses.

There were nine (9)  retail brokerages available for stocks and shares Securities trading in Singapore.

AmFraser, CIMB, DBS Vickers, DMG & Partners, Lim & Tan, Maybank Kim Eng, OCBC, Philip and UOB Kay Hian

Happi seculating coming this week volatile trading.

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06-Oct-2013 22:01 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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Just wanted to act as big BRO...among the nine stock brokering houses.

There were nine (9)  retail brokerages available for  stocks and shares Securities trading in Singapore.

AmFraser, CIMB, DBS Vickers, DMG & Partners, Lim & Tan, Maybank Kim Eng, OCBC, Philip and UOB Kay Hian. 

Infomation just  to share with  new players  n sharing in SJ.

teeth53      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 09:08) Posted:

There were nine (9)  retail brokerages available for  stocks and shares Securities trading in Singapore.

AmFraser, CIMB, DBS Vickers, DMG & Partners, Lim & Tan, Maybank Kim Eng, OCBC, Philip and  UOB Kay Hian. 

Infomation just  to share with  new players  n sharing in SJ.

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06-Oct-2013 21:53 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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Helped themself in the name of helping others.
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06-Oct-2013 21:49 InnoPac   /   Innopac to follow Blumount Trend.. 0.20 soon       Go to Message
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Singapore Exchange (SGX) will lift the suspension of securities on Monday, 7 October 2013, at 0900 hours.

SGX Declares...

Blumont Group Designated Security

Asiasons Capital Designated Security and 

LionGold Corp Ltd (LionGold) 

SGX concurrently declares LionGold and its related securities as Designated Security with the following trading restrictions:-

(i) Prohibited sale of shares unless the seller holds the Designated Securities in the quantity to be sold and

(ii) Prohibited purchase of shares unless the buyer makes cash payment at the time of order execution.

SGX will continue to monitor the trading of LionGold and review the circumstances in due course to end the declaration.

Shareholders and investors are advised to trade with caution.

gohuatah      ( Date: 06-Oct-2013 20:43) Posted:

Blumont , Asiasons and Lion gold already lift suspension... should be a relief for most of us

Bigmama      ( Date: 05-Oct-2013 23:21) Posted:

A little yesterday at 7.4 cents. Opinion? I don't know actually. Hope for the best I guess. But I think it will not reach 13 cent for the rest of the year. 10 cent super happy already

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06-Oct-2013 21:43 Thomson Medical   /   dancing with former remiser king       Go to Message
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Whao...like tat. Iskar.dare play counter can huat huat liao lohh...
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06-Oct-2013 21:37 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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Yup...Watch out for volatilities in play, this coming week, all thk to U.S. Debt ceiling in-fighting within Obama (Democrats) Vs (Republicians) 

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 20:06) Posted:

Volatility is the name of the game! Yea!!!

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06-Oct-2013 21:33 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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  Ipco  Last -0.028 or  -0.004c. Volume - 564,134,000 changed hands

See. Such thing can actually happen over nite.

25-Sep-2013 - " look at IPCO performance (2.07 bil ++  shr changed hands, up +29.4% to 0.044c)"

teeth53      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 20:28) Posted:

YHM@0.100 cts  is  worth to a  billion dollar company  soon, I'm sure BBs will make sure it does, then perhap to two-three billion or more.

If it open 8c or even 8.8c. I'll tempt to sell, likely I will  fight off this temptation. Last closed of@0.072, (at 8.8c - %premium is less then IPCO) 

Just look at IPCO performance (2.07 bil ++  shr changed hands, up +29.4% to 0.044c)

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06-Oct-2013 21:21 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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Singapore Exchange (SGX) will lift the suspension of securities on Monday, 7 October 2013, at 0900 hours.

SGX Declares...

Blumont Group Designated Security

Asiasons Capital Designated Security and 

LionGold Corp Ltd (LionGold) 

SGX concurrently declares LionGold and its related securities as Designated Security with the following trading restrictions:-

(i) Prohibited sale of shares unless the seller holds the Designated Securities in the quantity to be sold and

(ii) Prohibited purchase of shares unless the buyer makes cash payment at the time of order execution.

SGX will continue to monitor the trading of LionGold and review the circumstances in due course to end the declaration.

Shareholders and investors are advised to trade with caution.
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06-Oct-2013 21:20 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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sold off to quick liao...it is quite a  strong penny  counter.

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 05-Oct-2013 21:03) Posted:

bro, u still holding?

teeth53      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 20:28) Posted:

YHM@0.100 cts  is  worth to a  billion dollar company  soon, I'm sure BBs will make sure it does, then perhap to two-three billion or more.

If it open 8c or even 8.8c. I'll tempt to sell, likely I will  fight off this temptation. Last closed of@0.072, (at 8.8c - %premium is less then IPCO) 

Just look at IPCO performance (2.07 bil ++  shr changed hands, up +29.4% to 0.044clding?

teeth53      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 20:28) Posted:

YHM@0.100 cts  is  worth to a  billion dollar company  soon, I'm sure BBs will make sure it does, then perhap to two-three billion or more.

If it open 8c or even 8.8c. I'll tempt to sell, likely I will  fight off this temptation. Last closed of@0.072, (at 8.8c - %premium is less then IPCO) 

Just look at IPCO performance (2.07 bil ++  shr changed hands, up +29.4% to 0.044c)

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06-Oct-2013 21:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Singapore Exchange (SGX) will lift the suspension of securities on Monday, 7 October 2013, at 0900 hours.

SGX Declares...

Blumont Group Designated Security

Asiasons Capital Designated Security and 

LionGold Corp Ltd (LionGold) 

SGX concurrently declares LionGold and its related securities as Designated Security with the following trading restrictions:-

(i) Prohibited sale of shares unless the seller holds the Designated Securities in the quantity to be sold and

(ii) Prohibited purchase of shares unless the buyer makes cash payment at the time of order execution.

SGX will continue to monitor the trading of LionGold and review the circumstances in due course to end the declaration.

Shareholders and investors are advised to trade with caution.

evahsu      ( Date: 05-Oct-2013 15:52) Posted:

TRADERS welcomed Friday's flurry of trading queries and suspensions from the Singapore Exchange (SGX) on a number of penny stocks, saying that the move would refocus market interest on less risky names.

" The penny stock rally is over," one trader said.

In a rare move, the regulator on Friday queried the trading activity of six stocks, an unusually high number.

SGX said it has exercised its authority to temporarily suspend trading in the shares with immediate effect.

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06-Oct-2013 20:29 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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In  ancient China, black rice was only served to the highest authority which 
is the emperors. Once you were caught eating black rice, you would be   
subject for death execution. This was the reason why in ancient Chinese 
times, black rice was referred to as the " Forbidden Rice" .

Today, this type of rice are being  distributed worldwide and its nutritional benefits are already discovered.
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06-Oct-2013 20:20 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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Organic brown rice can possible have shed a stone in weight, blood pressure came down from 160/100 to 120/80 and Cholesterol dropped..???

Mayne also helped Gout sufferer  & thought...it definitley need a change in our eating habit, a  change  to our  diet.

All GPs do is hand you out  apin killers  & pills that made me very ill, so just maybe black rice is worth a look at...so is brown rice certainly helped.
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06-Oct-2013 19:57 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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Black rice  revered in ancient China but overlooked in the West could be the greatest 'superfoods', scientists revealed today. Scientists presented their findings today at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.

Scientists from Louisiana State University analysed samples of bran from black rice grown in the southern U.S. They found boosted levels of water-soluble anthocyanin antioxidants.
Black rice is low in sugar but packed with healthy fibre and plant compounds that combat heart disease and cancer, according to scientists 

The cereal. Black rice  is low in sugar but packed with healthy fibre and plant compounds that combat heart disease and cancer, say experts.

Anthocyanins provide dark colours of many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and red peppers. They are what makes black rice 'black'.

Research suggests that the dark plant antioxidants, which mop up harmful molecules, can help protect arteries and prevent the DNA damage that leads to cancer.

Food scientist Dr Zhimin Xu said: 'Just a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar, and more fibre and vitamin E antioxidants.

'If berries are used to boost health, why not black rice and black rice bran? Especially, black rice bran would be a unique and economical material to increase consumption of health-promoting antioxidants.'

Centuries ago black rice was known as 'Forbidden Rice' in ancient China because only nobles were allowed to eat it. Today black rice is mainly used in Asia for food decoration, noodles, sushi and desserts.

But food manufacturers could potentially use black rice bran or bran extracts to make breakfast cereals, beverages, cakes, biscuits and other foods healthier, said Dr Xu.

When rice is processed, millers remove the outer layers of the grains to produce brown rice or more refined white rice - the kind most widely consumed in the West.

Brown rice is said to be more nutritious because it has higher levels of healthy vitamin E compounds and antioxidants.

But according to Dr Xu's team, varieties of rice that are black or purple in colour are healthier still. They added that black rice could also be used to provide healthier, natural colourants. Studies linked some artificial colourants to cancer and behavioural problems in children.

Victoria Taylor, senior dietician at the British Heart Foundation, said: 'In reality, it's unlikely there's a single food out there that will have a great impact on lowering your risk of heart disease. Healthy eating is about a balanced diet overall.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1306356/Black-rice-new-cancer-fighting-superfood-claim-scientists.html#ixzz2gwSBUeSw
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05-Oct-2013 18:08 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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Just re-freshing a thot...On why Retail players need reminded.

teeth53      ( Date: 28-Aug-2013 23:57) Posted:

just re-freshing my thot -  " Deep rich player$  can always dump to collect" or pump to sell?. Retail player's?. " I'm not so sure...lohh:(."

teeth53      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 10:42) Posted:

The funny side of stk trading, punting and speculating...Stk don make profit YoY or Qs to Qs, can made ton of monies.

  What does that  mean retail investors?

Always mean to each it doesn't own as players play against each other.

Be it BBs vs BBs, or retail players vs retail players.

Please do oneself a flavour - Do homework n due diligence B4 placing any bet (Big or $mall)

Deep rich player$  can always dump  to collect, Retail mah?. I'm not so sure...Retail often found to be holding on hope for..., reason:  due to a very, very  thin margin in profit term. The risk is greater in losses.   



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05-Oct-2013 15:17 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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what Americans expect: compromise.

It is reasonable to request that the president postpone the individual mandate one year (as he has done for the employer mandate) and that members of Congress obtain their health insurance on the same terms required of ordinary Americans. The president's refusal to accept any changes in the ACA and special treatment for politicians is tyranny.

Terms that Republicans have laid down for raising the debt ceiling?more development of offshore oil, rethinking financial reform and changes to other regulatory policies?are broadly consistent with the public sentiment for a focus on job creation.

(Read more: Shutdown is nothing: Debt ceiling debacle could be real ugly)

If the debt ceiling is not raised by Oct. 17, the United States need not default on its debt as the president threatens. The Treasury continues to collect taxes, and the president will simply have to prioritize what bills he pays and what services he suspends, and place interest payments ahead of other items.

Peter Morici is an economist and professor at the University of Maryland's Smith School of Business, and a widely published columnist.
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05-Oct-2013 15:07 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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  • John Boehner, Speaker of the House R-Ohio. Because the president is unwilling to compromise on almost anything, the GOP was left with no other options, says Peter Morici.
  • teeth53 thot - This is what happening in U.S.
  • Obama famous word.  " I will not negotiate"   to Congress.  Well...
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    05-Oct-2013 14:52 Otto Marine   /   Otto Marine outlook and strategy very strong       Go to Message
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    Penny's play on lahh, even when news broke on three counters kena suspended - oni after mkt lossing 5 billion in 40 minutes of trading.

    Penny's will go on rotational  play, down but surely is not out.

    central      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 10:27) Posted:

    sorry !dont to ask , seow liao 

    three counter SUSP

    penny Game over !!!!!!! 

    central      ( Date: 04-Oct-2013 09:55) Posted:

    Good advice.

    otto today up or down ?


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