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Latest Posts By risktaker - Supreme      About risktaker
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19-Aug-2009 11:31 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Look at the green bar at closing. I wonder why u guys trade ? Rumours "speculation"+ Stupid Analyst ? they are fools & and people who exit the market hoping it to enter again.
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19-Aug-2009 11:06 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Shorters watch out :) - I wished you have the $ to pay for your margin interest. Dont ever caught naked shorting, the price is dear.
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19-Aug-2009 10:56 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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If really like that Genting will bankrupt lol. Singapore market is different they cant do this. This kind of model will not work for singaporeans with our attitude so kiasu i think they will not benefit. But will work for rich non-singaporean gamblers.

Most big time gamblers will be invited to come, so we all expect the price to jump before and after opening.

Most likely closed above 0.925 today.
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19-Aug-2009 10:52 Abterra   /   Any comment for ABTERRA?       Go to Message
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given its FA and direction. The buyer or supporter BB will eventually win.
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19-Aug-2009 10:41 Abterra   /   Any comment for ABTERRA?       Go to Message
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Nope not ordinary people can use it. Few FI have it.

christan      ( Date: 19-Aug-2009 10:37) Posted:

could u elaborate more on this program

edskh78      ( Date: 19-Aug-2009 10:35) Posted:

How expensive is this program? Can we also get it

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19-Aug-2009 10:30 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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already dump this and switch to midas this morning :)

maxcty      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 22:58) Posted:

can this hit 2.5 or higher tmr/thursday?

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19-Aug-2009 10:26 Abterra   /   Any comment for ABTERRA?       Go to Message
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Ok. You have to know 1 very important thing. BB has a program that can track a huge volume selling coming thru and they can withdraw "their buy position" immediately. This is unfair but its fact of life. But i can tell you the BB supporting this is stronger than the seller. 

Will Surge :)

edskh78      ( Date: 19-Aug-2009 10:03) Posted:

There are definitely some BB playing yo yo with this stock. They put a lot of fake buy volumes at 0.055 and then withdraw then put again. Ah Gong said this is BB trick.

But I am wondering do these BB have so many stocks to sell at 0.055 and still make profits? Successful buys at 0.05 has been very little these few weeks.

Does any expert have any idea what is their objective for doing this if they cannot get any profits at 0.055?

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19-Aug-2009 10:02 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Hint: My friend is collecting like so happily.... my 450 lots is peanut compare to him..... many times of mine lol.
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19-Aug-2009 06:23 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Huge Buy in @ closing :)
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19-Aug-2009 00:08 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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i am pretty confused . . . what do you mean i am new to this ? yes i am new to this forum..... when did i get banned?

pikachu      ( Date: 19-Aug-2009 00:03) Posted:

Well... up to you to believe me or not.

But I'm pretty convinced he is the banned person due to the same pattern of posting and wording of sentences. That kind of habit is very difficult to change.

richtan      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 14:20) Posted:

Hi pikachu,

My gut feel is risktaker is not tat banned person as so far from my observation, risktaker does add value to this forum with substances n share his/her FA n TA with logical reasoning (imo) but still dyodd n BOSAYOR after reading anybody's analysis or write-ups.

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19-Aug-2009 00:06 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Very high chances it will bounce off with high opening and up all the way.  Please do not sell it off as it will climb higher. Reason why i am thinking of selling off Genting and hammer this share is. Midas is a proven successfully business and with lots of potential and growth in it.

On the other hand Genting did not. Casino is all over the world and with economic crisis around some casino is not even making money. There is certain risks involved in this business. Of course we all know that gambling business is almost a 100% winning machine provided they are able to pull crowd. For Pre-opening yes people will go, question is can they substain it "$200 per entry is not going to draw alot of locals" But do they think they can draw international gamblers to SG? On paper everything will sound good and fantastic.  

So it will be a short term investment from November Pre-Opening to first 3-6 months of operation.  if everything goes according to my calculation Genting will reached its peak around Nov to Feb. Then slowly retreat and will rally again if its report is good.

Anyway Midas midas can you wait for me ? dont cheong so fast lol :)

bennykusman      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 23:49) Posted:

any chance it will drop first ?

risktaker      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 23:44) Posted:

so maybe in the morning i shall sell off my genting and hammer 500 lots into midas ?

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18-Aug-2009 23:44 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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so maybe in the morning i shall sell off my genting and hammer 500 lots into midas ?

yipyip      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 23:39) Posted:

Today Midas closed $0.850, has slight breakout 15ema ($0.849 indeed), (25ema is $0.836) and hold above $0.835 supporting level !

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18-Aug-2009 23:38 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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Its more than meet the eyes :) btw this kind of things better to know less :)

teeth53      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 23:36) Posted:

 Tue, Aug 18, 2009 The show has started...

Singapore says Temasek has no deadline to find CEO, http://business.asiaone.com/Business/News/Story/A1Story20090818-161818.html

"Temasek's leadership remains strong (make me think of d word old), at both the CEO and board level. They have enabled Temasek to sustain its generally superior overall investment performance over the years, including over the last cycle in global markets that began in 2003 (again make me think why 2003 n not any other years)," Tharman said. "There's no push factor for the current CEO to step down," said in response to questions in Parliament.

teeth53 thot: To remain strong, in come many more strong guy from d army and get pay a few million, actually...real show is one that is pulling the string behind d screen, spokeman and frontman for one that has power behind the screen...of all. D one and oni in this world. MM Lee has spoken and open-ly given his blessing and every Singapoeran believe in it. "Chin Ho Chin Ho", very good move and good blessing from...god know...Ya.

NO push factor...is that a resason or other wise. I m just imagining if it is someone else, d CEO long oredi got the sack liao.

Noted: LOST $58B, can become CEO again and NO Deadline, Really do not understand, never mind those reason, just don't know how scare we will be, what can happen next after it did a flip and a flop to turn black into white wording and white into black wording.

How in this part of this world called Singapore, word can be turn black into white n white into black. Can anyone very top so called very talented citizen with power can explain, beside ministry Tharman or stop only at his ministry level as we oni got two SWF, (GIC by Lee  n Temasick for Dana) Who is who listening to who...GOD KNOW.

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18-Aug-2009 20:22 Abterra   /   Any comment for ABTERRA?       Go to Message
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Big players will try to close the share at 5:04:59. Last trade is 5:05pm

At 4:59am. All trade is freeze sometimes Big players sometimes will massively buy in during the last 5 mins (5:00 - 5:04:59). However not all trades are from Big players sometimes it from SGX where they force certain shorters to buy in at the end of day, or BB decided to cut their shorts as they think that tomorrow market will be bullish.

There's a lot more depth in trading. You guys are seeing the surface atm.

henrykay      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 17:50) Posted:

oh i see. learn something new everyday ^^

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 17:34) Posted:

5pm is for internet trading to stop work.but even if u submit a few mins later, still can trade. after 5pm they will compile for the last trade

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18-Aug-2009 17:18 Abterra   /   Any comment for ABTERRA?       Go to Message
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It takes 2 groups of big players for penny counters to move "1 Short, 1 Buy" :) Hopefully the one that pushing/supporting the price is richer "$$$" than the other one. However with our buying in. We are helping the supporting big player. So Good job guys.

I have a strong feeling more action is coming through :) The supporting big player seems to be richer than the one that pressuring it down. Action likely to happen this week. Watch closely.

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 17:09) Posted:

told u liao mah...BB trick

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18-Aug-2009 16:23 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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this is one counter... i see and heartache. No bullets to buy ... see it crawling up.... pain pain pain
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18-Aug-2009 16:19 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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sorry i cant tell u when :) but i will post when i throw .... if u happen to see it hehe then good for you.

Flyordie      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 16:18) Posted:

Can advise hold until???

risktaker      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 16:12) Posted:

trust me :) Hold your genting.

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18-Aug-2009 16:18 Abterra   /   Any comment for ABTERRA?       Go to Message
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well. Reason why i am holding 1500 lots of abterra is because of coy direction. They wont be buying another mine if they are doing bad :) It will break 0.10 -- 100%

edskh78      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 16:13) Posted:

Come on BB, prove Ah Gong wrong.......

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 16:12) Posted:

its a BB trap. they buying up at .055 now cos nobody keen to buy so as to make it look attractive. after accumulating enough buyers at 0.055, they will dump it out...dun believe u watch

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18-Aug-2009 16:15 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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I only hope i can still catch Midas at $1.1-$1.2 when i sell off my genting. Anyway i will still invest in this gem :) Only holding 150 lots. Targeting to buy till 500 lots. 

maseratiq      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 15:44) Posted:

Same as I....haha.

I have a lopsided Genting/Midas ratio. 

risktaker      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 15:37) Posted:

once i sold my genting i gonna hammer all into midas :)

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18-Aug-2009 16:12 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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trust me :) Hold your genting.

Peg_li      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 16:04) Posted:

Don't be so greedy since you are so rich!

when all singaporean buy it, it's time to sell it for you !

my opinion!

risktaker      ( Date: 18-Aug-2009 15:31) Posted:

siao lol i throw now later i cry to the bank :)

I know when to throw hahaha but not now :)

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