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12-Oct-2013 19:17 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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  Three counters. Think is S$6.9 billion in lost value.

Acl2013      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 15:19) Posted:

How many billion get burn last week for this three counter plus others?, who paid for the bill, some of them will go bankrupt soon.

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12-Oct-2013 19:04 Medi-Flex   /   Top Glove       Go to Message
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Singapore Healthcare

As of 7 August 2013 (Source: SGX My Gateway and Writers input)

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12-Oct-2013 18:59 Medi-Flex   /   Top Glove       Go to Message
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Top glove going to delist mediflex at 15 cents....liao.

Last done@0.13 cents.
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12-Oct-2013 18:24 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Senators Say Obama Open to Health Law Changes in Talks

Senate Republicans said President Barack Obama is open to changing a tax on medical devices in the future as talks continue about ending a partial government shutdown and raising the debt limit before U.S. borrowing authority lapses Oct. 17.

In a meeting today at the White House, Obama didn?t rule out repealing the tax, which was included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, said Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, an advocate of the tax?s repeal.
Enlarge image Senators Say Obama Open to Health Law Changes as Talks Continue

Senators Say Obama Open to Health Law Changes as Talks Continue

Senators Say Obama Open to Health Law Changes as Talks Continue

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), left, Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), head back into the White House after talking to reporters following a meeting with President Barack Obama on October 9, 2013 in Washington, DC.

Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), left, Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), head back into the White House after talking to reporters following a meeting with President Barack Obama on October 9, 2013 in Washington, DC. Photographer: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The president said he was encouraged by Senate Republicans? efforts on a debt-limit plan, said Senator John McCain of Arizona. Obama has insisted that any health-law changes occur after the government shutdown ends and the debt limit is raised, senators said.

?I came away with the feeling this is going to be a difficult experience,? said Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.

The meeting with Senate Republicans occurred as the White House weighs an offer from House Republicans. The House proposal for a debt-limit increase through Nov. 22 would require Obama to accept policy conditions attached to a separate spending measure, said two congressional aides.

House Republicans are scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow to discuss their plans.

Senate Plan

Their Senate counterparts are considering a plan, being developed by Susan Collins of Maine, that would pair provisions to raise the debt ceiling and end the shutdown with a device-tax repeal. It would change pension rules to offset the lost revenue from the device tax and give federal agencies more flexibility to manage spending cuts known as sequestration.

?What he didn?t say was, ?What a great idea, wish I had thought of that,?? Collins said after declining to provide more details on the president?s reaction because she didn?t know the ground rules of the meeting.

The Standard & Poor?s 500 Index increased 0.5 percent to 1,700.57 at 1:58 p.m. in New York, erasing losses since the start of the government?s partial shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Rates on Treasury bills maturing in November and December jumped for a second day, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices.

Rates on debt due on Nov. 29 rose five basis points, or 0.05 percentage point, to 0.17 percent as of 2:42 p.m. New York time, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices, after adding eight basis points yesterday. They were negative Sept. 30. The benchmark 10-year Treasury yields were little changed at 2.68 percent after falling as much as four basis points earlier.

?Urgent Action?

?The U.S. needs to take urgent action to address short-term fiscal uncertainties,? the Group of 20?s central bankers and finance ministers said in a statement today.

Changing the device tax, even in a later agreement, could provide a way for both sides to declare victory -- an essential component of the negotiations. The 2.3 percent excise tax is scheduled to raise about $30 billion over the next decade and has been criticized by Democrats from states with device manufacturers such as Massachusetts and Minnesota.

Republicans could say they made a change to Obamacare, because the medical-device tax was passed as part of the law. Obama can say he didn?t negotiate on the principles of the health-care law, because eliminating the tax wouldn?t end the individual mandate or other main components of Obamacare.

Legitimate Concern - The president said the medical device tax ?is a legitimate concern and one that we can talk about and admitted that it?s not part of the core program,? said Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.

The president told lawmakers he ?was open to any improvements? to the health care law, though ?he?s not open to changing it much.? One change, might be the definition of full-time employees who must be given coverage by employers. Republicans cite businesses that are cutting employees? hours to below the 30 per week threshold.

House Republicans sent a list of policy options to the White House following a meeting yesterday, said the House aides, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

House Republicans also want Obama to agree to a framework for future negotiations on long-term fiscal and health-care policy.
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12-Oct-2013 18:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Senate Republicans said President Barack Obama is open to changing a tax on medical devices in the future as talks continue about ending a partial government shutdown and raising the debt limit.

In a meeting today at the White House, Obama didn?t rule out repealing the tax, which was included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Senate Plan

Their Senate counterparts are considering a plan, being developed by Susan Collins of Maine, that would pair provisions to raise the debt ceiling and end the shutdown with a device-tax repeal. It would change pension rules to offset the lost revenue from the device tax and give federal agencies more flexibility to manage spending cuts known as sequestration.

?What he didn?t say was, ?What a great idea, wish I had thought of that,?? Collins said after declining to provide more details on the president?s reaction because she didn?t know the ground rules of the meeting.
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12-Oct-2013 17:52 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Opinion: If Washington can't get its act together, it might not remain a reserve currency.   More

Washington is slowly killing the dollar

The decline has already begun, the dollar is going to lose its reserve status. It's a process that could take  some years.

" It's only marginal for now. But over time, the political problems will undermine the willingness of international investors to buy U.S. dollars and dollar-denominated assets.

Octavia      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 12:59) Posted:

The popular take on the current debt ceiling stand-off :

The  Republican Party has a delusional belief that it can hit the brakes on new debt creation without bringing on an economic catastrophe. While Republicans are indeed kidding themselves if they believe that their actions will not unleash deep economic turmoil, there are much deeper and more significant delusions on the other side of the aisle.

Democrats, and the President in particular, believe that continually taking on more debt to pay existing debt is a more responsible course of action. Even worse, they appear to believe that debt accumulation is the equivalent of economic growth.

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12-Oct-2013 08:42 InnoPac   /   Innopac to follow Blumount Trend.. 0.20 soon       Go to Message
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Ssb - Nomura international sold off 73,513,000 mil shr on Oct 9, 2013 (Wed). %after trade 3.31% left.

teeth53      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 14:01) Posted:

Innopac Last done - 0.05c   Vol:57440k    -0.002
'Innopac to follow Blumount Trend"......faithfully...:(

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12-Oct-2013 00:25 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Err...error here. Sori for that...

Should  end on  29 Sept 2016 (n not on 30-Sept-13 which is the issued date)  and if  29 Spet 2016  happen to be Sat or Sunday (no trading), then last day to end warrant period  date fell on Friday. Time expiring, remain un-change at 5 pm.

teeth53      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 23:05) Posted:

YHM_Warrants_300913.pdf  (pls click for fully details)

the Warrants and expiring at 5:00 pm on the date immediately preceding the third anniversary of the date of the issue of the Warrants (Exercise Period).

Should fall on this date of 30 Sept, 2016 and time expired (after)17:00:00 hour.

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11-Oct-2013 23:36 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Then S'pore got Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report. S'pore's total wealth grew by 8.7% to US$1.1 trillion (S$1.37 trillion) in the 12mths to mid-2013. Average wealth per adult increased by 6.8% to US$282,000.

This figure includes a person's home, if he owns it.

This is quite a turnaround from the last report, which showed that between mid-2011 and mid-2012, total household wealth in S'pore dipped by 2.5% to US$1 trillion, while the average wealth of people fell by 4% to US$258,117.

As a result, S'pore is now ranked 2nd in the Asia-Pacific region after Australia in terms of wealth per adult, up one spot from last year. Globally, Singapore is now in eighth position.

teeth thot - 174,000 millionaires, not enuff oso distribute 1 billion warrant@0.025c. Look at one billion warrant shr, look like alot lehh.

Jusy imagining how wealthy is Singpaorean?.

Pauperman      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 21:22) Posted:

Let me try.... Warrants in a way are option to exercise subscription to the main share.

In this scenario, the placees can exercise the option to subscribe the shares by conversion.

In a normal scenario, you pay the difference in price between the mother share and your warrant.

I personally feel be it warrant or by placement of shares they are both instruments for the company to raise fund. For the conpany to grow faster, injection of capital by such methods are the quickest way to fund new operations or ventures rather than kept leveraging itself by taking bank loans.

Looking at how ezion grows. I believe yhm will move the same direction too. shareHolders of ezion when mr chew just took over never see how ezion could grow into a few billion dollar capitalisation company. Is ezion successful despite the share dilution placement after placement?

newbie2012      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 18:35) Posted:


is there anybody that can explain what is the issuing of warrant all about? How does it impact ppl like us?

Is the warrant for our purchase? Do we lose out if we don't?

Thanks in advance

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11-Oct-2013 23:05 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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YHM_Warrants_300913.pdf  (pls click for fully details)

the Warrants and expiring at 5:00 pm on the date immediately preceding the third anniversary of the date of the issue of the Warrants (Exercise Period).

Should fall on this date of 30 Sept, 2016 and time expired (after)17:00:00 hour.
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11-Oct-2013 23:00 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/YHM_Warrants_300913.ashx?App=Announcement& FileID=257928

YHM_Warrants_300913.pdf  (pls click for fully details)

Each Warrant will carry the right to subscribe for one (1) Warrant Share at the Exercise Price of S$0.025 for each Warrant Share at any time during the period commencing on and including the date of the issue of the Warrants and expiring at 5:00 pm on the date immediately preceding the third anniversary of the date of the issue of the Warrants (Exercise Period).

Assuming, all the Warrants are exercised, 1,000,000,000 Warrant Shares will be issued, and the 1,000,000,000 Warrant Shares represent approximately 12.26% of the Company?s issued and paid up share capital of 8,156,233,710 ordinary Shares as at the date of this announcement, and 10.92% of the enlarged issued share capital of the Company.

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11-Oct-2013 22:46 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Warrants Issue - Proposed placement of up to 1,000,000,000 new listed warrants.

Placement Agent - 30 Sept 2013, entered into a placement agreement with Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)  to be convened to approve the Warrants Issue, n  for the purpose to list for trading (Buy/Sell or hold?) as per see by players playing on warrant share.

Do note - Watch for and read  details send to all whom is vested.

There will be some if not full details and also example on " How will this affect the mother share?" and on " How does it impact ppl like us?."

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11-Oct-2013 22:20 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Warrants in a way are option to exercise subscription to the main share, ( or called it the mother share).

Placees can exercise the option to subscribe the shares by conversion. (To mother share) 

In a normal scenario, you pay the difference in price between the mother share and your warrant.

Let me try...In this scenario,

Proposed Exercise Price of S$0.025 for each Warrant Share.

In a normal scenario - Placees, who  want to convert warrant to mother share, can do so within a certain fix period, (for  EG - 2, 3  or even set at 5 years, depending on warrant life period) and trading mother share, as far as it  goes...(based on 0.0662, U pay 0.025 for warrant,  U will have to top up the different of 0.0412 cents) 

For eg - let assume it mother share may have move to say 0.100 cents within the warrant life period. Warrant share will also move in tendon from 0.0250c to 0.0588  cents.

Note - As the warrant life period is ending or near to (Warrant life period). The value will turn to ZERO value. Once warrant expired.

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11-Oct-2013 21:47 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/YHM_Warrants_Placement_Agent.ashx?App=Announcement& FileID=258081  (pls click for full details)

The board of directors of YHM Group Limited refers to its previous announcement dated 30 Sept 2013 in relation to the proposed placement of up to 1,000,000,000 new listed warrants (Warrants Issue).

On 30 Sept 2013, entered into a placement agreement with Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd. (Placement Agent) for the proposed placement of the Warrants.

3.1. Proposed Exercise Price of S$0.025 for each Warrant Share, represents a discount of approximately 62.2% to the volume weighted average price of S$0.0662 for trades done on SGX-ST on 30 Sept 2013, which is the last full market day on which the shares of the Company were traded prior to the signing of the Placement Agreement. Accordingly, pursuant to Rule 811(2) of the Catalist Rules.

The Company will be seeking specific approval from shareholders of the Company (Shareholders) at an extraordinary general meeting of the Company (EGM) to be convened to approve the Warrants Issue.

3.3. Company will also be making an application through the Sponsor to the SGX-ST for the listing of and quotation for the Warrants and the Warrant Shares on the Catalist board of the SGX-ST.

newbie2012      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 18:35) Posted:


is there anybody that can explain what is the issuing of warrant all about? How does it impact ppl like us?

Is the warrant for our purchase? Do we lose out if we don't?

Thanks in advance

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11-Oct-2013 21:21 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Trade Summary - Strong support show@0.062c, more trade support  showup@0.063c  n @0.064c, players were more even off on a more +ve note.

Last Trades Volume Bid Volume Mid Ask Volume
0.061 90 7,579,000 7,579,000 0 0
0.062 687 177,572,000 123,666,000 6,245,000 47,661,000
0.063 590 142,489,000 39,192,000 0 103,297,000
0.064 346 101,591,000 48,372,000 0 53,219,000
0.065 16 657,000 0 0 657,000
TOTAL 1,729 429,888,000 218,809,000 6,245,000 204,834,00

Bid : volume done at buyer's price

Mid : married trade / bundled trade

Ask : volume done at seller's price

Tradewisely      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 09:15) Posted:

Seems to be a major exchange of hands at 0.063

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11-Oct-2013 14:01 InnoPac   /   Innopac to follow Blumount Trend.. 0.20 soon       Go to Message
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Innopac Last done - 0.05c   Vol:57440k    -0.002
'Innopac to follow Blumount Trend"......faithfully...:(
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11-Oct-2013 12:11 IPO   /   IPO-ing. what U should look out for...       Go to Message
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ValueMax is latest pawnbroker to eye SGX listing with 17 outlets lodges preliminary prospectus on Sept 30 - no price indicated.

ValueMax's net profit grew 11.2% to $14.3 mil from 2010 till last year, on the back of a 27.8% rise in revenue to $509 mil. Pawnbrokering constituted about 72.6% gross profit between 2010 n March 31 this year.
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11-Oct-2013 08:57 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Look like 0.062c will be over run n 0.064 will be blast through...:)
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11-Oct-2013 08:47 CNA   /   CNA       Go to Message
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Another project in the bag. BBs taking aim to made it a success. Resistant turn support trenching upward to test next resistant of 0.20c

Pauperman      ( Date: 09-Oct-2013 18:56) Posted:

Good news for cna holders!

CNA has just clinched a S$18m EPC deal.

This Project will increase the Group?s orderbook of S$63.6million as at 30 June 2013 to S$92.2million, inclusive of the Vietnam Airport win announced on 2 September 2013.

Almost a 30% increase in order book!

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10-Oct-2013 23:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Tomorro tua huat...arhh. Debt deal hopes boost stocks

11:29 am:  Stocks rise on hopes of a temporary resolution to the U.S. debt ceiling crisis.   More (DOW cross -  15,037.33 points liao or +1.6%)

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 10-Oct-2013 23:40) Posted:

US default is off the table for now

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