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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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28-Apr-2009 13:23 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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is it worthwhile to buy the share now and subscribe the rights share rights share (9 right shares for every existing 10 shares held at issue price of $1.09).

e.g - if i buy now frm open mkt, say 3 lots (3000 shares) $1.66

       3000 x $1.66 = $4980 (a)

       Calculation of right shars will be

       3000 x (9/10) =3000 x 0.9 = 2700 (right share i entitled)

       Total share i will own 3000(exixting share) + 2700 (right share) = 5700


After averaging, the selling cost of my 5700 shares is at least (add brokerage etc) S$1.50) .  Will this counter sustain this kind of trading price range?



teeth53      ( Date: 25-Apr-2009 09:35) Posted:

On offer at $1.09 each. 42% discount to Thursday's closing price of $1.88 a share. Offer to share holders nine shares for every 10 held.

Noted Mr Lim Chee Onn, current Chairman (A heavy wt) is passing the baton to Dr Lee Boon Yang ( a less then heavy wt - a retired life for Lee to render on) 

teeth53 thot: Look like going into penny stock before recovering back to more then a dollar.

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27-Apr-2009 16:31 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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Went into this website and quite surprise to see their 'gold' forecast as down trend.    They very bearish on gold.  Few weeks ago, i saw in Bloomberg news and if i am not wrong, the CEO of Merrill Lynch stated that Gold might hit high of '1500' range.  So, who to believe?  LOL, I guess, all are to fool people.


By the way,this link also stated some very big company like 'Ernst and young' etc using their service and i am wondering how true is this??

divearse      ( Date: 24-Apr-2009 17:13) Posted:

Hi all not sure anyone read this website before, it has a grim forecast for crude oil price, shocking....

http://forecasts.org/economic-indicator/crude-oil-price.htm in Nov 09 -USD26/barrel ! I am going to get a 5L gas guzzler to drive around town....since it is gonna be so cheap...

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27-Apr-2009 15:05 Others   /   Security Firm made mistake, what should I do ?       Go to Message
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I dont mind having this kind of mistake (to my advantage) made under my name by the brokerage company. The more the merrier.  LOL

equator2010      ( Date: 27-Apr-2009 13:10) Posted:

Last week I bought 40 lots of ABC at 0.20 The securities firm made a mistake and sold off these 40 lots at 0.17 today Now ABC is trading at 0.15 The firm which made the mistake askd me if I accept their mistake. I was advised by my remisier to accept their mistake as he said the firm made a mistake to my advantage. I can only see it as my advantage if by asking the firm to compensate me, they will buy back 40 lots for me at 0.17, and not compensate me for the (o.20-0.17) x 40 lots = $1,200 which they bungled up. I am a bit puzzled as to how this works. Is my remisier correct ? Please help !

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27-Apr-2009 15:00 Keppel   /   keppel Corp       Go to Message
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HI, how is this so? Can share how they do this? Tks!

nickyng      ( Date: 27-Apr-2009 09:04) Posted:

wah..still can manage at 5.93 opening?!?! wow...either BBs are pushing hard to accumulate the PUT warrants or the CD is doing magic? hee...let's see till tomor XD ? :P 

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27-Apr-2009 14:46 CapitaLand   /   CapitaLand: Too early to bottom fish       Go to Message
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If heads down , can this test at 2.4 and even lower ?
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24-Apr-2009 15:26 StarHub   /   Starhub       Go to Message
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Is it that all the stocks , after dividends (XD) , will be sold down?
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21-Apr-2009 12:25 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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The analyist reports  can be misleading which i think some kind of government authority should 'regulate' such kind of writing and reporting especially when there is unreachable target price etc to be met. If the reports are to befool or confuse the market and with conspiracy involved,  or for their own benefits at the expense of others, i think, justice should be sort.     Otherwise, you and me can be called an 'analyist'.   Perhaps, we have to wait for some brave guys (who loses huge money based on reading the report) to bring this to justice that stir up masses notice and action to be taken. 

divearse      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 11:14) Posted:

One can inteprete this as a conspiracy theory, the fact is that the mess is not so easy to resolve, banks not taking into account of toxic assets in their report, some how someday someone has to pay for the difference, if the property price does not rise the toxic debts is not going to be cleared, printing money does not help as the value will go down further, the only way to shore up the property price is to make people fight to buy the properties, how to do this? Ease lending and create a feel good atmosphere and make you and I feel good and buy, so we chase up the price and everything will go back to normal before the next bust comes again, dejavu huh? It is the same as the PE ratio, once we borrow over what we can afford to repay to buy up stocks and shares at PE of say 20, suddenly we realised hey this does not make sense, there starts another sell off or bust cycle.

Not which one is powerful, they both work hand in hand, one manipulating the other & vice versa, so if you are investor, you just need to know whether PE ratio is reasonable like you buy a house, whether you think the premium on top of the brick and motar is worth chasing. IT IS A SIMPLE DIFFERENTIAL GAME rather than an absolute game, I tell you it is cheap (I can write up nice report to convince you) and you buy, when you buy I sell, that is the rule of the game. So simply buy lower and sell higher. I make profit you get feel good factor from my report. hehe....sounds like dejavu again...been there done dat & got the T-shirt.

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21-Apr-2009 11:23 Others   /   Monk who brought his Ferrari       Go to Message
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who knows, he also got a wife!!  LMHO!
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20-Apr-2009 19:35 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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hi, can just go Bloomberg.com and search under topic like BOA(bank of america), etc. :)

Our governmnet invested heaveily in Merrill Lynch last year and is this going to bode ill rather than well?  I dunno!!   Just hope for the best for this company, otherwise, we , the citizen's money- CPF, will vanish into the thin air.

On second thought, i am wondering why is this company still 'ALLOWED' to sell investment products
??? Wouldnt the Lehman brothers' saga teach us a lesson or two? I would think all 'invetment products' introduced by any 'unsound' company, should be under strict scrutiny so as to avoid further losses from innocent investors.



battouchai      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 15:12) Posted:

Bro.. which website? Registration free?

niuyear      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 14:55) Posted:

17 April 09 - Bloomberg new: Bank of america's CEO is underfire by the investors about rising 4th-quarter losses by New York-based Merrill Lynch........

p/s -for those interested, log on to bloomber news and search under BAE CEO


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20-Apr-2009 14:55 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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17 April 09 - Bloomberg new: Bank of america's CEO is underfire by the investors about rising 4th-quarter losses by New York-based Merrill Lynch........

p/s -for those interested, log on to bloomber news and search under BAE CEO

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20-Apr-2009 14:37 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Tks for your reply.  It is going up. :)

ozone2002      ( Date: 17-Apr-2009 14:35) Posted:

depends if u are the kind kan cheong when price fall (short term speculative)...

or relax jack those kind (long term view like the sage of Ohama..)

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20-Apr-2009 14:00 Trading Techniques   /   Trading on US markets       Go to Message
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Hi, is it right time to buy citibank share in US mkt? $4 plunged down to $3 plus .  Tks!
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20-Apr-2009 11:31 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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when toking to someone about US$investment, he said he sold some investment (by Merrill Lynch) at some losses.  Reason  being the takeover of Merrill Lynch by Bank of American is not foolproof and that Bank of America might withdraw the acquisition and Merrill Lynch will have to source for another acquisition or perhpas, who knows, might be liquidated and all the money invested might become 'zero' like those investors of Lehman Brothers;.

Things could change overnght and so unpredictable in US.

Someone said that a Feng Shui master has predicted that one of the Big US Bank or  financial institution might be declaring bankcrupt and if this is so , the market could plunge down to ????  Its horrible to think of it right now. 

 fullly agree with that friend to sell his investment that he has not confident with EVEN IF ITS CAPITAL PROTECTED, can that company able to sustain until the maturity date?   So plese becareful the products that say "CAPITAL GUARANTEED"   LMAO!!




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17-Apr-2009 14:35 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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DBS upgrade this to buy and TP 2.75.  Can trust them? Tks
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19-Mar-2009 18:27 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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hi Master

What do you think of this gold counter.  Is it ok to enter at this stage again?  Also, in your post you mentioned "wait for cockroach crwling out"  What is this?? Tks


cheongwee      ( Date: 16-Mar-2009 23:51) Posted:

you are right if financial upheaval come about, but i dont see it happening...so ETF is just another investment vechile...

Take a look at gold and silver stock..only some are reliable...really got stuff in their mine to bet up..

Normally, with $ strengthening..gold collapse...but this time it actyually rally...side by side..why?..you find out yourself..

with the dollar going down i see dow to rally .but i believe this is just a sucker rally..

contd to vest in gold and silver...for myself..you DYODD.

near term gold may corret to 880..as stock soar...but come April...when more cockroach crawl out under the fridge...gold and silver will soar..

Even if it doesnt over time it will, with CBs pumping cash to save the economy...eill give rise to high inflation..long gold ,silver and commodities.

ozone2002      ( Date: 16-Mar-2009 22:44) Posted:

i always had this notion that how does gold ETF acquire the gold each time somebody buys when the world's gold production has been sold out!

another ponzi scheme?

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28-Jan-2009 15:55 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Thanks for your reply.:)

candle      ( Date: 23-Jan-2009 14:16) Posted:

all have been answered by yrself.


10 shares and in US$Smiley 

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23-Jan-2009 12:19 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Hi all, if anyone expert here cld cfm tis:

how to place the order for this?  Is it 10 share minimum? if share price is say US$70. this means 10 x US$70= US$700.00. Is this traded in US$ or S$?  Thank you for your help.

Happy new year to all!
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