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07-May-2009 14:16 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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HI, Anyone has good view on this target price of $3.  If not, i better sell now. Tks..

niuyear      ( Date: 07-May-2009 14:10) Posted:

Philips security target rice 3.00 to 3.20.  Can reach this tp?

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07-May-2009 14:10 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Philips security target rice 3.00 to 3.20.  Can reach this tp?
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06-May-2009 14:05 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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ok AK Fancis, tks for sharing.  Am eyeing Citigroup n AIG and monitor first. 
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06-May-2009 08:59 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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LOL!  Got  pushed into the train!  I will start trishaw business - save energy.  Talk about mrt, it irks me when i hear those noises produced  by ladies 'sharp' heeled where the base is worn off ........clock, cluck.,....,.....  Do they know there is such thing called 'mr mininut' or cobbler.  haha

alexmay      ( Date: 06-May-2009 00:02) Posted:

Very soon we don't walk into the MRT, we will get push into it, just like in HKG. when  population becomes 6.5 million. Vested.

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05-May-2009 15:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Hi, Tweety

Post some US stock picks if you have.tks.

I only pick Bank of America which is trading range $8 - $10 plus. If goes below $7, will think its good entry.?


tweety      ( Date: 05-May-2009 14:46) Posted:

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04-May-2009 16:18 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Member Tweety like this link very much !Smiley

tweety      ( Date: 04-May-2009 12:18) Posted:

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04-May-2009 14:15 Others   /   time to sell in may       Go to Message
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Central bank: Singapore recession likely bottomed, 2nd Ld-Writethru, AS

Wed, Apr 29 04:08 AM

SINGAPORE (AP) Singapore's worst-ever recession likely bottomed in the first quarter, but the city-state faces a tepid recovery as global demand for its exports struggles to rebound, the central bank said Wednesday. The country's economy could shrink as much as 9 percent this year as a "deep and prolonged" global downturn batters sales abroad, which account for about 60 percent of gross domestic product, the Monetary Authority of Singapore said in a semiannual report.

"The most intense phase of contraction of overall GDP has probably occurred," the bank said. "The subsequent recovery of the economy from the trough is likely to be slow and gradual.

" Reliance on outward-looking industries such as trade, finance and tourism have left Singapore vulnerable to the brunt of the worst global slowdown in decades. The economy contracted 11.5 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, the biggest drop since independence from Malaysia in 1965.

The bank also warned that a possible spread of swine flu, which is suspected in more than 150 deaths in Mexico, could further exacerbate the contraction. In 2003, an outbreak of the SARS virus killed 33 people in Singapore, devastated tourism and triggered a recession.

"Depending on how the global outbreak of swine influenza epidemic develops, there could be repercussions for the domestic economy," the bank said. "The recent outbreak of swine influenza had added a new dimension to the risks for GDP prospects in the months ahead.

" The unemployment rate, which rose to 2.6 percent in the fourth quarter, will likely jump higher this year, while consumer prices will drop as much as 1 percent in 2009, the bank said. The bank said manufacturing, which fell 26 percent in the first quarter, could stay depressed for some time unless consumer demand in developed economies, especially the U.S., recovers stronger than expected.

"Weak global industry demand and structural strains could further weigh down the domestic manufacturing sector, causing it to settle at a much lower level of production than in the pre-crisis period," the bank said.

ALEX KENNEDY Associated Press Writer
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30-Apr-2009 15:48 Others   /   Have the rally ended?       Go to Message
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The best is intra-day target daily or hourly kind of chart.  If anyone has that chart, can send email to me? can share some profit with you leh.
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30-Apr-2009 15:44 Others   /   Have the rally ended?       Go to Message
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Target price 6 mths ahead?  More realistic report wld be 3 days to 1 week. All report expires very fast, from sell, then change to hold, then buy or whatever. LOL 



tweety      ( Date: 30-Apr-2009 15:09) Posted:

TP (6-12M)
Elec & Eltek(US$)
Outperform Maintained



Outperform Maintained

Kingboard Copper
Neutral -Downgraded

Indofood Agri
Trading Buy Maintained



Outperform Maintained

Outperform Maintained

China Farm

Indofood Agri

Jardine C & C




Under Review

ARA Asset



Indofood Agri


Indofood Agri

Fully Valued
**We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data given



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30-Apr-2009 10:46 Others   /   S-Chip       Go to Message
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Past experience (like that of Shouzhou project), should serve as a guide and yet, we seem to have forgotten about it and still allow such a scandal happening here in our stock exchange .This act deserves universal condemnation.

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30-Apr-2009 10:22 Others   /   US stocks       Go to Message
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Anyone buying US stocks?  Can share your picks here?  I have missed buying citigroup when it was at $1 plus despite my friend kept telling me to buy and now i think its a little too late to enter cos the 1 year target price is not more than $4?

Same goes to AIG where it was dead low and i missed the buy too.

Anyone any comments. Tks
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30-Apr-2009 10:02 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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Why the short sellers will face heavy losses?  They usually use those CFD account to short and they have 30 days to cover back right?
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29-Apr-2009 19:03 Others   /   I'm lost...dividends/yields etc etc       Go to Message
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Dont bother about how much you pay for any stock, but only care about how many share you own, then use the share you have multiply the price of dividends.

e.g SPC dividend - 1 share is  paid 0.08 and you have 2000 shares.

                              $0.08 x 2000 = $160(this is amount you get)

Whether you paid $5 or $3.50 for a share, is the number of shares that matter in terms of calculating the dividend.  Dividend is tax payable.




adiriot      ( Date: 29-Apr-2009 15:51) Posted:

Example SPC


Then if i have 2000shares at $3, how to calculate the dividends?


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29-Apr-2009 18:54 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Hih Cheongwee

If gold ever hit $9000,  War will follows.   Pray hard this will not be the case.

Can you advise the following :

The stock exchange GLD 10US$ is trading now at $88.00. How is this price pegged to US gold spot??  Tks!


cheongwee      ( Date: 29-Apr-2009 17:23) Posted:

If you have alot of US$ in your pocket, will you still want a gold standard???

who the hell on this planet dont know the American are doing to the $...

but what can they do???we are at their mercy...if the dollar ever collapse..

It is going to be 100 times worse than this current crises...pray not.

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29-Apr-2009 16:18 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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HEY!!  How does $9000 gold an ounce sound?

extracted from 'seekingalpha.com' -

In recent days the Canadian and Swedish central banks have joined the majority of other G10 central banks by indicating that they too may engage in quantitative easing now that the interest rates have been reduced to 25 and 50 basis points respectively. The ECB is wrestling with ways to extend its own form of quantitative easing and an announcement is likely at its next meeting on May 7th.

While some observers have focused on the potential debasement of the US dollar by the aggressive monetary and fiscal policies of both the Bush and Obama Administrations, many investors are worried about the viability of the whole universe of paper money.

As Gillian Tett, award-winning journalist at the Financial Times, put it earlier this month, there has been a four-decade long experiment with fiat currencies not backed by gold or silver. This crisis is so profound that increasingly it appears to have shaken confidence in the experiment. At the same time, the crisis looks to have widened the range of possibilities.

The Special Drawing Rights that the Chinese and others have suggested to eventually replace the dollar does not get beyond paper money. The SDR is a basket of fiat currencies. It is not and cannot be a serious alternative to the US dollar.

Consider that 44% of an SDR is the dollar. The IMF’s figures show that roughly two-thirds of the world’s reserves are in dollars. If countries' reserves were allocated according to the SDR, the dollar’s share of reserves would fall by about a third. While the euro would pick up some slack the big winners would be the yen and sterling, whose share of the SDR is 11% a piece, two to three times larger than their reserve allocation.

If there has been a shift in reserve allocation over recent years, it is not away from the dollar, as so many wrongly claim, but rather away from the yen and toward sterling. And even this shift has been marginal at best. Reserve managers generally want, in order of importance: Security, liquidity, and yield. Japanese bonds are often seen as deficient in both liquidity and yield.

All that Glitters

Can gold return to its role as the anchor for currencies? The advocates of gold are a passionate and vocal minority which appear to be second only to Ayn Rand devotees in terms of intensity. Of course there is a large overlap as Alan Greenspan’s 1966 essay “Gold and Economic Freedom” illustrates.

Top Gold Holders:


Data from World Gold Council and China
Figures in Metric Tonnes

To appreciate though why gold is ill-suited today to once again back paper money, we need to consider why the gold standard ended in the first place. Simply put, the gold standard provided an economic barrier to the political agenda. That political agenda called for rapid growth to resist the spread of communism. It called for “guns and butter” in the US with the Great Society and the war in Vietnam. The European political agenda included the expansion of the welfare state—from cradle to grave.

Jettisoning gold not only allowed for the pursuit of the political agenda, it helped create the conditions for the rapid and dramatic expansion of trade, capital flows and globalization. What is all too often lost amid the despair and cynicism that the crisis has wrought is the amazing success of that regime. Since 1980, for example, the world economy has grown by 145%. Taking into account the increase in the world’s population, roughly 1.6% per annum, there has been a nearly 40% increase in per capita income.

How such wealth is distributed is an important issue beyond the scope of this discussion. Yet it is interesting to note that longevity, a measure that subsumes numerous other metrics, has risen sharply in both developing and developed countries and that gap between the two has narrowed.

Not Enough

The same problem exists with a new gold standard that existed with the old. There is simply an insufficient amount of gold. Or to say the same thing, the price of gold necessary to put the international monetary regime back on a gold standard is so astronomical as to make it unworkable.

There are different ways to go about conceptualizing the magnitude of the challenge. As the table above indicates, the US has more gold than Germany, France, and Switzerland combined. Given that foreign investors own about $2.5 trillion more of US assets than Americans own of foreign assets, what price of gold is necessary for the US to no longer be a debtor? Answer: More than $8,500 an ounce.

Another approach, suggested by a Swiss investment bank, is to relate the price of gold needed to cover some measure of money supply. By its reckoning, the US would need gold to be worth about $6,000 an ounce to reintroduce a gold standard. However, it may not be sufficient to simply have the US adopt a gold standard. For the US, China, and Japan, the three largest economies as measured by purchasing power parity, to back their money with gold would require a price closer to $9,000 an ounce.

The current price of gold is just above $900 an ounce. Peaking in March 2008 near $1,032, it has averaged $638 over the past five years and $473 over the past ten years. For the yellow metal to reach the kind of levels necessary to make a gold standard mathematically feasible in the present day, the protracted period of deflation necessary would not be politically acceptable.

Where Does that Leave Us?

There is no realistic alternative to the dollar. Not SDRs. Not gold. Not the euro. Not the yuan. That might not be deducible from macro-economic first principles, but it is proven by what central banks are actually doing.

This does not mean that there is no role for gold in individual portfolios, though often people seem to confuse a paper claim on gold for the actual bullion. Also, the touts for bullion often do not include the costs of storage and insurance for gold which has gone decades without appreciating and, of course, generates no income stream.

Central banks that have accumulated large holdings of foreign currencies, like those in Asian and Middle Eastern countries, tend to have relatively little gold. European central banks, which could not get enough gold during the late 1960s and early 1970s, have turned into sellers over recent years. Paradoxically, as they sold off their gold in an orderly way, the price of gold trended higher. Yet many seem to believe that it is a given that the dollar will fall if these same or other central banks sell dollars. Huh?

On April 24th China revealed it has dramatically increased its gold holdings since 2003. In 2001, China said it had roughly 500 tonnes of gold. By 2003, it had risen to a little over 600 tonnes. Now it says it has 1,054 tonnes of gold, more than a 75% increase. Still this means that gold accounts for only about 1.6% of China’s reserves.

China is the world’s largest producer of gold, but it also refines scrap gold. As part of the standard arguments, gold advocates assert that all the gold that has ever been mined is still here. That is true up to a point and it is at that point that it gets interesting. China is exploiting the fact that a ton of computers and cell phones contain several times more gold than a ton of gold ore has.

Central banks in Asia and the Middle East may buy more gold going forward and European sales seem set to slow (though the IMF sales will reportedly go ahead), but it will be barely noticeable in terms of the international monetary regime and the role of the dollar.

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29-Apr-2009 16:08 Others   /   Have the rally ended?       Go to Message
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hahaha! 'Pigs'  at the wall street!!  There indeed quite alot there over-sized one cos of eating too much macdonald food and drinking cocacola and big big portion of Ribs that meant to be for 2 or 3 persons' portion........Lazy to walk to bank get cash instead, using credit cards and everything on credit that led to Credit Crunch and all the banks  really are 'Piggy Banks' now.....LOL 

cheongwee      ( Date: 29-Apr-2009 15:44) Posted:

thank for the reminder, my daughter said today  her class got 3 absent due to flu, dont know whether it is from the pig at Wall street...

But i think flu can be contain, Only Mexico is exception, is damned bloody  dirty, just 2 year agao went to San Diego, then visit the border town of Mexico...it is shit men...damned bloody dirty horrible.

the toilet is even dirtier than the worse kopitiam in Singapore...can u imagine...honestly...u can catch houseflies easily there...really, i am telling the true..

nickyng      ( Date: 29-Apr-2009 15:37) Posted:

ahh...beware of this Swine Flu thingy...many things can happen over this long wkend hor? :D

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29-Apr-2009 11:38 Others   /   Have the rally ended?       Go to Message
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I fully agreed with member Jeremyow.  Brokerage houses reports are misleading.  Lots of folks lost money because of that especially when we were new to the market. For now, i will analyse market condition before i buy any stocks they recommend.    My own opinion that at this moment where SWINE FLU is concern, the only logical sense is that perhaps, Teleco companies might be on the card (just like during SARs period), because people start to make IDD calls , conference cal linstead of meeting and travelling.  So, there might be some play for Telco companies??  Just my view.
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29-Apr-2009 11:20 Others   /   Have the rally ended?       Go to Message
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During SARs period, Telco companies share went up cos not many people will travel and go out shopping , dining etc.  IDD calls up and is this time going to be the same for all the telco cmopanies?
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29-Apr-2009 09:00 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Ok, Tks for your opinion.  I also think that if i buy now at 1.66 just to enjoy same lots of $1.09(right shares),  if price go down further, i will not be able to sell later on. 

teeth53      ( Date: 28-Apr-2009 20:14) Posted:

Only my personnal opinion. NOT WORTH buying $1.50, cheaper to buy from open mkt.

3000 x (9/10) =3000 x 0.9 = 2700 (right share i entitled)

Total share i will own 3000(exixting share) + 2700 (right share) = 5700      

After averaging, the selling cost of my 5700 shares is at least (add brokerage etc) S$1.50

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28-Apr-2009 13:43 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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I was reading a news from some foreign publisher (cant remember name of publication) that Merrill Lynch's investment officer 'feared' that the gold might inch up to $1500 per ounce .  I have reservation on his statment for 'fear' that they themselves are in bad shape and will ask myself will i  take those words seriously and will always remember who ran this company down into the ground? LMHO.
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