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13-Oct-2013 13:57 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The concern, expressed by officials from China to Europe at talks in Washington, is that the lack of a deal would shake markets and risk provoking a worldwide recession. " Un-resolve situation in the U.S. would have global consequences."

G-20 nation finance ministry said.  A rare G-20 rebuke of the world?s largest economy, which typically uses such occasions to lecture other nations on their policies.

teeth53      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 17:52) Posted:

Opinion: If Washington can't get its act together, it might not remain a reserve currency.   More

Washington is slowly killing the dollar

The decline has already begun, the dollar is going to lose its reserve status. It's a process that could take  some years.

" It's only marginal for now. But over time, the political problems will undermine the willingness of international investors to buy U.S. dollars and dollar-denominated assets.

Octavia      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 12:59) Posted:

The popular take on the current debt ceiling stand-off :

The  Republican Party has a delusional belief that it can hit the brakes on new debt creation without bringing on an economic catastrophe. While Republicans are indeed kidding themselves if they believe that their actions will not unleash deep economic turmoil, there are much deeper and more significant delusions on the other side of the aisle.

Democrats, and the President in particular, believe that continually taking on more debt to pay existing debt is a more responsible course of action. Even worse, they appear to believe that debt accumulation is the equivalent of economic growth.

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13-Oct-2013 13:49 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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House Speaker John Boehner told fellow Republicans that President Barack Obama rejected his latest fiscal offer. The speaker also told members that talks are continuing with the White House. The president rejected our deal,?

teeth53 thot - How potential deal it can be??. (No deal so far) as...

As both side are still far from face-saving deal compromise in what a potential deal might look like.

> Temporary extension to U.S. borrowing thru..end of Jan and or until Nov next year. White hse, however might demand a longer extension.

> Authorise a stopgap measure tat finance govt thru...end of March.

> The hse n senate would setup bipartisan committee to being negotiation on budget, rein in spending, reform social programmes n some aspect on tax code.

> Delaying n easing tax on medical devices that is part of health-care law widely opposed by Republicians lawmakers.

AFP, New York Times.
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13-Oct-2013 13:42 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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teeth53 thot - How potential deal it can be??.

As both side are still far from face-saving deal compromise in what a potential deal might look likw.

> Temporary extension to U.S. borrowing thru..end of Jan and or until Nov next year. White hse, however might demand a longer extension.

> Authorise a stopgap measure tat finance govt thru.. end of March.

> The hse n senate would setup bipartisan committee to being negotiation on budget, rein in spending, reform social programmes n some aspect on tax code.

> Delaying n easing tax on medical devices that is part of health-care law widely opposed by Republicians lawmakers.

AFP, New York Times.
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13-Oct-2013 13:25 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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The Straits Times Published 11 Oct 2013

SOME of M'sia's biggest corporate players have endured a hellish week with $9.3 bil in mkt value wiped off three firms they have invested heavily in. Dollar figures stemming from the share price collapses of Asiasons Capital, LionGold and Blumont are even harder to stomach when viewed in ringgit terms - a hefty RM24 billion.

teeth53      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 19:17) Posted:

  Three counters. Think is S$6.9 billion in lost value.

Acl2013      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 15:19) Posted:

How many billion get burn last week for this three counter plus others?, who paid for the bill, some of them will go bankrupt soon.

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12-Oct-2013 23:42 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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Read more: Fukushima nuclear leak 'can get a lot worse')

The money will be used to build a wall of ice by freezing the earth around tanks at the plant, which are reported to be leaking contaminated water, and to improve treatment systems meant to drastically reduce radiation levels in the water.

The measures come as frustration builds over the inability of operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to resolve the crisis.

teeth53      ( Date: 22-Aug-2013 10:18) Posted:

Fukushima unclear accident in no accidentally. It human n humanity naivelity that human to said and as always, it is save to drink n eat and even show case our oldman it,s to drink as after two years. Fukushima is at it worst battling contaminated radiation water consistantly and substantially flowing into the Pacific Ocean, thus contaminating sea food chain.

teeth53      ( Date: 23-Jul-2013 14:40) Posted:


FUKUSHIMA:  Pacific Ocean Will Not  Dilute Dumped Radioactive WaterOperator of stricken Fukushima nuclear plant has been dumping thousand tons per day of radioactive water into Pacific ocean.

The reactors are ?riddled with meltdown holes?, building 4 ? with more radiation than all nuclear bombs ever dropped or tested ? is missing entire walls, and building 3 is a pile of rubble.

Whole complex is leaking like a sieve, and the rivers of water pumped in, the reactors everyday just pouring into the ocean (Faithfully everyday).

Most people assume, ocean will dilute the radiation from Fukushima enough that any radiation reaching the West Coast of the U.S. will be low.

Just as we noted 2 days after the earthquake hit that the jet stream might carry radiation to the U.S. by wind ? we are now warning that ocean currents might carry more radiation to the at least some portions of the West Coast of North America than is assumed.

Here is what the North Pacific Gyre looks like:

North Pacific Subtropical Convergence Zone Previously Secret 1955 Government Report Concluded that Ocean May Not Adequately Dilute Radiation from Nuclear AccidentsWest Coast of North America ? and some of it is radioactive

Indeed, an island of Japanese debris the size of California is hitting the...In addition to radioactive debris, MIT says seawater which is itself radioactive may begin hitting Tepco Dumps 11,500 Tons of Radioactive Water Into the Pacific

  the West Coast within 5 years. Given that the debris is hitting faster than predicted, it is possible that the radioactive seawater will as well...

Related content:

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12-Oct-2013 23:38 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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Tip of the ice berg.

Figure is a 10-fold increase on TEPCO's previous estimate of the number of possible thyroid cancer victims, after the utility was told its figures were too conservative.
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12-Oct-2013 23:36 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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Life at stake more of such news and thing is coming...not this. Read more: Japan pledges $473 million to contain Fukushima leak

teeth53      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 00:33) Posted:


Thyroid cancer risk for 2,000 Fukushima workers: TEPCO

Around 2,000 people who have worked at Japan's wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant face a heightened risk of thyroid cancer.

Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) said 1,973 people, around 10% of those employed in emergency involved in the clean-up since the meltdowns -- were believed been exposed to radiation to cause potential problems.

Figure is a 10-fold increase on TEPCO's previous estimate of the number of possible thyroid cancer victims, after the utility was told its figures were too conservative.

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12-Oct-2013 23:30 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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A state-owned Chinese company to build nuclear power stations in the U.K. and have its reactor design approved by British regulators.

Under the deal, the government will give its backing to Chinese General Nuclear Power Group) entering EDF Energy's planned new nuclear plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset as a co-investor.

(Read more: Japan set to be nuclear power-free, again)
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12-Oct-2013 23:24 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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" don't learn through life, learn to grow with life"
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12-Oct-2013 23:20 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Final answer. Will Obama eat his own word??> or play a major part for been the first U.S. elected President bringing U.S into a real recession period..???. happening (NO deal so far) in Washington.

Is history going to record that....n archive it

teeth53      ( Date: 05-Oct-2013 15:07) Posted:

  • John Boehner, Speaker of the House R-Ohio. Because the president is unwilling to compromise on almost anything, the GOP was left with no other options, says Peter Morici.
  • teeth53 thot - This is what happening in U.S.
  • Obama famous word.  " I will not negotiate"   to Congress.  Well...

  • Good Post  Bad Post 
    12-Oct-2013 23:10 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    House Speaker John Boehner told fellow Republicans today that President Barack Obama rejected his latest fiscal offer.

    The speaker also told members that talks are continuing with the White House, according to another person in the room who sought anonymity to discuss the private meeting.

    ?The president rejected our deal,? Labrador told reporters after leaving Republicans? closed-door meeting in Washington.

    teeth53      ( Date: 08-Oct-2013 17:22) Posted:

    Obama ready for negotiation, but not amid threats ....?. Change tactic, din change princple tone.

    teeth53      ( Date: 08-Oct-2013 07:53) Posted:

    Obama famous word. " I will not negotiate" to Congress

    Recession risk

    Many economists expect a U.S. recession if the country's debt ceiling isn't raised. More

    Traders are talking about the prospects of " dirty prices" and other debt default oddities. More

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    12-Oct-2013 23:01 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    There are exception case whereby players can sue after losses, but up front also need money n lawers and courts case.

    If not like OHL can settle out of courts case.

    teeth53      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 21:19) Posted:

    Food for thought...

    Singapore brokers, traders face huge losses

    Some stock broker clients flee after the collapse of the share prices of three companies. Confusion over SGX curbs

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    12-Oct-2013 22:55 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    Thru...hell n back and wish, just don do silly or senseless things.

    " Seu Bey tong" , Just  hope don see pple's visiting Bedok reservior. 

    Vafirish      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 22:35) Posted:

    Can't imagine ...........what these people had to go through

    Peter_Pan      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 22:12) Posted:

    Some brokerage clients have refused to pay up, or have disappeared, three traders told Reuters on Friday. Individual traders, or remisiers, who have to foot the bill may have to declare bankruptcy or sign a bond to pay off what they owe in installments to the brokerages. -Reuters

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    12-Oct-2013 22:43 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    ....and to act hastily.

    Resulted in some confuse manner as  market  was confused and it lasted several trading days.

    teeth53      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 22:33) Posted:

    " The brokers are the frontline players,  further down the chain than the credit dept, and even the credit dept, which has to control the limits, wasn't really clear about the rules." (or ignorant on the lack of many, eg:  speedy DISSIPATION information by SGX, lack of mkt info to credit dept, to traders and to  players)

    Initial orignal starter -  Vested interest  BBs, stake owners, manipulator players, excessive speculators and naked shot players. 

    Facilitators - on 2nd front, much  of  such discussion is  open up upon, discussing on  web, news and even by words of mouth  highlighted and aggregate aggressively into prompting SGX to act promptly.

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    12-Oct-2013 22:33 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    " The brokers are the frontline players,  further down the chain than the credit dept, and even the credit dept, which has to control the limits, wasn't really clear about the rules." (or ignorant on the lack of many, eg:  speedy DISSIPATION information by SGX, lack of mkt info to credit dept, to traders and to  players)

    Initial orignal starter -  Vested interest  BBs, stake owners, manipulator players, excessive speculators and naked shot players. 

    Facilitators - on 2nd front, much  of  such discussion is  open up upon, discussing on  web, news and even by words of mouth  highlighted and aggregate aggressively into prompting SGX to act promptly.
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    12-Oct-2013 21:38 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    Blumont Group Ltd, Asiasons Capital Ltd and LionGold Corp Ltd.

    On Sunday, it declared them " designated securities" - its first such move in five years.

    Under the rules imposed by the SGX, traders cannot short-sell the stocks and buyers have to pay cash up-front.

    Once bought, the shares can't be sold until they are deposited into the buyer's account, at least three days later.

    Some bought shares after the trading suspension was lifted on Monday and sold on the same day, falling foul of the SGX rules n risking a fine.

    " Owing to the confusion, many clients have sold these securities before the due date," Jimmy Ho Kwok Hoong, President of The Society of Remisiers (Singapore), wrote in a letter to The Straits Times on Friday. " They now run the risk of a possible buying-in with fines for short-selling, unless the SGX makes an exception to the rule for these trades."

    teeth53 thot - Such statement should be stated very clearly as it seem players often take thing for granted.

    If ask U know what is a  " designated securities" counter or counters?.  They know or knew some what????.

    teeth53      ( Date: 06-Oct-2013 21:53) Posted:

    Helped themself in the name of helping others.

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    12-Oct-2013 21:19 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    Food for thought...

    Singapore brokers, traders face huge losses

    Some stock broker clients flee after the collapse of the share prices of three companies. Confusion over SGX curbs

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    12-Oct-2013 20:36 InnoPac   /   Innopac to follow Blumount Trend.. 0.20 soon       Go to Message
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    Any BBs boy over this n such deal?. if so, then like the Angmo blumont chief  bot@0.40c - still down to less < 20c  as dust has not settle just yet.
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    12-Oct-2013 19:36 InnoPac   /   Innopac to follow Blumount Trend.. 0.20 soon       Go to Message
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    'Innopac to is following Blumount Trend" ......faithfully...:(

    Yup, mentioned in SGX. > > > 0.100 cents, to 3.31%

    Will BBs  be showing some interest again?, oni if dust is settle??.
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    12-Oct-2013 19:27 Others   /   UOBKH may have saved many retailers too       Go to Message
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    Last Friday trade closed for...

    Blumont -
    0.200 0.171 -0.029c -14.5% 36,859,000 488,000 0.171 0.179 20,000
    Asiasons -
    0.210 0.146 -0.049c -25.1% 35,763,000 303,000 0.146 0.154 50,000
    Liongold -
    0.200 0.154 -0.031c -16.8% 32,222,000 583,000 0.154 0.156 100,000
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