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24-Jul-2013 21:31 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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the pass few month and pass few days
NO nil of the fund manager interest in china ship
Nil of Securities ,Research talking about china ship cosco and Yangzijiang.

中 国 远 洋 巨 亏 百 亿 成 “亏 损 王 ” 2012

八 成 航 运 公 司 中 报 预 亏 两 大 航 运 巨 头 更 换 掌 舵 人

Cosco 2Q result drop by 25 %

China COSCO on the 27th annual report released late in 2012, losses of 9.56 billion yuan. Since amount of loss is high and two years of losses, the business trend of China Ocean triggered much attention. Today, the loss to shareholders of COSCO Group apologized and said that COSCO present difficulties are temporary, stable throughout the Group's financial position, future profitability and achieve greater development there are still many positive factors.

You still buying ???

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24-Jul-2013 21:19 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangzijiang just  start to move up 15 % now lower $0.795 this year .

they are still a lots of room to move up . 30 % 50 % 100 % 150 % 200%

you  can see local ship kepcorp , scm , they profits is dorpping , but what price they are holding now. 2008 before high.

so Yangzijiang and cosco are still alots room to move up.




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24-Jul-2013 15:39 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Chinese H1 Earnings Drop

Asiasis Date : 2013-7-22 15:54:46

During the period from January to June, 2013, the complete industrial gross production value of the China’s 80 shipbuilding and its related companies was CNY 171.9bn (around above $28bn) decreased by 16.6% from a year ago.

According to a report of the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI), shipbuilding sector dropped by 31.2% to CNY 88bn while ship equipment showed a 27.3% drop to CNY 12bn and ship repair also declined by 8.5% to CNY 5.46bn.

During the same period, the complete export trading value of the 80 companies came to CNY 78.4bn with a 24.7% decline comparing with the same time period a year ago, of which, shipbuilding decreased by 26.5% to CNY 71.1bn while ship equipment showed a 20.7% decrease to CNY 2.32bn and ship repair also declined by 20.9% to CNY 3.4bn.
In the year to June, the operating revenue of those 80 companies was CNY 120.3bn with a year-on-year decline of 18.5% while total profit was recorded to be CNY 3.58bn, also showing a 53.6% decrease in comparison to the same time period of last year.

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24-Jul-2013 14:26 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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No Both   COSCO CORPORATION (S) LTD and China’s COSCO Shipping Company Limited (COSCOL

  didn" t  announced  in SGX WEB SITE. and in Hong kong web site.
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24-Jul-2013 14:18 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangzijiang Today will brake $0.95  ,

To reach $1 just few more step to go

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24-Jul-2013 12:35 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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The buyer still going for china , due to price good


TTS signs contract for offshore cranes worth approx. 50 MNOK 22.07.2013

TTS Group ASA has through its subsidiary TTS Offshore Handling Equipment AS (OHE) in Norway signed a contract for delivery of two offshore cranes worth approximately 50 MNOK

The contract is with a shipyard in China, and concerns delivery of two cranes for an offshore vessel. The vessel is ordered by a Singapore registered shipowner.

The delivery will take place in the second quarter of 2015.

The contract comprises an option which must be exercised by 30 November 2013 for identical scope of supply.

Bergen, 22 July 2013

this is not Yangzijiang contracts

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24-Jul-2013 12:05 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Local fund manager Only buy local ship lah.

they are supports local gov.

if china ship by next year all problems resolve , and only 100 stronger ship can going through this year .

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee have been planning management restructures in four major state-owned shipping groups specifically Cosco, China Shipping, Sinotrans & CSC and China Merchants.

during this time cosco and Yangzijiang are Restructures

may be Yangzijiang plans to buy some company in china.

then Local ship will be face big competition with china ship yarda  the    Earnings will be   Drop more .

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24-Jul-2013 11:24 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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china  analysts said currently too many shipping and ship buildings in china about 3000 company will be close downs by end of this years .

some had no job in hands some had job but no profits lose money .

due to price wars ,they going for the lower price to life.

take loan from bank they are some problems for small and big private company in china.

so by end of this year may be 100 big and small company can cooks.

then the shipping price can went up

the news ship and repair price can went up . can make big money.

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24-Jul-2013 11:15 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Currently the Fund Manager is not supports. they wante to see the cosco group Q2 result. and the plans of news CEO .

so cosco corop currentlly only  small fish buying .with big returns 200% by next year

if cosco do well , profits higher.

Local fund manager only support kep corp  and scm .

china small ship they are not so interest lah.



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24-Jul-2013 09:54 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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compareation of HPH and Yangzijiang

HPH is the ports , when shipping line recovery then got profits. no now lah

Yangzijiang are the big  ship Builder and repair in china they make money

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24-Jul-2013 09:49 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Today Yangzijiang will be some profits taking .

due to  ship run out of gas.

but still can hold tie  above $0.915 support  points 
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23-Jul-2013 23:03 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Today Yangzzijiang just start to move only. fund managers just start to buy in and we can some people selling out ( 0.85-0.92 )

may be by next weeks will reach $1 .

they call big caps : keep corp now $10.78 , secm  $4.54

they call small caps  small  : cosco $0.755 , Yangzijiang $0.915

china  bank  money no problems , and hong kong when up 2.33%

and in 30 may - june yangzi jiang and cosco drop is due to china bank problems.

now the sky is clear .

and they are still profits and top 10 in the china

both stock are below $1 .when shipping and ship builder  markets  pick up by next years .

both back to $2 and above.


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23-Jul-2013 22:48 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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No news and Announce in SGX and cosco shipping hong kong,

may be just the romur.

Q2 result , will be profits drop also .but still profits. for cosco corp singapore

Q3 result may be better

also Tomorrow may be frop back to $0.73 again.

if Yangzijiang can't hold tie @ $0.90 and above.

But What I thinks yangzijiang will be trading above $0.90 -$1.10

for next few months .

the stocks alway trading six months aheads the markets eno
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23-Jul-2013 17:07 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Yangzijiang can move up to $0.92 .

cosco can'T  $0.80 ??

both ship dropping , pass few   months , due to china bank load issues and the lower

seasons for the ship builder  reach the lower prices , due to china ship builders frighe for sos.

and cosco shipping last few week 2Q result loss money.

they had sale the cosco Logistic back to the mother cosco china cosco .

and today they are invest in 4 news ship to building by Nantong cosco . for US$ 135 nillion.

cosco you can move up also .

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23-Jul-2013 17:00 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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to invest in ship builder market , you must know the company you choice they are good is the market and the ceo also the gov ,and fund manager will supports

had contracts and make money . mid caps

the profits   returns about 10 -20 %
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23-Jul-2013 16:45 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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中 国 新 增 长 策 略 传 闻 多 多 铁 路 投 资 料 成 主 角
2013年 07月 23日   14:35    汇 通 网   我 有 话 说

    汇 通 网 7月 23日 讯 ——外 媒 周 二 (7月 23日 )报 道 , 在 有 关 7.0%为 中 国 GDP年 率 增 长 底 线 的 言 论 后 , 有 关 中 国 将 对 不 合 理 资 本 配 置 的 策 略 进 行 更 多 调 整 的 各 种 传 闻 浮 出 水 面 。

    根 据 瑞 银 (UBS)报 告 , 传 闻 称 中 国 央 行 正 打 算 对 解 决 水 泥 及 钢 铁 行 业 资 本 过 度 问 题 采 取 终 极 步 骤 , 通 过 禁 止 银 行 向 这 些 行 业 提 供 新 贷 款 (且 不 允 许 这 些 企 业 发 行 短 期 债 务 来 满 足 其 流 动 性 需 求 )来 达 到 该 目 的 。 不 过 这 似 乎 也 不 值 得 担 忧 , 因 为 虽 然 这 些 人 员 繁 冗 的 行 业 直 接 的 信 贷 途 径 被 切 断 , 但 这 些 行 业 可 以 通 过 2600亿 元 人 民 币 的 铁 路 投 资 基 金 的 资 金 不 合 理 分 配 来 间 接 地 获 得 。 铁 路 投 资 基 金 致 力 于 维 持 经 济 稳 定 增 长 及 就 业 市 场 的 稳 定 , 其 中 包 括 修 建 全 球 最 长 的 隧 道 的 项 目 。 中 国 中 央 政 府 慷 慨 解 囊 的 最 终 结 果 是 直 接 向 棘 手 的 项 目 进 行 财 政 注 资 , 以 及 直 接 地 专 设 货 币 注 资 去 拯 救 一 个 又 一 个 银 行 。

    媒 体 核 心 观 点 如 下 :

    *  瑞 银 称 有 人 臆 测 中 国 央 行 将 禁 止 银 行 向 人 员 繁 冗 的 行 业 贷 款

    *  瑞 银 称 银 行 业 否 定 中 国 央 行 将 核 查 各 银 行 的 通 知

    *  中 国 证 券 报 报 道 了 铁 路 融 资 计 划

    *  中 国 证 券 报 称 中 国 在 9月 可 能 提 交 铁 路 投 资 基 金 计 划

    *  中 国 证 券 报 称 中 国 铁 路 融 资 改 革 或 将 在 年 底 出 炉

    以 下 三 段 内 容 摘 自 彭 博 网 :

    *  瑞 银 在 给 客 户 的 邮 件 中 称 , 有 一 种 臆 测 是 , 中 国 央 行 已 向 银 行 业 下 发 了 内 部 通 知 , 严 格 禁 止 银 行 业 向 那 些 吸 引 了 过 度 资 本 的 行 业 提 供 新 贷 款 , 并 且 不 允 许 这 些 行 业 的 公 司 通 过 发 行 短 期 债 券 、 可 转 换 债 券 或 企 业 债 券 来 集 资 。

    *  瑞 银 称 这 些 传 闻 来 自 新 浪 微 博 (Sina  Weibo)、 腾 讯 微 信 (Wechat)及 中 国 水 泥 行 业 大 型 网 站 数 字 水 泥 网 (Digital  Cement)。

    *  瑞 银 称 一 些 银 行 及 水 泥 公 司 已 否 认 他 们 接 到 这 类 通 知 。

    以 下 两 段 内 容 摘 自 中 国 日 报 :

    *  熟 悉 政 府 的 消 息 人 士 称 , 中 央 政 府 正 打 算 将 铁 路 投 资 作 为 提 振 中 国 经 济 增 长 的 途 径 , 并 趁 机 解 决 钢 铁 和 水 泥 行 业 资 本 过 剩 的 问 题 。

    *  国 务 院 可 能 正 在 评 估 一 个 计 划 : 通 过 总 规 模 为 2600亿 元 人 民 币 、 为 铁 路 行 业 专 设 的 铁 路 投 资 基 金 , 横 跨 渤 海 海 峡 (Bohai  Strait)创 建 全 世 界 最 长 的 隧 道 。

    当 然 , 这 将 是 件 不 错 的 事 情 , 因 为 民 众 有 能 力 承 担 旅 行 费 而 火 车 将 在 城 市 化 的 梦 想 中 无 处 不 在 。

news from sina


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23-Jul-2013 15:39 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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This ship move slow and up and up.

fund manager are buying may be closing @ $0.93 for Today.

To reach $1 is some time next weeks
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23-Jul-2013 14:49 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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same news been post on china news web site last week I have post .

today Reuters then post AT they web site Date : 2013-7-23 9:45:11

New Ship Orders, China Demand Threaten Dry Cargo Recovery,

so for china  stock checks the china news then you will know to buy or to sell .

currently some fund manager is buying in .
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23-Jul-2013 12:49 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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This contracts from COSCO Shipping (Hong Kong)

cosco Nantong  wins this 4   ship shipbuilding  of $ 135 million (equivalent to 829 million yuan), the construction of four 36,000 tons of the wheel.  will be Announce in today after 5 pm

hope tomorrow cosco will move up  $0.80


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23-Jul-2013 12:04 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Shipping intended to vote in 800 million made four wheel

2013-7-23 8:11:39


Daily Economic News






Nowadays Chinese shipping industry was devastated, and even the industry leader * ST ocean began the difficult turnaround self-help. But just when everyone " Wujin purse winter" when the COSCO Shipping has dished out generous shipbuilding program - the company plans to invest $ 135 million (equivalent to 829 million yuan), the construction of four 36,000 tons of the wheel. 


Every time there was correspondent Liying Quan nowadays Chinese shipping industry was devastated, and even the industry leader * ST Ocean (601,919, closing price 2.81 yuan) also began the difficult turnaround self-help. But just when everyone " Wujin purse winter" when the COSCO Shipping (600428, closing price of 2.83 yuan) has thrown a generous shipbuilding program - the company plans to invest $ 135 million (equivalent to 829 million yuan), the construction of four ship 36,000 tons of the ship. A total investment of $ 135 million / COSCO Shipping Notice shows the ship, seize the current shipbuilding market fell sharply favorable opportunity to continue to promote the fleet restructuring, the company was in May 2013 and reached NACKS built 36,000 dwt multi- Use the ship's intentions. Is worth noting that the controlling shareholder of COSCO Shipping, COSCO Nantong COSCO Group holds a 50% stake in Kawasaki, so the transaction constitutes a connected transaction. Accordance with the contract, the price of each vessel is $ 33,660,000, a total of $ 135 million four ships. Each ship shipbuilding money sharing five paid: signing the contract 10%, respectively, the ship started 10%, 10% of embarkation station, ship launching 10% and 60% of delivery of vessels. Ship delivery times were as follows: 2015 pay 2, 2016 to pay 2. Company believes NACKS technical content, production efficiency, energy consumption etc.


ahead of the industry, as linear optimization, with efficient rudder, propeller energy saving effect, so that the same service speed will have to reduce fuel consumption, help reduce fuel costs. NACKS production and management advantages, will effectively contribute to improve the quality of ships, help companies to improve ship operations rate, lower maintenance costs and operating costs, ensure timely delivery of the ship. Meanwhile, the company said that the main body of this investment for the company's wholly-owned subsidiary of COSCO Shipping (Hong Kong). Compared with the company headquarters,


COSCO Shipping (Hong Kong) in ship financing and operating convenience and other areas have a distinct advantage. On the other hand, based on current policies to COSCO Shipping (Hong Kong) as the main overseas investment, the construction of ships flying foreign flags, the shipyard will be able to get the export tax, shipping price is relatively low. Sentiment dips shipbuilding / under COSCO shipping development plan, from 2009 to 2012, the company invested in the construction of 34 vessels, while 39 dealt with retired old ships. By the end of 2012, the company's average age of vessels 12.9 years, compared with the end of 2009, down 38.6% 21.01 ship DWT 1,558,900 tons, compared with the end of 2009 1,184,400 dwt rose 31.62 percent. The company believes that with the new vessels have been put into operation, the company's fleet optimization obvious. Invested heavily in time for the purpose of building boats, the company pointed out that on the one hand that the international maritime transport market for specialty groceries growing demand for energy and equipment to grasp the current market demand for rapid growth the other hand, companies that ship prices already at historically low levels, is expected to further decline in shipbuilding prices little space, the company seize the current opportunity for shipbuilding market lows counter-cyclical operation is conducive to the development of low-cost fleet goals. According to company estimates, the average annual total of four ships are expected to achieve net profit of about 31.96 million yuan, static investment payback period of 10.74 years.

However, according to COSCO Shipping disclosed a quarterly show, the company from January to March this year, a loss of 45.0731 million yuan. In addition, the company also expects January to June results continued losses. As of March 31, 2013, the company still has a book on the monetary funds 2.501 billion yuan, but in comparison, the company's total liabilities of up to 10.993 billion yuan. Among them, including short-term borrowings, accounts payable, payroll, including the current liabilities have 5.509 billion yuan. In the industry experienced winter, their funding is not sufficient in the case, still choose to throw COSCO Shipping heavily in new $ 135 million ship. In this regard, a person familiar with the shipping industry, told reporters that although the symbol of global dry bulk freight market the main indicators of the recent rapid rise in the BDI and break 1000 points, but for domestic shipping companies concerned, the situation of excess capacity has not started been fundamentally changed. Companies then select " buy the dips" boat price behavior is still to be decided.


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