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05-Jun-2009 11:12 Others   /   Temasek sells Barclays stake at 1 bln dlr loss       Go to Message
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I heard friends said about this . Perhaps, these P might be a scholar (col so and so) before and upon reaching 45 yrs of age, they were transfered to MOE?? and perhaps,took up some 1 or 2 years course to be trained in educatoinal field? 

Re: Temasek CIO and its team

Search from internet, is intersting to know who is who.

matthewsoh      ( Date: 04-Jun-2009 18:56) Posted:

Sorry which schools are you referring to ? I dont think P in school were from SAF , only the Operation manager in school were Ex officer like warrant officer or SCDF type. I know because , I was an ex;teacher and running tuition business. never heard of P from SAF cos MOE got enough scholars to fill the gaps.  hehe . i was the runaway scholar if not i maybe a P when i am very old haha.

Tonite - DJ cheong cheong .....UP


niuyear      ( Date: 04-Jun-2009 17:56) Posted:

Who is the CIO in temasek?  This person got to be someone with high calibra with good experience of exposure to international investments and its environment. Is temasek in good hand??

Side track abit -

I have noticed some school principals are actually transfered from Military force upon their retirement. I am wondering, the scope of jobs are so different and how are they linked?   Or is it because the goverenment dont know where to put these people and they end up become principal in a school??

I hope Temasek is not taking someone though in high calibra, but without any good exposure to investments to just 'fill up that post'.

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05-Jun-2009 10:56 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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J Roger is here in singapore and hope  he doesnt create 'havoc' here like what our good friend G Soros did - breaking the bank of england and thailand.  Smart to have chosen this 'bad time' to come her to buy cheap cheap property and the cheap price of property was the creation of so call 'US subprime crisis' that  forcing people here losing jobs, selling their houses (HDB or private property ) at cheap price.    Just hope they dont 'havoc' any more crisis especially India and China, the up and coming countries to support this whole shit of sub-prime crisis.

matthewsoh      ( Date: 05-Jun-2009 10:34) Posted:

Thanks Richtan , find peace in reading this. Jim roger is very smart so he knows what he wants so I really dont like people to listen to him wholeheartedly.

richtan      ( Date: 05-Jun-2009 10:16) Posted:

Matthew, there are some forumers here who are emotional & paraniods n yet want to trade, wat to do, when u see such postings, either just ignore their senseless postngs or if really cannot tahen, then have to censor them lor  & Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley

These are the people bound to lost money as they lack mental calmness & discipline & to take a look at the charts to see whether it is "mkt crash" or just a normal correction just as another forumer screaming hysterically "tumbling...tumbling...tumbling..." in another thread when the counter just drop merely 0.005 cts, yet contrarily, when it rises the next day by 0.01 cts, his hand froze, mouth was either gagged or dumbfounded & too shocked, thinking tat alemak, "flying... flying...flying shoes..."

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04-Jun-2009 17:56 Others   /   Temasek sells Barclays stake at 1 bln dlr loss       Go to Message
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Who is the CIO in temasek?  This person got to be someone with high calibra with good experience of exposure to international investments and its environment. Is temasek in good hand??

Side track abit -

I have noticed some school principals are actually transfered from Military force upon their retirement. I am wondering, the scope of jobs are so different and how are they linked?   Or is it because the goverenment dont know where to put these people and they end up become principal in a school??

I hope Temasek is not taking someone though in high calibra, but without any good exposure to investments to just 'fill up that post'.
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04-Jun-2009 17:25 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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It may be due to tonight, the Europe central bank will decide if there is  interest rate cut and people already reacting in advance to this thinking of postive rate-cut?

aleoleo      ( Date: 04-Jun-2009 17:12) Posted:

wonder why europe and DJ future in Green ???? maybe Europe side is having discussion on rate cut issue again .... everybody happy so all in green at the moment ......

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04-Jun-2009 17:18 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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This is high beta stock and short sellers like it because of its big movement of price and they are super quick to act (to short) when the price gone up substantially.  Sometimes, one blink only, the price drop like waterfall.  LOL

Hope the bull run for this one will come thru, though, i have sold mine cos my target reached and for those who is stil holding on, positive and patient are a 'key' words since the company is fundamentally sound!

pilotfish      ( Date: 04-Jun-2009 17:00) Posted:

My finding: Semb marine was in a bull run (not bear market rally) and there are some more upwards moves. Semb marine is a strong blue chip component. Just be patient.

Just my view. (Not an inducement to trade).

aleoleo      ( Date: 03-Jun-2009 16:53) Posted:

dunno why .... keep selling down ... maybe temasek is unloading now .....

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04-Jun-2009 17:04 Others   /   POEMS can't trade now       Go to Message
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Thank you folks for your reply.  Cheers!  Great day and good luck!
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04-Jun-2009 10:00 Neptune Orient L Rg   /   NOL Rights issue 3 for 4 @S$1.30       Go to Message
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It would be good if all the shipping line use cleaner fuel to lessen the emission of CO2 into the sea. The so call zero-carbon shipping should be enforced eventhough it is expensive to buy and to maintain, but, environmentally,it would do go for the marine creatures.  How many of these shipping companies are looking into this besides concentrating in making profits?
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04-Jun-2009 09:02 Others   /   Swine Flu - Is history repeating itself?       Go to Message
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Despite the swinflue, still got singaporeans go to Europe countries for tour.  When these people get back, for goodness sake, hope they stay home until they are clear.

2 weeks ago, that Filipina lady (she came back frm US) never stayed home but, took MRT to her office immediately when she came back. What a selfish act!
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04-Jun-2009 08:46 Others   /   CitiGroup Inc ( C)       Go to Message
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Quite sometime ago, Saw from yahoo(finance) while doing search of citigroup and their one-year target $3 plus. Not sure if this still valid. 

Anyway, United States will still be the prey, and will not fall vicitm of predator. The US government will have to ensure this and once the Americans  go back to their spending pattern,  the economy will pick up again.  If they are just like chinese people 'spend less, save and save',  we will be doomed. Like it or not, US is still showing dominance in the world economy.   

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04-Jun-2009 08:29 Others   /   POEMS can't trade now       Go to Message
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Hi LauLan

Saw your post you are using citibank.  Is citibank's US trade 'streamlined' ?  Brokerage expensive?  Tks.


Hi All - What criteria will you consider when choosing a brokerage company? Tks in advance your view!

When choosing  brokerage, do you guys consider its 'reliability' in terms of company's background and stability over its trouble free trading on-line platform?   

Laulan      ( Date: 03-Jun-2009 11:31) Posted:

Having at least 4 brokerages is the best. Reason: you can have higher trading limits and then in wrong decisions can hedge, eg. buy at one broker but wah market coming down, quickly sell via another (technical short) or quickly buy average through another as new position.  Then can sell when market picks up a bit, but retaining the first buy till you profit.

Once you feel brokerage plays you out, just don't continue anymore because bad experience can repeat and repeat through the same mistake, same error etc.and you will be the one to lose heavy not the brokers.

I now use the DBS< OCBC< UOB and Citibank.  I was also with SAXO but considered left because I withdraw my deposits.  Once you have no margins left, your screen goes blank here and cannot logon anymore, so considered as left but can reapply to join.

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03-Jun-2009 15:48 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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dont lookgood, sold off.   TP 0.80 cents far beyond reach.  Cash is king now.
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03-Jun-2009 15:12 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Huh? terrible shock?  What kind of shock?  I just bought this counter leh!  Tks!

tchoonw      ( Date: 03-Jun-2009 13:52) Posted:

might not be a pleasant surprise but a terrible shock...

RiseNFall      ( Date: 03-Jun-2009 13:16) Posted:

lol. You will be surprise when it open. Just be patience something will be announced soon. 

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03-Jun-2009 12:56 User Research/Opinions   /   STI laggers       Go to Message
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yeah, your advice is brilliant - one must always listen to our LKY and PM's speach - economy is not out of wood yet, though, sometimes, they reassure that our IR gives job opportunities, but, not to forget, how long will this take to break-even the earnings?  Look at shouzhou(china), we only see profits after so many donkey years. (it was in straits times 2 weeks ago)

In US, there is weekly(every Thursday) report on jobless claim -

Jobless Claims
New unemployment claims are compiled weekly to show the number of individuals who filed for unemployment insurance for the first time. An increasing (decreasing) trend suggests a deteriorating (improving) labor market. The four-week moving average of new claims smoothes out weekly volatility.

Why Investors Care - (from bloomberg.com)

Jobless claims are an easy way to gauge the strength of the job market. The fewer people filing for unemployment benefits, the more have jobs, and that tells investors a great deal about the economy. Nearly every job comes with an income that gives a household spending power. Spending greases the wheels of the economy and keeps it growing, so a stronger job market generates a healthier economy.

There's a downside to it, though. Unemployment claims, and therefore the number of job seekers, can fall to such a low level that businesses have a tough time finding new workers. They might have to pay overtime wages to current staff, use higher wages to lure people from other jobs, and in general spend more on labor costs because of a shortage of workers. This leads to wage inflation, which is bad news for the stock and bond markets. Federal Reserve officials are always on the look out for inflationary pressures.

By tracking the number of jobless claims, investors can gain a sense of how tight, or how loose, the job market is. If wage inflation threatens, it's a good bet that interest rates will rise, bond and stock prices will fall, and the only investors in a good mood will be the ones who tracked jobless claims and adjusted their portfolios to anticipate these events.

Just remember, the lower the number of unemployment claims, the stronger the job market, and vice versa.


Weekly, data for previous week are revised to reflect more complete information.

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 03-Jun-2009 12:33) Posted:

look at it this way....GM going bankruptcy...from a coporate point of view, its healthy as it is trimming off unwanted fats...but in reality, how many ppl will lose their jobs...ad this is not the only bankruptcy....look at chrysler....imagine how many ppl gona lose job=no $ pay house, no $ buy things...means thier CPI over the next few qtrs surely will be bad...u can imagine how the economy gona be in reality....u think this uptrend will continue?

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03-Jun-2009 12:37 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Re : Jobless claim -

This is reported on every Thursday

Why investor cares - 

By tracking the number of jobless claims, investors can gain a sense of how tight, or how loose, the job market is. If wage inflation threatens, it's a good bet that interest rates will rise, bond and stock prices will fall, and the only investors in a good mood will be the ones who tracked jobless claims and adjusted their portfolios to anticipate these events.
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03-Jun-2009 12:20 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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US trade -

From bloombeg.com, there is this talk about 'plunge protection team' who would buy at the end of the day just to keep the market stabalise for this moment until the US finanacial reports are materialised.  But, some said there is no such group in existence and the buying back at the end of the intra-day is just short sellers covering back their trade. 

I am wondering tonight's Ben Bernanke testifying before House Budget Committee (on challenges facing us economy)  has any impact on stock market performance.  The bi-weekly banks reserve settlement also is tonight. 

Anyone has any observation on the US economy calendar and events that are likely to affect that day's stock movement?  Tks


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03-Jun-2009 11:53 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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My own opinion,at this juncture, keeping cash is king   Market looks like pulling back more and more?
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03-Jun-2009 11:49 Others   /   POEMS can't trade now       Go to Message
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Perhaps, can also consider writing to Straits times Forum page If the brokerage firm doesnt entertain or take serious view on the losses by any client? But, i would think they want evidence before publishing the complaints.

During Sars period, i wanted to suggest something and i called them to find out how to do so.  They just asked me to fax my concern to them.  But, my suggestion was not being published.

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03-Jun-2009 10:05 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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HI Cheongwee,

I like the 1st para of your post because, some of those i know (who used to own US stocks), fell victim to the '1st para'.  They thought they could keep those techno stocks(think bought in 1980s)  for 15 or 20 years not knowing the techno bubble's effect in 1990s.   The stocks plunged from US$90 (estimate) to below $5.  Ironically, they owned shares, but, never opened any trading stock a/c.   Now, their stocks are like rotting away and most of them, still haven't opened any trading a/c to sell off those 'rotten stock's'.
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02-Jun-2009 16:57 Others   /   indo       Go to Message
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Why try this? unless oil is promising uptrend?
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02-Jun-2009 15:28 Others   /   CitiGroup Inc ( C)       Go to Message
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Looks like you are the believer of baseball. Cheers.  The dream of those New York yankees betting that their 1.5 millions stadium will be paid off, is not too far to achieve for,  many people are sharing same type of dream as those yankees..... A bright sun shiny day is in the making... :)

soulcries      ( Date: 02-Jun-2009 10:51) Posted:

US stocks still worth to invest? Those american when in the bull market then loans to alot of people and company.it is because of their greeds. but now,they have setback and they began think what is wrong in their manaement and their investment. Citi have about 200 million customer in this global world.If they can put effort in managements,guess this may rise one day.

niuyear      ( Date: 02-Jun-2009 10:40) Posted:

US stocks still worth to invest?  American people always think that 'things are  better tomorrow, a bright sun shiny day' whereas chinese people always think that there is earthquake tomorrow. Our Temasek worries that there is earthquake tomorrow, so, they pulled out the investment from US banks.

Can Google climb back as high as US$600 bucks?

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