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22-Jun-2009 14:34 Others   /   snake       Go to Message
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This counter going to be hit by snake and laddar game? Though i dont know what game is it but i do know it is a children's fabourite board game which is originated in INDIA and played widely thereSmiley........  hehe........

Below is just for entertainment only --

Snakes and Ladders originated in India as a game based on morality called Vaikuntapaali or Paramapada Sopanam (the ladder to salvation).[3] This game made its way to England, and was eventually introduced in the United States of America by game pioneer Milton Bradley in 1943.[3]

The game was played widely in ancient India by the name of Moksha Patamu, the earliest known Jain version Gyanbazi dating back to 16th century. The game was called "Leela" - and reflected the Hinduism consciousness around everyday life. Impressed by the ideals behind the game, a newer version was introduced in Victorian England in 1892, possibly by John Jacques of Jacques of London.

Moksha Patamu was perhaps invented by Hindu spiritual teachers to teach children about the effects of good deeds as opposed to bad deeds. The ladders represented virtues such as generosity, faith, humility, etc., and the snakes represented vices such as lust, anger, murder, theft, etc. The moral of the game was that a person can attain salvation (Moksha) through performing good deeds whereas by doing evil one takes rebirth in lower forms of life (Patamu). The number of ladders was less than the number of snakes as a reminder that treading the path of good is very difficult compared to committing sins. Presumably the number "100" represented Moksha (Salvation).

dealer0168      ( Date: 21-Jun-2009 21:35) Posted:

An analyst review to share:

Yanlord: Buy (UOB Kay Hian, 16 June)
Yanlord continues to be one of our top choices in the sector as: a) 60% of its NAV is exposed to Shanghai and the neighbouring cities where property prices going forward will benefit from the development of Shanghai into a major global financial hub, b) its landbank is situated in urban locations where demand is more assured and prices firmer, c) it boasts one of the best corporate governance track records among mainland developers, and d) there is further upside potential on its NAV if the Yanlord brand continues to command premium prices on the new projects and as it ventures into new cities. Following an amazing April, Yanlord generated another Rmb1.4b (52% from Shanghai Yanlord Riverside City and 25% from Yanlord Peninsula in Suzhou) contract sales in May. Some 72% of the total Rmb5.3b generated up to May this year came from Shanghai Yanlord Riverside City. As a result, almost 85% of the 0.2m sqm completed but unsold inventories brought forward from 2008 have been sold. The bulk of the remaining unsold space relates to the 30,000 sqm at Nanjing Yanlord International Apartments. As inventories have already come down sharply, there is no rush to sell any units now. The rate of sales has exceeded expectations. Contract sales in the first five months this year are already 13% above that generated in the whole of 2008, and account for some 58% of the Rmb9b that could be generated this year assuming all units that are available for sale are sold. As Yanlord's contract sales in May have again beat expectations, this has given us confidence that Yanlord’s brand carries a solid premium. As a result, we are now using more upbeat average selling price (ASP) assumptions in our model, raising our 2009 net profit forecast by 9% to S$265m, representing a 60% yoy growth, followed by a 20% upgrade for 2010. We have also replaced our original assumption of a 10% increase in property prices in 2009 by a more upbeat 20% to take into account Yanlord’s premium brand, thereby raising our NAV from S$2.61 to S$2.88/share. Our target price has been raised from $2.87 to $3.17.

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22-Jun-2009 14:13 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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Is it now time to buy this SMRT?  Tks .  1st time looking at this counter and it is defensive enough to make profit.  But, it is always stay at this price and when it is going to move to TP?
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19-Jun-2009 14:39 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If today support level maintain, can we see more positive next week?  Property sector more cautious of the rising interest rates whereas the oil sensitive counters are cautious of tussle of oil surging up or down.  There is saying that huge fund is ready to buy into oil to hedge against the falling dollars and inflation but on the other hand, from business week -  Opec leader like Saudi Oil minister  have been effective convincing the market that oil shld be $75 to $85 per barrel.  They argue that it's the right level to give the oil industry an incentive to invest in projects while not strangling a potential economic recovery. But, some Opec's senior officers believe price closer to $50 is more realistic to look at for this year.

Despite the differences, the money managers look set to invest in the oil.....

If oil shoot up, will gold follow suit?
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18-Jun-2009 17:34 Others   /   Congrats to anyone who enter market today :)       Go to Message
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I prefer to read 2 types of market fortune tellers reports.    1st, i wil read the mkt fortune teller's report on  US DOW index support / resistance level and the economic calendar (e.g what type of report is reporting on which day etc)   .   Then, i will read our own local mkt fortune tellers' analysis buy/sell call.  But, still, I cant read BB's report cos there is none. 

So, tomorrow, DOW is up or down?   LOL..  Tonight, got unemployment figure to report and next week got the 2 days meeting that will affect the interest rates etc, so, i am still side line..............I hope the banks loan interest rates dont go too far up or how one expects the economy to recover with such high interest rates?  who would want to commit to buying property with raised interest rate.?

richtan      ( Date: 17-Jun-2009 17:43) Posted:

Hahaha... for tat,  u have to ask MFT or "crystal-ball gazer" SmileySmileySmileySmiley

But careful hor, take those predictions not just with "pinch of salt" but with "tons of salt" hor.

If their predictions is 100% always right, they will be richer than Saudi prince, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oei Hong Leong, Temasek, GIC, even they also can incur losses in the mkts n they will be "head-hunted" by them n paid "top-dollars" man.

I hope these MFT dun post early in the morning just b4 mkt opens, otherwise, I too can be "Fake MFT" as I too can post predictions (hehehe.... based on DOW Futures closing... hahahah)

cathylmg      ( Date: 17-Jun-2009 17:31) Posted:

Tomorrow market up or down?

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18-Jun-2009 17:09 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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How come at 5.00pm,  I notice there is this buy queue price extremely low like 2.50 or 2.40 and sell queue extrmely high?  How could one possibly queue at 'more than 10 bits'? Not only this counter, but some of the counters do have this queue pattern .  What is this supposed to mean?  Can share here?  Tks
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18-Jun-2009 12:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Investors are waiting to hear (next week) Feb's stance on rates move and bond buying which affect interest rate.  Low volume of trading probably due to this reason. US is reporting its unemployment figue.   STI trending down to 2150 looks quite possible? but when?
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17-Jun-2009 15:04 Others   /   Enquires       Go to Message
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penalty is it same as short sell?
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12-Jun-2009 12:13 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Hi Cheongwee

You able to give your view on : The movement of gold is it tide in with the surge of oil?  If oil drops, will gold drop too?  Tks
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12-Jun-2009 11:51 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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Actually when i read again, it said between $72 - $76 is a 'corrective mode' and there will be a sell down. So has it started ??  o ris it in consolidation mode as some predicted ?   Scary!!   Though people say the stock mkt is in consolidation mode and one chooses he/her own trade and own confidence to trust his/her money with the stock mkt, win or lose , nobody can say anything. 
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12-Jun-2009 11:42 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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I saw bloomberg news that when crude oil hit $76.00, it will drop 30% next few months!! I posted this in IndoAgri.   If this is the case, will sembmarine be affected since it is a oil-sensitive stock??  So once this stock surge with oil and when oil hits $76.00, does it mean one is to sell cos the whole stock market is 'news' driven and besides reading the TA charts, news (especially US) also an imprtant factor to consider?  
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12-Jun-2009 11:36 Indofood Agri   /   IndoAgri       Go to Message
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Wow, the following bloomberg news said that when Crude oil hit $76.00, it will drop 30% next few months !! This means have to becareful with those stocks that are oil-sensitive! - I copy/paste the news- June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil is set to drop more than 30 percent in the next three to five months, New York-based broker Bay Crest Partners LLC said, using Elliot Wave analysis. Crude’s 61 percent rally this year is a “corrective, counter-trend” movement that will dissipate before prices exceed $76 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, Bay Crest said. Oil will slump to between $48 and $50 a barrel, and then potentially drop further to $25, the broker said. “This whole rally which people are taking as the start of a new bull run is just a corrective move that will fail between $72 and $76,” Bay Crest’s director of technical research Christian Bendixen said in an interview from New York. “We’re very confident we’ll sell off to at least $48 to $50.” Bay Crest predicted on March 24 that crude would rise to a “$72 to $76 resistance area.” The $76 a barrel threshold is equal to 38.2 percent of the drop from $147.27 to oil’s four- year low of $32.40 on Dec. 19. The importance of the 38.2 percent level is based on the ratio, known as the golden mean, between numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. In Elliot Wave theory, prices follow either impulsive moves that describe an underlying trend, or corrective moves that work against it. Oil’s plunge from its record high of $147.27 a barrel last July to $32.40 in December was an impulsive move, and the subsequent recovery has been corrective, Bay Crest said. Oil futures for July delivery rose to a seven-month high of $72.30 barrel in New York trading today. Once the corrective phase ends at $76, the impulsive move will resume and take prices towards $50 to $48, a “confluence of support” that includes a major low in 2007, Bendixen said. ‘Three Waves’ “Major corrections happen in three waves,” Bay Crest’s Bendixen added. “A sell-off to $48 opens the door to $25 by the end of this year or March 2010.” Oil is unlikely to fall below $25 a barrel as “there’s a massive area of long-term support at that level, which prevailed in the 1990s,” Bendixen said. Crude will begin a “new cyclical uptrend” once the move towards $25 has been completed, he said. The wave theory was developed in the 1930s by accountant Ralph Nelson Elliott and used by former Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst Robert Prechter in his recommendation to sell equities before the October 1987 crash. Elliot’s theories held that markets swings, or waves, follow a predictable structure. The pattern is determined by the collective psychology of the people buying and selling. To contact the reporter on this story: Grant Smith in London at gsmith52@bloomberg.net Last Updated: June 11, 2009 07:53 EDT
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11-Jun-2009 15:25 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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If you really need to find out now, you may call them, but, speak mandarin so that your chance to speak to them on the line is higher. Most of the time, can only leave message , but, they always make sure they call at the end of the day, around evening time.   Very efficient and trusted company. Never failed to call back.  :)

Yukitai      ( Date: 11-Jun-2009 11:23) Posted:

Today morning i checked my CDP ACC, My Kepland Rights 1800 missing just shown me ordinary share 2000, why ?

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11-Jun-2009 15:08 Others   /   CPF Investment Bank is an Investment Barrier Bank       Go to Message
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Hi,  I am shock when i received my cpf statement that i must pay some 'service fee' when i bought and sold a stock?  I already paid brokerage fee and why we must pay extra  to CPF?
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11-Jun-2009 12:40 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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wow! people always want to short this counter. They deserve it or what?  LOL.   It boils down to people's confidence and the air (blow which direction)    of that trading day.

newtothis      ( Date: 11-Jun-2009 12:24) Posted:

shorted 1000+ lots at 0.69 today

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11-Jun-2009 11:36 Others   /   Suck POEMS ACCOUNT and Service       Go to Message
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Sony Vaio VGN-TT17GN was priced $4,499 months ago. May be can get cheaper price at the tech fair.  :)

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11-Jun-2009 11:12 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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Sorry, spelt one word wrongly, 'truly' and not 'truely'.  School time, Always make this mistake until the teacher kept on making me correct many times yet, still spelt it wrongly.  LOL
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11-Jun-2009 11:09 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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Hi pilotfish,

Very nice of you to post the chart of this stock and truely appreciate your time taken to reply.  I hve been sideline 2 weeks ago (except bought one counter Genting Int. and later sold off within intra day at 1 bit loss when sensed stock is going to be hit down on that day.) 

For those still holding this stock, be assured this is a good stock though, it is high beta.  This chart will be a marvellous one to look forward to.  For me, if this retreat a little, it acts as a good chance to enter later on or if not, i switch to defensive stock if i must buy something now at this moment.  :)


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11-Jun-2009 10:41 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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In short, Yesterday's drop of DOW was due to people worry that the 'rising interest rate'  could put a damper on consurmer and business spending.  The banks' lending rate might rise and people worry this will slow down the recovery of economic.  Housing index also fell 1.5%.

I might want to hold on to buy banks or property stocks because these 2 are interest-rate sensitive stocks.  

P/s - above just my own opinion. :)  I dont have so much money to buy bank stock anyway! LOL
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10-Jun-2009 16:24 CapitaCom Trust   /   CapitComm RIGHT Discussion Corner       Go to Message
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Dont find anything regarding rights issue or stock related stuff?  Do you earn commission when one clicks?  LOL  Quite a number of google search links set up by people on line and they earn money when people click. 

Joshing05      ( Date: 10-Jun-2009 16:11) Posted:

Hi, I saw this http://mybestbuyshop.blogspot.com/search/label/Free%20Stephen%20Pierce%20Book on the web and was wondering if it really works. Any comments? 

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10-Jun-2009 11:27 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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hope is not 'buy' and 'dump' later!
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