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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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25-Jun-2009 11:55 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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It is movimg. :) After that, sell into strength for this is 'window dressing'?
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25-Jun-2009 10:00 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Though Fed is likely to keep rate low, but, this doesnt help with our local bank interest rate for home loan.  My friend was talking to his bank officer 2 months back  about home loan interest rate and was told  interest rate will be raised in coming months.

I suppose banks are more cautious now so they have to set interest rate in anticipation of  inflation and default risk especially so at this present market that anyone could just lose the job or businesses go bust.
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25-Jun-2009 09:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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There are still some news that ppl watching over :

State shutdowns loom as deadlines near

At least 19 states still have to approve their fiscal 2010 budgets before next Tuesday. If they don't, staffers might not be paid and services might shut down.

Service Employees International Union workers protest budget cuts in California.
Where does your state rank?
Americans everywhere are feeling the recession's pain – some more than others.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- One week and counting. An unprecedented number of states have only days left to pass their fiscal 2010 budgets.

At least 19 states are still hammering out their spending plans as the recession wreaks havoc with their finances and sparks fights between governors and lawmakers. If spending plans aren't approved, state workers may not receive their paychecks and some government offices may shut down.

"A lot of states are coming down to the wire," said Todd Haggerty, research analyst for the National Conference of State Legislatures. "More than what's typical. The unprecedented economic situation is creating a lot of difficulty this year."

Some 46 states end their fiscal years on June 30 and all but one require balanced budgets be adopted.

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24-Jun-2009 17:56 Trading Techniques   /   Trading on US markets       Go to Message
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I like the last sentence - basically, its nothing 'right' with this bank, its got the wrong CEO..........  LOL


$3 Citigroup Still Needs to Be Broken Up

Posted Jun 23, 2009 04:00pm EDT by Joe Weisenthal

From The Business Insider, June 23, 2009:  

It's amazing. For all the support the government has provided Citigroup, its shares still languish at $3.

On the bright side, that's about 3x its levels back in March. But it's still off about 85% from its year highs, which itself is well off the stock's all-time highs.

The bottom line is that investors don't think there's any future here. And yet the bank is still a huge source of systemic risk, and the government would again be required to bail it out if it got itself into trouble (or if the company burns through the current bailout).

Unfortunately, CEO Viram Pandit is not interested in slimming down. He's talking about growing internationally, beating more on emerging markets. Lovely. Oh, and he can look across the pond, where the CEO of almost-fully-nationalized RBS just got a 9.6 million GBP bonus. Yeah, nationalized banks can give huge bonuses too.

Basically, there's nothing right with this bank. It's got the wrong CEO, the wrong strategy, and it's got no appeal to investors, while still carrying monster risk for us the taxpayer. It's time to end this one.
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24-Jun-2009 17:48 Trading Techniques   /   1 lot game       Go to Message
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I think it is a syndicate's plot where they want a counter to stay at certain price?  It probably has  an auto-generating buy/sell  pre-set price ability when that counter hits its alert price?      LOL - just my own imagination.
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24-Jun-2009 17:16 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Spelling mistake - shold be Fed (Federal) and not Feb.

Hope tonight the Federal response positively cos Fed is the one determine interest rate policy (every 6-weekly)  and it is  the single most influential event for the markets. . If the outcome is different from expectations, the impact on the markets can be dramatic and far-reaching.

niuyear      ( Date: 24-Jun-2009 16:35) Posted:

Though the so call TP is $1.90 (i ever seen its TP by MFT $1.50!!) , but, if for long term, the present price should be considered as attractive and if dont get now, what if window dressing rally , one might miss the chance to ride up with the rally.  Its hard sometime to ponder between buy or dont buy.

niuyear      ( Date: 24-Jun-2009 16:30) Posted:

Feb reserve officials will seek today to reassure investors they can keep short-term interest rates at record low .  If this is the case, can start buying kepland now since it looks quite attractive price........

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24-Jun-2009 16:35 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Though the so call TP is $1.90 (i ever seen its TP by MFT $1.50!!) , but, if for long term, the present price should be considered as attractive and if dont get now, what if window dressing rally , one might miss the chance to ride up with the rally.  Its hard sometime to ponder between buy or dont buy.

niuyear      ( Date: 24-Jun-2009 16:30) Posted:

Feb reserve officials will seek today to reassure investors they can keep short-term interest rates at record low .  If this is the case, can start buying kepland now since it looks quite attractive price........

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24-Jun-2009 16:30 Keppel Land   /   Kepland       Go to Message
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Feb reserve officials will seek today to reassure investors they can keep short-term interest rates at record low .  If this is the case, can start buying kepland now since it looks quite attractive price........
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24-Jun-2009 16:01 Others   /   Property updates       Go to Message
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Can one use the fully-paid property to serve as mortgage against a bank loan if one is unable to provide pay-slip?
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24-Jun-2009 15:57 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Whether market is in bear or bull, there is always trading opportunities to trade up or down for those very experienced traders and investors and i am sure there are rallies to be anticipated.   Cheers! 

My post below (about secular bear market) is just for information .  Smiley

keepnosecrets      ( Date: 24-Jun-2009 15:48) Posted:

The waiting game is on.  I am not very sure if this is a consolidation or is it a long straight line for the market just lilke some MFTs predicted; a square root sign.


keepnosecrets      ( Date: 24-Jun-2009 15:44) Posted:

I tend to think that the slow market is waiting to spring to life, but the time has not come yet!

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24-Jun-2009 15:47 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Stocks May Be Destined to Drop Below March’s Lows: Chart of Day
By David Wilson

June 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. and European stocks are destined to fall below March’s lows if bear-market history is any guide, according to Jim Reid, a strategist at Deutsche Bank AG.

Share prices tend to hit bottom “at extremely cheap levels” relative to earnings during so-called secular bear markets, Reid wrote five days ago in his first equity strategy report. Secular bears consist of multiple rallies and declines, with each slump producing lower valuations than the prior one.

The CHART OF THE DAY shows the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index’s price-earnings ratio since 1900, based on data compiled by Yale University’s Robert Shiller and cited in Reid’s report.

Shiller calculated the P/E ratio at 6.6 in September 1982, just before the 1980s bull market started. The gauge sank to less than six in the depths of the Great Depression and at the beginning of the 1920s. This year, it has stayed above 13.

“History tells us that at some point in the next decade there will be much more stressed valuations than today and a once-in-a-generation buying opportunity,” wrote Reid, who previously focused on credit-market strategy.

Even “a large rally” later this year and into 2010 may not be enough to prevent this scenario from unfolding, he added. The S&P 500 has climbed as much as 40 percent from its March 9 lows. Reid’s European benchmark, a local-currency version of the MSCI Europe Index, has risen as much as 33 percent
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24-Jun-2009 15:43 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The market is  in so-call  'cecular bear market'  where it consist multiple rallies and declines,with each slump producing lower value than the previous one.  The market might fall below March's low. The Deutch's bank strategist reported. 
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24-Jun-2009 15:02 Others   /   UobKayHian & KimEng       Go to Message
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you mena this 1 lotter is  from these 2 brokerage houses? What counter is this?
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23-Jun-2009 19:14 Others   /   Shares that will drop.       Go to Message
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Personally, i dont wish oil price to non-stop surging for it will spell more pain than good.Drop stocks that surge high/low with oil price cos there are many other good/safe stock available.
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23-Jun-2009 19:00 Others   /   Shares that will drop.       Go to Message
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 I think The previous oil price surge was due to investors 'betting' and facotring-in on long-term oil supply and demand, but, not the near-term physical improvement of market.   Market has not improved yet but, the oil is surging before that.  This surge is not based on fundamental but, mostly  based on people's sentiment that chase the price up. 'The fundamental of deman/supply are weak, much weaker than the 'current oil price'.   The world bank said that the prospect for the global economy remains 'unusually uncertain' as it cuts 2009 growth forecast for most economies. 

Will the oil price keep on surging and surging? If yes, it is not good for ASian!!  The  rising oil prices are not a positive sign if not driven by demand. 'Most Asian economies are not oil exporters. Singapore's economy shrank a record 11.5 per cent in the first quarter. If oil prices continue to trend high here, it is a double whammy if people are losing jobs and paying more for energy.'

But pinpointing the factors behind crude's rise - simple demand or financial market mechanics - remains a guessing game.

dealer0168      ( Date: 23-Jun-2009 13:46) Posted:

Crude oil price will definately up again. Its just a matter of time.

There are many support factors that will anytime trigger the crude oil value up again.

Meantime have to be patience. Cheers.Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 23-Jun-2009 12:52) Posted:

From the sources of bloomberg and some others  foreign news,  i would prefer enter stock market when brent crude oil hit $60.  Though, some may prefer enter $50 (some Opec official's view that $50 is a reasonsable price to price oil @ $50 for this year) 


 I will rather believe the oil to hit between $60 and may be sliding down a bit more ? (keep on following the news)........ instead of  believing  our local analysts report for the past 2 weeks -  to buy this stock and buy that stock at this present moment. Though their target could be 12 months down the road, but, hey, if one can buy at a much lower price, why not?  Reading broadly and gather info on your own before deciding to buy or not, helps in some way. Cheers!

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23-Jun-2009 17:24 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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See who is the one who kept selling for the last 14 weeks--

Insiders of Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies were net sellers for 14 straight weeks as the gauge rose 36 percent, data compiled by InsiderScore.com show. Amgen Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Sharer and five other officials sold $8.2 million of stock. Christopher Donahue, the CEO of Federated Investors Inc., and his brother, Chief Financial Officer Thomas Donahue, offered the most in three years.

Sales by CEOs, directors and senior officers have accelerated to the highest level since June 2007, two months before credit markets froze, as the S&P 500 rebounded from its 12-year low in March. The increase is making investors more skittish because executives presumably have the best information about their companies’ prospects.

“If insiders are selling into the rally, that shows they don’t expect their business to be able to support current stock- price levels,” said Joseph Keating, the chief investment officer of Raleigh, North Carolina-based RBC Bank, the unit of Royal Bank of Canada that oversees $33 billion in client assets. “They’re taking advantage of this bounce and selling into it.”
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23-Jun-2009 17:18 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Will Bernanke be appointed as Fed chairman?  Lets wait and see tonight.  Though Obama has said that Bernanke has done great job but he didnt commit of Ben's reappointment.
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23-Jun-2009 17:13 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Can I interprete that BBs are:

1) fund managers

2) Institutional players

3) brokerage house bosses and staff

4) someone rich and work in a group


keepnosecrets      ( Date: 23-Jun-2009 15:55) Posted:

Push up then sell.  Push down then buy. The "Singapore" BBs are always playing this kind of game.  It reflects poor image of our stock market environment.  The stinking though the stinging is quite bad for most investors who are always watching for volatility.  Sometimes can fall for its trap.  Careful, but who cares about them playing this way.  If you are long term on this counter, don't watch it move, just keep the shares and try to forget that you have them.  I think one fine day you can see it givingyou good returns.

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23-Jun-2009 12:52 Others   /   Shares that will drop.       Go to Message
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From the sources of bloomberg and some others  foreign news,  i would prefer enter stock market when brent crude oil hit $60.  Though, some may prefer enter $50 (some Opec official's view that $50 is a reasonsable price to price oil @ $50 for this year) 


 I will rather believe the oil to hit between $60 and may be sliding down a bit more ? (keep on following the news)........ instead of  believing  our local analysts report for the past 2 weeks -  to buy this stock and buy that stock at this present moment. Though their target could be 12 months down the road, but, hey, if one can buy at a much lower price, why not?  Reading broadly and gather info on your own before deciding to buy or not, helps in some way. Cheers!
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22-Jun-2009 15:02 Others   /   Property updates       Go to Message
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Since in this topic, we will think about bank loan.  Banks are very cautious when lending out money because of borrowers' creditibility , why not our government and banks adopt the following changes :

A)private property -

1) Upon buying  a house, the borrower could borrow 40% from 1st bank, and the other 40% from 2nd bank.  This 2nd Bank, if possible, a government-owned bank that offers a lower interest rate.  This will encourage more buying of property and its affordibility.


B) those with HDB and private property -

Upond buying hdb flats, borrower could borrow 40% from 1st bank and the remaining from HDB.


C)Those who own HDB or have not owned any property

The present rule applies - i..e borrower get loan directly from HDB 


Any comments are welcomed. Who knows you could be the genius whom government would consider your advice and adop your idea to better our people life here in singapore in this downturn?
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