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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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16-Oct-2009 09:25 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas gets many contracts awards but this fella instead get many Nobel "THICK SKIN" dishonourable "Cowhide medal" award,  skin thicker than armoured vehicle... hehehe....

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:26) Posted:


Be a man LAH (oops, maybe u are not a man, a lady) or lady of honour and integrity to gain ppl's respect

richtan      ( Date: 14-Oct-2009 12:23) Posted:


Where is your integrity, man, u mentioned u will not comment anymore on Midas n now u eat your own words n back here again to comments, see your earlier post below:

MIDAS   /   Midas   /   Posted: 09-Oct-2009 09:50      4Go to Message
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dont worry will never comment on this midas ever. bye

risktaker      ( Date: 16-Oct-2009 08:46) Posted:

thats why charts are lagging indicators :)

Bintang      ( Date: 16-Oct-2009 08:43) Posted:

Short n sharp , a very good post

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16-Oct-2009 09:23 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion, but I see no point in seeing face to face with someone u dun see eye-to-eye.

Bon3260      ( Date: 16-Oct-2009 09:16) Posted:

Hi richtan & ristaker, sori & no offence huh. Sm pple said ShareJunction's a cheapo website 2 view cos free website mah needn't 2 pay. But I myself really dun think so lor... Those outside pple'll laugh @ us if we fights against each other. But, wat do u think if we hand in hand 2gether? & make money 2gether? Wat'll outside pple c us aft dat? Find 1 day we arrange karaoke session wat u all think... Ask all our ShareJunction users along... Hehehehe... Of cos lah, go dutch lah...

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 22:23) Posted:


Midas gets many contracts awards but this fella instead get many Nobel "THICK SKIN" dishonourable "Cowhide medal" award,  hehehe....

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15-Oct-2009 22:23 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas gets many contracts awards but this fella instead get many Nobel "THICK SKIN" dishonourable "Cowhide medal" award,  hehehe....

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:26) Posted:


Be a man LAH (oops, maybe u are not a man, a lady) or lady of honour and integrity to gain ppl's respect

richtan      ( Date: 14-Oct-2009 12:23) Posted:


Where is your integrity, man, u mentioned u will not comment anymore on Midas n now u eat your own words n back here again to comments, see your earlier post below:

MIDAS   /   Midas   /   Posted: 09-Oct-2009 09:50      4Go to Message
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dont worry will never comment on this midas ever. bye

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 19:47) Posted:

then happy getting stuck again :)

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 17:43) Posted:

Different people have different opinions / versions  on the same matter. 

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15-Oct-2009 18:33 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Cup with Handle Bullish Chart Pattern


A Cup with Handle is considered to be a bullish signal.



Cups with Handles are similar in appearance to Rounded Bottoms. Like rounded bottoms, the pattern includes an elongated U-shape. However, the pattern also includes a short period of consolidation of 1-2 weeks in duration, which tends to be downtrending. The pattern is similar in appearance to a coffee cup with a right-side handle, and indicates the potential for an uptrend.

Important Characteristics

Following are important characteristic to look for in a Cup and Handle.


The cup always precedes the handle. As the cup develops, the price pattern follows a gradual bowl shape. There should be an obvious bottom to the bowl; a v-shaped turn is not a good indicator.

The depth of the cup indicates the potential for a handle and subsequent breakout to develop. The cup should be fairly shallow.

The handle tends to be down sloping, and indicates a period of consolidation. Consolidation occurs when the price seems to bounce between an upper and lower price limit. You can track the down sloping angle of the handle by drawing trendlines across the upper and lower price limits. If the price ascends outside of the trendlines, then it has the potential for breakout. If the price ascends beyond the upper, right side of the cup, then the pattern is confirmed, particularly if it is accompanied with a sharp increase in volume.


Volume tends to parallel the price pattern. Consequently, during the cup formation, as price descends, volume tends to decrease. Following a period of relative inactivity (at the bottom of the cup), the price pattern starts an upward turn and volume tends to increase.

During the handle formation, the volume decreases. However, you will notice an increase in volume when the price breaks out beyond the right side of the cup.

Duration of the Cup and Handle

Rounded Bottoms are long-term patterns. Martin J. Pring identifies that the pattern can occur over a period of about 3 weeks, but can also be observed over several years.


Trading Considerations

Duration of the Pattern

Like Rounded Bottoms, the Cup with Handle is a long-term pattern. According to O'Neil, the cup duration is between 7 to 65 weeks. According to Gregory Khun, the cup "is usually three to six months in duration but can be as long as 12 months during bear markets or as short as seven weeks during bull markets." The handle usually develops in 1-2 weeks.

Target Price

Understandably, investors like to buy at the lowest possible price. Ideally, investors would buy at the bottom of the cup formation. However, by the time the handle formation begins to develop, investors must gauge their level of risk. There is no surefire way to predict when the lowest point will occur, and there is a possibility that the pattern will fail, and breakout in a downtrend.

Some technical analysts believe that the best time to buy is after the handle begins to ascend. According to Rick Martinelli and Barry Hyman, O'Neil "recommends buying stocks only as they break out of the cup-with-handle to new highs". Khun suggests a more aggressive method of buying stocks. He suggests that "experienced traders can buy in increments in anticipation of a breakout, but it's tricky."

The handle will often slope downwards initially, however, watch for the price to breakout beyond the price at the right side of the cup. The depth of the cup from the right side is an indicator for the potential price increase. However, Bulkowski notes, "Many cups fail after rising only 10% to 15%. Be sure to use stop-loss orders to limit losses or to maximize gains".


Criteria that Supports


Volume tends to parallel the price formation. During the handle formation, watch for the price and volume to increase. An increase in volume is an indication that the pattern has potential to continue the uptrend, and ascend beyond the right side of the cup.


Criteria that Refutes


There are v-shaped patterns that yield successful returns, however, during the cup formation, watch for a rounded shape because the rounded shape provides a more reliable and predictable formation.

Down sloping handles

The handle will tend to be down sloping, however the following criteria indicate a potential failure:

  • the handle should not drop below the top half of the cup formation
  • the price should not drop below the 200 day Moving Average
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15-Oct-2009 18:19 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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So sorry, can't copy n paste directly the charts, to see click:

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15-Oct-2009 18:16 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Cup with Handle (Continuation)

The Cup with Handle is a bullish continuation pattern that marks a consolidation period followed by a breakout. It was developed by William O'Neil and introduced in his 1988 book, How to Make Money in Stocks.

As its name implies, there are two parts to the pattern: the cup and the handle. The cup forms after an advance and looks like a bowl or rounding bottom. As the cup is completed, a trading range develops on the right hand side and the handle is formed. A subsequent breakout from the handle's trading range signals a continuation of the prior advance.

Jabil Circuit, Inc (JBL) Cup with Handle example chart from StockCharts.com

  1. Trend: To qualify as a continuation pattern, a prior trend should exist. Ideally, the trend should be a few months old and not too mature. The more mature the trend, the less chance that the pattern marks a continuation or the less upside potential.
  2. Cup: The cup should be "U" shaped and resemble a bowl or rounding bottom. A "V" shaped bottom would be considered too sharp of a reversal to qualify. The softer "U" shape ensures that the cup is a consolidation pattern with valid support at the bottom of the "U". The perfect pattern would have equal highs on both sides of the cup, but this is not always the case.
  3. Cup Depth: Ideally, the depth of the cup should retrace 1/3 or less of the previous advance. However, with volatile markets and over-reactions, the retracement could range from 1/3 to 1/2. In extreme situations, the maximum retracement could be 2/3, which is conforms with Dow Theory.
  4. Handle: After the high forms on the right side of the cup, there is a pullback that forms the handle. Sometimes this handle resembles a flag or pennant that slopes downward, other times just a short pullback. The handle represents the final consolidation/pullback before the big breakout and can retrace up to 1/3 of the cup's advance, but usually not more. The smaller the retracement is, the more bullish the formation and significant the breakout. Sometimes it is prudent to wait for a break above the resistance line established by the highs of the cup.
  5. Duration: The cup can extend from 1 to 6 months, sometimes longer on weekly charts. The handle can be from 1 week to many weeks and ideally completes within 1-4 weeks.
  6. Volume: There should be a substantial increase in volume on the breakout above the handle's resistance.
  7. Target: The projected advance after breakout can be estimated by measuring the distance from the right peak of the cup to the bottom of the cup.

As with most chart patterns, it is more important to capture the essence of the pattern than the particulars. The cup is a bowl-shaped consolidation and the handle is a short pullback followed by a breakout with expanding volume. A cup retracement of 62% may not fit the pattern requirements, but a particular stock's pattern may still capture the essence of the Cup with Handle.

EMC Corp. (EMC) Cup with Handle example chart from StockCharts.com

  • Trend: EMC[EMC] established the bull trend by advancing from 10 and change to above 30 in about 5 months. The stock peaked in March and then began to pull back and consolidate its large gains.
  • Cup: The April decline was quite sharp, but the lows extended over a two month period to form the bowl that marked a consolidation period. Also note that support was found from the Feb-99 lows.
  • Cup Depth: The low of the cup retraced 42% of the previous advance. After an advance in June and July, the stock peaked at 32.69 to complete the cup (red arrow).
  • Handle: Another consolidation period began in July to start the handle formation. There was a sharp decline in August that caused the handle to retrace more than 1/3 of the cup's advance. However, there was a quick recovery and the stock traded back up within the normal handle boundaries within a week. I believe the essence of the formation remained valid after this sharp decline.
  • Duration: The cup extended for about 3 months and the handle for about 1 1/2 months.
  • Volume: In early Sept-00, the stock broke handle resistance with a gap up and volume expansion (green arrow). In addition, Chaikin Money Flow soared above +20%.
  • Target: The projected advance after breakout was estimated at 9 points from the breakout around 32. EMC easily fulfilled this target over the next few months.

yongjp      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 17:43) Posted:

Hi RichTan, What do you mean by cup? What significance does this have in terms of TA?

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:28) Posted:

Below is my long term chart analysis for sharing and exchange pointers.

My TA chart is posted to share n exchange pointers with those TA practitioner whom believes in TA.
If u are a TA detractor, plse just ignore n refrain from peeping at my chart posting n start making unconstructive comments and plse do not be so childish or lunatic as to abuse the rating system by intentionally rating it as "bad post", this is not cursing but Buddhism beliefs tat intentional bad deeds will accumulate for yourself and possibly your next generation, "bad" karma for your "bad" deeds.

If u think it is a bad post, then be constructive and kindly post your TA for sharing. This is only my view n I may be right or wrong, so dyodd and SOBAYOR.



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15-Oct-2009 17:13 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas gets many contracts awards but this fella instead get many Nobel "THICK SKIN" dishonourable award,  hehehe....

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:26) Posted:


Be a man LAH (oops, maybe u are not a man, a lady) or lady of honour and integrity to gain ppl's respect

richtan      ( Date: 14-Oct-2009 12:23) Posted:


Where is your integrity, man, u mentioned u will not comment anymore on Midas n now u eat your own words n back here again to comments, see your earlier post below:

MIDAS   /   Midas   /   Posted: 09-Oct-2009 09:50      4Go to Message
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dont worry will never comment on this midas ever. bye

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 17:11) Posted:

:) you really think so ?

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 17:04) Posted:

A good stock can bring about a good dream.  :

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15-Oct-2009 15:34 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas gets many contracts awards but this fella instead get many Nobel "THICK SKIN" dishonourable award,  hehehe....

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:26) Posted:


Be a man LAH (oops, maybe u are not a man, a lady) or lady of honour and integrity to gain ppl's respect

richtan      ( Date: 14-Oct-2009 12:23) Posted:


Where is your integrity, man, u mentioned u will not comment anymore on Midas n now u eat your own words n back here again to comments, see your earlier post below:

MIDAS   /   Midas   /   Posted: 09-Oct-2009 09:50      4Go to Message
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dont worry will never comment on this midas ever. bye

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:24) Posted:

:) dont dream much

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15-Oct-2009 15:28 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Below is my long term chart analysis for sharing and exchange pointers.

My TA chart is posted to share n exchange pointers with those TA practitioner whom believes in TA.
If u are a TA detractor, plse just ignore n refrain from peeping at my chart posting n start making unconstructive comments and plse do not be so childish or lunatic as to abuse the rating system by intentionally rating it as "bad post", this is not cursing but Buddhism beliefs tat intentional bad deeds will accumulate for yourself and possibly your next generation, "bad" karma for your "bad" deeds.

If u think it is a bad post, then be constructive and kindly post your TA for sharing. This is only my view n I may be right or wrong, so dyodd and SOBAYOR.


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15-Oct-2009 15:26 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Be a man LAH (oops, maybe u are not a man, a lady) or lady of honour and integrity to gain ppl's respect

richtan      ( Date: 14-Oct-2009 12:23) Posted:


Where is your integrity, man, u mentioned u will not comment anymore on Midas n now u eat your own words n back here again to comments, see your earlier post below:

MIDAS   /   Midas   /   Posted: 09-Oct-2009 09:50      4Go to Message
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dont worry will never comment on this midas ever. bye

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:24) Posted:

:) dont dream much

dragonboy      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 15:19) Posted:

will fly to $1.2

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15-Oct-2009 15:24 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Below is my chart analysis for sharing and exchange pointers.

My TA chart is posted to share n exchange pointers with those TA practitioner whom believes in TA.
If u are a TA detractor, plse just ignore n refrain from peeping at my chart posting n start making unconstructive comments and plse do not be so childish or lunatic as to abuse the rating system by intentionally rating it as "bad post", this is not cursing but Buddhism beliefs tat intentional bad deeds will accumulate for yourself and possibly your next generation, "bad" karma for your "bad" deeds.

If u think it is a bad post, then be constructive and kindly post your TA for sharing. This is only my view n I may be right or wrong, so dyodd and SOBAYOR.

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15-Oct-2009 15:17 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas does not just depend on trains, read extract from below:

Life after trains:

Over the longer term, management will look into other feasible, promising industries such as aviation to continue its growth.

I had been posting almost everyday the below writeup from Kim Eng:

Midas – Company update (James KOH 64321431)

Previous day closing price: $0.865

Recommendation: Buy (maintained)

Target price: $1.15 (Previously $0.985)

Still packing the theatre

We recently hosted a roadshow for Midas in the US, which was very well-received by funds.

The exciting growth prospects within the China rail infrastructure space continue to capture the
imagination, with the main discussion points being the competition within this space, the sustainability of growth for Midas and the progression on expansion.

A smaller share of the bigger pie

While Midas still holds a clear lead in terms of certification and track record,
management expects competition to intensify, with listed peers such as Shandong Nanshan (Shanghai) and Zhongwang (HK) stating their intentions to break into this market.

Going forward, they believe achieving a lower 50-60% market share of this growing pie would be a more reasonable target, which will still ensure strong growth.

Life after trains

Improving the rail infrastructure network is an important government initiative, with current directives providing clear visibility over the next 2-3 years. Even subsequent to the stimulus package, we expect this program to continue.

Over the longer term, management will look into other feasible, promising industries such as aviation to continue its growth.

Progress on the installation of 4th and 5th extrusion lines

We now expect the 4th and 5th extrusion lines to come on stream by 2Q09 and 4Q09, earlier than our earlier estimates.

Our model factors in Midas winning a 50%-60% market share of the upcoming round of orders, which is twice the size of the first round. This will already keep all its five extrusion lines busy at about 75% utilisation.

Much more tracks to run

We adjust our earnings to take into account higher effective capacity in FY10 and higher tax rates in FY11.

We now peg our target price to 20X FY10E.

We believe the Chinese rail industry is still at its early-mid cycle.

With the Ministry of Railway due to announce the 2nd round of high-speed train orders, we expect orders to flow down to Midas within 3-4 months

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:54) Posted:

Small contract .... wont affect much. Need more :)

daphnecsf      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:37) Posted:

Sweet :) Midas won RMB152million (S$30.9million) contract!

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15-Oct-2009 15:15 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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I had been posting almost everyday the below writeup from OCBC Investment Research:

Midas's firm order book of 1.4 billion yuan (S$296 million),  more anticipated contract wins in Sept - Nov 2009... will serve to under-gird valuations"

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:54) Posted:

Small contract .... wont affect much. Need more :)

daphnecsf      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:37) Posted:

Sweet :) Midas won RMB152million (S$30.9million) contract!

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15-Oct-2009 15:10 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Today's vol as at this point in time had aredi super-exceeded and more than tripled yesterday's vol n "Trade Summary" at this point in time shows extremely heavy buying-up (almost 1.5 times the selldown) , but of course, nothing is guaranteed, may change, so dyodd n BOSAYOR:


 SPREAD/PRICE RATIO :  0.0000   AVG TRADE SIZE :  44.878 
< />
Last Trades Vol BuyVol Mid SellVol
0.870 8 382 382 0 0
0.875 117 1,983 1,058 0 925
0.880 43 2,159 1,647 0 512
0.885 183 7,525 3,823 0 3,702
0.890 10 2,331 2 0 2,329
0.895 66 5,144 1,141 0 4,003
0.900 14 267 0 0 267
TOTAL 441 19,791 8,053 0 11,738
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15-Oct-2009 15:06 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Patience does has its virtues.

The tortoise will eventually win the race. 

Broke above the high of 0.89 on 9/10, next to break is the high of 0.92 on 23/9
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15-Oct-2009 15:01 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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From Kim Eng Research:

Midas Holdings – company update (James KOH 64321431)

Previous day closing price: $0.865

Recommendation: Buy (maintained)

Target price: $1.15 (maintained)

The mad rush for contracts starts now.

After some delays, the China Ministry of Railways has awarded the 2nd round of high-speed train contracts, with the CSR Group announcing on September 28 that it and its joint venture with Bombardier has won contracts for 4,160 train cars worth a total of RMB72.4b. We expect suppliers such as Midas to start vying for these contracts.

Midas is in a strong position to compete

This order is larger than the first round of orders awarded to the CNR Group, which was for 1,600 train cars valued at RMB39b.  These comprised of a RMB45b contract for CSR Qingdao Sifang and a RMB27.4b contract for Bombardier Sifang (JV with Bombardier).

While the former traditionally used Japanese suppliers, we believe there may be a “Buy China” policy this time which will work in Midas’s favor.

On the NPRT front

Midas’s JV company, Nanjing SR Puzhen Rail Transport was recently awarded a RMB1.76b, 288 train cars contract for the Hangzhou Metro Line 1 project. With earnings only recognised upon delivery, this contract to be delivered between May 2011 and August 2013 implies associate contribution of about $3.5m per year for FY12 and FY13.

Proposed secondary listing in Hong Kong, another platform for equity fund-raising

We believe this will be done via issuing new shares to be listed there, with an expected timeline of 9-12 months. This will widen the investor base, for example funds which only has mandate toinvest in the HK market. This will also possibly facilitate equity fund-raising for the next round of investments in production expansion to match demand.

Contracts wins are impending

Our revenue model assumes Midas will win about 50-60% market share of the 2nd round oforders, which will be worth an estimated $175m.

Depending on the time line of delivery, orders above that could mean earnings upside.

We expect Midas to be in a good position to achieve strong orders which should flow down in about 3 months.

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:54) Posted:

Small contract .... wont affect much. Need more :)

daphnecsf      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:37) Posted:

Sweet :) Midas won RMB152million (S$30.9million) contract!

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15-Oct-2009 14:57 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Be a man (oops, maybe u are not a man, a lady) or lady of honour and integrity to gain ppl's respect

richtan      ( Date: 14-Oct-2009 12:23) Posted:


Where is your integrity, man, u mentioned u will not comment anymore on Midas n now u eat your own words n back here again to comments, see your earlier post below:

MIDAS   /   Midas   /   Posted: 09-Oct-2009 09:50      4Go to Message
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dont worry will never comment on this midas ever. bye

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:54) Posted:

Small contract .... wont affect much. Need more :)

daphnecsf      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:37) Posted:

Sweet :) Midas won RMB152million (S$30.9million) contract!

Good Post  Bad Post 
15-Oct-2009 14:47 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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There are a few weird ppl in this forum, another even BB big nose, almost posting in practically every thread, BB here n BB there n BB everywhere,

Aiyoyo, alemak... Old McDonald had a farm, e i e i o, bb here, bb there, bb everywhere, bad post here, bad post there, bad post everywhere ... hahahaha...

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 14:38) Posted:

you must have a big nose in order to poke your nose into every nook and cornor.  LOL

nickyng      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 14:06) Posted:

starting up my SHORT engine...hee...warming up now :D

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15-Oct-2009 14:34 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Today's vol as at this point in time had aredi exceeded yesterday's vol.

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:32) Posted:


baniel      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 13:27) Posted:

Singapore, October 15, 2009 – Mainboard-listed Midas Holdings Limited (“Midas”) (麦达斯控股有限公司) is pleased to announce that its Aluminium Alloy Division, Jilin Midas Aluminium Industries Co., Ltd (“Jilin Midas”) (吉林麦达斯铝业有限公司), has won its first contract from the second round of tender awarded for high-speed trains in the PRC. Valued at RMB152 million, this is Jilin Midas’ latest contract win for the inter-city high-speed train “CRH3-380” project in the PRC with speeds up to 350km/h.

Under the contract terms, Jilin Midas will supply 35 train sets (comprising 15 train sets of 16 train cars each and 20 train sets of 8 train cars each), equivalent to 400 train cars, to CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd (“Changchun Railway”) (中国北车长春轨道客车股份有限公司).

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15-Oct-2009 12:16 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Read this from CNA forum, fyi:


Joined: 31 Aug 2006
Posts: 3071

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Midas do not respond to good or bad news like others. It is a long term big fund stock not for short term trading. Go to her past movements she may go down after anouncements of contracts, but also note Midas has a characteristic of being depressed under accumulations and suddenly running up 5% to10% unexpectedly. This is a growth counter not for the gambling, see it as serious investment. If you had dared to buy Midas in Mar 09 you would have more than doubled even at the depressed price now. If Midas is now $2 with a bigger float she will attract the like of Warren Buffett

richtan      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 12:05) Posted:

U need to have patience with this stock, take a look at my long-term and daily chart posting, but of course, I may be right or wrong, so dyodd n BOSAYOR.

keepnosecrets      ( Date: 15-Oct-2009 12:02) Posted:

After I bought, all my avg px around 0.87, this bugger refuses to let me make more than $10 profit! Just want to tie my capital. NNA!!

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