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30-Jul-2009 16:36 DBS   /   DBS       Go to Message
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LOL!  Fully agreed!  Brokerage houses  are the 'INSIDERS' and retailers are 'OUTSIDERS'.............

The stock market is an 'insiders game' versus 'outsiders game'.  Its the Insiders who are in the know and its the Insiders who are making money.......

Laulan      ( Date: 30-Jul-2009 10:32) Posted:

Always do two things when you read an analyst's report highlighted in the media or some forums or prominent places.

Num 1:  Do nothing

Num 2: Do the opposite.

You will never be wrong as your experience has shown you! Cheers.

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30-Jul-2009 16:09 Others   /   Forex Junction       Go to Message
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Thanks for your insightful reply. Appreciate that.:)

techsys      ( Date: 30-Jul-2009 15:03) Posted:

In my understanding, trading forex is very hard.  This is because you need to risk some money to gain something.  Some of them (forex signal company) probably good in analysis but they can't or dare not to risk money for some profit.  Or they just want to have extra profit from others.  This is the reason of they sell this service.

I had followed some in the past, most of them are not so good.  You might think that they will give you extra pips from them, but the truth is they just give you a few extra pips.  If you have no time to observe market, you can rely on them. But you can't do this for long run.

If you don't mind depend on them, you can try them.  Most of them can give 5 to 15 pips daily.  Sometime when market is good you may have big.  But you must follow all their signals, because you can't filter which one is the good one.  If you try to be selective, you can be ended by hitting all losses.Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 30-Jul-2009 14:48) Posted:

Found some sites whereby they offer a system where they just send you signal via email or msg but comes with monthly subscription is paid.  Are these systems reliable or just merely scam?  Am wondering if they really so good, they would be rich by now and dont have to offer such service?   Tks.

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30-Jul-2009 15:52 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I think i will go for US stock citi bank.  Still the cheapest among all banks.... Did anyone miss citi bank when it was at $2.78?
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30-Jul-2009 15:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I believe US has stopped the free fall of stock prices.  Read that months ago, there was a team of 'Makret stabalising team been buying at end of intra day to stabalise the market. Think  is time to look at those bank stocks such as Citi Bank etc...

foucs6900      ( Date: 30-Jul-2009 12:32) Posted:

WASHINGTON (AFP) - - President Barack Obama said Wednesday he sees "the beginning of the end of the recession," as economic indicators and comments from the Federal Reserve suggested stabilization after a brutal slump.


"We have stopped the freefall. The market is up and the financial system is no longer on the verge of collapse," Obama said during a visit to North Carolina

"So there is no doubt that things have gotten better. We may be seeing the beginning of the end of the recession."

The Federal Reserve's Beige Book report on economic conditions also offered some signs of hope after more than a year and a half of recession.

The report, to be used by policymakers at next month's Federal Open Market Committee, said the decline is moderating, although many indicators remain weak and prospects for job creation remained grim.

The survey found data suggesting "that economic activity continued to be weak going into the summer," but that most districts "indicated that the pace of decline has moderated since the last report or that activity has begun to stabilize, albeit at a low level."

Some Fed districts used the words "slow," "subdued," or "weak" to describe activity levels, while others indicated the pace of decline appeared to be moderating. Others pointed to "signs of stabilization."

Obama said the economy is now losing jobs "at nearly half" the rate of when he took office in January, he added in mounting a defense of his plans to stimulate the economy.

He acknowledged that unemployment remains high and cautioned that the lower job losses is "little comfort if you're one of the folks who lost their job and haven't found another."

But Obama also pointed to data showing home prices rising for the first time in three years, a hopeful sign for the sector at the epicenter of the crisis.

The US president defended his actions to rescue two of the Big Three automakers and major banks, saying these were part of actions to avert the possibility of a new Great Depression.

"If we had been in ordinary times, not teetering on the brink of depression, we might have exercised other options," he said.

Obama said the 787-billion-dollar stimulus plan is working, helping stimulate activity through tax reductions as well as public works.

"This money is not being wasted," he said. "We're seeing the results of these investments here in Raleigh and across North Carolina."

"I know that there are some critics in Washington, maybe out there, they say, well, you've been too slow getting these projects started. They're saying we should have broken ground on all our highway projects on the first day. Well, that's impossible, especially because I wanted to be sure we did our homework and invested our tax dollars only in those projects that actually created jobs and jump-started our economy."

The US economy has been in recession since December 2007, according to the economic panel accepted as the arbiter of business cycles.

The economy suffered a 5.5 percent pace of decline in the first quarter, on the heels of a 6.3 percent slide in the fourth quarter of 2008. But many forecasters are expecting growth to resume in the second half of 2009.

The Fed this month raised its outlook for 2009 and 2010 economic output, projecting a rebound in the second half of 2009 that would leave the contraction for the year at between 1.0 and 1.5 percent.

For 2010, the new Fed outlook saw growth in a range of 2.1 to 3.3 percent, slightly better than its forecast from April.

The government's first estimate for gross domestic product in the second quarter to June 30 is to be released Friday. The consensus forecast by private economists is for a 1.5 percent rate of decline.

The Beige Book noted "sluggish retail activity" in most of the nation, while manufacturing showed some gains in parts of the country.

Residential real estate "stayed soft in most districts, although many noted some signs of improvement," the report added, but commercial real estate markets "weakened further in recent months" in most areas.

As to job prospects, the Fed noted that conditions remained difficult, highlighting fears that weak hiring could dampen recovery prospects.

dealer0168      ( Date: 30-Jul-2009 12:20) Posted:

Correction should be almost finished by this round.

Tonight Dow maybe green back.

If economy really that bad, the last 2 round fall would have be bad

Time to pick up those potential counters. .........(my opinion)

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30-Jul-2009 14:48 Others   /   Forex Junction       Go to Message
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Found some sites whereby they offer a system where they just send you signal via email or msg but comes with monthly subscription is paid.  Are these systems reliable or just merely scam?  Am wondering if they really so good, they would be rich by now and dont have to offer such service?   Tks.
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22-Jul-2009 16:37 Others   /   *DJ Temasek: Goodyear Won't Become CEO       Go to Message
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What Temasek should consider is to hire few good investment specialists  (and not just 1 CEO) to manage investments of different countries.  It would be more appropriate to have our own singaporean to assume role of CEO in Temasek,.  

Also, can consider having a very experienced chartist just for Temasek,  i would recommend the one and only good chartist,  RichTan . Smiley from Sharejunstions.  kekeke.......  

p/s - Richtan, just pulling your leg! no angry huh! Infact , if temasek got such opening, you may apply lar!
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21-Jul-2009 15:06 StarHub   /   Starhub       Go to Message
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If i am vested in this counter,  i will definitely accumulate when price is being hit real low. After all, this is a good counter with good FA .  :)  Price comes down, will go up one day . Buy stocks within our means and when situation like this, i then have the ability to accumulate at low price. This is a mistake i have learnt from my past experience (bought too many counters )...   Cheers to those vested. 
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21-Jul-2009 14:49 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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Right now, i am only having this stock at hand.  

But, my confidence diminished when i saw one analyst report that this stock rating 'Neutral' @ price 1.78? (around there). Most of the analysts' reports are bullish and  some even have TP of $2.00.  

So, SMRT experts, any comments?  thanks.
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20-Jul-2009 16:53 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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Must watch the oil price carefully. 
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20-Jul-2009 15:56 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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Wow, Thank you!

richtan      ( Date: 20-Jul-2009 15:48) Posted:

1. Formed a bullish flag n broke above the upper channel resistance line.

2. Now formed a higher high n higher low.

3.Price above the 3 emas (15, 25 n 65ema)

4. MACD cut n turned up.

5. RSI still neutral at 50%

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20-Jul-2009 15:37 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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shall wait for this to shine...:)  Most analyst report quite positive.
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20-Jul-2009 15:32 Others   /   Will Global Mkt crash this coming Oct 2009 ??       Go to Message
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October is still so many weeks later, why worry now?  LOL

If got buy counters last few days, sell into strength or sell when  near 2600. :)
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20-Jul-2009 13:47 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If interested to read the financial forecast by Helen Ong, just type at search engine : Helen ong financial forecast and should be able to get to the website.     The  below was like distorted cos i cant view the whole page before posting.  Sorry.
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20-Jul-2009 13:44 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Hi Petertan4949

Can i know which website is this?  Tks


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20-Jul-2009 13:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Happen to see this :

Financial Forecast For

7 Jul to 6 Aug 2009 

Overall Weekly Views :uly – 10 July

Market is likely to be volatile this week. It is likely to be an exciting week; traders are likely to find plenty of opportunities for quick gains

6 J

This is a Yin Metal Goat month. The first half of the month is ruled by metal, denoting hidden wealth opportunities. There are opportunities for profits during the first half of the month, while the second half is dominated by

Industries that are likely to perform well: Metal and Wood.

Metal industries:

oriented industries, etc.Gold, metal products, hardware, engineering, automobile, heavy equipments, precision

Water industries: Shipping, water treatment, beverage,logistic, transportation & communication, etc.

Fire industries: Equity, hospitality, service oriented,media, entertainment, beauty, energy, etc.

Earth industries: Property, coal mines, insurance,health care, banking, etc.

Wood industries:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agriculture, education, paper,fashion, timber, management, food, etc.

earth, which suggests that the market is likely to be unstable and volatile. The market is likely to be

affected by the H1N1 flu outbreak. Other worldly events include potential political tensions and disputes

or war. There is also sign of oil prices on the rise. Industries that are likely to benefit from this month’s energy would be metal and wood.

13 July – 17 July

Market is likely to slow down this week. 16 and 17 July show potential for some strength due to the

hour’s elements influence. Market is likely to experience

some volatility during these two days.

20 July – 24 July

Market is likely to have strength for 20 and 21 July while the rest of the week shows signs of slowness.

27 July – 31 July

28 and 31 July are likely to be the most volatile days in this month. The market is likely to experience

huge impact during these two days. The


rest of the days in this week are unlikely to show

Feng Shui Advice:

Wealth star can be seen at the South East sector,hence use this sector for all financial decisions.

Place a water feature to usher in the positive chi.Avoid using the North, West, North East and East

sectors for all important matters as they are likely to bring potential setbacks, betrayals and disputes.

North West sector brings recognition. Use this sector especially if you are going for an exam or interview.


Helen Ong

Disclaimer: The above forecast and analysis are for your alternative views. The author or the company

should not be held responsible for any damage or losses in your ventures and investments.

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20-Jul-2009 13:16 Others   /   Chinese bank regulator warns of loan growth risk!       Go to Message
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I believe in this.

nickyng      ( Date: 20-Jul-2009 12:55) Posted:


 another potential financial crisis in making from China ??? :P


OKYO (MarketWatch) -- China's top banking regulator issued a strongly worded warning over the weekend about the risks of his country's surge in loan growth in the first half of this year, according to reports.

"(We) must control the risk of real-estate loans," said Liu Mingkang, the head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, was quoted as saying by Reuters.

"In the first half of the year, our country's banking loans expanded rapidly and helped play an important role in stabilizing the economy, but the loans growth has led to accumulated risks also increasing," he said in a statement dated Saturday.

Liu said banks should strictly follow criteria for granting loans on second mortgages, closely observe capital adequacy ratio standards and ensure the quality of loans.

Chinese banks made 1.53 trillion yuan ($223.9 billion) last month, more than double the 664.5 billion yuan in lending seen in May, according to data released earlier this month by the People's Bank of China. See full story on Chinese bank lending data.

That brought aggregate new lending to date for 2009 to 7.37 trillion yuan, up 201% from the first half of 2008, and already well above the official full-year target of 5 trillion yuan.

Lisa Twaronite reports for MarketWatch from Tokyo.

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20-Jul-2009 13:14 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Wow, the US banks actually making money huh?  Impressive huh!

What about like this :

The Bank borrows money from the Government at 0%.  ,  then lend to people say 20%?  Sure make money one!

petertan4949      ( Date: 20-Jul-2009 00:52) Posted:

The Great Bank Earnings That Really Weren't



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Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) announced surprise quarterly earnings this morning of $3.2 billion, or $0.33 per common share after stripping out preferred dividends. That's good and all -- the bank hasn't had the best of years, you know.

Many are touting B of A's earnings as a sure sign that things have turned a corner. I wanted to be one of them. I crossed my fingers and vowed to stay positive. When the results first came out, I was hoping I could at long last say something upbeat about the bank.

But not today. "Earnings," you have to remember, can be a curiously hazy number.

Behind the seemingly solid news is this little nugget in B of A's press release:

[T]he increase was driven by a $5.3 billion pretax gain on the sale of [China Construction Bank] shares … Noninterest income in the period also included a $3.8 billion pretax gain from the completed sale of the merchant processing business to a joint venture. 

Ah … so moving things right along were $9.1 billion in gains from selling assets in order to raise much-needed capital. That's kinda important to note when you're talking about a $3.2 billion profit.

These are one-time gains that don't reflect earnings power and, more importantly, reduce future earnings power as promising assets are shed. Without these sales -- looking at the company on a normalized basis -- B of A surely would have been deep in the red. Some might find that intriguing.

Not so pretty in the Citi
Now we move on over to Citigroup (NYSE: C). Its quarterly earnings also made eye-popping headlines this morning. "Citigroup delivers surprise $4.3 billion profit" said one media outlet.

A $4.3 billion profit? Citigroup? Really?                            

No, not really. And that's what's sad. Citi's $4.3 billion "profit" was entirely made up of selling most of its Smith Barney unit to Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS), which generated a pre-tax gain of $11.1 billion.

Never mind that this is obviously a nonrecurring gain. Never mind that without the sale, Citi would have reported a gigantic loss. Oh, and never mind that Smith Barney was one of Citi's only consistently stable sources of earnings. People see green, and they get fired up. That's the life of an investment community whose outlook is firmly locked in a 90-day timeframe.

I've noted that Goldman Sachs's (NYSE: GS) and JPMorgan Chase's (NYSE: JPM) recent earnings, while impressive, might end up being one-off events. But at least they're actually earning the money. They have earnings power -- it just might not be wholly sustainable. For Bank of America and Citigroup, the quest to find true earnings power is still quite elusive.

For related Foolishness:

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20-Jul-2009 12:30 Others   /   Most - S-Chip get ready to get 10-20% Price Hike       Go to Message
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For reading pleasure only :  (dated 18 May 2009) 

China Forecast Is Too Rosy for Investors: John Wasik (Correct)

Commentary by John F. Wasik

(Corrects investment to $1.2 trillion in 17th paragraph.)

May 18 (Bloomberg) -- For those of us who got scorched staying in U.S. stocks last year, China’s markets look like a surefire way to make up lost ground.

The Shanghai Composite Index has gained about 45 percent this year through May 15. Its cousin Shenzhen Composite Index has soared 60 percent.

Compare that with the 5 percent loss for the Dow Jones Industrial Average this year and it’s not hard to make a case to stampede into Chinese stocks and exchange-traded funds. Yet international exuberance can be misleading as many analysts caution that investors are inflating a bubble.

One optimistic theory suggests that as one of the few countries with economic growth, China will rescue shrinking Western economies with its lending and burgeoning domestic consumer markets, which could become the world’s largest.

A more plausible view is that China will simply follow the lead of the U.S., which is showing “green shoots” of a recovery, according to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

It’s easy to be conflicted between these two points of view because the future looks so bright for the world’s most populous country, so much so that few financial advisers will steer you away from it as a long-term holding in your portfolio.

Even Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is sanguine over China’s prospects. The firm last month raised its forecast for the country’s economic growth to 8.3 percent from 6 percent.

$586 Billion Stimulus

Analysts cited the positive impact of the Chinese Central Bank cutting its benchmark rate five times since September and the country’s $586 billion stimulus package.

Goldman Sachs’s optimism is at odds with the World Bank forecast for Chinese growth of about 6.5 percent this year. China’s economy expanded 6.1 percent in the first quarter.

While there’s a consensus that China is still expected to have the most robust economy in the world in 2009, it won’t revive Western housing, labor and credit markets.

“As long as we are in a recession, they are going to have problems,” Jim Trippon, publisher of the Houston-based China Stock Digest, said in reference to China.

The perception that the Chinese may be willing to spend more on consumer items and save less -- their personal-savings rate is more than 30 percent -- may be off base as well.

One of the reasons Chinese families save a lot is due to inadequate health care. They don’t have strong social safety nets, so they have to spend heavily for out-of-pocket expenses. Like most families, they are far more likely to spend on medical expenses than on appliances and cars.

Help on Way

Some help is on the way. Part of the Chinese stimulus is currently being spent on their health-care system, which will take years to build.

There are also concerns about China’s financial industry. Chinese banks tripled first-quarter lending to $670 billion and many of these loans may well go bad.

As it stands now, China’s financial relationship with the U.S. is complex, strained and symbiotic. The Chinese buy supertanker-sized portions of U.S. Treasury debt, which in turn finances everything from the Bush-era tax cuts to President Barack Obama’s almost $800 billion stimulus plan.

China has increased its foreign-exchange reserves from about $340 billion in 2003 to almost $2 trillion at the end of March. About $1.2 trillion is invested in the U.S. economy.

Erosion of Value

A weakening dollar and the threat of inflation -- once the U.S. finances all its debt -- erode the value of Chinese holdings. They won’t hold on to U.S. paper forever as America’s currency reflects the crippling $11 trillion national debt and projected $1.8 trillion federal budget deficit.

If the Chinese decide to divest themselves of dollars --and they will over time -- that is bearish for the U.S. economy.

“The People’s Bank will continue to invest carefully,” Zhou Wenzhong, China’s ambassador to the U.S., said this month at a Chicago Council of Global Affairs event. “We hope the economy will pick up and the dollar will remain strong.”

Chinese stocks also have become pricey. The price/earnings ratio for the Shanghai Composite was 26.57 on May 15, almost double what it was for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.

Companies may be doing better in China than their U.S. counterparts, but not that much better on a relative basis.

To avoid mutually assured destruction, the Chinese will need to build a domestic economy strong enough to withstand the loss of American exports. Their middle class will also need to expand to much more than one quarter of their population. Some 800 million still live in relative poverty in rural areas.

Don’t be distracted by one country’s returns. Did you also know that stock markets in Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden and Vietnam are having good years?

A better wager is to invest in many markets through an exchange-traded fund such as the Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund, which tracks almost 3,000 stocks around the globe.

This, of course, isn’t a risk-free approach since a few sick countries can always spread an economic pandemic in an interconnected world.

(John F. Wasik, author of “The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome,” is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

To contact the writer of this column: John F. Wasik in Chicago at jwasik@bloomberg.net.

Last Updated: May 18, 2009 04:37 EDT

niuyear      ( Date: 20-Jul-2009 11:05) Posted:

In China, state-owned companies dominate shanghai stock exchange  while US stock market consists private companies.   I am not comfotable in too many state-owned companies in any stock exchange cos of easy manipulation .  Have you got faith in that?  Would one not think that chinese stocks have been over-priced?   becos general sentiment of market been thinking that China stock market will take over US stock market and prices have been factored in.   I am not sure if chinese stocks are still so call 'undervalue'.

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20-Jul-2009 11:24 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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This reminds me of Warrent Buffet and his men. Duirng Asian crisis (1997), they bought in bulks of bulks of Thai baht and causing the rate to escalateb cos everyone started bying thinking it will go hihger.   This had resulted shortage of money in the market and Thai government , in order to stabalise the market, had to buy back the thai baht sold at high price by this group of people while they threw out the money again and they made huge profits, but, who suffered?  Asia.  

starlene      ( Date: 19-Jul-2009 23:10) Posted:

Existing major shareholder Legg Mason bought 3.169mil Straits Asia Resources shares at $1.68 on 7July raising their stakes from 52.497mil to 55.666mil ie from 4.73% back to 5.00%..Previously this year they sold at a low,now buy at much higher than their disposed price,believe in > upside Razz Razz Razz

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20-Jul-2009 11:05 Others   /   Most - S-Chip get ready to get 10-20% Price Hike       Go to Message
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In China, state-owned companies dominate shanghai stock exchange  while US stock market consists private companies.   I am not comfotable in too many state-owned companies in any stock exchange cos of easy manipulation .  Have you got faith in that?  Would one not think that chinese stocks have been over-priced?   becos general sentiment of market been thinking that China stock market will take over US stock market and prices have been factored in.   I am not sure if chinese stocks are still so call 'undervalue'.
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