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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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29-Sep-2009 10:11 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Some says this rally has legs and some $600 trillions of derivaties still out there........DOW is going to be near 10000 or plus/minus and one may ponder whether is it worth risking the money in the stock market just to wait for 10000 to arrive?  This could be a fast but violent one and if one can catch a good stock to ride with the trend, then a winner, if not fast enough, then, stay sideway till a deeper correction after the 10000.  
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27-Sep-2009 17:33 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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Oh i see.  People now buying becos of rights issue?

victorian2      ( Date: 26-Sep-2009 19:44) Posted:

Why did you buy if you had no plans to pick up the rights?

The only reason to buy now is cos you want to pick up the rights issue to average down and wait for the next big move 2-3mths down the road.

Anyone who thinks of contraing for the quick buck is more likely to be disappointed.

ah_bui      ( Date: 26-Sep-2009 17:34) Posted:

I bought some @$1.23 , contra due tue..

what shld i do? cut loss immed on mon or wait til last day on tue?


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27-Sep-2009 17:30 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Hi Richtan/Bintan

Tks for your sharing of this VERY interesting info.  :) 


richtan      ( Date: 27-Sep-2009 17:17) Posted:

Hi Bintang,

Many thanks for sharing this indicator, which unfortunately is not available in chart nexus (is this in your metastock?)

Anyway, just to share about aroon indicator (very cheem, dun really understand their explanation, but fortunately, chartnexus has "ADX" (also trending up n above 20 with +DI above -DI:

Aroon Indicator

What Does It Mean?
What Does Aroon Indicator Mean?
A technical indicator, developed by Tushar Chande in 1995, used for identifying trends in an underlying security and the likelihood that the trends will reverse. It is made up of two lines: one line is called "Aroon up", which measures the strength of the uptrend, and the other line is called "Aroon down", which measures the downtrend. The indicator reports the time it is taking for the price to reach, from a starting point, the highest and lowest points over a given time period, each reported as a percentage of total time. Both the Aroon up and the Aroon down fluctuate between zero and 100, with values close to 100 indicating a strong trend, and zero indicating a weak trend. The lower the Aroon up, the weaker the uptrend and the stronger the downtrend, and vice versa. The main assumption underlying this indicator is that a stock's price will close at record highs in an uptrend, and record lows in a downtrend.

Aroon Indicator
Investopedia explains Aroon Indicator
For example, when a stock's closing price is equal to the highest price over the given period, the Aroon up will have a value of 100, which indicates that the time it has taken for the stock to reach its highest price has elapsed 100%, indicating a strong uptrend. In addition to extreme values, transaction decisions can be based on instances when the two lines cross. For example, when the Aroon up crosses up through the Aroon down, the stock is said to be in a new uptrend and should experience some upward momentum.

This indicator is very similar to the directional movement index (DMI) that was developed by Welles Wilder, which is also a very popular indicator used to measure the strength of a given trend.
Investopedia explains Directional Movement Index - DMI
The scale for the DMI is from 0 to 100. The average directional movement index (ADX) is a moving average of the DMI.

Bintang      ( Date: 27-Sep-2009 10:58) Posted:

Although Midas did not close above 90 cents on Friday , it did not derail the upward trend . By checking its monthly chart , the Aroon Up is at 100 , n the Aroon Down is at 21 , this indicates that the uptrend has  just started   from here . The same thing happened in 2006 , during the last bull run , the Aroon Up went up to 100 at Dec2005 n lasted for almost 3 years then went down to cross the Aroon Down in Mar2008, then the uptrend came to an end . Therefore , Midas long term uptrend may start from this month . ( Last bull run , Midas started from 36 cents n went all the way to $2.20 according to Aroon Up n Down .)

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26-Sep-2009 19:15 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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This sounds like our CPF scheme - forced saving by employees/employers.

US ppl has to pay high tax (and i believe this is the reason they cant save much)  like british ppl as well,  but, their healthcare (after age 65) is all FREE.   Unlike singapore, we better pray that we dont need kidney dialysis or major surgery that requires lots of money that will not only burden our family members financially, but, also mentally/physically draining.   The law of death with dignity act should be passed in Singapore .. so that termnally ill patient could choose to leave peacefully wihtout having suffered so much pain.

teeth53      ( Date: 08-Sep-2009 16:05) Posted:


Obama to workers: We'll help you save

President announces measures to make it easier to save more. One new idea: Turn tax refunds into savings bonds.

Auto enrollment in retirement plans: To make it easier for smaller and medium-sized employers to automatically enroll workers into retirement plans.

Saving tax refunds: To make it easier for those owed tax refunds to save.

Sick days and vacation time become 401(k) money: To make it easier for workers to rack up savings, the White House will make it easier for employers to convert (or allow workers to convert) unused vacation and sick leave pay into 401(k) contributions.

Americans have not been good savers in recent decades.

Recently, personal savings rates have increased, rising from essentially zero last year to about 4.2% in July, according to government statistics.

But even among those with savings in the bank, the nest egg is relatively lean. Of workers 55 years or older, about half have less than $50,000 in savings, excluding their homes and pensions, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

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26-Sep-2009 18:48 Others   /   China Stocks Rally for Celebrate National Day       Go to Message
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Their natoinal day falls on 1 oct.  This conincides with mid-autumn festival which is also an important even for the Chinese and this time round , in older days, farmers celebrating the end of summer harvesting season.

 If no rally then, go get dragon dance to chant ..hahaha!
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26-Sep-2009 18:39 Others   /   Any advise for being a security trader       Go to Message
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My suggestion :

If Trading is your passion and you are not afraid of hardship, then -

Write in to those Brokerage firms (may be 3 or 4 firms) and introduce yourself to them. Your passion could probably earn you a full time employment with a reputable brokerage firm and probably they will send you for training course FREE?  Or, they offer on-the-job training while you are taking the course?   No harm trying. 

Hope your dream come thru!

adrianong      ( Date: 22-Sep-2009 11:53) Posted:

Hi.. I would like to explore a security trader position. Anyone can advise how should I do it ?

I was offered by Achieva Training centre to enrol the Module 1A and Module 6 courses. Should I go for it ?

Adrian / adrianongsg@yahoo.com.sg / 96171006



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25-Sep-2009 12:06 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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hahaha.........from stock to bread talk.  Can also go hotel buy cake, they usually offer half price after 10pm.....e.g. Amara hotel, (dont know now still have this offer).

It would be nice if  there is  a small mid-autum rally to bring STI to one step higher....Imagine eating mooncake in Shenton way at SGX building under the sunlight while watching the rally....but, if no rally, then eat mooncake under moonlight and pray to the moon.......hahaha

For those daredevils and gutsy ones, they will buy on dips for they still belive there is a last 'fun' rally to come. 


cheongwee      ( Date: 25-Sep-2009 11:45) Posted:

so dont throw your maid out of the window, together with guocoleisure..

next week will be a happy week for all, not only here this 2,,,all over...i see a profitable week ahead.

i dont see S&P collapse..till mid fall..

today, i buy more..hope u did...always buy friday..esp late afternoon..

like u see breadtalk...9pm..always 10pcs  for $10...am i right, dear???..if you want to clarify go breadtalk tonite and see yourself..

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25-Sep-2009 11:28 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Game of mouse and cats  -  In this game you move the mouse to cross the river and take the cheese. There are pieces of logs flowing through the river and you can cross the river by jumping onto the logs. Beware not to fall into water and move away from the cat.

Looks like not easy for the mouse to have the cheese for it has to  jump onto the logs after logs. Poor mouse.

richtan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2009 11:17) Posted:

SmileySmileySmiley When the cat is away, the mouse comes out to play

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25-Sep-2009 10:34 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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AK , tks for your sharing.   I have seen below article earlier.  It does make sense that DOW rally is like being 'forced' to rally even higher......
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24-Sep-2009 16:59 Others   /   Market News that affect STI       Go to Message
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tonight, jobless claim and natural gas report
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24-Sep-2009 16:24 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Sorry , late reply

It roughly means -

One's mood is happier if one doesnt act too schemic or it will be very scary. Its hard not to be bothered about people's stubbornness and people's constant changing of mind.

In life, its easier to walk on a straight road and dont look  back or one will be miserable. You might show your love for me, but, i am loving someone else and there is no win or loose.

No one should stay lonely throughout his life and i would love to have companion, but, if you choose to leave me, i would just laugh it off without any worries.


p/s - hahaha- my translation sounds very  funny ........



bennykusman      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 16:29) Posted:

can translate to english ? sorry i cant understand..

niuyear      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 15:51) Posted:

人说这心情 罕罕罕罕卡快活 不通太阴沈 想着会惊
有人真古意 定定吗是有人变卦 这人情怎么才看得破

人说这人生 海海海海路好行 不通回头望 望着会茫
有人爱着阮 偏偏阮爱的是别人 这情债怎样计较输赢

轻轻松松人生路途阮来行 无人是应该永远孤单
阮会欢喜有缘你作伴 要离开笑笑阮没牵挂


If  understand hokkien song - its a nice song, especially 3rd para.  :)

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24-Sep-2009 15:58 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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""My boss ..>Handon"" - hiss , hiss......

Tthis forumer has left me with deep impression......:)



thomas_low      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 22:48) Posted:

Just for a bit of fun, how many characters (i.e. forumners) can you spot in my previous post....If you can get them right I will put up my chart.

My Boss ..> Hadon



tonylim      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 21:47) Posted:


Where is your chart? What is kiloton, and going mega?

Carlsberg girls at kopitiam can be young pretty ones from Malaysia and they are not aunties

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24-Sep-2009 14:22 StarHub   /   Starhub       Go to Message
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you all got hear rumours that M1 and starhub merging? (heard together with the news when M1 CEO become Starhub's)

If it is going to happen, then share price even higher.  Hope become reality. 
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23-Sep-2009 16:21 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Hope it works

niuyear      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 16:12) Posted:

hahaha! i try


richtan      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 15:58) Posted:

Hi niuyear,

Can kindly post the link to tat song, at last some sweet song sound to relieve me off those irritating noises. Smiley

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23-Sep-2009 16:12 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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hahaha! i try


richtan      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 15:58) Posted:

Hi niuyear,

Can kindly post the link to tat song, at last some sweet song sound to relieve me off those irritating noises. Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 15:51) Posted:

人说这心情 罕罕罕罕卡快活 不通太阴沈 想着会惊
有人真古意 定定吗是有人变卦 这人情怎么才看得破

人说这人生 海海海海路好行 不通回头望 望着会茫
有人爱着阮 偏偏阮爱的是别人 这情债怎样计较输赢

轻轻松松人生路途阮来行 无人是应该永远孤单
阮会欢喜有缘你作伴 要离开笑笑阮没牵挂


If  understand hokkien song - its a nice song, especially 3rd para.  :)

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23-Sep-2009 16:05 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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Ok,    I think i am starting to like Cheong wee and Mr Quek...LOL!

cheongwee      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 15:37) Posted:

for mermaid it is easy to tarik..but guocoleisaure will be tough, but not impossible..

81c is too modest..dont sell hastily..when there wait awhile..i believe it is worth much more..

dont look down in Mr Quek..how can he worth only 81c..that is an insult to him...

now it is 78c..and u are worried ,right??

when u see ppl queing long long outside to buy condo...do u know how many are really buying for their own use???..50% are speculator ,right??

if you know this, then you will not be nervous..scare to sell.....dont get bluff by BB..OK.

niuyear      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 15:24) Posted:

0.810 enough for me. Didnt buy mermaid.

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23-Sep-2009 15:51 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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人说这心情 罕罕罕罕卡快活 不通太阴沈 想着会惊
有人真古意 定定吗是有人变卦 这人情怎么才看得破

人说这人生 海海海海路好行 不通回头望 望着会茫
有人爱着阮 偏偏阮爱的是别人 这情债怎样计较输赢

轻轻松松人生路途阮来行 无人是应该永远孤单
阮会欢喜有缘你作伴 要离开笑笑阮没牵挂


If  understand hokkien song - its a nice song, especially 3rd para.  :)
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23-Sep-2009 15:34 Others   /   help needed - where did my stocks gone to???       Go to Message
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Tks for reply.:)


keepnosecrets      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 13:28) Posted:

For US shares, the statement is almost very accurate up to the date of the statement from the brokerage firms.  Do note that some brokers don't really care about sending you a statement of your US Stocks holdings.  Don't know why, maybe.. hope that you forgot about it. ); Jokes aside, before starting to sell, double check with the brokerage which sends the statement.  Sometimes it might be a mistake or some other reasons.

For Singapore stocks, if you use CPF money, the ownership is still the CPF which acts as a "custodian" (sh..who wants a custodian to your $$ hah?) to your money. Therefore you check with the CPF.  But if you use cash, make sure that you check regularly with the CDP acct online and see if there is any mistake so that you can correct it on time.

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23-Sep-2009 15:24 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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0.810 enough for me. Didnt buy mermaid.
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23-Sep-2009 15:21 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Ristaker aka  BB?

If you really are 'so call' BB, would you wanna gain a resounding fame and be a high prestige BB  in this Forum or would you rather remain domineering over others and thinking everyone here matchless to your so call 'monetary power' and ruin your image as BB?  

By seeing most of the posts of this thread,  actually everyone here has been nice to you, you agree?





risktaker      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 14:31) Posted:

lol at least be nice to me i am helping this burger atm :)

richtan      ( Date: 23-Sep-2009 14:26) Posted:

Smiley only to be eaten by another bigger fish, Chinese sayings: "One mountain higher than another mountain"

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