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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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02-Oct-2009 10:10 User Research/Opinions   /   Hedge funds       Go to Message
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finance ppl really know how to make money.  :)

niuyear      ( Date: 02-Oct-2009 10:08) Posted:

Hedge Funds Find A New Financial Product To Trade: Lehman Bankruptcy Claims

lehmanbankruptcyapHedge funds and investment banks are trading Lehman bankruptcy claims. And it’s not just a matter of a couple of distressed debt funds buying the claims—it really looks like they are being actively traded.

Credit Suisse, for instance, bought a $423 million claim from Citadel recently. And now it is looking to sell a $1 billion claim, according to Bloomberg.

We’re not quite sure how this market is working yet or how actively the claims are being traded.  According to Bloomberg, Elliott Management, King Street Capital and Paulson & Co collectively have accumulated $13 billion of claims against Lehman. Silver Point Capital is also a buyer.

We've got to admit that this is one of the things we love about finance. People will find a way to trade everything.

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02-Oct-2009 10:08 User Research/Opinions   /   Hedge funds       Go to Message
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Hedge Funds Find A New Financial Product To Trade: Lehman Bankruptcy Claims

lehmanbankruptcyapHedge funds and investment banks are trading Lehman bankruptcy claims. And it’s not just a matter of a couple of distressed debt funds buying the claims—it really looks like they are being actively traded.

Credit Suisse, for instance, bought a $423 million claim from Citadel recently. And now it is looking to sell a $1 billion claim, according to Bloomberg.

We’re not quite sure how this market is working yet or how actively the claims are being traded.  According to Bloomberg, Elliott Management, King Street Capital and Paulson & Co collectively have accumulated $13 billion of claims against Lehman. Silver Point Capital is also a buyer.

We've got to admit that this is one of the things we love about finance. People will find a way to trade everything.

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02-Oct-2009 08:58 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Have i told you lately i love Cow/bull.  hahaha

Lately , have been seeing lots of cows / bulls pictures.  LOL!


lsj840428      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 22:33) Posted:

not sure if the bull can survive but tonight dow plunged 100 pts.......

aleoleo      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 21:46) Posted:


Can the bull survive ?????????????????

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01-Oct-2009 14:44 Others   /   Ramba       Go to Message
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A missing person?

chaihock      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 10:19) Posted:

Dear Bro & Sis ,

Anyone got News about Ramba ?

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01-Oct-2009 14:34 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Hi TuaPekgong

how come you never 'bo pi' the stock market.

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 14:15) Posted:

mart is slowing downtrend. looking a the buying/selling trend, more volumes are dump as compared to buying. players seems to be slowing selling out so as not to cause panic....better be in safe mode now....be cautious when playing with the hope of skali going up...

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01-Oct-2009 14:27 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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hahaha, i can see that zhuge liang bribing the analysts and media by offering them cow's milk he just milked from that 2 cows, hahahah........ As i said, in stock market, price goes up will come down and vice versa,so, price actions by BBx (be it conspiration with analysts or media or within their own insider trading) , it is nothing new to people and we all can just see with half an eye without you having to tell us who is doing what at what price and what price is going to be breached etc.......and most of the time, the 'price' didnt seem to be correct. LOL Ths 'Zhu Ge' for making Midas such an intersting stock to watch... Cheers

risktaker      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 13:01) Posted:

do u believed everything has already pre-arrange ? "news, media, analyst" they are told to say something and published something when the call is made.

niuyear      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 08:52) Posted:

Hi Ristaker

The weather of stock market at the present moment is in a state of flux and unpredictable.  Since STI cant breach above 2700, then, a correction is underway which i believe, most have expected it to come.  Its nothing 'NEW' that  BBx are known to be taking advantage of  situation to play the stock market  -  The boat floats high when the river rises or vice versa.

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01-Oct-2009 12:32 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Nickyng to move the earth -- LOL


Singer: Carole King
Listen and Buy This Album
Song's name: I Feel The Earth Move
Song info: Lyrics and Music: Carole King
Lyrics: I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around

Oh baby When I see your face
Mellow as the month of May
Oh darling I cant stand it
When you look at me that way

I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you're around

Oh darling When you're near me
And you tenderly call my name
I know that, My emotions
Are something I just cant tame
Ive just got to have you baby

I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down

I just lose control
Down to my very soul
I get hot and cold all over

I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
tumbling down, tumbling down...

lookcc      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 19:46) Posted:

nickyng is back!!!

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01-Oct-2009 11:40 Li Heng Chem   /   Li HENG       Go to Message
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Some companies holding back listing in hong kong due to market uncertainty, yet, china companies are going forward to do dual listing...wait and see can they perform after lising in hongkong.

previous ocbc target price for this is 0.28.  If is shorted down to this price, everyone can buy cheap and sell back to the company at 0.42...

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01-Oct-2009 08:52 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Hi Ristaker

The weather of stock market at the present moment is in a state of flux and unpredictable.  Since STI cant breach above 2700, then, a correction is underway which i believe, most have expected it to come.  Its nothing 'NEW' that  BBx are known to be taking advantage of  situation to play the stock market  -  The boat floats high when the river rises or vice versa.

risktaker      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 08:27) Posted:

Zhou yu ah zhou yu, i know u doesnt like him :) Please have some mercy on the rest of midaser

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30-Sep-2009 13:58 Others   /   careful... surge in the afternoon!       Go to Message
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Tks for your advice hor!  Which one huh?  Today surge liao then game over hor cos china also close one week for holiday.
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30-Sep-2009 13:54 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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China markets are closed for a week from tomorrow for holiday
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30-Sep-2009 13:43 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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At last, got good candidates to milk the cows..hahaha!      What about scooping up the cow's waste to turn them into ENERGY!  This is a new breakthrough.........So, who will do this?  Also, brushing cow's teeth, grooming the cow and massaging them.........Anyone one who is interested, plse come here and MoMo....LOL
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30-Sep-2009 11:54 Others   /   Global Crisis - Do you Care ?       Go to Message
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I do care a lot.......thats why i send every possible things that can be recycled to recycle collector.

Cow's waste can turn into energy, so , eat less beef plse...........AMERICAN is the highest beef consumer......
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30-Sep-2009 11:40 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Why Zhu ge liang out of market?  Tell him here got some cows waiting for him to milk milk ..........hahahah! mo....mo..........

niuyear      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 10:36) Posted:

hahaha !  look at this -


Why Naked Shorting Isn't Really That Different From Regular Short Selling: The Two Cows Version

cowsStill confused about why you shouldn't be worked up over naked short selling? We understand. It's terribly complex and full of words that make your eyes glaze over.

So we decided to break it down into the simplest terms Wall Street transactions can be explained: the two cows story.

This is a simplification, since it leaves out the role of a clearing house. But that's the point: to simplify a very complicated process.

Traditional Short Selling: Two Cows

You neighbor Joe has two cows.

You borrow the cows.

You sell two cows your other neighbor Henry.

Henry agrees to pay you $100 for each cow.

At this point, you are net short two cows. You have the two you borrowed from Joe but you owe a total of four: two to Henry and two to Joe.

You go out into the market and look for more cows so you can give Joe his two cows back.

You hope the price is less than $100 per cow.

If the price of cows drops to $80, you just made $20 on each cow. If it climbs to $120, you lost the same amount on each cow.

Either way you close out the trade by delivering cows to Henry, collecting the money for delivery, and buying Joe the replacement cows.

Naked Short Selling: Two Cows

Your neighbor Joe has two cows.

You don’t borrow them.

You sell two cows to your neighbor Henry with a promise to deliver them in a few days.

Henry agrees to pay you $100 for each cow.

At this point, you are net short two cows. You don't have any cows but you owe a total of two: both of them to Henry.

You go out into the market and look for more cows so you can deliver two cows to Henry.

You hope the price is less than $100 per cow.

If the price of cows drops to $80, you just made $20 on each cow. If it climbs to $120, you lost the same amount on each cow.

You close out the trade by delivering cows to Henry and collecting the money for delivery.

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30-Sep-2009 11:32 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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US Travelling index has beggiest fall this year and this shows US people travel less couple with losing of consumers' confidence in the market, i am doubting DOW's 10000 rally is so soon.....May be perhaps, we have to wait till the coming election on 3 November 2009.

niuyear      ( Date: 29-Sep-2009 10:11) Posted:

Some says this rally has legs and some $600 trillions of derivaties still out there........DOW is going to be near 10000 or plus/minus and one may ponder whether is it worth risking the money in the stock market just to wait for 10000 to arrive?  This could be a fast but violent one and if one can catch a good stock to ride with the trend, then a winner, if not fast enough, then, stay sideway till a deeper correction after the 10000.  

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30-Sep-2009 10:36 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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hahaha !  look at this -


Why Naked Shorting Isn't Really That Different From Regular Short Selling: The Two Cows Version

cowsStill confused about why you shouldn't be worked up over naked short selling? We understand. It's terribly complex and full of words that make your eyes glaze over.

So we decided to break it down into the simplest terms Wall Street transactions can be explained: the two cows story.

This is a simplification, since it leaves out the role of a clearing house. But that's the point: to simplify a very complicated process.

Traditional Short Selling: Two Cows

You neighbor Joe has two cows.

You borrow the cows.

You sell two cows your other neighbor Henry.

Henry agrees to pay you $100 for each cow.

At this point, you are net short two cows. You have the two you borrowed from Joe but you owe a total of four: two to Henry and two to Joe.

You go out into the market and look for more cows so you can give Joe his two cows back.

You hope the price is less than $100 per cow.

If the price of cows drops to $80, you just made $20 on each cow. If it climbs to $120, you lost the same amount on each cow.

Either way you close out the trade by delivering cows to Henry, collecting the money for delivery, and buying Joe the replacement cows.

Naked Short Selling: Two Cows

Your neighbor Joe has two cows.

You don’t borrow them.

You sell two cows to your neighbor Henry with a promise to deliver them in a few days.

Henry agrees to pay you $100 for each cow.

At this point, you are net short two cows. You don't have any cows but you owe a total of two: both of them to Henry.

You go out into the market and look for more cows so you can deliver two cows to Henry.

You hope the price is less than $100 per cow.

If the price of cows drops to $80, you just made $20 on each cow. If it climbs to $120, you lost the same amount on each cow.

You close out the trade by delivering cows to Henry and collecting the money for delivery.

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30-Sep-2009 10:24 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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So let me think, is Zhou Yu a Clam and Zhu ge liang a Snipe?  We need living things like them to help fishermen rip the rewards.  Cheers!

niuyear      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 10:18) Posted:

When the Snipe and the Clam  are locked in fight, the fishermen caught both of them.  Bravo!  

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30-Sep-2009 10:18 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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When the Snipe and the Clam  are locked in fight, the fishermen caught both of them.  Bravo!  
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29-Sep-2009 16:01 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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wow, so chim, cannot understand.  Zhuge Liang teach you one huh?  Tell zhuge liang dont work sooooo hard cos the real zhuge liang died of exhaustion.......fought so much battle fields and died at such a dire stage , poor thing..   Like that help SGX make money also never receive any Award..

risktaker      ( Date: 29-Sep-2009 15:30) Posted:

To overcome the intelligent by folly is contrary to the natural order of things; to overcome the foolish by intelligence is in accord with the natural order. To overcome the intelligent by intelligence, however, is a matter of opportunity.

It will help u if u understand this :P

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29-Sep-2009 11:46 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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The sad story about being Zhu Ge Liang -

He was just a loyal and hardworking servant to his master Liu Bei. , and he didnt have much wealth left .

I rather be Liu Bei......LOL

risktaker      ( Date: 29-Sep-2009 11:27) Posted:

Zhou Yu - BB playing counters ( Midas, goldenagr... etc)

Zhuge Liang - should consider the Top BB in SGX. 

keepnosecrets      ( Date: 29-Sep-2009 11:19) Posted:

Why are you rumbling about Zhuo Yu or Zhuge Liang?  What is the significance?

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