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Latest Posts By teeth53 - Supreme      About teeth53
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15-Oct-2013 13:42 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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teeth53 thot: Why?, we need to secure unclear free Asean.

In the wake of Japan Quake and nuclear crisis...

Asean must wake up to apocalyptic gamble. 

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15-Oct-2013 13:38 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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A NASA satellite image shows Typhoon Wipha in the Pacific Ocean. (AFP PHOTO)
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15-Oct-2013 13:30 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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Life at stake more of such news and thing coming. Read more: Japan pledges $473 million to contain Fukushima leak

Japan Nuclear Experts : ''Fukushima leaks are ?catastrophically large? and gov?t admits help is needed......Tokyo Olympics may be impossible.....so unprecedented that there is no solution?

''Japanese govt  n  TEPCO is at a loss at how to deal with the leaks. with Typhoon Wipha, packing winds of up to 144 kilometres (89 miles) per hour find it way to Fukushima  where underneath these reactors the nuclear fuel is and limit and contain them with ice.  so that they stop leaching radiation into the environment is unlikely to stop.

Typhoon Wipha will further expose more water into ground n groundwater as ?Rods in the spent fuel pool may have melted during the explosion and their contents may be in contact with groundwater?

It will take decades even with all expertise in the world.''

''High radiation levels found at possible Olympic sites. Radioactive materials have spread throughout greater Tokyo region remains in emergency situation?

A citizens grp measured high radiation levels at candidate venues for the Tokyo Olympics, but the metropolitan govt disputes the data and the Int'l Olympic Committee has shown little interest. The group said some of the potential venues for the Summer Games had radiation levels exceeding the Tokyo metropolitan govt?s standards for decontamination.

Will IOC ignore these findings?. Most important reason is to save their face?.  They (IOC)  also have to give the Jap govt face if the Jap govt say otherwise. They cannot openly say they don't trust the Jap govt.

Will U be there???,  - ''Right now there is still all throughout northern Japan cesium being found in the urine of children, the exposure and contamination is ongoing and  are still being deadly  exposed to radiation.''

teeth53      ( Date: 12-Oct-2013 23:38) Posted:

Tip of the ice berg.

Figure is a 10-fold increase on TEPCO's previous estimate of the number of possible thyroid cancer victims, after the utility was told its figures were too conservative.

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15-Oct-2013 13:05 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:28
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15-Oct-2013 12:51 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Monday, 14 Oct 2013 | 10:47

Latest news - Read more: Senate debt deal 'very possible': Sen. Bob Corker     

Senate leaders are closing in on a deal Monday, one Senate Democrat privy to ongoing negotiations told CNBC.

" I feel more hopeful now than I have since October 1," said Jon Tester, D-Mont. " I think both Harry (Reid) and Mitch (McConnell) are talking.

What does the House do," he added. " Is the speaker (John Boehner) willing to put something on the floor that probably has enough votes to pass but may not be the most popular thing in the world?"

Tester, a Senate Banking Committee member, said he is confident the Senate's Republican and Democrat leaders would " do the right thing" and produce a common-sense proposal.
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15-Oct-2013 12:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The weekend came and went and lawmakers still haven't resolved the debt issue or the federal government shutdown. Investors weren't too pleased at first, but there are growing hopes that some progress will soon be made.  More

Dow ended - Dow 15,301.26 points, up +64.15 pt  or +0.42%
  • Hong Kong added 0.68%, Sydney gained 0.89%, Seoul was 0.96% and Shanghai was flat.

  • Jakarta, KL, Manila and S'pore were closed for public holidays.
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    15-Oct-2013 12:27 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    14 Oct 2013 - 9:10. US senators hint at possible fiscal deal on Tuesday


    Plan under discussion would promptly end a partial govt shutdown about to enter its 3rd wk. To raise debt ceiling, enough to cover the nation's borrowing needs at least through mid-Feb 2014, according to a source familiar with the negotiations.

    Govt operations would be funded through the middle of January, keeping in place the across-the-board " sequester" spending cuts that took effect in March, though govt agencies would have more latitude to ease their impact. Also set up a new round of budget talks that would try to strike a bargain by year's end.

    (Read more:
    Senate leaders closing in on a deal: Senate Democrat)

    teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 23:46) Posted:

    If Not For Politics

    teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 12:55) Posted:

    Mr President. Do not blame anyone else when thing start falling apart....Except.

    (Mr President famous word. " I will not negotiate" ...in action)

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    15-Oct-2013 12:25 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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    14 Oct 2013 - 9:10. Monday. US senators hint at possible fiscal deal on Tuesday


    Plan under discussion would promptly end a partial govt shutdown about to enter its 3rd wk. To raise debt ceiling, enough to cover the nation's borrowing needs at least through mid-Feb 2014, according to a source familiar with the negotiations.

    Govt operations would be funded through the middle of January, keeping in place the across-the-board " sequester" spending cuts that took effect in March, though govt agencies would have more latitude to ease their impact. Also set up a new round of budget talks that would try to strike a bargain by year's end.

    (Read more: Senate leaders closing in on a deal: Senate Democrat)

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    15-Oct-2013 00:02 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    Americanized? world 
    Beijing aired its frustrations with the shutdown, saying it was time to consider a " de-Americanized" world order.
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    14-Oct-2013 23:58 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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  • U.S. Risks Joining 1933 Germany in Pantheon of Deadbeats

  • Reneging on its debt obligations would make the U.S. the first major Western govt to default since Nazi Germany 80 years ago.

    U.S. May Join 1933 Germany in Pantheon of Deadbeat Defaults

    On a rainy 13th day of a govt shutdown with a possible debt default looming, Senate comes into session but the Hse is closed, on Capitol Hill on Oct 13, 2013.

    Germany unilaterally ceased payments on long-term borrowings on May 6, 1933, three months after Adolf Hitler was installed as Chancellor. The default helped cement Hitler?s power base following years of political instability as the Weimar Republic struggled with its crushing debts.

    ?These are generally catastrophic economic events,? said Professor Eugene N. White, an economics historian at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. ?There is no happy ending.?

    Debt reparations piled onto Germany, which in 1913 was world?s 3rd-biggest economy, sparked the hyperinflation, borrowings and political deadlock that brought the Nazis to power, and the default. It shows how excessive debt has capricious results, such as the civil war and despotism that ravaged Florence after England?s Edward III refused to pay his obligations from the city-state?s banks in 1339, and the Revolution of 1789 that followed the French Crown?s defaults in 1770 and 1788.

    Failure by the world?s biggest economy to pay its debt in an interconnected, globalized world risks an array of devastating consequences that could lay waste to stock markets from Brazil to Zurich and bring the $5 trillion market in Treasury-backed loans to a halt. Borrowing costs would soar, the dollar?s role as the world?s reserve currency would be in doubt and the U.S. and world economies would risk plunging into recession -- and potentially depression.
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    14-Oct-2013 23:46 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    If Not For Politics

    teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 12:55) Posted:

    Mr President. Do not blame anyone else when thing start falling apart....Except.

    (Mr President famous word. " I will not negotiate" ...in action)

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    14-Oct-2013 23:36 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    What a joke head line? - 'Cordial' shutdown talks under way in Senate.

    'Cordial', talks under way in Senate (for - shutdown??? - All Jokers)

    Treasury faces a severe cash crunch starting Thursday if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling. What happens then is largely unknown but most experts say it could be ugly.   More

    Leaders from around the world want Washington to raise the debt ceiling -- now.   More

    China and Japan top the list, with more than $1 trillion each in U.S. Treasuries.   More

    teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 13:23) Posted:

    The on/off switch is always there 24/7 available.

    White house can prepare their stuffs to goback to their villages.

    We too might have to turn off the on/off switch.

    teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 12:52) Posted:

    Mr President is waiting for a better offer...(waiting...in action?), very dark  inside White house:) 

    " It doesn't seem like the White House is serious at all about entering negotiations with us"

    until they see what comes out of the Senate.

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    14-Oct-2013 23:21 Rex Intl   /   Rex International       Go to Message
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    " red line indicated some hope? of +ve trenching" ...if only!!!

    Tmr public hoilday. Hari Raya Haji. Hav a nice rest tonite.

    terencee      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 15:33) Posted:

    815 now. How low can this go ? Or should it be time to load ? 


    Currently down trend for 2 days straight with strong selling. Broken many supports already. Wonder if this one can even go back to $0.85 at all.  

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    14-Oct-2013 23:08 Rex Intl   /   Rex International       Go to Message
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    Highly recommended by UOBKH...what goes around, come around.!!!

    Rex last closed@0.820  cents, " short immediate term don look good"

    Closed - 0.820 -0.020c -2.4%

    Why??.. They oso promoting REX to $1.46c, same day as  they restricted other counters. Angry players may want to play kateks on REX down 0.89c or 3.8%
    hmphie  - Date: 05-Oct-2013.
    I wonder if MAS would start to investigate UOBKH?

    teeth53      ( Date: 13-Oct-2013 14:30) Posted:

    http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=5WH.SI& t=3m& l=on& z=l& q=l& p=m5%2Cm20& a=m26-12-9& c=

    The chart reflect or other wise, short immediate term don look good, red line indicated some hope of  +ve trenching...Happi trading n vesting in.

    iluvboost      ( Date: 13-Oct-2013 12:41) Posted:

    uptrend still intact, inching towards $1 on their next leg up.. trailing Tp in batches along the way, 93,95,97,100 etc...


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    14-Oct-2013 13:23 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    The on/off switch is always there 24/7 available.

    White house can prepare their stuffs to goback to their villages.

    We too might have to turn off the on/off switch.

    teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 12:52) Posted:

    Mr President is waiting for a better offer...(waiting...in action?), very dark  inside White house:) 

    " It doesn't seem like the White House is serious at all about entering negotiations with us"

    until they see what comes out of the Senate.

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    14-Oct-2013 13:16 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    October 13, 2013 -- Updated 0006


    Donkey Vs Elephant - for  who is  best in shutdown talk. (Jokers)

    teeth53 thot - Both house hope?, hav not show who in control, as nobody else does.

    Donkey leader said " I will not negotiate" . Elephant leader said...Well, so  be it.
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    14-Oct-2013 13:07 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    What a joke with this head line - 'Cordial' shutdown talks under way in Senate.

    'Cordial', talks under way in Senate for - shutdown ?????????? (Jokers)
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    14-Oct-2013 13:03 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    Senate Democrats met with Obama for 75 minutes Saturday afternoon. Democratic leadership aide said the party is unified.

    " Democrats are willing to negotiate on anything Republicans want to discuss as soon as we reopen the govt and pay our bills." Another Democratic source said party leaders regard Republicans as lacking a coherent position. They hope........

    Think they hope things don't fall apart by the donkey....?? (teeth53 so as their nos 1 leader said " I will not negotiate" .) 

    teeth53      ( Date: 13-Oct-2013 23:36) Posted:

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    14-Oct-2013 12:55 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    Mr President. Do not blame anyone else when thing start falling apart....Except.

    (Mr President famous word. " I will not negotiate" ...in action)
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    14-Oct-2013 12:52 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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    Mr President is waiting for a better offer...(waiting...in action?), very dark  inside White house:) 

    " It doesn't seem like the White House is serious at all about entering negotiations with us"

    until they see what comes out of the Senate.

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