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31-Jul-2013 22:43 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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舟 山 中 远 船 务 4艘 油 船 订 单 生 效
2013-07-31 14:23:49 中 国 船 舶 报  
    舟 山 中 远 船 务 工 程 有 限 公 司 与 欧 洲 船 东 签 订 的 4艘 11.1万 吨 原 油 /成 品 油 船 订 单 近 日 正 式 生 效 ,
这 是 今 年 年 初 以 来 舟 山 船 务 生 效 的 第 六 份 新 订 单 , 也 是 该 公 司 成 功 承 接 的 第 二 份 油 船 订 单 。
这 4艘 船 均 全 长 251.9米 , 型 宽 44米 , 型 深 21.3米 , 航 速 达 14.6节 , 入 级 挪 威 船 级 社 ,
预 计 于 2014年 开 工 、 2015年 交 付 。

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30-Jul-2013 16:41 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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舟 山 中 远 船 务 提 前 完 修 大 型 海 损 船 “佛 罗 里 达 ”

来 源 : 中 国 船 舶 在 线     2013-07-25 09:43:42   


7月 22日 , 舟 山 中 远 船 务 为 法 国 达 飞 公 司 修 理 的 大 型 海 损 船 “佛 罗 里 达 ”号 比 原 计 划 提 前 2天 开 航 。

“佛 罗 里 达 ”号 是 一 艘 4800TEU集 装 箱 船 , 今 年 3月 19日 因 在 长 江 口 发 生 撞 击 事 故 导 致 4号 、 5号 货 舱 船 体 海 损 破 裂 , 4块 舱 盖 和 3层 生 活 区 部 分 房 间 , 船 舶 左 舷 机 舱 低 硫 油 柜 及 NO.5双 层 底 边 重 油 舱 等 破 损 。 在 修 理 过 程 中 , 舟 山 中 远 船 务 精 心 组 织 , 周 密 策 划 , 累 计 完 成 钢 结 构 工 程 约 1400吨 , 电 缆 换 新 1万 余 米 , 管 系 换 新 2000米 。 同 时 通 过 设 置 围 油 栏 和 将 油 污 控 制 在 坞 里 清 理 等 方 法 , 有 效 控 制 污 染 , 总 共 清 理 油 污 水 约 8000吨 、 垃 圾 500立 方 米 。 此 外 , 舟 山 中 远 船 务 依 靠 技 术 实 力 和 丰 富 经 验 , 采 用 独 创 的 先 进 工 艺 , 科 学 精 确 的 校 正 办 法 , 最 大 修 正 值 达 700mm的 主 船 体 变 形 校 正 一 次 性 取 得 圆 满 成 功 。

在 交 船 签 字 仪 式 上 , 船 东 公 司 代 表 对 舟 山 中 远 船 务 在 修 理 过 程 中 表 现 出 的 良 好 技 术 素 质 和 优 良 的 修 理 质 量 表 示 非 常 满 意 , 并 给 予 舟 山 中 远 船 务 提 前 完 工 奖 励 。


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30-Jul-2013 16:16 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Seaspan Splashes out $550m on New Boxship Order

From: Seatrade GlobalDate : 2013-7-30 10:23:38

Seaspan Corp has splashed out $550m to order newbuilding containerships scheduled for delivery in 2015 from a major Asian shipbuilder.
The New York-listed containership owner, however, gave little details of the order but added that it expects to sign long term charters with one of the liner majors shortly.

“Seaspan continues to capitalise on attractive growth opportunities. We are pleased to have commenced the third quarter by signing a major newbuilding contract and are in the process of finalising long term charter agreements for these vessels,” said Gerry Wang, ceo, co-chairman, and co-founder of Seaspan.

The newbuilding contract announcement followed Seaspan's stronger second quarter results, which saw the company returned to the black with a profit of $127.15m as against a loss of $6.75m in the same period of 2012.

Revenue in the quarter ended 30 June 2013 remained unchanged at $167.8m.
At the start of 2013, Seaspan had 69 vessels in operation and accepted delivery of one vessel during the second quarter, bringing its fleet to a total of 70 vessels as of 30 June 2013.

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30-Jul-2013 15:10 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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From: SinoShip NewsDate : 2013-7-30 10:41:20

Yangzijiang Signs Bulkers with Peter Dohle

Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding has signed with German owner Peter Dohle for the construction of two 64,000 dwt ultramax bulker plus two options.
The price for each vessel is $26m, and the delivery will start from the end of 2015.

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30-Jul-2013 14:32 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Seaspan Splashes out $550m on New Boxship Order

From: Seatrade GlobalDate : 2013-7-30 10:23:38

Seaspan Corp has splashed out $550m to order newbuilding containerships scheduled for delivery in 2015 from a major Asian shipbuilder.
The New York-listed containership owner, however, gave little details of the order but added that it expects to sign long term charters with one of the liner majors shortly.

“Seaspan continues to capitalise on attractive growth opportunities. We are pleased to have commenced the third quarter by signing a major newbuilding contract and are in the process of finalising long term charter agreements for these vessels,” said Gerry Wang, ceo, co-chairman, and co-founder of Seaspan.

The newbuilding contract announcement followed Seaspan's stronger second quarter results, which saw the company returned to the black with a profit of $127.15m as against a loss of $6.75m in the same period of 2012.

Revenue in the quarter ended 30 June 2013 remained unchanged at $167.8m.
At the start of 2013, Seaspan had 69 vessels in operation and accepted delivery of one vessel during the second quarter, bringing its fleet to a total of 70 vessels as of 30 June 2013.

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29-Jul-2013 12:28 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Source: International Ship Network Published :2013-7-29 11:02:58

European banks: shipping industry has now signs of recovery



    Nordea Bank and Norges Bank is the world's two largest shipping lenders. Up to five years in the shipping industry after the downturn of the two banks seem to have seen the end of the recession in sight.
    Nordea Bank CEO Christian Clausen said the second quarter, the bank's loan loss cargo units compared to the first quarter, a decrease of 15% since 2011 to become at least a quarter. Operating profit amounted to seven the highest point since the first quarter, while loan losses in shipping is likely to continue to decline.
    Clausen said he believes the shipping industry's loan losses are no longer a problem.
Currently, the shipping industry is 70 years since the 20th century, the most sluggish market conditions to seek revival, while freight rates decline, overcapacity problem still exists. Shipping companies have been trying to pay off debt, and many banks also have some shipping loan losses, these banks are not just Nordea Bank and Norges Bank, including Germany, Northern Bank, Germany's Commerzbank, Norddeutsche Landesbank.

      Nordea Bank as a competitor in Norway, Norges Bank is the world's second-largest shipping bank. The website says the line in the second quarter, the bank shipping, marine and logistics sector loan losses than in the first quarter decreased by 43% to 198 million Norwegian Kroner ($ 33 million), the lowest level since the four quarters.

Norges Bank's global shipping, marine engineering, logistics director Kristin Holth said that 2013 would be a very tough year, and for some industries, 2014 may be equally difficult. However, through a diversified portfolio, the bank will be able to get good returns.

      Holth said that this year, Norges Bank has predicted that the shipping loan loss reserves increased from 1 billion to 1.5 billion Norwegian Kroner Norwegian Kroner, while in 2012 this amounted to 940 million Norwegian Kroner. But he refused to disclose the 2014 forecast.

      Nordea Bank is the world's fourth largest shipping bank, the bank in July revealed that the market for tankers and dry bulk market, 2013 will be a large number of new ship deliveries last year, which for the future prospects of these markets since a certain amount of stability.

      Clausen said Nordea Bank estimates that in the next few quarters, the amount calculated by the shipping line portfolio is likely to be slightly higher.
    The most serious crisis in the shipping industry, other banks have to give the industry time, Nordea Bank and the Norwegian investment bank has always insisted on the shipping industry. Now, the two banks began to make a profit. Last June, the world's third largest commercial bank said Fang Deguo shipping loans, will end ship financing and focus instead on sustained profitable business fields.

      Other German lenders are struggling. As the world's largest shipping lenders, banks in northern Germany, June 7, said the bank's loan loss reserves have increased in the first quarter more than tripled.
    In contrast, the Nordic banking situation is more favorable. This is because these banks in the portfolio is more diversified than the German banks, and more attention to the field of industrial transport and marine engineering, rather than tankers, dry bulk and container shipping industry.

      In Norges Bank's investment portfolio, Cargo and dry bulk cargo accounted for 14% and 12%, 9% oil tanker, the rest include marine, logistics, cruise ships, ro-ro and so on.
    Union Bank last year in the Nordic portfolio, drilling equipment, supply vessels and oil services accounted for 25%, container ships and dry cargo accounted for 11%, 11% crude oil tankers, chemical tankers and product tankers accounted for 13%.

      While in Germany the portfolio of commercial banks, accounting for 33% of container ships, bulk carriers, 20%, 25% oil tankers. This year, the bank's shares are traded on the Frankfurt market fell 39%. Nordea Bank since the end of 2012 fell by 34%, while Norges Bank's stock is up 38 percent this year.
    Holth said, not every aspect of the shipping industry have been ready for the market recovery. Norges Bank is not too optimistic about the oil tanker market, believes that there is no indication that freight rates are rising rapidly, and thus the situation improved also takes time. The dry bulk market despite positive signs, but the freight rates will likely fall.

      However, other aspects of the shipping industry still show signs of recovery, but it also attracts more lenders. Holth said Norges Bank is very pleased to see this phenomenon, and lenders can be expected investment interest will increase.


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29-Jul-2013 12:26 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Source: International Ship Network Published :2013-7-29 9:29:30

Global shipbuilding industry has achieved a soft landing



    According to the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) Analyst, 15 months ago in the global shipbuilding industry seemed to fall into the abyss. Today, the past few years, a record number of delivery of the ship to the current yield more stable and sustainable, this seems to be a marked decline in the global shipbuilding industry a soft landing. The soft landing is an important manifestation of the global shipbuilding orders for new vessels mainly from the traditional merchant transfers to offshore support vessels, thus achieving a soft landing cushion.

      BIMCO analysis of the December 2011 and March 2013 data to compare the data, shows that the global shipbuilding industry had a very dramatic change.
    The soft landing is an integrated part of the construction industry's focus from the mainstream of merchant ships, such as dry bulk carriers, oil tankers and container ships turned primarily to serve offshore oil industry work boat.

      BIMCO research report said, adding that the current market there is a clear tendency is changing and custom-made vessel size larger offshore boats tendencies. The fact is that although the number increased by only 20%, but the capacity for CGT purposes increased by 42%, and the vast majority are like Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) / Floating Storage and Offloading vessel (an increase of 83%) and drilling rigs (up 75%) such advanced ships. FPSO vessel / floating storage vessels and drilling rigs combined capacity stands today handheld marine ship orders 72%, compared with December 2011 increased by 51%.

      BIMCO chief analyst Peter Sand pointed out that " in the shipyard shipbuilding can still considerable excess, while excess capacity should be re-directed to the construction of other industries that use marine offshore oil industry by 2020 vision, each shipyard will both achieve their excess shipbuilding capacity of soft landing prospects on the other hand, the shipping industry will continue to be more on the impact of excess capacity. "


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29-Jul-2013 12:23 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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From: SinoShip NewsDate : 2013-7-29 10:32:55

Shipping Support Policies to Come out Soon

In the recent China Shipping Financing and Leasing Summit organised by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE), Wang Jianmin, vice president of SSE, said the government will introduce favourable policies to support the depressed shipping industry, including shipping tax cuts or exemption and subsidies for old vessel recycling in the second half of this year.

Wu Xingbao, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, said Shanghai will also offer more support in the ship financial leasing sector. “Financial leasing will help shipping companies ease their financial pressure and deal with the periodical fluctuation in the shipping industry,” he said.

“Currently shipping companies find it harder to get financing from banks,” said an official from the bank industry, “the banks have tightened their loan policy to shipping companies, and most of the loans are only offered to large state-owned companies,” the official said.

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29-Jul-2013 12:20 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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From: SinoShip NewsDate : 2013-7-29 9:53:46

Beijing to Increase Ship Export Tax Rebate

The Ministry of Finance plans to implement new policies to improve the competitiveness of several industries including shipbuilding, machinery and textiles.

The policy will support shipbuilding companies by increasing ship export tax rebates, which will reduce costs for companies and help accelerate the transformation of the industry, the ministry said.

In the first half of 2013, China received new shipbuilding orders of 22.9m dwt, a year-on-year growth of 113.2%, and completed ship exports of 17.28m dwt, down 34.4% year-on-year.
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28-Jul-2013 00:07 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering Co., Ltd.  ( brother of cosco company )
  • Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. (NACKS) is a large-scale shipbuilding joint venture between China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (KHI).
  • COSCO, as one of the largest shipping companies in the world, owns and operates  about 800 vessels with a total capacity of over 50 million DWT. KHI has two world-class shipyards, which are Sakaide shipyard and Kobe shipyard. COSCO and KHI have been enjoying a good cooperation for several decades. In order to take the full advantage of both sides' expertise, like the know-how of shipbuilding, shipping market analysis, business management as well as the Nantong's regional superiority, COSCO and KHI jointly invested  5 billion RMB¥ to launch this new shipbuilding project.
  • The registered capital of NACKS is 1.46 billion RMB¥ equally shared by COSCO and KHI. The yard layout, with advanced production facilities, is quite reasonable. NACKS engages in the construction of various kinds of bulk carriers, 150,000DWT and 300,000DWT oil tankers, pure car carrier of large scale and  Special Ship and

    LNG  etc.
  • Right from the start in 1999, NACKS, combining the advanced shipbuilding technology and production control system of KHI with the successful business management experience of COSCO, has made remarkable accomplishment as a rookie in shipbuiling world with great leap-forward development of successfully constructing 47,000DWT Bulk Carrier, 5400TEU Container Ships, 300,000DWT VLCC, and 5000PCC and 6200PCC and 300,000DWT VLOC and  13386TEU Container Ships. With the constructing of 13386TEU container ship and 28000-DWT General Cargo Ship(Heavy Lift), NACKS made further progress in high-tech shipbuiding field.
  • NACKS has already acquired ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO18001 and ISO27001 certificates issued by DNV. Shortly after ISO10012 certification was also approved by the Government. NACKS was awarded“Top 500 Joint Venture in China”, “Top 100 Enterprise in Heavy Industry of China”, “Top 500 I/E Enterprise in China”, “Top 100 Enterprise in Heavy Industry of China” etc. At present, NACKS is becoming more and more energetic and flourishing as a mordern shipbuilding enterprise at all-round production. NACKS will continue to achieve the great goal of being “the first class shipyard in the world and the most advanced shipyard in china” and to contribute more to the development and progress of Chinese shipbuilding industry.

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27-Jul-2013 13:46 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco so far this year had wins about 10 bilion 

Contracts .

Why Local fund stil no interested ??

Local fund only supports two local ship

  may be in near cpscp will be dual currency

Trading for RMB .

Then china fund manager will come in I 

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27-Jul-2013 13:41 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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You can go to cosco.com.sg .to checks

The rules of sgx . Ceo of the company not reports the company of wins contracts???

  why ?? 

May be they are waitting for some things

  the customers web site had post the contracts   to cosco 

Why cosco ceo waitting ???

May be due to busy*!!

Or some   fund not just transfer ??



May be al this are not correct . All are rumua 

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27-Jul-2013 13:30 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yes. All buyers in china and hong kong can internet to buy or sell. They just ask the trading company to link to sgx . And the settle in RMB .
Alots big fund in china are so many time biger then sin fund temasa.
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26-Jul-2013 17:12 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Next week Cosco going to catch up brother Yangzijiang $1

Delivery ship collect money


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26-Jul-2013 17:04 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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启 东 中 远 海 工 交 付 自 升 式 驳 船

阅 读 次 数 : 80 发 布 日 期 : 2013-7-26



7月 24日 , 启 东 中 远 海 工 为 澳 大 利 亚 BAM CLOUGH公 司 建 造 的 自 升 式 驳 船 “邦 嘉 ”和 配 套 运 输 驳 船 “嘉 运 ”完 工 交 付 。 澳 大 利 亚 BAM CLOUGH公 司 总 经 理 Mark Guinee, 启 东 中 远 海 工 副 总 经 理 唐 盛 弢 等 出 席 了 完 工 交 付 签 字 仪 式 。

该 自 升 式 驳 船 长 46.5米 、 宽 30.3米 、 高 4.5米 、 设 计 吃 水 2.4米 , 主 船 体 重 量 为 1955吨 , 四 条 55米 的 自 升 式 桩 腿 重 量 650吨 , 配 有 起 重 能 力 为 300吨 克 令 吊 一 台 , 主 要 用 于 近 海 海 域 码 头 建 设 。 ( 王 海 峰 /文   殷 丹 锋 /摄 )

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26-Jul-2013 17:02 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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International Ship Network Published :2013 -7-26 9:51:06

Scorpio in Chinese-made 14 bulk carriers Last week, Scorpio began in Oslo OTC market began trading. Recently, Scorpio Bulkers announced that it has ordered custom-made 11 +3 bulk carriers, these ships will be in the boat Elizabeth West, Dalian COSCO Nantong COSCO Kawasaki Kawasaki construction, every ship cost about $ 27 million. This is the company's first confirmation signed orders for new ships. Scopio said that these 61,000 dwt to 63,000 dwt bulk carrier, the former ten will be delivered by 2015, including two in the first quarter, one in the second quarter, five in the third quarter, two In the fourth quarter, and the remaining one will be delivered in the first quarter of 2016. If after the commencement of alternative orders will be delivered in 2016, two in the second quarter, one in the third quarter. Previously, Scorpio Bulkers only revealed that the company has signed with a number of shipyards built bulk carrier letter of intent. Scorpio turned to Chinese shipyards orders for new vessels this news, apparently let the market very surprised. Last week, the trade winds have been reported, Scorpio is likely to choose Japanese shipyards, and this is expected to order custom-made 25 Ultramax bulk carriers. The Scorpio previously undisclosed information shipyards signed a letter of intent, these shipyards may be NACKS, shipbuilding and COSCO Pacific. It is understood, Dalian COSCO Nantong COSCO Kawasaki and Kawasaki will each be responsible for the construction of four 61,000 dwt bulk carrier, while the West is responsible for the construction of boats Cheng 3 63,500 dwt bulk carriers.
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26-Jul-2013 17:00 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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国 际 船 舶 网 发 布 时 间 : 2013-7-26 9:51:06

Scorpio在 中 国 订 造 14艘 散 货 船



    上 周 , Scorpio开 始 在 奥 斯 陆 场 外 交 易 市 场 开 始 交 易 。 近 日 , Scorpio Bulkers宣 布 , 已 经 下 单 订 造 了 11+3艘 散 货 船 , 这 些 船 将 由 中 船 澄 西 、 大 连 中 远 川 崎 和 南 通 中 远 川 崎 建 造 , 每 艘 造 价 约 为 2700万 美 元 。 这 是 该 公 司 签 订 的 第 一 份 确 认 新 船 订 单 。
  Scopio表 示 , 这 批 61000载 重 吨 至 63000载 重 吨 的 散 货 船 , 前 十 艘 将 于 2015年 交 付 , 其 中 2艘 在 第 一 季 度 、 1艘 在 第 二 季 度 、 5艘 在 第 三 季 度 、 2艘 在 第 四 季 度 , 剩 下 的 1艘 则 于 2016年 第 一 季 度 交 付 。 备 选 订 单 如 果 生 效 之 后 , 将 在 2016年 交 付 , 2艘 在 第 二 季 度 、 1艘 在 第 三 季 度 。
    先 前 , Scorpio Bulkers仅 透 露 , 公 司 与 一 些 船 厂 签 订 了 散 货 船 建 造 的 意 向 书 。 Scorpio转 向 中 国 船 厂 订 造 新 船 这 个 消 息 , 显 然 会 让 市 场 十 分 吃 惊 。
上 周 , 贸 易 风 曾 报 道 , Scorpio很 可 能 选 择 日 本 船 厂 , 而 这 一 订 单 有 望 订 造 25艘 Ultramax型 散 货 船 。 而 Scorpio先 前 未 透 露 签 订 意 向 书 的 船 厂 信 息 , 这 些 船 厂 可 能 是 南 通 中 远 川 崎 、 太 平 洋 造 船 和 中 远 船 务 。
    据 了 解 , 大 连 中 远 川 崎 和 南 通 中 远 川 崎 将 各 负 责 建 造 4艘 61000载 重 吨 的 散 货 船 , 而 中 船 澄 西 则 负 责 建 造 3艘 63500载 重 吨 的 散 货 船 。

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25-Jul-2013 22:38 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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at this movement got contracts no use ,

must show good profits result .

fund manager no interested to buy and push up .

so how to get fund manager ,china fund manager to buy or us manager to buy

then this ship will fly up

number  1 in china  , World number   2

current price only $0.765  .???

cosoco company no money to buy back.lah



中 远 拥 有 和 经 营 700余 艘 现 代 化 商 船 , 5100多 万 载 重 吨 , 年 货 运 量 超 4亿 吨 , 远 洋 航 线 覆 盖 全 球 160多 个 国 家 和 地 区 的 1500多 个 港 口 , 船 队 规 模 中 国 第 一 世 界 第 二 。 其 中 , 集 装 箱 船 (船 型   船 厂   买 卖 )队 、 干 散 货 船 队 、 专 业 杂 货 、 多 用 途 和 特 种 运 输 船 队 规 模 实 力 均 居 世 界 前 列 , 油 轮 船 队 也 是 当 今 世 界 超 级 油 轮 船 队 之 一 。

        中 远 集 团 控 制 各 种 物 流 车 辆 超 过 4000台 , 堆 场 77万 平 方 米 , 拥 有 和 控 制 仓 库 105万 平 方 米 。 中 远 物 流 在 内 地 29个 省 、 市 、 自 治 区 、 香 港 及 境 外 建 立 了 400多 个 业 务 分 支 机 构 , 物 流 服 务 创 造 多 项 业 界 记 录 , 连 续 七 次 蝉 联 “中 国 物 流 百 强 企 业 ”评 比 榜 首 。
        中 远 集 团 拥 有 世 界 先 进 水 平 的 造 船 企 业 、 国 内 领 军 的 海 洋 工 程 装 备 制 造 企 业 和 最 大 的 修 船 企 业 , 在 国 内 多 家 修 造 船 基 地 拥 有 含 30万 吨 级 、 50万 吨 级 在 内 的 各 类 型 船 坞 16座 , 年 修 理 改 造 大 型 船 舶 500余 艘 , 年 造 船 能 力 840万 吨 。 在 海 工 装 备 建 造 领 域 ,中 远 成 功 设 计 、 建 造 了 多 个 世 界 尖 端 水 平 的 首 制 海 工 产 品 , 其 中 世 界 首 座 圆 筒 型 超 深 水 海 洋 钻 井 平 台 “希 望 1号 ”获 得 2011年 度 国 家 科 技 进 步 一 等 奖 。

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25-Jul-2013 22:30 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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yes .

due to Local Fund manager no interest in china ship , then china fund can come in by using RMB no lose in currency lose in convert by bank , ( This what I things)

Sg fund only help sg company only , they are all control by gov

why they don't use us dollar or other currency for dual trading . ??

example yangzijiang in sg $ 1.00 in  Bs6 , then Bs6B will be converts to RMB price will be $RMB 5.00

below is the HPH dual currency in sgx sg$ and US $

us$ 0.76 x 1.2632 to convert to Sg$ = 0.96

HPH Trust S$D P7VU 0.960 -0.005 -0.518 709 352 0.955 0.960 31 0.965 0.965 0.955 680,645 TSC
HPH Trust US$ NS8U 0.760 - - 12,067 152 0.760 0.765 2,131 0.755

I don't ask you to buy HPH  ports they are lose money  just for example


good luck
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25-Jul-2013 16:58 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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you can see today sti drop -37 .

still move up ,this train just start to move . more to go $0.60

there Q2 result coming soon may be on 8-12 Aug 2013 profits 50% up may be


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