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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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17-Nov-2009 12:19 China Oilfield   /   China Oil Field Technology       Go to Message
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I have noticed quite a number of  'Cheena' companies got 'suspended'.   Trying to check the reasons but, SGX website NOT USER FRIENDLY.  Cant do a search for that matter.  Some info unable to click at finger tip.   Not so efficient.
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17-Nov-2009 12:14 StarHub   /   Starhub       Go to Message
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eyeing on their christmas package - iphone.
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17-Nov-2009 10:36 Others   /   Chipmunks movie coming your way.........       Go to Message
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This time round, there will be girl chipmunks......sounds interesting, must watch.  Theodor, my favourite.
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17-Nov-2009 09:36 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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Who deserves to lose the value of the share or to lose money?  I will vote Citigroup - remember months ago when citigroup just got the bail-out money  from the US  government, they wanted to go ahead and buy a MULTI-million dollars jet plane but Obama stopped that purchase.............
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16-Nov-2009 17:06 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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He has to learn how to 'speak mandarin' before China could say 'YES', and he has to learn how to 'BOW' properly before Japan could say 'YES'!  LOL

risktaker      ( Date: 16-Nov-2009 17:03) Posted:

thats why Obama has to fly to China & Japan :) "Ask China/Japan not to dump US dollar and support US Debts"

niuyear      ( Date: 16-Nov-2009 16:56) Posted:

Am waiting to see Gold  test high of 1200 ... whereas  that STI slightly above 3200?  our future lies in the hand of STI and DOW.   LKY  warns that if other currency becomes dominance and if US$ keeps falling, everything will be very different and this might not mean good for the whole world.......

Personally, dont wish to see Gold keep on going up (though vested) for this means weaker and weaker US$.

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16-Nov-2009 17:01 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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Big player would not post their messages in Free forum.

Peg_li      ( Date: 16-Nov-2009 13:31) Posted:

Are you big players?

so rich!

can not compare with you.

risktaker      ( Date: 16-Nov-2009 12:54) Posted:

On Nov 11th 2009 Someone covered back and collected a lot too at the same time :P @ 1.97-1.99 range.

  -- I think he lost around avg 7 cents. "lost close to $100,000"

On Nov 12th "I say let this baby touch 2.12" in this post.

Today he throw half of what he brought on 1.97-1.99 :) Made around "$200,000"

The next half he throw will be the time i will join to short this baby :) 

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16-Nov-2009 16:56 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Am waiting to see Gold  test high of 1200 ... whereas  that STI slightly above 3200?  our future lies in the hand of STI and DOW.   LKY  warns that if other currency becomes dominance and if US$ keeps falling, everything will be very different and this might not mean good for the whole world.......

Personally, dont wish to see Gold keep on going up (though vested) for this means weaker and weaker US$.

ROI25per      ( Date: 16-Nov-2009 16:08) Posted:

u wont b surprise the title will come true....

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16-Nov-2009 16:43 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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North East Line not much threat to smrt, i think.  May be the Bullet train in 20 years time (or shorter?)  will be a biggest challeng smrt would face. 

I much like to see a total 'made-over'  for  Singapore's future transportation on road because is will be envionmentally friendly if those road transport like buses are taken out 80%..  Cheers to future PM of singapore if  she/he could make singapore a NO.1 of the world in transportation.

Will our future PM of singapore be a lady ??  hey, hey , i am thinking of  Mdm Ho Chin , why not?  (Just my guess).  :)



PrivateInvestor      ( Date: 13-Nov-2009 17:35) Posted:

How about the operator for the NEL?

niuyear      ( Date: 10-Nov-2009 14:59) Posted:

Smrt dont have competitors yet...

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12-Nov-2009 16:18 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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How will the buying and selling of a company shares on daily basis affect that company's stock value?

iPunter      ( Date: 12-Nov-2009 15:54) Posted:

And when it comes to the stock market,

the more confident the person is ...

The bigger a loser he will predictably become... hehehe...  Smiley

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12-Nov-2009 16:03 RafflesEdu   /   Raffles Edu       Go to Message
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If  CEO lies about its company during the audit trial etc, he/she could end up in jail .  Those working with this company such as its  CFO, or those who involved in the audit ,  better buck up and find way to defense themselves for the judge will not buy it if one claims that one is innocent .

It is therefore, be careful if one works as financial controllre or CFO or accounting related job in a companpy that one feels  is full of suspicious, do consider quit before one gets into big trouble.

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12-Nov-2009 15:48 Ferrochina   /   Ferrochina       Go to Message
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I happen to chance at one brokerage house's website many months ago and this brokerage house have a 'SELL' rating for SIA.......but its been more than i think 9 mths or so,  SIA price still steady till now.  I wonder whoever follow its call to sell , will lose big.   I do go  back to thier website and still find the 'SELL' rating appearing at their stock recommendation column 1 or 2 months ago.

jeremyow      ( Date: 12-Nov-2009 14:31) Posted:

My brother is working part-time in one of the brokerage houses. He told me that the analysts' calls from brokerage houses generally have conflict of interest between investors and the brokerage houses. So, as investors, we should always treat buy or sell calls from analysts reports from brokerage houses with a pinch of salt. Brokerage houses covering reports for certain companies tend to write good things about a company that maybe biased. I'm not saying research reports are not worth looking at, just that one has to be careful that the calls may be more favourable towards the brokerage houses than retail investors. Caveat Emptor.

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12-Nov-2009 15:34 Others   /   Las Vegas Sands       Go to Message
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hahaha, Why LV  lose money?  Americans are not born 'gamblers' unlike chinese.  I suppose if not because of those super rich gamblers from middle-east, they would have closed shop long ago. Now,  LV have another competitor i.e. Singapore Casino and since these super rich of middle-east dont go Genting but, perhaps, they cld come singapore and we welcome them....we got spicy and good food unlike American can only offer BURGER ... LOL

Calculation      ( Date: 12-Nov-2009 14:48) Posted:

Anybody here who is familiar with casino business?

To be honest, I was a bit surprised to learn about so many American casinos running into cash problems.  I thought casinos are cash cows?  Even though they had loans, I would expect those debts to be fully repaid long ago since they have been in operation for many years.

Unless those loans were so huge or their businesses were not as profitable as what we thought?

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12-Nov-2009 14:41 Others   /   US$ Chart       Go to Message
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Sorry, the central banks i mentioned in my posts are those central banks from Asia and not US or Europe.  These Asia central banks have low reserve and thats why they keep buying gold.     These asia central banks keeps buying gold recent months and they are definitely paying much higher price and hope they are not the sucker for this gold rally.

boyikao3      ( Date: 12-Nov-2009 14:36) Posted:

The Fed was created as "guard-dogs" of US fiat currency - namely the dollar, so as to replace gold and silver. Their sole purpose is to make sure that the dollar is a more worthy and valuble currency than the precious metals. Do you really think that they would shoot themselves in their own feet in the long run and let the dollar be destroyed (and therefore destroying their own jobs??) ???Smiley 

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12-Nov-2009 14:13 Others   /   US$ Chart       Go to Message
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MAS has stepped in  to curb and watch closely to prevent the dollar from further weakening.......but, the total confidence of dollar is diminishing and people keep selling dollars .....even the central banks keep buying gold and who want to hold the weakening US dollars?
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12-Nov-2009 14:08 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Most central banks outside of  US and Europe have low gold reserve and now these Asia central banks, especially Sri Lanka kept buying gold recently.  Isnt it they are paying much higher price than 10 or 20 yrs ago?  Hope asia are not big sucker for this gold rally.  
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12-Nov-2009 13:12 Golden Agri-Res   /   GoldenAgr       Go to Message
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Though there is much talk about  'dont trust brokerage houses' analysis etc, but  , DBS V  has been receiving rewards  etc (as seen from their website).  What is their rating compare to other brokerage houses in singapore and how many brokerage houses exactly are there in singapore? 
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12-Nov-2009 13:05 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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I took quite a while to searh Ferro in this Forum.  This one suspended for trading.  Those (can be 'brokerage houses', 'anyone' working in the company and 'retailers around the world' )   who issued 'buy' calls fall into 2 categories i..e.  either they are downright ignorant or the other type is they trying to clear their stocks they are holding.   LOL!

Juzztrade      ( Date: 12-Nov-2009 11:56) Posted:

I have been following this forum since early 2007.  I don't them by hard.  Go to Ferrochina and Aztech post and find out more.

Happy Trading.

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12-Nov-2009 12:53 Ferrochina   /   Ferrochina       Go to Message
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Was shock to see these reports by brokerage houses. So, this company has declared bankrupt and closed down? 

Brokerage houses should be 'watched' by a governing body , and have their holding stocks publicised before they could issue buy or sell calls.  

sgdividends      ( Date: 11-Oct-2008 10:17) Posted:

10 October 2008 - Sell $0.545

15 August 2008-Buy $1.28
28 April 2008- Buy $1.56
19 March 2008- Buy $1.16
3 March 2008- Buy $1.41
Frankly, never trust brokerage houses buy calls. Brokerage houses revenue is from commissions and they issue reports to generate commissions...plain and simple as that. Let me ask you. If you are holding a stock, would you initiate a sell call on it before you sell.
Brokerage houses especially those bank backed also have investment banking relations or the banks they are affiliated with want to fight for corporate businesses. Do you think they will write a report unfavourably on the companies? No of cos as then they will not get business. Common sense?
Sadly, when one research house issue a particular call, nearly all the others follow suit, in general speak. Herd Instinct or just safety in numbers.... NEVER FOLLOW ANALYST CALLS.

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12-Nov-2009 11:48 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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By having 2 or more nick names  posting in same forum  giving 'tips'  openly or thru private message (PM),  the intention must be obvious. 

abc2xyz      ( Date: 12-Nov-2009 09:47) Posted:

Did you hear of a four faced Buddha?  Some people here may have 8 faces. Hehehe.  But Peter or CW, have also other nicks posting here.  So newbies should not be too eager to look for tips or else sure tip over, trip and hurt!!!  Cheong arhhhhhhh....

DinoFerran      ( Date: 11-Nov-2009 23:05) Posted:

her calls? i thought the tipster is a guy-peter wee i think. i heard this guy post in other forum oso but don't blame him. good investors don't listen to tips. they do their homework one or else mati kena manipulate by people.there are many conmen and i heard this forum is a nest for con jobs

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11-Nov-2009 10:58 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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MAS intervenes in forex market to slow the singapore dollar's rise and it is said to continue to do so as necessary.  Is it possible for GLD to reach its height of 1500 as speculated is much waited to be seen. 

niuyear      ( Date: 06-Nov-2009 17:31) Posted:

Let it pierced through 1,100 first, then, see how.... :)

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