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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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19-Aug-2011 16:29 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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pharoah88      ( Date: 19-Aug-2011 15:28) Posted:




is  in


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19-Aug-2011 16:19 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Dont fear if want to play stock.

How much are you picking

New123      ( Date: 17-Aug-2011 22:15) Posted:

When people is fearful/doubtful this is the good time to buy. All the bad news has already factored/disounted the current share prices. Soon you will see it going up...

JustinQuek      ( Date: 17-Aug-2011 21:28) Posted:

lol i am reading so much on Midas every news everyday that i can take an exam paper consisting of midas financials and score with good grades.Alright i give up   dollar averaging. Perhaps i am going to control myself to not see this news for the next week.

Another Set of 2 cents worth

In terms of RSI-Severely Oversold

MACD - Point out to BAD trend ( i am  afraid  of this trend thing) If it doesnt hit above the 0.43 resistance thing and above.Its kinda Really BAD BAD news. That means bleeding begins again .

NAV-Under NAV of 0.46

My hopes

The railway industry is bleeding each day contracts are not given out. No news is Bad News now.Apparently for Midas i wonder 1. something billion of back orders is just worth less than 200 m of revnue SGD in total .Even more worst when you consider this back orders stretch out far beyond 2011. That means when AUG the new production line comes out? what to produce? off day for workers is it,   only hope is that the billions of dollars secured by NPRT. HOpefully NPRT gives little brother some contracts from their big order book.  Whoever announce to stop railway contracts seriously whack this stock price jia lat jia lat.Yes railways are dangerous, lets stop all railways close down all roads and expressways.

  Insider trading-Well   lol sucks to be on the same boat with the directors buying at their prices. I think they are dollar averaging as well lol. Lol my recommendation is please while Midas is still ok please sell this bugger to some bigger national company that is willing to pay a premium to watever you have build.60 cents would be good. That way we all win .


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19-Aug-2011 16:17 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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President election got cheong or not  ...

No one picking cherries .
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12-Aug-2011 13:32 SIA   /   A380 A Great Way to Fly       Go to Message
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how much have you made liao?  :)

Richman      ( Date: 11-Aug-2011 14:21) Posted:

Bought 5 lot x 10.31

Should have buy more

eplepl      ( Date: 05-Aug-2011 13:22) Posted:

0.8 or 0.75 of bk value

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12-Aug-2011 13:29 Others   /   STI to cross 3383 by 2011 Nov       Go to Message
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2014: How to Survive the Next World Crisis. By Nicholas Boyle. Continuum.

Buy this book on Amazon

2014: How to Survive the Next World Crisis

by Nicholas Boyle

London: Continuum, 2010

A new world crisis is already looming. By 2014, our generation’s legacy to the twenty-first century will be decided. Will it be a century of climatic disaster and war? The roots of the present crisis lie in an unbalanced globalization which has failed to match economic with political integration. False models of nationhood, markets, and empires have hindered the development of global governance.

If human civilization is to survive the twenty-first century, current ideologies will have to give way to a more realistic acceptance of supranational authorities, and especially of an enhanced IMF and WTO. The banking collapse and its ramifications call for a revived understanding of the interdependence of politics and economics. The self-images of nations have lost touch with the realities that determine our lives: it is the world order that now gives us our identity and alone can secure our collective future.

Nicholas Boyle is Fellow and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge. He is Schroder Professor of German in the University. Professor Boyle is the author of a major award-winning three volume biography of Goethe and also of German Literature: A Very Short Introduction and Who Are We Now? In 2000, he was awarded the Goethe Medal of the Goethe-Institut.
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12-Aug-2011 13:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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All contestants  are    TAN  !      LOL!!


alexchia01      ( Date: 12-Aug-2011 13:13) Posted:

Which Tan you are shouting for?

niuyear      ( Date: 12-Aug-2011 13:09) Posted:

Can we shout  PRESIDENT TAN ,    万 岁 , 万 万 岁

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12-Aug-2011 13:17 GLD USD   /   Gold & metals       Go to Message
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Will you sell your gold when it reaches 2000 mark?
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12-Aug-2011 13:14 Others   /   STI vs GOLD       Go to Message
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Just shout  Knn or neibei.    This is a  knn world .

Salute      ( Date: 11-Aug-2011 23:45) Posted:

Unfortunately, all the lehman and this QE things are handled by capitalists head. pro self benefit and sophiscated in  defencing ones faults......in this greedy and ugly world.

Sad isn't it. the  majority of  common people who don't know how  the financial world work  suffer


rotijai      ( Date: 11-Aug-2011 18:05) Posted:

can they stop printing $ and focus on the core prob of the economy?

dont they realise tat the $ tat they printed only created inflation but little or almost zero growth for the past 2 years..

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12-Aug-2011 13:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Can we shout  PRESIDENT TAN ,    万 岁 , 万 万 岁

alexchia01      ( Date: 12-Aug-2011 13:07) Posted:

Although market is up today, but very obverse that many are still cautious.

Mainly, because today is Friday and many worries that some bad news may come up over the weekend.

Monday is probability a safer day start Buying, if the market maintain it's current position.

For me, I'm Buying a little and very selective.

If you can take the risk, you can start buying today, if not, better to wait for Monday.

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12-Aug-2011 13:07 Others   /   STI to cross 3383 by 2011 Nov       Go to Message
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Europeans are interrested in china business.

'If '  china blooms from here,  you will see STI flourish and pass thru  3383.......
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12-Aug-2011 13:05 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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No one bought on dips as in revisiting blue chips or  all  still very scared?
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12-Aug-2011 13:03 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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What i can assure Singaporeans is :

We are going to have President with surname  :      Tan


pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Aug-2011 12:35) Posted:

I wish to assure the public and all concerned that my campaign will be run in a clean and dignified manner, as befitting the status of the office.

Mr Tan Kin Lian

The Office of the President is the highest office in our nation.

I expect there to be a vigorous exchange of views during the campaign.

Dr Tony Tan

I’m a non-PAP candidate and I’m the only truly independent.

I have never been a member of the PAP, whereas the other three candidates have been.

Mr Tan Jee Say

This contest is good for Singapore because for the first time in 18 years, Singaporeans will get the chance to vote for the Elected President.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock

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03-Aug-2011 09:51 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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...........Asia could be as wealthy as Europe by the middle of the century..............

Oh Lord, we can be better man!!!
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03-Aug-2011 09:49 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Those who love to short, could have  started yesterday or earlier...  not wait until ppl shorted low low then follow..

niuyear      ( Date: 02-Aug-2011 14:44) Posted:

anyone shorting this counter

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03-Aug-2011 09:47 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Asian Development Bank warns of bumpy road into 'Asian century'
TOKYO - Asia could be as wealthy as Europe by the middle of the century, but only if it tackles key challenges from inequality and corruption to climate change, an Asian Development Bank study said Tuesday.

On current trends, Asia will make up half the world's economic output by 2050, and another three billion people will have joined the ranks of the affluent, their incomes matching those of Europe today, the report, entitled Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century, said.

But the ADB study also pointed to a paradox - the fact that the world's fastest-growing region, dubbed " Factory Asia" , is still home to almost half the world's absolute poor, who earn less than US$1.25 (S$1.50) a day.

Asia's decades-long march to prosperity, the study said, is being led by seven economies with more than three billion people among them - China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia.

Under the best-case scenario, Asia's combined gross domestic product (GDP) - also including poorer nations such as Laos and Pakistan - will rise to US$174 trillion in 2050, from US$17 trillion last year, with per capita GDP of US$40,800 in current terms.

But in order for Asia's rise to be sustainable, the diverse region must emulate the past successes of top performers Japan, South Korea and Singapore by promoting inclusive and equitable growth.

On current trends, the study said, " by 2050, its per capita income could rise sixfold in purchasing power parity terms to reach Europe's levels today" .

" By nearly doubling its share of global gross domestic product to 52 per cent by 2050, Asia would regain the dominant economic position it held some 300 years ago, before the industrial revolution."

However, the study warned that Asia's rise is by no means inevitable.

The report warned that emerging economies face the risk of being stuck in the " middle-income trap" as bursts of rapid growth, driven by export-based manufacturing, are followed by periods of stagnation or decline.

The report highlights other key challenges such as rising inequality within and between countries, poor governance and corruption and intensifying regional competition for finite natural resources.

In the worst case, it warned, Asia could face " a perfect storm" of bad macro-economic policies, unchecked financial sector exuberance, conflict, climate change, natural disasters, changing demography and weak governance.

To make Asian growth sustainable, the study said, its countries must address poverty, equality of access and opportunity, and focus on education, entrepreneurship, innovation and technological development.

Climate change is " a wild card for Asian development," warned the study. " The anticipated affluence of some three billion additional Asians will put tremendous pressure on the earth's finite natural resources."

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03-Aug-2011 09:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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As usual,  - up can expect, down also can expect.........hahahaha!


iPunter      ( Date: 03-Aug-2011 08:28) Posted:

World markets are really very, very pengsan... as expected (main trend) ... Smiley

hpong5      ( Date: 03-Aug-2011 07:05) Posted:

Later bloodbath in asian markets.

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02-Aug-2011 18:15 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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More People In China Want To Work For Themselves Than Any Other Nation


By Scott Shane

People in some countries are more interested in self-employment than people in other nations.

A 2009 survey funded by the European Commission queried over 25,000 randomly chosen individuals aged 15 and 64 in 36 nations about whether they would rather run their own business or work for someone else.

The survey found that the fraction that would prefer self-employment ranged from 25.6 percent in Slovakia to 71.4 percent in China.

So where is America on the list? The U.S. had the fourth highest share of people who would rather be self-employed among the 36 nations investigated, coming in at 54.8 percent.


Click to see larger chart

What do you think explains the differences across countries in people’s interest in self-employment? Is it national culture, the economic system, the political regime, or something else?

From Small Business Trends

Chart: Where People Want to Work for Themselves

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-where-people-want-to-work-for-themselves-2011-8#ixzz1TrhtKKyE
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02-Aug-2011 18:09 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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I have one machine, producing not $$, but can produce babies..........hahahaha!

Hulumas      ( Date: 02-Aug-2011 18:07) Posted:

I have it already, not like this manual one! Mine is automatic one!

Joe2020      ( Date: 02-Aug-2011 12:14) Posted:

I suggest you buy one of this printing machin

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02-Aug-2011 18:03 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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No mercy?

pharoah88      ( Date: 02-Aug-2011 17:49) Posted:

By Channel NewsAsia, Updated: 02/08/2011

Maid jailed, fined S$130,000 for illegal moneylending activities

Maid jailed, fined S$130,000 for illegal moneylending activities


A Filipino maid wanted to help her employer who hired her despite her epilepsy and who also paid for her medical bills.

28—year—old, Melanie Jacalan Munar, agreed to help her employer, Koh Suat Lay, run an illegal money—lending business between early 2008 and November last year.

Together, they gave out loans totalling more than S$3,000 to four Filipino women, with interest rates of up to 50 per cent.

Munar was sentenced Tuesday to three months’ jail and fined S$130,000 after pleading guilty to five out of seven charges.

Because she was not able to pay the fine, she will be jailed an additional three weeks and six days.

This is believed to be the first case where an employer—employee pair was hauled to court on illegal moneylending charges.

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02-Aug-2011 18:01 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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seeing this post,  i am shirvering now...

nickyng      ( Date: 02-Aug-2011 16:22) Posted:

dun b so eager to loose ur hard earned $$....dun buy now...it will test 50cts....this or next wk.... :P u got TONNES of chances to buy then :P

hpong5      ( Date: 02-Aug-2011 15:11) Posted:

Ok maybe can buy at 0.555 now

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