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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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04-Mar-2010 14:50 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Hi Anthony,   I dont have anymore bullets to buy proprety or bonds, but, i  notice hv a lot of 'pi sai' in  my nose cos has been so busy monitoring Genting until no time to dig...........While i was typing, Genting come down to 0.845........now, ear wax also no time to dig........hahaha!     May be on the way to sentosa Casino, i will have time to dig since no more Free TODAy news paper to read.Smiley

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 14:41) Posted:

The key word is DIVERSIFICATION. Spread your

investment in property, bonds, equities,etc etc.

In equities, differiate the various classes, e.g. blue chips

for mid to long term, keep some which pay good regular

dicidends and lastly, some bullets for speculation, This is

my opinion only. Cheers

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04-Mar-2010 14:39 Others   /   Why no more TODAY paper at mrt anymore?       Go to Message
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Before you  buy something frm 7-11, check the stand first if TODAY news paper is still available.  hahahah!   Dont just buy and they tell you , SOLI, no more free paper. 

kingster      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 14:36) Posted:

then can i go get TODAY from 7 eleven without buying anything? haha!

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04-Mar-2010 14:32 Others   /   Why no more TODAY paper at mrt anymore?       Go to Message
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Do you know why Today is handled by 7-11 and no more FREE distribution?

I would think that it is because -

Straits Times has lost some readership due to TODAY news paper because some people want to cut cost and have stopped ordering straits times since they can get it free at MRTs.    They only buy straits times on  Saturday becos it has the thickest papaer of the week.


Richman      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 14:27) Posted:

Today News is now handed by 7 Eleven.  When you buy something, you can pick up from there. 

This is a added service.


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04-Mar-2010 14:24 Others   /   invest in gold       Go to Message
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Hi, What is BRIIC?

Hulumas      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 11:16) Posted:

It is not a good time anymore investing in GOLD, instead BRIIC related fund is my best choice for investment throughout the next decade!

pharoah88      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 10:52) Posted:

gOld iS tOO expensIve  nOw  UNless  Oil  PRiCE  shOOts Up  and iNflatiOn  rAgES

ETF  has  a lOt  Of  unsEEn  UNdercUrrents.

dO paper TRADEs On ETF FiRST  UNTiL  yOu  have sEEn  the UNdercUrrents yOurself.

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04-Mar-2010 14:23 Others   /   Why no more TODAY paper at mrt anymore?       Go to Message
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Those uncles who distribute Today news paper have all lost their jobs.   You will see more Tissue-paper sellers at MRT stations from today onwards.  :)   Or Nickyng can donate some money to them or not?  you earn so much liao......hahaha!
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04-Mar-2010 14:17 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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I love to see Ho Chin to become CEO of  SGX.  For a change., a lady to head SGX. 

Those GCE 'A' level students tomorrow after taking your results, you may apply online to be SGX scholar .

beruangface      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 11:46) Posted:

SGX should not be privatised! Simply list China companies and no proper check of their prospectus and financial statements, they can't just rely on the external auditors, and China companies default in bond payment and commit fraud, what SGX can do?

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04-Mar-2010 11:19 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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With nickyng and his workers ants (in millions) around , how to buy now? lol!

hotokee      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 11:13) Posted:

You can get the price, I am sure there are people willing to sell you.

kellychang      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 11:09) Posted:

walao...dun follow me leh... i buy u buy also.. later people will think we got r/s... hahahahhah

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04-Mar-2010 11:15 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   Sinotel       Go to Message
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Explanation noted and thk you for taking time to explain. :)

pharoah88      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 15:16) Posted:

Placement Price is the SPECIAL PRICE usually given at a gOOd  DIScOunt to the market price at the Time of placement.

Placement deal is only OFFERED  PRIVATELY to BB or Funds or Banks for an Agreed BIG Volume of shares.

Placement volume is usually in the Tens or Hundreds of Millions.

sarsar      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 13:40) Posted:

Hi, please enlighten me... what is the meaning of placement price?

Thank you.


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04-Mar-2010 09:27 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Your genting chart still got direction?

kellychang      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 09:22) Posted:


yesterday i roughly look my charts.

genting got strong support ard 0.86 leh, look like good buy for mini rebounce.

maybe can bounce back to 0.91?

iPunter      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 22:47) Posted:

I am waiting for a good rally to short @.91.

Hope it doesn't drop too soon, as the dowtrend can be very severe...

possibly even down to the sub-.70's  within a month... Smiley

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04-Mar-2010 09:24 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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Those who sell flower  will say their flower very nice and good.  lol!

I remember Richtan's  chart that STI will preach around 32xx (cant remember exact).  Also his Midas chart  was positive.  His positive charts and postings made me a faithful follower of Midas and am still holding Midas.   Never bothered to sell or took  action when there were much up and down about that stocks....... will action when time is right.

Though having mix feeling of whether  STI  will ever reach there, but, still holding 2 blue chips and will ride with the wave or if not, when time to sell, just action. :)

pharoah88      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 18:38) Posted:

gO tO Healthway Medical  fOrum.

yOu WiLL sEE that  iNvestOrs  LiKE  DRsubarU  STiLL  have absOlute FAiTH  in  stOcks.

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04-Mar-2010 09:05 Others   /   Beware !       Go to Message
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You are most welcomed.

Do share here so that we all will keep watchful eyes.  These people are plotting more 'advanced' scam to con people. 


HateBear      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 06:11) Posted:

To niuyear,

My heartful gratitude for exposing this very trickery deceitful scam.

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04-Mar-2010 08:57 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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If possible, if i can have a glimpse of one of my fav. singers.....one day at marina bay casino.  LOL

niuyear      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 08:55) Posted:

Yah lor, thats why i have always been saying, the most convenient venue is still



iPunter      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 08:30) Posted:

Locals will in all probability spend more time at the casino rather than the IT show after travelling all the way to Sentosa.

I think Suntec is still the ideal venue for IT shows on account of the convenience

Foreigners and travellers may however prefer it to be at Sentosa, as it means more tourist attraction value for them.  Smiley

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04-Mar-2010 08:55 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Yah lor, thats why i have always been saying, the most convenient venue is still



iPunter      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 08:30) Posted:

Locals will in all probability spend more time at the casino rather than the IT show after travelling all the way to Sentosa.

I think Suntec is still the ideal venue for IT shows on account of the convenience

Foreigners and travellers may however prefer it to be at Sentosa, as it means more tourist attraction value for them.  Smiley

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04-Mar-2010 08:53 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I do notice sometime STI dipped, but, our stock chart shows uptrend, but, these charts are more on mid cap and penny.  Am i right to say that small and mid caps are going to be manipulated ? 

Am i right to say Index stocks go hand in hand with STI ? Tks

iPunter      ( Date: 04-Mar-2010 08:36) Posted:

More advanced stock traders usually ignore the STI, unless they are trading the Index itself.

It is best to ignore the STI altogether and concentrate one's attention on the specific stock/s of interest.

The more stock charts one follows (work), the more feel one will have for the overall market 'health'...

This feel is far more telling than the STI, which is only composed of a  small basket of counters from various sectors.Smiley

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03-Mar-2010 20:55 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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You are right.   Someone i know of, has already booked RWS for their next meeting instead of going back to Sunctec.  Is time Suntec to remarket their facilities and come out with a more attractive or better 'bundle deal' to draw back thier clients. 

pharoah88      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 18:35) Posted:

When LEE Kah Seng was there, SUNTEC were managed by all the TOP HK SHREWD businessmen.

thOugh LEE K S had left SUNTEC, prObably sOme tOp HK SHREW SAGES are  STiLL arOund  On  Guard  fOr  SUNCTEC. 

THiS EARLY  mOve  by  SUNTEC  HiNTS  that  RWS  iS  a  REAL  fOrce  much  mOre  than just a casinO  and  thEmE park.

fUnctiOns  at  SUNTEC  nOwadays  are  nO  class.

iT iS very ObviOus  that everybOdy and  everyOne  wOuld  prefer tO be at RWS  frOm  nOw  On.

nO mOre SUNTEC.... iNcluding NEXT I.T. shOw  shOuld be at RWS.



niuyear      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 16:58) Posted:

Suntect feeling the 'threat' once marina bay Sands is opeining up its facilities to Big corporations' meeting, conference and exhibitions.  


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03-Mar-2010 20:42 Others   /   Beware !       Go to Message
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This clippings was quite sometime ago , for info only -



A few days ago, one of my friends received a sms with the message:
You've strike 1st prize with a prize moneyof RM 200,000 cash. The sms came with a contact no.My friend ignored it since he had heard of too many bogus scams using similar tactics.

After a short while his handphone rang, a MissFang asked: "Sir has you received a sms telling you that you've strike 1st prize?"

My friend answered: "Yes, I have"

Miss Fang: "Please let us have your bank account number so that we can deposit the money into your account."

My friend thought, why not, let's sees what you can do.My friend has a buddy who works in that bank. Hence, he gave her his accound number.

Ten minutes later, my friend's handphone started ringing again.

Miss Fang said: "Sir, we have deposited your prize money into your account, please check and verify."
My friend checked using his handphone and found that RMB 200,000 was really deposited into his account.  He was euphoric, just like that and he's  RMB 200,000 richer!

30 minutes later, Miss Fang called again.She was crying: "I'm sorry sir, I made a mistake, I forgot to deduct the tax before I deposited the prize money, 20% of RMB 200,000 equals to RM 40,000. Now the company wants me to reimburse the money.

Can you please return the RM 40,000 tax?  I beg you."

My friend thought for a while and felt pity for the lady.  Thinking of the money in his bank account, he went to the bank.

Suddenly he thought of his buddy working in that bank and decided to ask his buddy to double check and confirm for him first.

Upon checking, his buddy found out that the money was deposited using a cheque of a different bank.

Even though the cheque was deposited but the actual amount of money can't be transferred into his account on the same day.  If the other party decided to cancel the cheque, then he'll not get this RMB 200,000.

My friend was shocked.  He almost lost RM 40,000.

Before my friend left for home on that day, the cheque was actually cancelled. If not for his buddy, if not for him being a professional, or if he was scare of letting others know of striking the prize then this bogus scam would be successful. This is a true story, please beware.

Future scams could be even better planned. Please don't forget to forward to your friends and relatives to warn them from being cheated. Hi Friends, this is worth your time reading, so real....!!

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03-Mar-2010 17:26 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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I guess dividends will come first before price reach $4.  :)   Will monitor becos, this stock is always  like a big fat pig hanging infront of short sellers open mouth .   LOL! 

Lynnl108      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 17:08) Posted:

Not taking dividend first if it hits $4?

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03-Mar-2010 17:21 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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I think using PoolzConnect to buy 4-D or Toto is quite hard to win especially for Toto.  Was told buy Toto must queue up and dont use poolz connect. 


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03-Mar-2010 17:18 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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have not been buying 4-D for past 2 wks,  just bot few numbers from this thread given out by members here. 

kingong      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 13:52) Posted:

i prefer 2324

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03-Mar-2010 17:05 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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Though uptrend, but,  once got own targeted profit, better sell .  Never rely on the Analysts' target price for none of the stocks ever hit target price.  If thier TP is $5.00 , i will sell at $4.

daphnecsf      ( Date: 03-Mar-2010 14:08) Posted:

Sembmarine is showing uptrend signal.

Whenever short term EMA14 to EMA16 cross up,

the price is forming uptrend.

Similar pattern also spotted on 3-4Aug09.

CHEONG ah............Sembmarine!!!!

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