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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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11-Mar-2010 12:57 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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When he was asked "will you continue your affairs with Wendy"

He answered :  "The door is always open"

Does he mean, Wendy's down under that 'door' is always open?   LOL!

knightrider      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 12:29) Posted:

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11-Mar-2010 11:45 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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hahaha!  'hundred poisons cannot enter'......very good explanation.  hehe!

He will be fine lar,  now seems that. lots of arrows are at those so call mistresses and gals who came out to talk.....they sure kenna pook .

Who ask these 2  gals to be J's mistresses in the first place..they are to think first before they exposed themselves   'big big'  in front of the press. 

boyikao3      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 11:32) Posted:

Sorry hor, Ah Neo is now a "MAN IN WHITE", he got special protection status liao. So Bai Du Bu Qing (hundred posions cannot enter!) Even now got hundred mei mei or boy boy come out to say they gana poked by him oso no use lor! Smiley

knightrider      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 11:27) Posted:

The Gov should strip-off his PBM title and give the title to Mrs. Neo and be strong to face the public. You are not in the wrong !

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11-Mar-2010 11:31 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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That french gal who made big in yesterday paper, can be sued by J. Neo (if he wants).

Who is to say that  a guy asking a gal to have dinner in a hotel, is a crime or has ill intention?  What is her intention to come out at this point in time infront of the press, to rake up this '5 years ago' thingy? 

Those gals frm massage palours are trying to add spices to this news.  Are these gals going to expose ALL the guys that said / joked 'yellow language' to them??   Why only exposed J.Neo?  This is ridiculous!  A lawyer might be able to challenge if this is brought to the court.

Dont get me wrong, Ladies,  By saying the above, i am Not  totally by J.Neo's side with the fact that he is married with kids and his integrity is in question, but, in the eye of the LAW,  having a mistress is not a CRIME, but, having  2 wives is a CRIME .

Ladies, Want to be Mistress or wife, up to you to choose your own destiny.    :)


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11-Mar-2010 10:43 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The figures are man made and can be manipulated. We are at others' mercy, weekly, (no, i wld say always.)    :)

ozone2002      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 10:40) Posted:

just a word of caution for those who are overtly bullish..

tonight jobless claims figures will be out..

STI taking a dive again


ozone2002      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 09:17) Posted:

covered 2850 gap...!

looking at the technical indicators ... it's pointing to a correction..


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11-Mar-2010 10:40 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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Pardon me,  what is MMs?

hotokee      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 10:23) Posted:

Singapore MMs are smelly. You  should know the future if you know the truth.  Hehe.

des_khor      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 10:14) Posted:

Ya ! I'm looking for real MFT... if yes pls tell everyone today STI closing ?

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11-Mar-2010 10:36 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Oops, I am very sorry ,  It meant to be a joke only!  My apology.

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 09:55) Posted:

Any of your children is a dealer?????? haha

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 09:51) Posted:

AFter 6 mths, the dealers must half naked, then can draw the crowd bk again....hahahaQ

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11-Mar-2010 10:34 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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hahaha,  if like this,  Jack Neo dont have to worry he got no job, he can sell MATTRESS next time, ..   'J.Neo's brand'.......LOL!

knightrider      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 10:25) Posted:

Maybe later some Blacky - Bangelesh (don't know how to spell) or Parkistan man can go report like Malaysia Anwar, - kana solomise (don't know how to spell, but I know the meaning - screw backside) say Tiger Neo also like this, then carry the big mattress to the conference ! Ha Ha Ha LOL.

I really admit, our media is too boring, got nothing better to report, even put him on frontpage. This man really is a success comedian and his story is a joke of 2010 in Spore !

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 09:58) Posted:

10am, there is reporting on him.

Some of the 11 girls who came forward and reported him, are soooo damn stupid. (That French gal's picture was super big and clear)     They didnt get any $$ but their names / pictures are being (or might be)  exposed in the media. News paper like ShinMing definitely want more to come forward to show their names and pictures......   If the rests of the names are being exposed, i feel damn sorry for these women.......... 

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11-Mar-2010 09:58 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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10am, there is reporting on him.

Some of the 11 girls who came forward and reported him, are soooo damn stupid. (That French gal's picture was super big and clear)     They didnt get any $$ but their names / pictures are being (or might be)  exposed in the media. News paper like ShinMing definitely want more to come forward to show their names and pictures......   If the rests of the names are being exposed, i feel damn sorry for these women.......... 
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11-Mar-2010 09:51 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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AFter 6 mths, the dealers must half naked, then can draw the crowd bk again....hahahaQ!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 08:59) Posted:

Anything that is new will surely attract singaporean. I will

be only interested if the crowd is still there after 6 mths.

hotokee      ( Date: 11-Mar-2010 07:50) Posted:

Definitely can.  Did you not watch the news on TV?  Tickets to RWS sold out in advance.  Even e-booking flooded the servers.  Good times ahead

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10-Mar-2010 22:07 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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In no time, he has to go kidney dialysis.....very 'sion' to kidneys while having too many women to satifsy.  .

cathylmg      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 18:19) Posted:

This wife is going through the same thing that she inflicted on Jack's first wife lah. Same old thing. Just that this time round she is cleverer, why give up for 50% when she already have 100%? Men can go and fool around, as long as the money comes back. She can have all the rest she wants while other women satisfy the old men. She is the real winner this time round. The real loser is that shameless bitch.

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10-Mar-2010 16:59 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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If jack neo is as rich as Tiger wood, no matter what, the wife should not divorce him (wise choice) .   If not, ..........??

summerleaf      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 16:34) Posted:


so surprising guys dont support jack neo. I thought all guys are like this. Frankly to me, when guys went out to have flings, somehow, the wife have a part to it, but that doesnt mean guy can hide behind the wife. Hope guy can end one relation if really unhappy than finding another one behind. It is unfair to the woman.

Once guy have money, soome woman really come by themselves, then to be able to withstand temptation have to depend on the wife relation wif husband. If there are no problems, sometime, some guy will withstand, but if marriage are on rocks, they will surely have flings when gals come willingly and is so hot. But 1 thing for sure, when u are poor, who stand by u? Unless the temptation do not know u are rich then i believe maybe there are true love. If only when u show off ur BM keys, Rolex or watso ever, then gal come, the gal only like ur money. So only the one at home who go through so much wif u are the one guy should cherish. There are guy who treat wife very gd yet very rich. And they will remain successful most of the time. But some died under woman hand and whose fault. You can only blame yourself. 

As for jack neo, if he had only 1mistress, public still is ok, just feel sry for the wife. Now he is abusing his authority to know gals which really is despisecable. Anyway, thing are becoming more ugly, the most sufferring through this incident will be his children and wife. They have to pay for their dad and husband's mistake. I never thought jack neo will have such happening lifestyle. Looks are deceiving. Anyway, time will heal everything.

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10-Mar-2010 16:07 Others   /   citi corp       Go to Message
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sorry typo , shld read 'Experts'

My typing skills is veri bad.


niuyear      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 16:04) Posted:

hi Citi Exerts,

Whats is the stock price now?  Is it time to pick up? 

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10-Mar-2010 16:04 Others   /   citi corp       Go to Message
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hi Citi Exerts,

Whats is the stock price now?  Is it time to pick up? 
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10-Mar-2010 16:00 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Bu pumping and dumping, Ang Mo is showing us , " see, we are still in control of the whole world, you guys want a chinese new year rally, we dont give to you but only our new year rally, where got decoupling, unless china premier become US president"   hahahaha!

Hulumas      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 10:23) Posted:

By PUMP and DUMP technique, DOW, NASDEX and S&P etc....at least in this three years capital markets are sucking the International money! We will be very hard to gain from them!

iPunter      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 02:31) Posted:

Usually the pumping is not done in such a wimpish manner.

Expect more upside... Smiley


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10-Mar-2010 15:53 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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I have met a few couple,    their wives maintain very super well....but the husbands....40 only, balding liao.....  If this balding hubby ever goes for fling, i will encourge the beautiful wives do the same..

nickyng      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 15:26) Posted:

wah piang! not bad looking? pls lah...after delivering 4 kids...how NOT bad looking also can become v. bad looking wan leh...the sad word is "old hag" loh ! :P i guess Jack As* has the serial likings for young virgin meimeis? :P

knightrider      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 15:17) Posted:

One good example, get caught -  Taiwan Ex-President, after eaten so much $$, haven't enjoy his fruits during retirement, haven't play with Mei Mei yet, and now put behind bars, very "sway" lor ! If he play with Mei Mei, maybe we can excuse, because the wife is on wheel-chair, cannot perform or always no respond, then if he try on some Mei Mei to de-stress, but I saw Jack wife, not bad looking you know.

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10-Mar-2010 15:35 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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ok lar, we shall get Ho Ching to incharge of SGX instead of Temasek....hahaha!

teeth53      ( Date: 20-Feb-2010 13:42) Posted:

Bond Sales for now S$10 Billion and Ho Ching need more Advisers.
She as CEO (more then six years liao) cannot do her job meh ??.

With so much backup, still need Adviser to sdvise her. In other other word....My goodness
Can her Adviser do a better job then her, think lohh Can he ??.
Same flock, after leaving, What about the mess in SGX and

She has to leave ST for Temasick, so is he

teeth53      ( Date: 20-Feb-2010 13:33) Posted:

Just for infomation. Is GIC cutting lost in UBS ??. and

this Temasick has screw up a good deal for Hsieh, isit ot isit not ??.

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10-Mar-2010 15:14 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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I am beginning to believe this whole saga is a 'movie plot'.   I wont be surprised J Neo will come out and say this is actually the 'Actual Filming' for his next film .......


tanh2l      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 14:45) Posted:

another 16 year old french singaporean girl reported jerk neo, i think more poison spilled milk coming out, probably jerk neo need to be delisted soon from sillypore, he relly brought disgrace to his fellow countryman, wonder how will other think when same things happened to jerk's daughter who is abt the same age to those who have already stepped forward to reveal jerk's act

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10-Mar-2010 15:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Can train lazy eyes... :)

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 13:40) Posted:

VeRy diFficuLt tO ReAd YOur pOst, U KNow.

pharoah88      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 12:57) Posted:

I  MiSSED  yOur  shOUt  this  mOrning.

plEasE    shOUt   lOUd   and   dOUble  fOr  yOur  NEXT  CALL


PS:  everybOdy  was  nervOus  yesterday  mOrning

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09-Mar-2010 17:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Hulumas      ( Date: 09-Mar-2010 17:27) Posted:

Take medicine next!

tanh2l      ( Date: 09-Mar-2010 17:05) Posted:

lao sai closing, wonder wat will happen next:)

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09-Mar-2010 17:33 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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To be honest, every guy has commited such affair along thier marriage life...... agree? guys?
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