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Latest Posts By teeth53 - Supreme      About teeth53
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19-Oct-2013 11:33 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Friday Oct 18, ChinaGaoxian. 

Last done - 0.037c, -0.006c with a volume of  36,140,000 mil shr changed hands.

teeth53      ( Date: 14-Oct-2013 11:58) Posted:

Thot - Today, Monday. Oct 14 for chinese mean Oct 14 is.... 10月 10日 . Then again date line for U.S debt fall on Thursday Oct 17, to our trading system, it start on Friday Oct 18 which is in Chinese calender fell on 10月 14日 ....oso very Jialat lohh.

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18-Oct-2013 23:20 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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teeth53      ( Date: 11-Oct-2013 23:00) Posted:

http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/YHM_Warrants_300913.ashx?App=Announcement& FileID=257928

YHM_Warrants_300913.pdf  (pls click for fully details)

Each Warrant will carry the right to subscribe for one (1) Warrant Share at the Exercise Price of S$0.025 for each Warrant Share at any time during the period commencing on and including the date of the issue of the Warrants and expiring at 5:00 pm on the date immediately preceding the third anniversary of the date of the issue of the Warrants (Exercise Period).

Assuming, all the Warrants are exercised, 1,000,000,000 Warrant Shares will be issued, and the 1,000,000,000 Warrant Shares represent approximately 12.26% of the Company?s issued and paid up share capital of 8,156,233,710 ordinary Shares as at the date of this announcement, and 10.92% of the enlarged issued share capital of the Company.

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18-Oct-2013 23:14 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Then S'pore got Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report. S'pore's total wealth grew by 8.7% to US$1.1 trillion (S$1.37 trillion) in the 12mths to mid-2013. Average wealth per adult increased by 6.8% to US$282,000.

This figure includes a person's home, if he owns it. This is quite a turnaround from the last report, which showed that between mid-2011 and mid-2012, total household wealth in S'pore dipped by 2.5% to US$1 trillion, while the average wealth of people fell by 4% to US$258,117.

As a result, S'pore is now ranked 2nd in the Asia-Pacific region after Australia in terms of wealth per adult, up one spot from last year. Globally, Singapore is now in eighth position.

" It warrant opened for public application? or it is an allotment to small targeted investors?"

To answer above question anyone vested or none can apply (think so), as this's not a  right issue - pending what is written on fine word, after EGM. U will know.   

Just  imagining how wealthy is Singpaorean?. (if the warrant is hot) 

teeth53 thot - 174,000 millionaires, not enuff oso distribute 1 billion Look at one billion warrant shr, look like alot.

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18-Oct-2013 22:58 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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If players is concern, too busy or unable to attend, is  100% likely will get approve.

Placement of shares is whereby players if keen and or interest can apply by mean of....the most simply way is electronic payment or thru...application forms (think so).

Note -  once approved  - YHM will also be making an application to SGX-ST for the listing of and quotation Warrant Shares on the Catalist board of the SGX-ST.

Hav a nice weekend.
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18-Oct-2013 22:50 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Proposed Exercise Price of S$0.025 for each Warrant Share.

Proposed placement of up to 1,000,000,000 new listed warrants.

Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd is  the Placement Agent for the proposed placement of the Warrants. 

Note - YHM will also be making an application to SGX-ST for the listing of and quotation Warrant Shares on the Catalist board of the SGX-ST.

It  will be seeking specific approval from shareholders. (YHM) at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be convened to approve the Warrants Issue

Last day to lodge EGM   proxy form -  Oct 23, (Wed at 09:30 hours)

Date n time -  Oct 25,  (Friday n at 09:30 hours) 

EGM Place - Klapsons, The Boutigue Hotel Tower 15,

15 Hoe Chiang road,  Room Eighteen. 1 level 18.

U will know everythings@EGM, if U are there.

teeth53 thot - 101% likely to get approval. YHM steady pun pipi...pipi.

Rayham      ( Date: 18-Oct-2013 22:30) Posted:

Have received the circular for EGM which is scheduled on 25th Oct (next Friday) 9:30 am. 

However the EGM aimed to resolve the issuance of 1 billion warrant at a issue price of S$0.025 each and be convert to odinary share at S$0.025, expiry at 29 Sep 2016, and to approve change of name from YHM to Charisma Energy Services/

Left behind is an uncleared question : it it warrant opened for public application? or it is an allotment to small targeted investors ? Any sifu can help advise? Thanks.

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18-Oct-2013 22:32 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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thumbs upthumbs upthumbs up Pennys rule, pennys on rotational play...Innopac leading huat huat..arhh.
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18-Oct-2013 22:20 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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With respect to all players n  BBs play n day Traders, plus due date to contra or buy/sell  (Whatever date may be, be  T+3 or T+5).

Albedo  closed flat despite overwhelming odds caused  by -ve posting. 

teeth53 thot - mkt will be less volatile for coming wk play on Albedo.

Hav a nice weekend.


Vardprop      ( Date: 18-Oct-2013 16:06) Posted:

Are you like a habitual shortist ? I realized you perpetually like to create such rumors of selling and stock price plunging ..

Not vested but it came across my

9hly99      ( Date: 18-Oct-2013 16:04) Posted:

oh....no.. massive selling coming again...going to drop ro 0.03cents soon by end of today...

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18-Oct-2013 22:04 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Due to mkt un-certainty n sentiment caused by U.S. debt ceiling.

The shr sold down to 3c  was due to most mkt players  expectation that U.S. debt  is unlikely to reach any agreement, come  - Oct 17, (whatever the deal may be...).

Realising now mkt players maybe in a hurry to collect some as at the same time when players sell as seen in the trade summary. (players optimistic Vs pessimistic players)

How  mkt  behave on how  mkt want it to be - respect those players.

teeth53      ( Date: 18-Oct-2013 08:12) Posted:

DATO' DR CHOO YEOW MING disposed part of his share on Monday Oct 14, 2013, during the U.S. debt ceiling crisis, thinking it won't work out a deal by Oct 17.


teeth53      ( Date: 17-Oct-2013 22:22) Posted:

Boss Tan hint mkt playing with share is beyond his control, so it is subject mkt condition, that there is volatilities in play.

Just highlighting n promoting what he is thinking about...No  right n no wrong.

That Dato Choo sold to par his stake down (think is a weak players as compare to Boss Tan himself.)

Did boss Tan sell his share?. U will hav to decide pending ur risk appetite.

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18-Oct-2013 21:20 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Albedo - unchanged
Op-0.040c Cls-0.039c Vol-112,264,000 mil shr changed hands
Last Trades Volume Bid Volume Mid Ask Volume
0.037 107 14,094,000 12,872,000 0 1,222,000
0.038 355 80,912,000 50,320,000 535,000 30,057,000
0.039 162 15,408,000 3,955,000 0 11,453,000
0.040 11 1,850,000 1,700,000 0 150,000
TOTAL 635 112,264,000 68,847,000 535,000 42,882,000
How mkt behave n how players want it to be,  for that is how  mkt play out

teeth53      ( Date: 17-Oct-2013 23:04) Posted:

Yup. Tmr is Friday, expecting to trade sideway, penny's has a good run today may tempt players to goes on profit taking.

Some  penny's may go on rptational play. 

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18-Oct-2013 08:42 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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" The uptrend is still intact . Medium term moving averages are still trending up , while short term moving averages ( 5 , 10 , 15 ) have just made a cross over below the share price"

With n or w/o news and on new additional contract...It it does breakout. EGM on Wed. Oct 23, at 09:30 hour.

teeth53      ( Date: 17-Oct-2013 09:25) Posted:

Steady pun pipi. YHM Group Ltd (5QT)thumbs upthumbs upthumbs up

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18-Oct-2013 08:28 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=5QT.SI& t=1y& l=on& z=l& q=l& p=m5%2Cm20& a=m26-12-9& c=

Some similar pattern seen for Oct to Nov 2013 trading, as seen  between mth of Dec to Feb 2013. 

Red n Green lines is seen climbing nicely.
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18-Oct-2013 08:12 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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DATO' DR CHOO YEOW MING disposed part of his share on Monday Oct 14, 2013, during the U.S. debt ceiling crisis, thinking it won't work out a deal by Oct 17.


teeth53      ( Date: 17-Oct-2013 22:22) Posted:

Boss Tan hint mkt playing with share is beyond his control, so it is subject mkt condition, that there is volatilities in play.

Just highlighting n promoting what he is thinking about...No  right n no wrong.

That Dato Choo sold to par his stake down (think is a weak players as compare to Boss Tan himself.)

Did boss Tan sell his share?. U will hav to decide pending ur risk appetite.

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17-Oct-2013 23:04 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Yup. Tmr is Friday, expecting to trade sideway, penny's has a good run today may tempt players to goes on profit taking.

Some  penny's may go on rptational play. 
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17-Oct-2013 22:51 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Economists are adding up the collateral damage from the budget battle, including one estimate of a $24 billion bite out of the GDP. » Read More

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17-Oct-2013 22:48 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Wednesday voted to re-open govt and extend its borrowing through Feb 2014. This deal did nothing to resolve the underlying disputes that led to the crisis in the 1st place leading many to fear that the standoff may play out again in a few mths. The plan sets up a forum to try to forge a more permanent budget deal, but few expect it to succeed.

" We have crisis after crisis after crisis and it has a corrosive impact on the economy."

  " Most CEOs spoken. They said, U.S. is  seeing a slowdown in business because of this.
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17-Oct-2013 22:40 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Consensus maybe hard to come by, to  find in Washington these days.

Down-to-the-wire budget and debt crises, indiscriminate spending cuts and a 16-day govt shutdown may not be enough to push U.S. economy back into recession. Washington's policy blunders in recent years have significantly slowed economic growth and kept roughly 2 million people out of work, according to recent estimates.

Steep spending cuts are a big reason. But the governance-by-crisis also may be prompting businesses to sit on their cash rather than building new factories, buying more equipment and hiring more workers.

Many corporate executives and economists seem to agree on one point:

Biggest risk to the world's largest economy may be its own elected representatives.

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17-Oct-2013 22:22 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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Boss Tan hint mkt playing with share is beyond his control, so it is subject mkt condition, that there is volatilities in play.

Just highlighting n promoting what he is thinking about...No  right n no wrong.

That Dato Choo sold to par his stake down (think is a weak players as compare to Boss Tan himself.)

Did boss Tan sell his share?. U will hav to decide pending ur risk appetite.

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17-Oct-2013 21:24 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Form3DatoChoofinal.ashx?App=Announcement& FileID=260084

Disposal via mkt transaction, 36,366,000  shares from 5.7% to 3.52%.

When disposal is over, share may rise again. 
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17-Oct-2013 21:09 China Med Intl   /   Time for collection....       Go to Message
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http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/FollowUpAnnouncementAlbedo.ashx?App=Announcement& FileID=260089

Allotment and issuance of 4,750,000 new shares.

New Shares are to be listed and quoted on the Catalist of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and trading of the New Shares will commence from 9.00 a.m. on 18 October 2013
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17-Oct-2013 15:41 Jubilee Ind   /   Jubilee a must watch stock....target $0.50       Go to Message
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RTO by Jubilee, plan to acquire a 60% stake in development project in Iskandar, owned by a unit of Jewelstone. Jubilee will pay S$60m (RM$150m).
Viridea@Medini lakeside.
It proposes to fund acquisition by issuing 272.7m new shares at 22c apiece to Jewelstone.
Mr Toh Soon Huat, Jubilee's 2nd largest shareholder n sole executive director said "the RTO if completed, will transform Jubilee into a developer with a foothold in one of the most exciting development zones in Malaysia."

sgxtrader2013      ( Date: 16-Oct-2013 19:45) Posted:

Good news or Bad news to vested??

New issue share offer at SGD 0.22. Long term seem like not bad lor.

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