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21-Aug-2013 15:36 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Research institutions: UBS Securities compose Date: August 6, 2013

New orders in the first half is expected to make the tender delay in reporting the results fell

China South Locomotive in August 27 interim results announcement is expected in the first half net profit fell 14 percent, mainly due to the EMU and new orders for high-power locomotives tender delay resulting decline in performance. Although CSR 225 billion in the first half of the new orders, but only a small part of the high-power locomotives and no new orders EMU orders. Remove BSTJV220 billion in manual car group orders, we expect to year, CSR itself has no vehicles in the manual group and the high-power locomotives orders.

Bidding is expected to restart soon, will drive the rebound in the second half performance

Recently, the government announced an increase in railway investment in 2013 from 40 billion to 690 billion yuan, and the " second five" railway construction from 120,000 km mileage target raised to 123,000 km, fixed asset investment objective from 2.8 trillion yuan raised to 33,000 billion. August 2 trucks and buses tender has been launched, we expect locomotives and EMUs new orders also about to restart the tender, and CSR have already begun to EMU new orders while doing preparation production to shorten the delivery cycle, so the company in the second half earnings expected significant rebound.

Lowered 2013 earnings forecast , growth is expected to rebound in 2014

As new orders in the first half delay, we will 2013/14/15E EPS forecast from down to 0.30/0.36/0.39 0.32/0.38/0.43 per million. We expect 2013 profits flat year on year, but in 2014 there will be about 20% of the rally, due to: 1) the low base effect 2) railway investment by the central policy support, in the second half there will be more new lines put into operation, support the future The equipment needs.

Valuation: maintain a " buy" rating, target price to 5.41 yuan

Corresponding target price from 5.46 yuan to 5.41 yuan fine. New target price of 5.41 yuan UBS VCAM based on discounted cash flow valuation model (WACC8.6%), maintaining a " buy" rating.


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21-Aug-2013 15:34 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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State Council's requirements over the completion of the railway construction investment plan this year

August 19 afternoon, the Chinese Government Network published the State Council on the reform of the railway investment and financing system to accelerate railway construction advice. Comment that should speed up the " five" railway construction, for exceeding the 2013 investment plan, really good job in the next two years construction arrangements, priority construction and poor areas in central and western railway and related facilities. Opinion also from advancing railway investment and financing system reform, and constantly improve the rail freight system, the establishment of railway public transport subsidy policy institutional arrangements, greater efforts to revitalize the railway land resources, strengthen enterprise management to improve return on assets, accelerate project preparatory work railway construction together to form six aspects such specific requirements.

1-7 months of this year, the national railway fixed assets investment completed 261.745 billion yuan, an increase of 16.0% over the previous year is expected to end, the new railway operating mileage of 5,500 kilometers, the national railway operating mileage will exceed 100,000 km, high-speed railway mileage will exceed 10,000 km 1-7 months of this year, the national railway fixed assets investment of 261.745 billion yuan, an increase of 16.0% over the previous year is expected to end, the new railway operating mileage of 5,500 kilometers, the national railway operating mileage will exceed 100,000 km, high-speed rail mileage will exceed 10,000 km

It is noteworthy that the opinions in addition refine railway investment " three axes" - set up Railway Development Fund, Innovation railroad bonds and revitalize the railway land resources, but also put forward the reform and the establishment of rail freight railroad public, policy transportation subsidies institutional arrangements in order to create conditions for social capital to enter the railway.

    To create conditions for social capital into railway

" The" opinion " is the concrete implementation of the State Council meeting, arrangements for follow-up according to the document, the relevant departments should be in the file there is further introduction." China Railway Corporation official said.

July 24, Li Keqiang Jiabao chaired a State Council executive will study the deployment of railway investment and financing system reform and further speed up railway construction in the Midwest, and gives a range of ways to solve the railway construction fund. " Opinion" is undoubtedly the concrete implementation of the spirit of the previous meeting.

According to Shanghai Securities News reported, " Opinions" , by the Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance and other research establishment Railway Development Fund to the central budget funds for guidance, to attract social corporate investment. Railway Development Fund invests primarily in state projects, social legal person not directly involved in railway construction, operation, but to ensure their access to stable and reasonable return. " Twelve Five" after three years, continue to issue government bonds to support the construction of the railway and railway bonds varieties and innovative ways.

And, " Opinions" , the railway freight reform, that in accordance with the railways and highways to maintain a reasonable price relations on the principle of national railway freight rates, step rationalize the price level, and the establishment of rail freight road freight price changes in price with the dynamic adjustment mechanism . Create the conditions for the railway freight rates by the government to government guidance pricing, tariffs increase flexibility.

" Passenger rail freight to subsidize the losses mainly rely, rail transport is a major cause of losses for many years the price, rail freight price changes over the years is very small, the whole railway system to make a great contribution to not be recognized." Chinese Academy of Engineering Wang Meng-shu to zhengbao , told reporters that there is room to improve rail freight prices, only railway reasonable tariffs, the railway construction investment can be truly healthy. Of course, " there are certain public railway, which is required to give due government subsidies." Wang Meng-shu said.

This " opinion" clearly establish railway public welfare, transport subsidy policy institutional arrangements. Moreover, " to rationalize the railway tariffs, the establishment of public transport accounting system before, to address China Railway Construction Corporation, inadequate capital projects, interest burden and other issues, taking into account the public railway transport factors, the central government in 2013 and the next two years on the Chinese Railway Corporation to implement transitional subsidies. "

Investment and financing other hand worth looking forward to is the " use of land" resources. This time, the " opinions" made it clear that " China Railway Corporation as a state-authorized investment institution, the original production and operation of the railway allocated land, can be configured to take authorized by the China Railway Company revitalize the use of law."

This means that in the future China Railway Corporation can bold attempt " to place road maintenance" , so popular in the real estate industry on the occasion, a great temptation to give all kinds of social capital.

    The future growth of railway investment worth the wait

" High Speed ​ ​ Rail investment will not 'make money after bad', the central government will give full support for railway investment, for the railway infrastructure, locomotive manufacturing and other related industries form a long-term positive." Wang Meng-shu said.

It is reported that China Railway Corporation Corporation has recently started the first time after the establishment of railway locomotives, EMUs, procurement of buses and trucks, with a total purchase of over 500 billion yuan.

Moreover, railway investment this year also increased compared with the original plan. According to China Railway Company's latest statement, scheduling this year invested 660 billion yuan in fixed assets, including infrastructure investment 530 billion yuan, compared with an increase of 10 billion yuan original plan. According to statistics, this year, 1-7 months, the national railway fixed assets investment of 261.745 billion yuan, an increase of 16.0% over the previous year. Expected to end, the new railway mileage 5500 km, the national railway operating mileage will exceed 100,000 km, high-speed railway mileage will exceed 10,000 km.

Previously, the Development and Reform Commission also agreed to China Railway Company in 2013 China's railway construction bonds issued in phases 150 billion yuan, the total funds raised for Harbin to Qiqihar Railway Passenger wait 73 railway construction projects.

China Railway Company is also actively reform, improve service. In June announced Railway Company began implementing freight organizational changes introduced to simplify acceptance, reform transportation, cleaning charges, to provide " door to door" service and a series of measures. Although watching the effect remains to be seen, but in the long run, should pick up as the economy will be significant traffic growth.

CICC pointed out in a recent research report pointed out that the second half does not exclude the possibility of increased rail investment plans, the railway infrastructure companies have some counter-cyclical, when the economy is down, the infrastructure is the best hedging tool, and railways are government Infrastructure in the preferred varieties.

    Guotai Junan believes that if the second half of the railway infrastructure investment plans upward, railway construction companies will bring investment opportunities.

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21-Aug-2013 14:34 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Argentine government approved the Chinese railway equipment purchase contracts

At 09:18 on August 21, 2013 Source: Xinhua
Xinhua Buenos Aires, August 20 (Reporter Ye Shuhong Zhao Yanyan) Argentine government on the 20th issued an official communiqué grant formal approval from the China South Locomotive Co., Ltd. Qingdao Sifang railway equipment procurement contracts. According to the Argentine Ministry of Communications and China's internal affairs and CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of cooperation, China CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. will be the first to connect Argentina

Both Buenos Aires and surrounding areas of southern generals Roca railway line to provide equipment, technology and personnel training services. Communique said, according to Argentina " Railroads Activities reconstruction Law," the main purpose of the procurement is to increase the Roca railway line rolling and traction equipment investment, strengthen the central government's support for railway transport to the public, providing a more secure , sustainable public rail transport services. Last February, the capital of Argentina Sarmiento Line Area 11 suburban stations derailment occurred, causing 700 casualties, after the Albanian government decided to suburban railway system renovation. Earlier this year, President Cristina announced plans to invest $ 1 billion updating Sarmiento and Mitre suburban railway line systems. This is nearly 60 years, Argentina's largest suburban investment projects. The Argentine government led by the suburban railway upgrading project, the Chinese company with reliable quality, advanced technology and good price to the fore. In January this year, the Argentine Ministry of Communications and China South Locomotive signed procurement contracts, the purchase of 400 new suburban railway locomotive cars. Earlier, China CNR became the capital of Argentina A-line subway cars updates suppliers. Author: Ye Shuhong Zhao Yanyan

China CNR and China CSR are MIDAS long terms  partners
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20-Aug-2013 22:17 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Sevan Louisiana gears up for sea trial

Share story
Norwegian player Sevan Drilling is preparing its latest circular drilling rig, Seven Louisiana, to start its sea trial next month.

The rig has been chartered for three years by one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries and LLOG Bluewater Holdings for a value US$550 million.

Sevan Louisiana, so named because LLOG is located in Louisiana, is expected to be ready for trial on 7 September and is scheduled for delivery in October.

The rig, also known as Sevan 650 III, is the third of its kind built for Sevan by Cosco Qidong in China.

It will be capable of drilling in water depths up to 10,000 feet and will employ an innovative, proven cylindrical hull design that makes the rig less sensitive to weather conditions.

The rig is due to arrive in the Gulf of Mexico in February next year. It will be mobilised for a three-year drilling campaign for LLOG Explorationâ??s Delta House field in March with a task of up to five wells per annum before first oil in 2015

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20-Aug-2013 22:14 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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KL-Singapore rail tender open to international bidders

HIGH-SPEED LINK: Malaysian and Singaporean governments deciding on modality and procedure

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday confirmed that the tender for the high-speed rail (HSR) link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore will be opened to international bidders.

He said the Malaysian and Singaporean governments are in the process of deciding on the modality, way forward and procedure for execution.

â??We expect this to be a very transparent, open bidding system in which companies from all over the world are free to participate,â?? he said at a joint press conference with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault, here, yesterday.

On the rail industry in Malaysia, Najib said Malaysia is embarking on extensive rail development, such as the multi-billion Klang Valley mass rapid transit project and the HSR project, which is targeted for completion by 2020.

The rail link is expected to cost around RM40 billion, including RM10 billion to buy high-speed bullet trains.

Earlier, Najib and Ayrault witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Malaysian Industry-Government
Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and Thales, a global technology leader for aerospace and transportation markets, for the development of the countryâ??s rail industry.

With more than RM160 billion government investment expected in the industry until 2020, the MoU will address human capital competency issues.

In a statement yesterday, MIGHT said the MoU is aimed at supporting the governmentâ??s commitment to the development of Malaysiaâ??s public transport system via the Rail Centre of
Excellence (RCOE).

It said Thales is one of the first original equipment manufacturers (OEM) that will contribute to the development of the RCOE.

â??MIGHT is taking the lead to undertake the implementation of the RCOE by way of engaging rail entities for the purpose,â?? it said.

Other content providers for RCOE are Spanish Railways Foundation for the main line and high speed rail, and Metro Madrid for the urban rail. The MoUs with these entities are planned for September during the launch of the National Rail Industry Development Roadmap.

RCOE will also house and integrate activities such as research and development, small and medium enterprises and OEM production facilities.

Meanwhile, Thales senior executive vice-president Pascale Sourisse said the company is delighted to support the industrial initiative in Malaysia.

Read more: KL-Singapore rail tender open to international bidders http://www.btimes.com.my/articles/20130730001553/Article/#ixzz2cWBT4rQ4
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19-Aug-2013 23:39 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas Holdings: Higher Utilisation Boosts Revenue (BUY, SGD0.52,
Lynette Tan (+65 6232 3895, lynette.tan@sg.oskgroup.com)
Midas recorded a surge in 2Q13 PATMI to CNY14.9m as orders started
picking up. With the Chinese Government reaffirming its investment
in railway infrastructure, there is a good chance of more order flows
for Midas over the next few quarters. We also expect positive
contribution from its associate NPRT to boost its FY13 earnings.
Maintain BUY, with TP of SGD0.75, based on 1.5x FY13F P/BV.
2Q13 revenue grew 29.2% y-o-y to CNY284.0m on the back of improving
utilisation of its production lines. Despite the revenue growth, 2Q13 gross
profit margin fell to 22.4%, from 31.5% in 2Q12, due to a change in product
mix â?? it also supplied freight wagons, which are generally of lower margins.
The CNY3.1m profit from its associate Nanjing SR Puzhen Rail Transport
(NPRT) â?? compared with a CNY14.1m loss a year ago â?? pushed up its
2Q13 PATMI by eight-fold.
Orders picking up. Midasâ?? orderbook is now at CNY700m, while NPRTâ??s
orderbook is at CNY9bn, with the bulk of deliveries scheduled for 2014 and
2015. Order flows are expected to increase going forward as China Railway
Corp (CRC) has committed to speeding up rail investment. Of its planned
CNY530bn investment for railway development in 2013, only a third had
been completed so far, indicating the potential for more orders in 2H13.
CRC intends to buy locomotives, bullet trains and rolling stock. This would
benefit Chinaâ??s largest train makers CSR Corp and China CNR Corp. As
the two are major customers of Midas, the company is likely to benefit from
the spillover.

Higher revenue assumptions, maintains TP. With order flows starting to
pick up, we reckon Midas should be able to record better capacity utilisation
in FY13 than previously expected. Hence, we raise our revenue estimates
to CNY912.0m. We are keeping our earnings estimates unchanged as we
factor in higher operating expenses. Maintain BUY.

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18-Aug-2013 12:03 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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some ppl may wait for the China  tenders for high-speed trains results.

some ppl is shrots terms player. ( 1 day -2 weeks )

0.53 -0.56- 0.60

sell all  at 0.53

buy back 0.54 -- sell 0.56

some ppl buy at 0.46  -- waitting to sell 0.65

some long terms. ( one month - one year )

waiting for ).75 -  $1

  I like that phase, " my money I decide, your money u decide"
you make $200 , I make $2000
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18-Aug-2013 11:58 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Research house

Recent price



Valuation (of target price)
Midas 16 Aug OCBC  51 c

65 c
Midas 16 Aug Maybank KE 51 c

75 c
King Wan Corp 16 Aug OSK-DMG 32 c

43 c
Singapore Telecom 15 Aug Deutsche $3.81

Global Logistic Properties 15 Aug UBS $2.80

Buy 1x RNAV
Thai Beverage 15 Aug UBS $0.57

15 Aug Deutsche $1.96

15 Aug UBS $1.96

Neutral DCF
Midas 15 Aug DBS Vickers 51.5 c

60 c
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18-Aug-2013 11:52 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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ANGZIJIANG target $1.00, ROXY-PACIFIC 79.5 cents
Excerpts from analyst reports

OSK-DMG ups Yangzijiang Shipbuilding's target from 95 cents to $1.00

Analysts: Lee Yue Jer and Jason Saw

2Ren-Yuanlin-annRen Yuanlin, executive chairman of Yangzijiang. Company photoWe raise our FY13F-FY14F EPS by 9%-14% as we now expect a slower decline in HTM (held-to-maturity) investments. We remain NEUTRAL amid improving ship demand vis-à-vis still-weak pricing, with our revised TP at SGD1.00.

Confidence in winning more orders. YZJ has a net orderbook of USD3.24bn comprising 29 container ships and 42 bulk carriers.

YTD, it has secured USD1.01bn in new orders for 27 ships, and Management is confident of winning another USD1.0bn-USD1.5bn for 2H13.

We think this is achievable as YZJ has 47 options valued at USD2.54bn with various buyers, which we expect will translate into firm orders.

Faster recovery but no near-term catalysts in sight. We believe YZJ will recover from the current downturn faster than its peers given its industry-leading capabilities. 

However, we are still NEUTRAL on the stock given the lack of catalysts as new orders are likely to fetch lower margins while earnings momentum remains negative. 

We believe investors may like to see more proactive capital management on the companyâ??s part before becoming more positive on the stock.


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18-Aug-2013 11:16 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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In the same note, Yangzijiang has branched out into the offshore oil and gas market by securing a contract to build a jack-up rig. Our intention is to scale up the value chain, and to enhance our technical capabilities. Construction of this rig will begin in August 2013, and we will devote our focus to ensure a smooth execution for its delivery in mid 2015. The Group will ensure that our capabilities are sufficiently established before securing more contracts for jack up rigs. Much like our shipbuilding operations, we believe that a solid track record will benefit us many years from now.
As our operations are based in China, we realize that there be many local investors familiar with us who may wish to participate in our growth and development. The Group has therefore taken steps to set up a dual currency trading platform as a bridge for our existing/potential shareholders based in China. Not only does it remove uncertainties in foreign currency movements, the potentially larger shareholder base may also help to increase trading liquidity. This forms a part of our efforts to enhance shareholdersâ?? value apart from our focus on business operations on the ground.â??
Mr Ren Yuanlin (ä»»å??æ??), Executive Chairman, Yangzijiang
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16-Aug-2013 17:15 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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What I mean this time will be the same Lah
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16-Aug-2013 16:59 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas JV NPRT wins two metro contracts in China

17 August 2012

Midas Holdings' joint venture company, Nanjing SR Puzhen Rail Transport (NPRT), has received two metro contracts worth RMB1.4bn ($219.9m) in China. Wuxi Rail Transport Development awarded the first contract, worth RMB663m ($104m), to supply 23 train sets (138 cars) for the Wuxi Metro Line 2 project. Trains under this deal are scheduled to be delivered from 2013 to 2014 and will contribute to Midas's performance for the financial years ending 2013 to 2014. NPRT secured the second contract, worth RMB756m ($118.7m), from Hangzhou Metro to supply 27 train sets (162 cars) for the Hangzhou Metro Line 2 project between 2013 and 2016. Commenting on the new contracts, Midas CEO Patrick Chew said: " With this new development, NPRT's year-to-date contract wins increase to four contracts for 535 train cars, with an aggregate value of approximately RMB2.8 billion." In July 2012, NPRT won an RMB860m ($135m) contract from Dongguan Rail Transit to supply metro train sets to the Dongguan Rapid Railway R2 Line project. The deal calls for NPRT to deliver 20 train sets (20 cars) between 2013 and 2015. Midas has a 32.5% stake in NPRT, which is involved in the development, manufacture and sale of metro trains, bogies and their related parts.
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16-Aug-2013 16:52 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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short seller kliis ??

bullets coming by next weeks

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16-Aug-2013 16:49 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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so many seller this train how to fly .

bulets trains coming next weeks
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16-Aug-2013 16:40 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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CRC issues another RMB20B bonds for railway construction 2013-08-15 10:01 Email Print New Window Size China Railway Corporation yesterday issued another RMB20 billion in bonds for the purpose of railway construction. Together with the mid-term notes offered earlier, CRC have issued RMB80 billion in bonds year-to-date. AAStocks Financial News
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16-Aug-2013 16:39 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas Holdings outlook brightens on possible new China train tenders

Tenders could resume soon and boost revenues.

OCBC notes that China Railway Corporation (CRC) recently increased its railway fixed assets investment target by CNY10b to CNY660b in 2013, which in turn fuels expectations that new high-speed train tenders may be resumed soon by CRC. This development will benefit major train manufacturers, of which many are Midas customers.

Here's more from OCBC:

2Q13 beats expectations as NPRT turns around. Midas Holdingsâ?? 2Q13 results came in above our expectations, with revenue and PATMI soaring 29.2% and 834.1% YoY to CNY284.0m and CNY14.9m, respectively. Midas started to supply aluminium alloy extrusion profiles for freight wagons to its existing customers (previously focused on passenger train cars). This helped to boost its topline growth, although gross margin dipped 9.0ppt to 22.5% due to lower margins for freight wagons. The spike in earnings was largely due to a turnaround from its associated company, Nanjing SR Puzhen Rail Transport (NPRT), which contributed a share of profit of CNY3.1m in 2Q13 as compared to a hefty CNY14.1m share of loss in 2Q12. While we note that profit from operations actually fell 15.2% YoY to CNY35.9m, it was still ahead of our forecast. For 1H13, revenue grew 8.0% to CNY486.4m, while PATMI fell 40.8% to CNY10.0m due to a net loss in 1Q13. This constituted 53.4% and 28.6% of our FY13 projections, respectively. We are expecting 2H13 PATMI to improve significantly on a HoH basis. An interim DPS of 0.25 S cents was declared, similar to 1H12 and our forecast. As at 30 Jun 2013, the order book for Midas and NPRT stood at CNY700m and CNY9b, respectively.

Positive industry news flow raises optimism. China Railway Corporation (CRC) recently increased its railway fixed assets investment target by CNY10b to CNY660b in 2013, of which ~CNY530b is expected to be spent on railway infrastructure and the balance on rolling stock procurement. There are expectations that new high-speed train tenders may be resumed soon by CRC, and we understand that the major train manufacturers (customers of Midas) have already been making preparations in anticipation of this.

Increase valuation peg and reiterate BUY. We raise our FY13 revenue and PATMI forecasts by 12.6% and 16.0%, respectively. Our FY14 estimates are unchanged. Ascribing a higher P/B target peg of 1.3x (equivalent to its 5-year average forward P/B) due to a more positive industry outlook and rolling forward our valuations to blended FY13/14F BVPS, we raise our fair value estimate on Midas from S$0.54 to S$0.65. Reiterate BUY. 



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16-Aug-2013 00:01 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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China Railway Corp. Launches Open Tender of Bullet Trains
      2013-08-07 10:06:49      CRIENGLISH.com            Web Editor: Liu Yuanhui

A man poses for a photo at the entrance of the China Railway Corporation, a new state-owned enterprise, in Beijing, capital of China, March 17, 2013. The Chinese government has approved the establishment of the China Railway Corporation to perform the business functions of the defunct Ministry of Railways (MOR) as part of the country's cabinet restructuring plan. [Photo: Xinhua]

China Railway Corporation announced on Tuesday that the corporation has started to purchase passenger trains and freight trains through open tender, Beijing Times reports.

According to the corporation, 226 passenger trains of type 25T and 500 passenger trains of type 25G will be purchased the corporation will also purchase 28,900 freight trains.

Since July, the corporation has started to invite tender for a project to purchase trains including bullet trains, passenger trains, locomotives and freight trains, and it is estimated that the total amount of money will reach about 100 billion yuan.

An insider from the railway corporation said there are two reasons to purchase trains, one is to enable the disposal of some old trains, and the other is the current shortage of trains.

This is the first time the China Railway Corporation has launched an open tender of trains since its establishment in March. Furthermore, this will be the first tender of bullet trains since the Wenzhou high-speed train accident on July 23rd, 2011.

A man poses for a photo at the entrance of the China Railway Corporation, a new state-owned enterprise, in Beijing, capital of China, March 17, 2013. The Chinese government has approved the establishment of the China Railway Corporation to perform the business functions of the defunct Ministry of Railways (MOR) as part of the country's cabinet restructuring plan. [Photo: Xinhua]

China Railway Corporation announced on Tuesday that the corporation has started to purchase passenger trains and freight trains through open tender, Beijing Times reports.

According to the corporation, 226 passenger trains of type 25T and 500 passenger trains of type 25G will be purchased the corporation will also purchase 28,900 freight trains.

Since July, the corporation has started to invite tender for a project to purchase trains including bullet trains, passenger trains, locomotives and freight trains, and it is estimated that the total amount of money will reach about 100 billion yuan.

An insider from the railway corporation said there are two reasons to purchase trains, one is to enable the disposal of some old trains, and the other is the current shortage of trains.

This is the first time the China Railway Corporation has launched an open tender of trains since its establishment in March. Furthermore, this will be the first tender of bullet trains since the Wenzhou high-speed train accident on July 23rd, 2011.
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15-Aug-2013 23:57 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas Holdings: 2Q13 results above
Summary: Midas Holdingsâ?? 2Q13 results
came in above our expectations, with
revenue and PATMI soaring 29.2% and
834.1% YoY to CNY284.0m and CNY14.9m,
respectively. This was due largely to a
reversal of a hefty share of loss of CNY14.1m
from its associated company, Nanjing SR
Puzhen Rail Transport (NPRT) in 2Q12 to a
share of profit of CNY3.1m in 2Q13. While we
note that profit from operations actually fell
15.2% YoY to CNY35.9m, it was still ahead of
our forecast. For 1H13, revenue grew 8.0%
to CNY486.4m, while PATMI fell 40.8% to
CNY10.0m due to a net loss in 1Q13. This
constituted 53.4% and 28.6% of our FY13
projections, respectively. We are expecting
2H13 PATMI to improve significantly on a
HoH basis. An interim DPS of 0.25 S cents
was declared, similar to 1H12 and our
forecast. We will provide more updates after
the analyst conference call. For now we have
a BUY rating on Midas. We will likely raise
our 1.1x P/B target peg and S$0.54 fair
value estimate given the improved sentiment
within Chinaâ??s rail transport sector, with
expectations that the high-speed train
tenders may be resumed soon. (Wong Teck Ching Andy)

OCBC Investment Research
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15-Aug-2013 15:16 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Published :2013 -8-15 9:32:55


BEFORE BOOKING 5 14000TEU Seaspan Container Ship



      It is reported that, Seaspan orders ship in Taiwan again custom-made 5 14000TEU container ships, each ship price of $ 110 million.
      Before, Seaspan orders at Hyundai Heavy Industries has ordered 10 14000TEU container ships, each ship prices to $ 110 million. According to reports, 10 vessels have already signed a charter with YML, 10-year lease, on rent for $ 46,000.
      Earlier this year, Seaspan orders at Hyundai Heavy Industries has ordered 5 +5 vessels 14000TEU container vessels. Two weeks ago, the company again in the second quarter conference call five vessels recognized alternative execution orders.
Meanwhile, Taiwan boat built five vessels will also work with YML signed long-term charter contracts, the five vessels will be delivered in 2016. Yang Ming Marine Transport did not disclose the specific term these five vessels.

          Currently, Seaspan container ship under construction reached 26, including the Yangtze River shipping industry built 11 10000TEU container vessels. In addition, the company is expected to perform in the quarter of 14 Yangtze River shipping industry an alternative container ship orders.


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15-Aug-2013 13:43 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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http://www.chineseport.cn 2013-08-15 11:50:41


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