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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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18-Feb-2009 22:53 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Hi Cheong Wee,

I think it doesn't matter & we shouldn't be swayed by such hearsay or rumours & getting emotional.

I rather read those postings in kitco with chart analysis, most of which had been warning of pending correction, eg:



cheongwee      ( Date: 18-Feb-2009 01:22) Posted:

This so call ego is a killer...dont let it blind you..

if without silver and gold today , my fall will be heavy...heresay Jap and Chinese are chasing gold tonite.


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18-Feb-2009 16:53 China Hongxing   /   Kim Eng "BUY" recomendation       Go to Message
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There is 2 sides to a coin, it also buys  massive buy up around 18 cts, it takes 2 hands to clap, so it also means there are many buying at tat price.

Its a matter of perception, whether u view a cup half filled with water as as half empty or half full.

jackjames      ( Date: 16-Feb-2009 22:57) Posted:

16:59:15 0.18 10,937,000 Sell Down
16:59:01 0.18 5,000 Sell Down
16:58:59 0.185 1,000 Buy Up
16:58:38 0.18 2,250,000 Sell Down

that is massive sell down..

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18-Feb-2009 16:40 China Hongxing   /   Kim Eng "BUY" recomendation       Go to Message
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Just simply dun understand wats wrong with this stock.

TA wise it had been consolidating for the past 3 months, grossly oversold.

FA wise, many broking house recommended buy, recently faetured as highly buy recommnedation in Straits Times & Business Times, coy no debts & profitable, their latest conference call was well-received by fund managers & institution investors & China mkt bullish.
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18-Feb-2009 14:42 GLD USD   /   Gold is overbought now!!       Go to Message
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Gold correction due soon, fyi:


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17-Feb-2009 22:42 Others   /   S'pore Madoff, James Phang Wah face 20 charges       Go to Message
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Serve him right!!

All these scammers must be served the maximum & heaviest punishment to serve as a deterrent to those would-be scammers.

The Chinese saying: "Kill one to warn hundreds"

singaporegal      ( Date: 17-Feb-2009 22:32) Posted:

I remember reading about how this guy claimed that he is "better than Warren Buffet".... LOL...

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17-Feb-2009 20:54 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Cheong Wee, many thks for your advise, but dun u think gold is now extremely overbought  & the risk  greater than the reward, as profit-taking & shortselling may appear anytime, I would rather wait for correction to oversold as I dun believe in chasing after prices to later see it correction.

I'm sure nothing goes up or down in a straight line, there is bound to be correction anytime soon.

cheongwee      ( Date: 17-Feb-2009 20:39) Posted:

I do sincerely hope the bailout do work in some ways...if not then we see a dow of 5000...STI


I think you guy buy a little gold to hedge...i loss $ on stock, but well make up for it in gold and silver...really..

iPunter      ( Date: 17-Feb-2009 19:32) Posted:

Bailouts and prop-ups are not the stuff sound economies are made of.
As it is, the whole capitalist system has virtually broken down...

It would be interesting from this point on, to closely follow discussion and expositions on alternative economic systems and solutions.

Simply wielding past (unworkable) practices and 'solutions' may only make a bad situation worse.
Better to let nature take its course, whatever the outcome may be... Smiley 


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16-Feb-2009 23:57 GLD USD   /   Where Do All The Gold ETFs Get Their Bullion From?       Go to Message
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Danger of trading Gold & Silver ETFs, fyi:



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16-Feb-2009 20:51 User Research/Opinions   /   Why "Dragon stocks" here falling while SSE rising       Go to Message
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Thks Farmer for your posting. Was this the article in today's Lianhe Zaobao 

Can some kind forumer kindly translate this to English for the benefit of fellow forumers like me who cant read Chinese.

Your kind help & effort is sincerely appreciated.

Thks a lot


Farmer      ( Date: 16-Feb-2009 14:54) Posted:

上海综指上扬20% 本地龙筹股原地踏步中国股市上个星期再次逆流而上,但富时海峡时报中国指数(FTSE ST China)上周却在震荡中有轻微的下滑,市场人士也密切关注本地龙筹股能否追随中国股市而逐渐上扬?




   在过去的三个月中,上海综合指数已经上扬接近20%,香港的恒生中国企业指数也上涨了近十成。自从去年9月份以来,中国央行已经先后五次降息,以提高银 行借贷。中国总理温家宝不久前也表示,政府也正考虑在去年底宣布的4万亿人民币(约8880亿新元)财政刺激方案基础上,出台促进经济的新措施。



   不过,辉立证券资深交易员黄荣贵表示,本地的龙筹股规模不大,除了像中远投资等各别股以外,其他股并不是蓝筹股,因此很难与中国A股指数的走势相提并 论。同时,海指目前还在1700点左右徘徊,几个星期内一直处于窄幅震荡的状态,鲜有大起大落。本地市场正处于整合的阶段,没有明确的涨跌方向,而且多数 投资者也置身场外,再加上经济前景比较悲观,整个股市的气氛也很难被带动。

  他也指出,在之前的一轮牛市中,一些龙筹股成为了大量投机买卖的对象,不少人也因此烧到手。当市场跑进熊市,市场看的是各股的基本面,但很多龙筹股是不久前在本地上市的,甚至不具备五年的业绩记录。纵观本地百余只龙筹股,得到投资者关注的股非常有限。海峡时报指数的成份股中,龙筹股只有中远投资(Cosco)和仁恒置地(Yanlord Land)。

   虽然部分龙筹股乏人问津,但也有不少股票的交易量十分庞大。根据路透社上个星期五的数据显示,当日龙筹股中成交量较大的几只股分别是航运类的中远投资, 食品类的思念食品、服饰类的中国鳄莱特(China Eratat)以及纺织类的天宇集团(China Sky),成交量均在500万股以上。  

   受国际运费指标波罗的海指数(Baltic Dry Index)的推动,加上中国政府刚刚通过了振兴船舶工业的计划,堪称本地龙筹股老大的中远投资本月来已经涨11分或14%至88分。交易员指出,波罗的 海指数从本月初就开始上涨,目前也正处于上升的趋势,航运类股将因此受到支持,而该指数的阻力点处于3000点。

  此外,在业绩利润大幅上涨的带动下,中国鳄莱特和嵩天(China Essence)的股价也因此水涨船高。由此可见,龙筹股的业绩是影响其股价涨跌的关键因素之一,中国的经济增长将直接影响这些龙筹股的业务及表现。





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16-Feb-2009 14:49 User Research/Opinions   /   Why "Dragon stocks" here falling while SSE rising       Go to Message
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SGX is Komodo dragon

DnApeh      ( Date: 16-Feb-2009 14:36) Posted:

Water dragon?!? LOL!

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16-Feb-2009 14:07 User Research/Opinions   /   Why "Dragon stocks" here falling while SSE rising       Go to Message
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Saw in today's Straits Times that there is a write-up in Lianhe Zaobao about "Whya are Dragon stocks here falling despite rise  in China bourses.

Just curious to know what is being written, can some kind forumers kindly translate & post here for the benefit of fellow forumers like me that dun know how to read Chinese papers.

Thanks a lot
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16-Feb-2009 10:23 China Hongxing   /   Kim Eng "BUY" recomendation       Go to Message
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Read this article "Stimulus works for Chinese, IMF to emulate for emerging economies" to see why this counter is a real laggard due for upward bull run soon:


richtan      ( Date: 16-Feb-2009 09:44) Posted:

Watch for  this counter, it has been a laggard for too long. read many reports that China SSE has been on a bull run for the last few weeks & China stimulas action is already working into their economy & consumer spending has been increasing.

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16-Feb-2009 10:06 GLD USD   /   Gold is overbought now!!       Go to Message
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Read this article, gold may correction to around US$850:


As usual, duodd
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16-Feb-2009 09:44 China Hongxing   /   Kim Eng "BUY" recomendation       Go to Message
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Watch for  this counter, it has been a laggard for too long. read many reports that China SSE has been on a bull run for the last few weeks & China stimulas action is already working into their economy & consumer spending has been increasing.
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16-Feb-2009 09:28 GLD USD   /   Gold is overbought now!!       Go to Message
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You are most welcome but still remember I'm just sharing & I may b right or wrong, so dyodd.


equator2010      ( Date: 16-Feb-2009 03:21) Posted:

Thank you richtan for sharing this info with us.  You have helped me become more aware of the risks involved in GLD ETF. God bless.

richtan      ( Date: 14-Feb-2009 22:57) Posted:

Looking at the gold daily chart, it is now overbought & imo, to buy now is not worth the risk/reward ratio as u will sooner or later be caught by profit-taking and/or shortselling.

I would rather wait for it to correct to oversold region b4 buying (gold savings, no need to pay brokerage fees except yearly admin feess, much cheaper, easier to buy & sell).

I dun believe in chasing after the price nor trade in gold ETF  as I'm more cautious (better to be safe than sorry) after reading this article: http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/turk/2007/0305.html.

As usual, DYOD.

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14-Feb-2009 22:57 GLD USD   /   Gold is overbought now!!       Go to Message
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Looking at the gold daily chart, it is now overbought & imo, to buy now is not worth the risk/reward ratio as u will sooner or later be caught by profit-taking and/or shortselling.

I would rather wait for it to correct to oversold region b4 buying (gold savings, no need to pay brokerage fees except yearly admin feess, much cheaper, easier to buy & sell).

I dun believe in chasing after the price nor trade in gold ETF  as I'm more cautious (better to be safe than sorry) after reading this article: http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/turk/2007/0305.html.

As usual, DYOD.
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13-Feb-2009 14:14 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP wins A$30m vessel job       Go to Message
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13-Feb-2009 14:13 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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13-Feb-2009 10:33 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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While, all I can say is, it still boils down to technical analysis, nothing goes up or down in a straigt line.

When it is overbought, profit taking & shortsellers will appear & it will correct down & vice versa.

Trade by the chart & own chart analysis & ignore all those "anal"ist writeups, it is just like the story of asking 7 blindman describing an elephant, u get different descriptions which confuse u. Take for example, the latest DBS Securities & Philips Securities writeups on SingTel, u will be confuse as to who to listen to.

A true trader shut out all the noise (analist writeups, news, blah, blah, blah) & just use his chart analysis & judgement, of course not all trades will be right as charts analysis are also never 100% right, tats wher stop loss comes in.

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12-Feb-2009 11:13 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Read this article on danger of trading gold ETF, fyi:


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12-Feb-2009 10:55 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Sorry, as the copy & paste makes it very unreadable & torture to the eyes, for more easier read, go to this site:

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