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06-Apr-2010 13:12 RafflesEdu   /   Raffles Edu       Go to Message
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Their teacher is :  Internet.

Do not be teacher.  But, be a Virtual teacher...  Teachers will become redundant!   Next century, teaching thru interactive via internet perhaps, starting from University levels and JCs... Not primary/sec schools. 


pharoah88      ( Date: 04-Apr-2010 14:53) Posted:

singapOre education system also mutated towards

Double Alternative Education [DAE]

Teach Less  in  School so that   students  Learn More at Home

ALL our children  must marry a spouse  who is a  Teacher.

Otherwise,  who is going  to Teach at  Home ?

many primary school  examinations have been cancelled.

text  book  syllabi  also halved for some subjects 

[Learn Half  only in school.  Parent  needs  to  Teach Half  at  Home ?]

'O' Level also cancelled.

Very  soon  "A"  Level  also cancelled ?

Ultimately,  university exams may also be cancelled ?

bY  then,  it  will be  like  REC  ????

who knows  ITE  may  become  FAMOUS.

LIKE ACCA which started as ITE  vocational  course

but is now recognised as higher than university Degree ????

Like OBAMA said,  things  CHANGED  so  CHANGE and keep CHANGING

nothing is the same  anymore.


me  tOO.  jUst !

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06-Apr-2010 13:07 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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if oil price touch $90....

iPunter      ( Date: 06-Apr-2010 11:31) Posted:

In any case, after rising and rising, the market may be ripe for a sizable correction to remain 'healthy'... Smiley 

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06-Apr-2010 13:01 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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Oh yes, there is this 'warning' we must put up i.e.  -  Do becareful when wearing long saree or long dresses when  boarding or alighting the bus..... :)    This doenst mean we encourage wearing less cloth i..e super short skirt or shorts ...........hahahah!

Sporeguy      ( Date: 06-Apr-2010 11:45) Posted:

When the bus stopped at a bus stop, an old indian lady in saree tried to alight onto the bus stop raised platform, about a foot front the the bus step, she slipped and fell in between the step and the platform. 1 malay lady and a chinese lady pulled her up, and the passengers shouted to the bus driver not to move off as the indian was the last passenger to alight at that bus stop. If the driver had moved, the wheels would have gone over her. She was shaken and the chinese lady looked after her at the bus stop. Her bottle(s) were not smashes although we could hear the sound of the bottle hitting against the road.

niuyear      ( Date: 06-Apr-2010 10:12) Posted:

My advice to old folks (retired ones)   'try'   to go out  during non-peak hours and it also costs lesser on fares.   :)



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06-Apr-2010 12:56 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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This will increase birth rate, also, make HDB more affordable where familiy could buy at 30% off and then later on, sell to those RICH  PRs at reasonable rate............this will in turn, cut down COV price.

P/s - I know some PRs or those already become sigapore citizen, STILL DONT WANT TO GIVE BIRTH .

niuyear      ( Date: 06-Apr-2010 12:53) Posted:

If government could set up new rules (ONly for Singaporeans)-

If each familily give birth to 3 kids, Government will subsidise HDB sale price 30% off the market rate......hahaha!  , this will surely work....

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06-Apr-2010 12:53 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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If government could set up new rules (ONly for Singaporeans)-

If each familily give birth to 3 kids, Government will subsidise HDB sale price 30% off the market rate......hahaha!  , this will surely work....
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06-Apr-2010 10:12 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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My advice to old folks (retired ones)   'try'   to go out  during non-peak hours and it also costs lesser on fares.   :)



Sporeguy      ( Date: 06-Apr-2010 00:09) Posted:

Took MRT from the West to City Hall at 1.30pm, stood all the way, at about 1 arm-length apart.

Saw a few young adults (look educated) gave their seats to old folks, got future for spore

Came back at 5 pm, sardine packed and stood all the way, and with pples' bad breath filling up the cabin. Cannot see anyone give up their seats to old folks ! A few were oblivious to the old folks standing next to them.

Transfer to a bus, was also packed like sardine, but not so smelly.

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05-Apr-2010 13:19 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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If yao ming come to singapore , he can only ride on a 'double-decker' MRT  tain so that he can take the upper deck with no roof on top ..........hahaha!

Dobule decker MRT Trains  can make SMRT becoming the providers for world class TRAIN!!!
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05-Apr-2010 13:14 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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The new breeds of 'multi-millionaires' are up and coming, like China yao ming,,,,,etc....those 'millionairs who 'pok' during lehman brothers and subprime crisis, must give way to these new comers .    :)

iPunter      ( Date: 03-Apr-2010 20:13) Posted:

Don't forget that those plans were made on the assumption that the roaring economy before the great big world meltdown will continue roaring...

But now, the effects of that great big meltdown (in which many millionaires became "pok!"), the world is now a different... Smiley



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05-Apr-2010 13:08 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Warren_buffet riding on buffalo ? (looks like buffalo not a bull)?  China Yao Ming riding on the bull....  LOL!

Retailers still side-lined,  once they come in, they will probably the one push market to 3200....Whats your take.

JojoTAN      ( Date: 05-Apr-2010 09:38) Posted:

Yes, this will be the one to claim your pants!!

warren_buffet      ( Date: 05-Apr-2010 09:06) Posted:

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05-Apr-2010 12:58 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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Are buses so comfortablet to be in there for 'long distance'......at the rear of the buses, the engine is like stalling all the time and its uncomvortable.

pharoah88      ( Date: 04-Apr-2010 14:23) Posted:

the Sunday Times 4 APRIL 2010  page 6  home


"Many REGULARS on Long-Haul services find them


  Shuli  Sudderuddin






 Sufyan  Saad  


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03-Apr-2010 20:18 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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30 years time, we still  can have singaporean service staff, but,   all LKK (lau kok kok)   hahaha!

P/s -  If singaporeans think the HIGH cost of living is the reason for them to have 1 or no kid, then, all the PRs (after living here for some time and still cant have saving!)    will think the same as singaporeans.   You think they will  love singapore so much and keep on giving birth to children just for the sake of GOVERnment wants it?   LOL!

junction      ( Date: 03-Apr-2010 15:33) Posted:

Livermore, you have hit the nail on the head.  With a birth rate of 1.23 (2.1 is the replacement level), it is NOT reversible.  NO country with that sort of birth rate has ever been successful in reversing the birth rate.  If Singapore does not import workers to replace those who pass on and retire from work due to old age, in 30 years, the scenerio here will change drastically especially with an ageing population problem.  There will not be enough service personnel at all levels - be it services at ports, airports or land including health care (health care workers are in demand throughout the world).  Foreign firms would not want to invest here due to shortage of workers or qualified personnel.  In fact, there will be a migration of foreign firms and foreigners from Singapore.  We won't have to blame PRs for high property prices because property will tank as will the share market as will the rental market.  Government coffers will fall drastically.  Many local and foreign firms will migrate to other countries to survive.  Jobs will be less and Singaporeans may have to take up PR in other flourishing countries.  Wonder if Singaporeans will complain when  working in say China or Taiwan and are required to do NS there with the same priveleges as we give their citizen PRs here.  In all the letters in the Straits Times we read PRs get the SAME priveleges enjoyed by citizens or citizens lose out in job applications or for university admission or award of scholarships - really, do PRs get the SAME priveleges?  If indeed, a PR gets a job, a varsity course or scholarship over a citizen with the same qualifications, then write to the firm, varsity or civil service head with supporting evidence and cc a copy to the Straits Times and your MP.  All Singaporeans will rightly be outraged.  We read also PR is the cause of high property prices.  Really?  Look at it another way.  Singaporeans who got 'subsidised' housing sold to PRs at record prices and PRs get the blame for causing property prices to soar while the Singaporeans who make enormous profit was never blamed for fleecing the PRs and causing the property price to soar.  Remember they have the option to sell only to Singaporeans and decline the PR offers.  We also read in this forum that 8k or 10k is not enough nowadays.  How many of the PRs who stay in HDB earn that sort of money?  We should learn from them that inspite of all the handicaps and extra expenses, they save enough to pay for a resale flat.  My point is don't play the blame game especially when unsupported by facts or it may come back to haunt you in the future.

Livermore      ( Date: 03-Apr-2010 13:14) Posted:

In my view if you analyse the problems as a whole, the number one and most serious one is our declining birth rate

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03-Apr-2010 20:11 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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I come across some young married couples, buy condo and rent out, and still staying with parents.   They use rental profits, support parents or parents help them look after kids or babies. They wont buy HDB for they cant rent out HDB flats.

Its a win-win situation giving current economic condition. 

p/s- provided rental yield is high, if not, it is 'doomed' case.

nickyng      ( Date: 03-Apr-2010 19:06) Posted:

high debts? oh..u mean young couple apply and buy condo instead of HDB BTO flats?...young couple buy car instead of taking MRT/Buses? hmm...pls lah this kind of high debt is unwarranted....nowadays many young couples from wat i see are quite materialistics...even my generation of frens fall into that trap...cancel their HDB flat buyQ and bought EC or condos instead...get themselves FIRST into unwarranted DEBT level....i think these young couples have to be prudent in managing what THEY CAN AFFORD instead of chasing the "unnecessary" at the beginning stage...so then where do those high debts come about???? :)


comments? :)

DanielXX      ( Date: 03-Apr-2010 17:51) Posted:

They work and work and are afraid for future because of their high debts! That is why our MBT must really work with Procreation minister & PMO Office to coordinate policies! Skyrocketing housing prices is the number one cause of stress for married couples.

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03-Apr-2010 20:03 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Nothing to fret about when a share price dip .  Blue chips also dip when it goes up to certain level.  When the shortselling action taking  place, prepping up some reasons to make it justifiable to execute this action is human nature. Share price is moved by HUMAN.

Singapore government allows casino operation here with confidence i think reasons as below:

1) '''Singapore has been the top outbound destinations for Indians for many years and with these theme parks and casino, we hope to draw many more Indian travellers and give them a new reason to come again,’’ Resorts World Sentosa Vice-President (Communicatio n) Ms Krist Boo told presspersons here today.''''

2)  The mindset of having budget airlines introduced to make travelling cheaper and having to built more 3 star hotels to cater to the budget traverllers is the same mindset of having a fare share of attracting  the RICH And Famous to come to the Casino as it is their favourite entertainment;

3) Poker might be included as part of Olymic mind game.   (still debating).   If we can organise F1 race, we can hve international porker contest as well.

Tourists attraction in singapore has become a very important factors in tourisms industry nd government will surely give it a fully support to make sure it is happening here in years to come.  

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01-Apr-2010 18:22 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I think some stalls along balestier road sell durians 365 days?  Me, not durian lover, so , never pay attention.  

Bon3260      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 13:40) Posted:


Still got durians meh? I dot now mango?


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01-Apr-2010 18:18 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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you are right, better dont 'bleh' too much, this is public forum, sensitive topic.  Think better keep mouth shut!  Tks for reminding. Wait i on the road also dunno how i die.   LOL!

Livermore      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 17:48) Posted:

I have got lots to say but this being a public forum I shall just keep quiet

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01-Apr-2010 16:24 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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Being a PR in any country, is never a  win-win situation.   Since they want to become one country's PR, at the same time, retain their citizenship of their country of origin, they have to be financially sound in order to meet the great demand holding the PR status.

A no of PR got married to PR and their kids do not need to serve NS!

Luostock      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 16:07) Posted:

The problem will not be solved by banning Pr from buying as our country needs them bcos we do not produced enough babies (must think long term). It is the HDB. Last decade, HDB over-built, this time under-built, poor estimation. The 5% & 8% control is already a deterrent, if we are too unfriendly, we will lose out globally. The medical and educational cost for them and their children are going to be big deterrent esp medical. Some of them will become citizen to overcome these deterrents. Look at the COE, again poor statistical estimation. So let us hope HDB wake up, stop acting like private developer.

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01-Apr-2010 13:33 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Warrent Buffet, did you eat durian last night?

You make sure you release that 1 lot is not the 'smelly type' huh!  hahaha!   Wait Bonbon cant stand the smell and his maid got to clean up after him.....

warren_buffet      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 12:10) Posted:

Hi Bonn, Later I will release one more lot at end of day.  Don't miss.. Smiley

Bon3260      ( Date: 31-Mar-2010 21:46) Posted:

Shit!!! BBs 放水 I din get dat 50 lots @ 0.115... I'm wondering who was e lucky pax has get it... : (


F3V (SinoConst)

 DAY HIGH :  0.120   NET CHANGE :  -0.010   TOTAL VALUE :  43,310 
 DAY LOW :  0.115   LAST DONE :  0.115   VOLUME :  363 
Time Last Vol Buy/Sell
17:05:05 0.115 50 B
15:53:36 0.120 40 S
14:11:35 0.120 43 B
11:49:07 0.120 230 B

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01-Apr-2010 13:11 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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Though i also think no bubbles coming, but,  my only concern is property tax.  This can escalate at the discretion of the government when they want to curb the property speculation. You own one private property and rent out but, if you need to fork out more than 25 or 30% property tax , thats where one will get burnt.  

knightrider      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 12:45) Posted:

That is what Simon Cheong's point also, the demand is created by our Gov to keep the supply of land low. Totally agreed, no bubble burst, but will slow down only.

Livermore      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 12:42) Posted:

I repeat again. There is no bubble. As I said, if you are behind the curve and don't provide enough supply to meet demand, this is what will happen. I shall not comment too much on this forum. Some of our problems are inter-related. Problems need to looked at as whole and not as isolated problems.

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01-Apr-2010 10:21 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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No lar, now where got commite suicide? Most of them already COMMITTED suicide long ago during Lehman brothers' time, now only left with  those 'half-dead' and no strength to commit sucide but still struggling and crawling to climb up the stair case of HDB flats.......hahaha!

ariessycx      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 10:05) Posted:

I thought this forum is regarding Genting SP? Why suddently talk about commit suscide???? If this is the current topic, my opinion for this stock market in 10 years, i think the only way you can profit from this stock market is long term hold and dollar averaging on the stock which is good counter. Before that investor must know how to read financial statement and all the fundamentals of a company. Invest only the business you know...   

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01-Apr-2010 10:16 Others   /   Property bubble to burst soon       Go to Message
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hahaha!  I vote you next up and coming new MP for sharejunctions -   Your job description:  To gather feedbacks from Sharejunctions and submit them to the Cabinet for discussion.    hehehe!

pharoah88      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 10:09) Posted:

this is an  Excellent  Question.

i take the Liberty to EXTEND your Excellent Question  tO:

- the PRESiDENT  [Qualification: 20 Children]

- the PRiME  MiNiSTER  [Qualification:  15 Children]

- MiNiSTERS   [Qualification: 10 Children]

- MPs   [Qualification:  6 Children]

- ALL  DIVISION  ONE AND  ABOVE CIVIL  SERVANTS  [Qualification: 5 Children]

- ALL  COMAPNY  CHAIRMAN  [Qualification: 8 Children]

- ALL  CEOs  [Qualification:  7 Children]

- ALL  COMPANY  DIRECTORS   [Qualification: 6 Children]

- ALL BANKERS  [Qualifcation:  5 Children]

- ALL PROFESSORS  [Qualification:  5 Children]

- ALL who earned  above S$100,000 per annum  [Qualification:  3 Children]

- ALL Billionaires  [Qualification: 20 Children]

- ALL  Decilionaires  [Qualification:  12 Children]

- ALL Millionaires  [Qualification:   6  Children]

- ALL married couple  [Qualification:  2 Children]


- ALL car  owners 

niuyear      ( Date: 01-Apr-2010 08:49) Posted:

How can President Scholars give birth to only 1 kid?   Must have more.....Next time, the criteria to award president scholarship is :  One must be committed to want to get married and have a family and must serve the country. Afterall, this is the most prestigious scholarship.   

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