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Latest Posts By yummygd - Supreme      About yummygd
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21-Sep-2010 17:08 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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because i have yet to meet a teacher who pronouce 3 as three n not tree n flour as flower n not flllaaaa

junction      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 17:36) Posted:

How do you know our school teachers are speaking poor English.  As far as I know, they certainly speak and write better English than most of the people here.

yummygd      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 14:25) Posted:

well i think singlish is our heritage and i think as singaporean we should be proud of it but on the other hand...pls educate your children to speak proper english.thats what we are doing at home too. unfortunately our school english teachers are speaking poorly to begin with so its a vicious cycle. question being able to speak singlish n english...count as bilingual

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21-Sep-2010 13:32 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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if u never cover ur short sell on the day u naked short

pharoah88      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 12:15) Posted:

If  Only  One  Is  caUght  ? ? ? ?

Tanisha      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 11:57) Posted:

I hear there is a penalty of $1000 on short selling (advanced selling) in SGX? True?

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20-Sep-2010 14:46 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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that goes without saying right? I judge e parents by how the kids treat their domestic helpers. That said I even make sure my kids clear their trays at food court.

artng25      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 14:43) Posted:

More importantly we should teach our children the right values....

We have seen parents/grand parents reserving the best of everything (seats, food, clothing....) for their children but have the adults ever thought seriously of the MESSAGE they are actually sending ??? Graciousness, honesty, respect, humility, integrity, conscientiousness, filial piety..... and many more are definitely more important than many other things

yummygd      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 14:25) Posted:

well i think singlish is our heritage and i think as singaporean we should be proud of it but on the other hand...pls educate your children to speak proper english.thats what we are doing at home too. unfortunately our school english teachers are speaking poorly to begin with so its a vicious cycle. question being able to speak singlish n english...count as bilingual

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20-Sep-2010 14:25 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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well i think singlish is our heritage and i think as singaporean we should be proud of it but on the other hand...pls educate your children to speak proper english.thats what we are doing at home too. unfortunately our school english teachers are speaking poorly to begin with so its a vicious cycle. question being able to speak singlish n english...count as bilingual?

Hulumas      ( Date: 20-Sep-2010 13:11) Posted:

Keep speaking "SINGLISH" simply means resisting to admit low grade learning ability of speaking proper foreign langguage i.e. ENGLISH. How shameful it is, infact not to be proud of it !

iPunter      ( Date: 18-Sep-2010 19:04) Posted:

Weekend oledi, still doing Ta?

      Don't be too serious, lah.

         Laugh-laugh a bit with  this  (click) ..  Smiley

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20-Sep-2010 11:14 China Jishan   /   Will arrange COURTEOUS FACTORY VISIT to Shaoxing,       Go to Message
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must register?wow i not underestimating u la i am wowin in amazement. I am waiting for  lower entry price...will come or not..
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20-Sep-2010 11:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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how come no one shouting short?
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20-Sep-2010 09:24 China Jishan   /   Will arrange COURTEOUS FACTORY VISIT to Shaoxing,       Go to Message
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wow u top 20 arh.
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20-Sep-2010 09:22 Others   /   How to make big money in the stock market?       Go to Message
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congrates peg li!!! ur day has come. hope u made back e losses from last time

Peg_li      ( Date: 19-Sep-2010 22:13) Posted:

Hi Hulumas, now I am holding some S-chips and already have a few k profit, but still don't want to sell.

waiting for soaring in coming a few weeks.no 10k profit ,no sell.

Hulumas      ( Date: 19-Sep-2010 21:57) Posted:

BUY, HOLD and SELL stocks at the right stock, at the right time also at the right amount !

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18-Sep-2010 19:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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waiting waitint waiting hahahaha

victorf      ( Date: 17-Sep-2010 12:13) Posted:

as said, Market will test higher high according to script written....even all laggard counters will have their day soon....good luck :)

16-Sep-2010 16:22 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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ride the rally and "BUY ON DIP" for market...good luck :)

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17-Sep-2010 09:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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genting i wont touch its so speculative its so freaking scarry. can gain den end minus 8cent wah biang

iPunter      ( Date: 17-Sep-2010 08:53) Posted:

Many people will not want to waste time with any other stock...

      GentingSp is clearly the star performer...

           as can be seen from the chart too...

                When more people get into it,

                     the 'cheonging' can be even more furious and hot!

                          But this is just my own private view.. Smiley

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16-Sep-2010 16:44 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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cause someone wanna fool retail players into selling lor....smart hor like informatics....hmmm wonder who lor....its coming.
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13-Sep-2010 12:59 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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haha ya lor den can make my skin smooth also kopi cannot not good for health if drink too much. so must be smart must date men who r generous haha to buy manuka honey not kopi only haha

iPunter      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 10:04) Posted:

Drink more Manuka Honey rather than kopi...

    Two teaspoonsfull of premium grade Manuka

        in a glass of hot water is heavenly!... Smiley

yummygd      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 09:59) Posted:

cause they all keep calling buy buy buy mah especially victor den so now sell wallet fat fat so makan alot so fat fat also lor. I dated five guys at once wah cannot la auntie later drink too much kopi later bones not strong.

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13-Sep-2010 09:59 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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cause they all keep calling buy buy buy mah especially victor den so now sell wallet fat fat so makan alot so fat fat also lor. I dated five guys at once wah cannot la auntie later drink too much kopi later bones not strong.

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 11:41) Posted:

WOW!!   Yummygd  dated  5   handsome guys at one go...................  ifi not, how do you know they are now very fat huh? Smiley 141

 .   lets celebrate with them Halloween next month.

yummygd      ( Date: 10-Sep-2010 19:42) Posted:

they now too full n too fat to move liao hahaha victor all earn enough liao...now go hibernat

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13-Sep-2010 09:54 BMM   /   Ziwo CHEONGGGGG ARHHHHHH       Go to Message
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dual listing pending for taiwannnnn hehe
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10-Sep-2010 19:42 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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they now too full n too fat to move liao hahaha victor all earn enough liao...now go hibernate

Bon3260      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 17:35) Posted:


Where r Victorf, Ozone2002, Des_Khor, Boyikao3 & iPunter huh!?!?!

Who again hv approved their leaves??? Bcos of Hari Raya Puasa???

Funny ley... They r not Malay...


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06-Sep-2010 20:53 Others   /   ikan bilis       Go to Message
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30-Aug-2010 13:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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he quite on one lei this alex he not play play one

beruangface      ( Date: 30-Aug-2010 13:21) Posted:

wah Alex, u sipeh ON, when STI near 3000 u call Buy, guess 3000 is ur favorite 4D no larrr..okok, mari mari bro and sista, come join Alexchia, no 3000 dont buy, must at least 3000 ok , huat arrr! when come to 2800, u sell ok, huat arr!

alexchia01      ( Date: 30-Aug-2010 12:57) Posted:

STI turn Bullish today.

It's heading towards 3000 again.

This is the Time to start Buying again.

So many counters to Buy, but so little time and resources.

I'm looking at SembMar, Kep Corp, F & N, UOB, DBS, ST Engg, NOL and Wilmar.

This is my personal analysis. You invest at your own risk.

Good luck to all.

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20-Aug-2010 10:42 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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but sti like playing yo yo..2900 very strong support lor. sure say liao comfirm today fall past wahahaha.

des_khor      ( Date: 20-Aug-2010 10:33) Posted:

But everyone sound so serious.... seem like going to end soon.. very scary man... need to move next to police station liao....

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20-Aug-2010 10:25 Genting Sing   /   Genting SP Next Move       Go to Message
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but if its naked short u have to buy back same day meaning u dun have contra or whatever they call it..

NewInvestors      ( Date: 20-Aug-2010 09:50) Posted:

Oh thx again! So can request for how many days?

hpong5      ( Date: 20-Aug-2010 09:46) Posted:

If you borrow to short than no need to buy back same day. You can check with ur broker.

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18-Aug-2010 09:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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boy boy auntie not disagreeing with him wor.of course he not totally wrong. each to their own so he must keep his insults to himself lah. thats all what auntie hopes lor.

boyikao3      ( Date: 17-Aug-2010 19:20) Posted:

Aiyoh aunties yummy dun be angry lah! You are right to say that investing in the right company for a long time can be profitable and one can cut out the whipsawing to achieve results. But IPunter also has his reasons for discouraging holding forever - he probably means to say that all kinds of investment should have a time frame and should not be "forever" becaus forever means no need to be even concern about company's changing business models, management, etc.o I think he is not against long term investment but discourages "deterministic" buy and hold investment attitude.

There are many good business models in Singapore that if one buy and hold, would today made a lot of money - like Kepcorp, all 3 banks, ST engineering, etc.  So both of you are right !

yummygd      ( Date: 17-Aug-2010 18:35) Posted:

i disagree with u labeling investors as irresponsible n taking unnessary risk. Investors invest in companies they are sure of n of sound value. Traders they do alot of speculative trade. They buy today n hope it goes up so they can sell. investors invest n dunr eally care much about up n down of markets since a sound company will almost always be sound(unless its one of those fake companies den u damn sway) If investors are irresponsible u r telling me WB is totally irresponsible??He is well known for holding his investments long time. I totally respect traders .It takes alot of skills n foresight n guts n split second decision to succeed as a trader n not get killed. if one is not nimble on their toes one cannot be a successful trader.At the same time Investors are to be respected too as they are people who normally the ones who can pick a good company n stick with it n eventually they will make alot of money too. If one urgue "ya but in mean time they are POK" den comment alone will show u that that one has no money n should not even be here. not to offend...stock market first rule is to ALWAYS play with money ONE CAN AFFORD. Am i right or am i wrong?

Share junction is one place for people to post their thoughts and normally i really enjoy being here just to read comments by people whom truely earn my respect alexchia, boy boy anthony and victor etc..people who postings help others and not those who get up here just to insult n fill up the comment space.So lets be gracious ok :) k leave ur vicious comments to urself.

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