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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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16-Apr-2010 13:52 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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Got people wrote in to straits times Forum already (it was 2 or 3 mths ago)

Got feeling some bad drivers purposely jerk the bus and some even peep thru the rear mirror see how the passengers react.

Cameras can solve all the problems.


Salute      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 21:43) Posted:


can you write to forum about the jerky busese. Many feel that I ever confront the driver. one indian driver was able to drive smoothly after that< but there are a couple of chinese drivers said bcs of this type of new bus.

To me it.s an effort as the buses of those I have brought up the problem to the drivers were the same models.

sigh!!!how come SBS mgt doesn't bother


niuyear      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 13:53) Posted:

Pharoah88, are you in the public transport council?  Smiley

**My only complaint is : (only to those bad drivers) dont jerk the bus and drive the bus properly like when they drive their own dicky!!

How many old folks and pregnant ladies nearly fell while drivers jerk the bus.  Even a strong guy on that bus, needed 2 hands to hold

the railings to prevent from falling.


**My most wanted action :  Instal CAMERAS in the BUS and MRT Trains!!!!!





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16-Apr-2010 12:11 Tiong Seng   /   Another IPO below water       Go to Message
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Is this related to Tiong Woon Company?
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16-Apr-2010 12:04 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Congrates!   :)    My friend went there chinese new year, most of them won big....:

I dont have casino luck, therefore, i go there leisure or star virgo cruise also , didnt win much.   :)

babyboymi      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 11:55) Posted:

first time be there, is first time always lucky? Smiley

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16-Apr-2010 12:00 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Like that, he will buy up the shares and move the price upwards! 

Richman      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 11:50) Posted:

My shops are all located in Capitamall.  I will show them the contents of these posting during the mall meeting later in the afternoon.


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16-Apr-2010 11:35 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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All changed the shares into  chips liao lar..................LOL!

babyboymi      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 10:41) Posted:

today no post? no news?

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16-Apr-2010 11:22 Tiong Seng   /   Another IPO below water       Go to Message
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IPO = I Puke Only   


AnthonyTan      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 10:04) Posted:

Applying IPO to loss $$$$$$, hahaha

Money oreli not enough.

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16-Apr-2010 11:16 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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  Quote " ....After the breakdown with GAP, current move is trying to close this gap but it can only succeed if there is volume breakup, otherwise, once it touches the top of the gap, volume will rush in again to push it down.  What if the gap is not closed.. this is even worse.

Haha, dump this stock! .........."

Capitaland boss must be very sad, people set to dump his stock even before XD,

warren_buffet      ( Date: 13-Apr-2010 11:30) Posted:

The BUBBLE has burst!

KannaSze      ( Date: 13-Apr-2010 11:23) Posted:

I suggest to look at the volume for clue.  The channel is only meaningful if the volume agrees. 

First, there was a GAP at the big volume point, this is the RISING WEDGE breakdown.  Draw a rising line and see if you have a rising wedge?

This is a bearish formation, classic interpretation, not mine.

After the breakdown with GAP, current move is trying to close this gap but it can only succeed if there is volume breakup, otherwise, once it touches the top of the gap, volume will rush in again to push it down.  What if the gap is not closed.. this is even worse.

Haha, dump this stock!


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16-Apr-2010 10:19 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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AFter seeing your analysis, i then think that those 'passengers' who didnt help that girl, should not deserve death sentence .

No wonder there are so many 'crying souls' underneath the China soil and now, they are coming back for vengence --- by way of EARTH QUAKE!    lol!

kenkenken      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 21:51) Posted:

FOOD For thought

I think i heard this story somewhere around and hey AK thank for sharing. I really pity the gals and the rest of the passengers who die together with her except the 3 idiots.

 When i first read the story,  i have the same feeling that everyone deserve it but after thinking in depth for a while, thoses passenger are innocent as they dont deserve a death penalty for not doing anything at all even though some stupid idiot also help to drive the man down the bus. One life for three is more then enough rather then everyone. What if some of the passenger are also old man? Pregnant Women, Kid???

I guess everyone have different perspective as to what they see and what they heard. It is the same as what we treat S-chips.

So what your thought???

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16-Apr-2010 10:11 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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Boy boy

AK means : 'Ancient' in that woman's character.  The time this happened never mentioned leh?

I am doubtful any woman under that kind of circumstances, will think of  MONEY?   Imagine 3 guys forcing onto her?

Must ask women here... will they ask for money?   hehehe!

boyikao3      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 21:54) Posted:

I think you are over-romantising China woman. (Ancient days where got bus??) If this story is true, I think the bus driver will ask for money before giving herself willingly to the 3 rogues ! Food for thought ! Smiley

AK_Francis      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 16:46) Posted:

血 可 流,节 不 可 褥。A typical ancent woman in China. Hv very strong sence of Integrity.

Then, she felt very guilty, as she couldn't protect herself, and let the family shame. Couples with the hatre on the 3 idiots and the whole lots of coward, she just couldn't take the big blow. She choosen the last Episode, but she still awake, as she let go the mid age man, who was the only sole beside her, while she was in distress. 

In current society, we need not to follow the above blindly for great. Call 1800 221 4444, help line.

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16-Apr-2010 09:56 Tiong Seng   /   Another IPO below water       Go to Message
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Look at list under Invitation expenses.....

knightrider      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 09:48) Posted:

We intend to utilise the gross proceeds from the issue of the New Shares as follows:

Construction of pre-casting facilities                                   S$20,000,000     37.8%
Expansion of our property development business in the
PRC(1)                                                                             S$17,000,000     32.1%
Repayment of outstanding sums owing to affiliated
corporations(2)                                                                  S$ 9,000,000      17.0%
Working capital                                                                  S$ 2,032,000      3.8%
Invitation expenses
Listing fees                                                                          S$      75,000      0.1%
Professional fees                                                                  S$ 3,055,000      5.9%
Underwriting commission, placement commission and
brokerage                                                                            S$ 1,588,000       3.0%
Miscellaneous                                                                       S$   170,000        0.3%
Total                                                                                    S$52,920,000      100.0%

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16-Apr-2010 09:36 Tiong Seng   /   Another IPO below water       Go to Message
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This will let people think that  the Investment banker is NOT EFFICIENT and price the IPO wrongly ?

If trade below the IPO price , the investment banker must pay for the losses?  If this is the case, the investment banker could have shorted down the price, and they buy back again (since they have to bear the losses.)   ?   How the IPO really works and its insider action, no one knows man!!

SGX should start this talk for all the investors.....

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 09:14) Posted:

When IPO listed on first day below water,

what does that proved, hahaha


Hulumas      ( Date: 16-Apr-2010 09:06) Posted:

I keep buying then

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16-Apr-2010 09:29 IPO   /   IPO- China Minzhong Food       Go to Message
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IPO - do you see the picture of it?   Its a hair-pulling experience.

On the 1st day of trading, if share price goes much higher than the initial public offering price, the investment banker is embarrassed (because it arguably could have raised more money for the company by pricing the stock higher). The client may not be all that happy, either, and the investment banker could lose future business.

If the stock trades below the initial offering price on the market, the investment banker pays for it initially, through fees and other costs (including losses on any shares it may control). 

P/s - that is to say, the investment banker will have to buy the share if stock trades below the IPO price?


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15-Apr-2010 17:09 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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now is qing ming, dunno this lady soul  will come alive and flag  taxi in the night or not?   lol!

AK_Francis      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 16:46) Posted:

血 可 流,节 不 可 褥。A typical ancent woman in China. Hv very strong sence of Integrity.

Then, she felt very guilty, as she couldn't protect herself, and let the family shame. Couples with the hatre on the 3 idiots and the whole lots of coward, she just couldn't take the big blow. She choosen the last Episode, but she still awake, as she let go the mid age man, who was the only sole beside her, while she was in distress. 

In current society, we need not to follow the above blindly for great. Call 1800 221 4444, help line.

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15-Apr-2010 16:06 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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If instal cameras, more expensive fares... dunno they will consider cameras though i think it is good to detect weird people or terrorists..

weird people - eating on the bus despite various warnings from drivers and ignored the warnings

these people must be banned from taking buses.

Once i was told got one 50 plus auntie, eat in the bus almost every day and occupied the seat.  She is the one must be nabbed.


alexmay      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 15:09) Posted:

The next review is in June??? If so, brace for fare hike??

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15-Apr-2010 15:50 Others   /   Anyone losing faith in the stock market ?       Go to Message
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Super touching story  !!

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15-Apr-2010 15:43 IPO   /   IPO- China Minzhong Food       Go to Message
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SGX doesnt have same rule as Nasdeq where IPO listed company if traded below US$1 for continuously for 30 days, it may face delisting.    If this is so, most of IPO companies all will VANISED!!
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15-Apr-2010 15:39 IPO   /   IPO- China Minzhong Food       Go to Message
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Numbers don't lie: The SGX is a penny stock market
R Sivanithy Senior Correspondent
Mon, Sep 01, 2008
The Business Times

M ARK Twain once wrote that 'there are three kinds of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics'. (It was actually former British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli who coined the phrase but it was Twain who popularised the notion that statistics can be used to tell lies).

True, we've all seen how numbers can be used to sway an argument (or get clients to buy stocks) even when those arguments may have been flawed to begin with. Unfortunately for the Singapore stock market, there's no running away from the numbers.

There are 787 listed entities on the Singapore Exchange (SGX), excluding warrants. Of these, a staggering 658 or 84 per cent trade for less that $1 which puts them in the penny category.

It's a good thing that SGX does not have a rule similar to Nasdaq's, which is that a company whose shares trade below US$1 for 30 consecutive business days faces the threat of delisting (they are given 90 days grace to ensure compliance, though in times of extreme stress, such as 9/11, the rule can be temporarily suspended).

If SGX had a minimum-price continued listing rule, then more than 80 per cent of the Singapore market would vanish.

Think about this - despite all the attempts by SGX and the authorities to elevate the local market into the realm of the extraordinary, only 16 per cent of the local stock market can justifiably claim to be non-penny stocks.

Of course, you'd have to factor in that we're in the midst of a bear market, so perhaps some allowances should be made. However, the picture doesn't get much better even if we lower the penny barrier - if we accept 50 cents as separating penny stocks from non-penny stocks, the proportion of stocks trading for less than 50 cents is still a high 72 per cent.

Finally, if we set the penny hurdle rate at the minimum allowable initial public offer (IPO) price of 20 cents, the percentage of stocks trading for 20 cents or less is still a shockingly high 47 per cent.

Even Mark Twain wouldn't be able to deny that whichever way you cut it, the SGX is a penny stock market.

The next question an interested party might ask is: what of the much-vaunted China segment which was supposed to drive the market to greater heights?

Here too, the figures are disappointing. There are 50 China stocks that form the FTSE ST China index and only four sell for above $1, which means 92 per cent of SGX-listed China stocks are pennies.

The losses among China stocks are mind-boggling and far exceed the losses sustained on their homeland. Cosco Corp and Yangzijiang Shipbuilding for instance, two components of the Straits Times Index, have lost 70 and 80 per cent respectively in 2008 versus about 55 per cent for the mainland China indices (we've assumed that the currencies have remained unchanged).

A ballpark estimate is that the SGX-listed China sector is down at least 80 per cent from their highs, a massive underperformance that only lends weight to the criticism that China companies who choose to list here are mainly - but not entirely - of sub-standard investment grade.

And finally, if STI components have collapsed by so much, why is the STI still down by around 21 per cent for the year?

A few answers are possible. The inclusion of the thinly-traded Jardine companies is one factor - many in the market believe that because the volumes of these stocks are low, the buying support for them is artificial. A second is the resilience shown by the three local banks, SingTel and the conglomerates which have not lost as much ground as the rest of the market.

By logical extension, this implies that the STI is not representative of the broad market, though to debate that point would move us into an area fraught with theoretical and practical difficulties that cannot be sufficiently covered in this column.

Suffice to say that the massive asset deflation the stock market has suffered in the relatively short space of eight months has not been properly captured by many news headlines or market reports. The numbers in this case simply do not lie.
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15-Apr-2010 15:20 IPO   /   IPO- China Minzhong Food       Go to Message
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SGX should set rule : not to allow shorting on first 2 days of  IPO or penalise 2 times more than the normal shorting fine.    :)

Hulumas      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 15:12) Posted:

Huh paper loss from IPO price already. Just too bad.

nickyng      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 15:09) Posted:

wow! 1.15 coming !!! :P SHORT AHH ! :D

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15-Apr-2010 14:32 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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hahaha!   this counters buy up by big Dogs!  Tiger Air buy up by big Cats.

Dogs and Cats fight......LOL!

yummygd      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 14:25) Posted:

haha ya i am i admit i did the unthinkable of falling in love with a counter hahaha. look at the rate its going... more n more big dogs coming in to buy..

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15-Apr-2010 14:28 SingTel   /   Singtel Bullish???       Go to Message
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How to sell when only less than 1000 share?  must buy to top up or? Tks,

AK_Francis      ( Date: 15-Apr-2010 11:17) Posted:

Ha ha, had clear my CPF A share at 3.18 some time ago, for reinvestment lioa. As the bonus shares rendered had expired long ago. Not much use to let ds burger loitering in the CPF, esp reaching 55 of age or above, except to earn Div.

Retiree may sell the share and put the proceed into the retirement acct to earn d 4 % Int if your retirement acct is not full cap yet. If yes, u can withdraw the proceed in cah at any CPF office.

Now,d market sentiment is good, can affort to wait for a while, before acting. Hence, check family members' CPF, with SingPass loh. Help all adults to acc a SingPass pin at http://www.CPF.gov.sg      for checking CPF acct, Income tax return, road tax payment, other gov dept payment and enquiry services.

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