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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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26-Apr-2010 16:26 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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RWS sponsors' dress code for those TCS actresses, super nice from top to bottom and front to back...  LOL!

ozone2002      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 16:11) Posted:

RWS sponsor star awards..

more expen$e$ to the balance sheet and income statement

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26-Apr-2010 16:20 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Ipunter,    tomorrow, you just show them your trading statements and you will be awarded for you have  been contriubting to the  high volume of  transactions of genting shares.  hehehe

iPunter      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 16:11) Posted:

I was shorting this one all along...

Then I exited few days ago @.90, which is a 'false' exit,

And I've gotten back in again @.90...

and is now still 'in the money'... Smiley

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26-Apr-2010 16:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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if  anyone from Sharejunctions going, can wear a hat/cap and a black rose on shirt or wherever.  LOL!
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26-Apr-2010 16:09 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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The 25th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company will be held at Resorts World Convention Centre, East Ballroom, Basement 2, Resorts World Sentosa, 8 Sentosa Gateway, Sentosa, Singapore 098269 on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 at 10.00 a.m.


Anyone going?
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26-Apr-2010 14:27 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Dont worry, i think their '1st night'  HAPPENED when they were in University.........hahaha!

yummygd      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 14:14) Posted:

wahhhh they really should not....its pretty bad haha start a marriage gambling

niuyear      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 14:08) Posted:

One newly wed couple spent  their 1st wedding night in CASINO!!  

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26-Apr-2010 14:24 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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your reminder has prompted me to buy 4-D number on my marriage cert.  hahaha! 

iPunter      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 14:20) Posted:

In this day, marriage itself is a gamble...

For when you get married, you get a piece of marriage certificate,

which is actually the lottery ticket...

Whether one can strike the lucky price as a result is another matter...

But not many people strike the good prizes... Smiley

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26-Apr-2010 14:08 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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One newly wed couple spent  their 1st wedding night in CASINO!!  

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 14:03) Posted:

Hotel 81 and Fragrance Hotel oso can lah.

MPs are lobbying to prohabit short time lol

niuyear      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 13:56) Posted:

If government wants more babies, cannot cut $100 entrance fee unless Genting allows some rooms in Casino to make babies .  LOL!

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26-Apr-2010 13:56 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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If government wants more babies, cannot cut $100 entrance fee unless Genting allows some rooms in Casino to make babies .  LOL!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 09:36) Posted:

Propose to management in the AGM for $100 chips

to be given to shareholders to gamble in the casino

after the AGM.


Eddyson      ( Date: 25-Apr-2010 16:02) Posted:

You are right, casino cannot loose money unless there is no people gambling.

Just last night alone(EPL), lost $100 betting on Hull city,$100 on Tottemham & another $100 on Man city(Stupid Adebayor..make a nuisance of himself tying two pig tail & wearing chilly red boots & laughing all the way while playing).

Will visit RSW this Tuesday for AGM & try a bit of myluck..ha..ha...

Wish me good luck......prepare to loose 1 K....

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26-Apr-2010 13:51 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Ipunter,  Thank you for your reminder.  :)

iPunter      ( Date: 26-Apr-2010 11:43) Posted:

When GentSp opened, it also cheonged intra-day due to emotional euphoria,

Only to start a long long slide days after that... Smiley

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26-Apr-2010 13:46 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Am wondering :  In s'pore, how to justify for a drop in  property price  with  the ever-increasing new HDB flats' prices?

Sell in May and go away ?

May and June - many saturdays' weddings to attend and  followed by

Warm July then comes

August - Harvest moon to light those tender August nights followed by

autumn breeze and falling leaves

Then comes Halloween and thanksgiving and lastly wish you a very

Merry Xmas!



lowchia      ( Date: 25-Apr-2010 22:45) Posted:

Sell In May And Go Away? Probably right for 2010!

 “Sell in May and go away” is common saying among the professional investor in the Wall Street.


There are some reasons on why we should sell in May for 2010.


1)      Inflation (CPI) has increased quite a bit over the last few months in this year thus China and Singapore will likely to tighten the policy on currency or interest rates soon.


2)      By mid of May, the announcement of GDP and all company earnings report will be completed.  Without these catalysts, stock price may fall since they are mostly far too ahead of the fundamentals especially in 2010.


3)      US markets has already rally for 8 consecutive weeks without a decent pullback. Bears are just waiting for the chance to strike.


4)      Property booms have caused concerns in both China & Singapore. Both governments are likely to implement more harsh policy to curb the property prices.


5)      Many concerns on Greece, Goldman Sachs etc are yet to solve and could develop into bigger issues as times goes.


6)      Currently STI display a “RSI divergence” on the weekly charts. The price keep rally but the momentum is failing downwards.



What do you guys think? Bullish or bearish for the 2nd quarter of 2010?


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25-Apr-2010 14:29 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Turf club, singapore pools biggest donors.  How can casino lose money? (unless INTERNET betting is made legalised in s'pore).  

In globalised market like singapore, unavoidable risk in having company listed in singapore by foreign company whose foreign activities cannot be easily checked , a risk no one can guarantee.   :)


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25-Apr-2010 14:07 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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To those worry freaks:   Just leave the worries to the Gold smith shops and banks?  LOL!

Environmental worry -  When one loses money and drives, is this as dangerous as drunk driving?


boyikao3      ( Date: 24-Apr-2010 12:47) Posted:

This is crazy undue worries ! 2 casinoes are not too many at all. Casino operation have their ways to meet sales target and those from retail and entertainment definitely are not their main income. So you would say then that it is the gambling that will bring in their main income? But the answer is NO either ! I cannot be too explicit here, but just think of casinoes as legal "centres" for unaccounatble sums of money to become accountable, then u will get the idea...Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 24-Apr-2010 12:41) Posted:

Are stock traders or rule makers in singapore have worry that  stock market in STI will be very much affected by the opening of

the 2 casinos?

1) IT is said that MBS designed of the 3 tall towers are like 'Women wearing cheongsam with slits at each side' with their

    beautiful hands open widely  to lure you to them. S'pore will  prosper having casinos?  I think LKY must have sleepless nights

   from now on for retail  businesses are veyr much affected by the 2 hot casinos.

2) People start losing  interest in stock market and liquidate holdings to casino.

3) companies cant sustain and close down.


Is shorting down the market will do you good?



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24-Apr-2010 12:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Are stock traders or rule makers in singapore have worry that  stock market in STI will be very much affected by the opening of

the 2 casinos?

1) IT is said that MBS designed of the 3 tall towers are like 'Women wearing cheongsam with slits at each side' with their

    beautiful hands open widely  to lure you to them. S'pore will  prosper having casinos?  I think LKY must have sleepless nights

   from now on for retail  businesses are veyr much affected by the 2 hot casinos.

2) People start losing  interest in stock market and liquidate holdings to casino.

3) companies cant sustain and close down.


Is shorting down the market will do you good?


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24-Apr-2010 12:18 Others   /   US Nat dept US$12,083,000,000,000.oo ct       Go to Message
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lets start using US$ in singapore american club, no one will blink an eye on you. 
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24-Apr-2010 02:47 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Bank lending - It clud be due to Singapore government had released lands to developers last and this year?

Price-to-rent ratio indices - interesting,  US rental drop!! Its time for US to wake up!   US looks to me, they are far behind China.

Solar Power in China - most of solar power related manufacturing has come from China,

fiber optic has resulted in china being the most internet users in the world, and our friend US, is still copper buried down under..

2020 - China rules the world

warren_buffet      ( Date: 23-Apr-2010 15:57) Posted:

SINGAPORE's future is in property; all the banks' monies are buried there.

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24-Apr-2010 02:32 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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pHaroah88,   Conclusion . i.e.  buyers and sellers are all human beings .  lol!

pharoah88      ( Date: 23-Apr-2010 10:24) Posted:



At every PRiCE  POiNT,  there are bOth  Buyers and Sellers.

WithOut hindsight, bOth Buyers and Sellers are RiGHT.

bOth Buyers and Sellers  are  nOt  wrOng.

nO Buyer wOuld BUY  if  One thinks  that  PRiCE  will  FALL.

nO Seller wOuld SELL if  One thinks  that  PRiCE  will RiSE.

If  all Buyers think that PRiCE  will  FALL,  nObOdy  buys  and PRiCE falls and falls till ZERO.

If  all Sellers think that PRiCE  will  RiSE,   nObOdy  sells  and PRiCE RiSES and  RiSES  till  INFINITY. 

It is all a matter  of  PERSONAL  PERSPECTIVES

bOth  Buyers and  Sellers have



bOth  Buyers and  Sellers  NEVER  AIM  tO  lOse  

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24-Apr-2010 02:16 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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He is handsome looking mah! 

pharoah88      ( Date: 23-Apr-2010 13:00) Posted:

Media Corp  CEO  is  Xtremely  TALENTED.

He uses himseld as  The PR ICON fOr MediaCorp

Via the MEDIA FORCES,  he becomes an UNIVERSAL STAR

withOut  being the PM of a  nation. 

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24-Apr-2010 02:09 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Right now, Casino is hot among tourists and singaporeans..... this stock will soar in no time, BUT, at the expense of poor retail business and entertainment business.   Just came bk ffrm somewhere and its so quiet as well as shopping malls.  news reported some makang places also quiet.    

When MBS opens, it is out to SUCK all singaporeans ' money!   Government , must start to get worry and Increase the entrance fee to casino to may be $200.  
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22-Apr-2010 12:07 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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I am thinking if there are  'playboy'   slot machines in gentingi casino,  All ah pehs can play only., then they dont need viagra and come casino play already, then go to the hotel in sentosa . with sweet hears......hahahah! 
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22-Apr-2010 12:01 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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This make me think that women very mean one !  men must try ways and means to please them.  Like that, i would rather divorce the old / naggy wife to have the young grass, but, not give them my money hor.   Wait, old wife and children and green grass all kick me out, i end up camping at the east coast park every day..........hahaha!   LOL!

des_khor      ( Date: 22-Apr-2010 11:55) Posted:

Wasting time... just go to buy viagra.....

Hulumas      ( Date: 22-Apr-2010 10:55) Posted:

TONGKAT ALI banyak bantu lah

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