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02-Sep-2013 10:29 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Railway wagons bid announcement no one gains private car prices

At 07:36 on August 28th, 2013 Source: " 21st Century Business Herald"

August 26, China Railway Construction Investment Company announced the launch of a new round of early tender results wagons, China CSR , China CNR , Northern Venture , Changzheng Heavy Industries, Jinxi Axle and other companies have won the bid.

Reporters noted that in previous years, in railway wagons orders gains in both private vehicle equipment manufacturers Jinan Oriental emerging company in this round of bidding even without an order to start. Enterprises out of the car

Bureau for unknown reasons, but it is worth noting that the current round of truck bid price lower than in previous years, especially C70E gondola price, the lowest bid is actually higher than last year, nearly five million. " The price has no profit at all, dead loss." An unnamed vehicle equipment manufacturers middle management officials said.

Securities industry analyst told reporters, C70 is the main models emerging Jinan East, North and South car reason for loss quotes is to squeeze out this private equipment manufacturers, however, emerging as China Jinan Railway Company invested in equipment market catfish , I'm afraid not easy being squeezed to death.

Private companies out

Round bid remains to China South Locomotive and China CNR mainly two companies were given orders 15,300 trucks and 10,800, Chongqing Changzheng then was 1800, Northern Venture was 900, Jinxi Axle for 1500.

According to the Contract Award show, X70 wagons, rail transportation equipment, Harbin limited liability company Magicstor stock limited liability company, CSR Shijiazhuang Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. and Baotou Beifang each bid 300 Enterprise Ltd., Chongqing Changzheng Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is winning 900 vehicles, CSR twenty-seven Vehicle Co., Ltd., China North Vehicle Group Shenyang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. and CSR Yangtze Co., Ltd. is successful 1200, Jinan, rail transportation equipment limited liability company won the bid up for 1500.

In C70e van, CSR twenty-seven Vehicle Co., Ltd. won the bid 300, Baotou Beifang bid 600 Venture Co., Ltd., Chongqing Changzheng Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Jinan, rail transportation equipment limited liability company, limited liability Taiyuan rail transportation equipment companies have bid 900 vehicles, China North Vehicle Group Shenyang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. won the bid 1200, Jinxi Railway Vehicle Co., Ltd. and CSR Yangtze Co., Ltd. won the bid 1500, Xi'an rail transportation equipment limited liability company up for 2700.

SQ6 type concave bottom bunk transport vehicle for the car, CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., Jinan rail transportation equipment limited liability company, Qiqihar Railway Rolling limited liability companies have bid 300, CSR twenty-seven Vehicle Co., Ltd. won the bid 600.

KZ70-type stone ballast hopper car was Taiyuan rail transportation equipment limited liability company alone in 900. P70-purpose boxcars were the subject of North-South split their 5100 car. 25T and 25G passenger tender, basically CSR and CNR Tangshan Town, the race between plants. No private vehicle factory figure.

In previous years, the tender trucks frequently gains Vehicles Co., Ltd., Jinan Oriental emerging unexpectedly no one in this round of bidding gains. Even its main models C70 Cabriolet also received no orders.

China Railway Construction Investment companies are reluctant to explain whether the tender Jinan Oriental emerging companies, as well as its bid was not the reason. Insiders told reporters that the new vehicle plant in Jinan East took too many orders last year failed to timely delivery, or so the demerit points on technical points, coupled with price, not incoming.

Trucks offer lower

It is noteworthy that the current round of trucks offers generally low. Especially in the East of the main emerging vehicle factory C70 Cabriolet models. In this truck quote, each vehicle factory on C70e offer much lower than in previous years, the lowest price is only 319,800 yuan / vehicles, but also the highest price 339,600 yuan / vehicles.

In 2010, each C70 convertible car prices are generally down at 400,000, Oriental emerging vehicle plant in order to enter the truck market a few years ago, he would kill the price to 36 yuan / vehicle around. 2012 East emerging vehicle to get the total iron in two batches C70e order bid prices are 358,600 yuan / vehicles and 378,500 yuan / vehicles.

Then truck equipment manufacturers told reporters that the East emerging to the wounding, each 370,000 yuan price is already truck manufacturer's bottom line, this price has been unprofitable. However, the current round of C70e offer convertible car, the major truck manufacturers actually reported four or five million lower than last year's prices, is really incredible.

It is reported that Chongqing Changzheng Heavy lowest quote for 319,800 yuan / vehicle, CSR Yangtze Co., Ltd. offer also as low as 325,000 yuan / vehicles. Taiyuan CNR's rail transportation equipment limited liability companies offer not much higher for 325,900 yuan / vehicles. A year ago, Chongqing Changzheng Heavy quote this model or 369,100 yuan / vehicles, Taiyuan rail transportation equipment companies offer are 369,700 yuan.

So obviously the price gap, makes one suspicious of these state-owned enterprises in the vehicle manufacturing joint lower prices, prompting the only private car prices new car factory out East. A securities pointed out that although steel prices continue to fall, the objective can cabriolet cost decline, but decline so much, the price is still less loss and more profit. " The price has no profit at all, dead loss." An unnamed vehicle equipment manufacturers middle managers admitted to reporters.

China South Locomotive and China CNR aspects interview with reporters, declined to price if there are profits to respond.

Securities analysts believe that although Cabriolet loss, but the bid price flatcar significant profits can Bukui. The tender, obviously intend jointly owned car prices crowd out private car prices to maintain market pattern. But I am afraid that is not easy to maintain this pattern, in this round of bidding can obviously find that private enterprises to participate in C70 convertible car field, a significant reduction in the price, China Eastern Railway Company will be emerging into the truck market has highlighted the effectiveness of the catfish, inevitably there will be follow-up actions to further build on this.


MIDAS will get contracts from China CSR , China CNR ,


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01-Sep-2013 00:21 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO 111,000 tons-class tanker order to be effective
Source: CIC 2013-08-29 09:25:13

The first half of this year, Zhoushan COSCO Shipyard from European shipowners Frontfleet won four 111000DWT grade tanker orders , and recently it came into effect. These four tanker construction projects were implemented from 2014 to arrange for delivery in 2015. Its captain, width, depth 251.9 m, respectively, 44 m, 21.3 m, speed is 14.6, into the Norwegian ship class.

In addition, during the first half of this year, Zhoushan COSCO Shipyard in addition to the effect of the oil tanker construction contract, it also won the platform supply vessels, barges (1 150 m Stinger Barge, 1è??160 m Launch Barge) and other orders.


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01-Sep-2013 00:14 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Dalian Maritime University, a teaching practice-made boat


August 28, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian COSCO Shipyard Co., Ltd. signed the " 30,000 tons cargo teaching training ship construction contract. "

The training ship for the unrestricted navigation area for maritime professional teaching practice, for bulk cargo shipment, the major sets of engineering equipment and containers, and can be used for traffic information and control engineering, marine science and technology, marine engineering and environmental engineering and other disciplines scientific research and experimentation. Approximately 30,000 tons dwt ship a total length of 199.8m, Breadth of 27.8m, molded depth 15.5m, design draft 10.3m, service speed 17.5. The training ship project, after years of argument, mainly for maritime education and the future development of marine science and technology, specifically for maritime personnel training needs, according to CCS rules, a blend of modern ship design technology, modern shipbuilding technology, advanced equipment and technology of modern ships , strive to carry out our teaching practice ship design, construction and maritime personnel training Trinity innovation achievements, gathering the industry wisdom, is the new generation of modern, multi-purpose cargo vessels teaching practice. The ship is expected to be delivered in August 2015.


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01-Sep-2013 00:04 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Delivers Offshore Duo to BAM-Clough (China)

Posted on Aug 30th, 2013

COSCO Delivers Offshore Duo to BAM-Clough

The first SEA-1250 with tubular legs, the Jack-Up â??IB-914â?? and Transport Barge â??IB-924â?? both departed China mid August setting sail on their maiden voyages.

The new built process of this SEA-1250 was concluded in less than a yearâ??s time, a record time for this newly developed design. This is the third GustoMSC SEA-1250 Jack-Up built and the first design with tubular legs. The â??IB-914â?? is a larger unit than the Pauline and a smaller version of the JBâ??s 114 & 115, a perfectly sized Jack-Up for civil construction works.

The Jack-Up has a 300-ton capacity crane and will be capable of operating in 30 meters of water depth. Built in a shorter time period, the â??IB-924â?? transport barge is dedicated for transporting the â??IB-914â?? and will also function as a support barge during the execution of the civil projects. Both units will be deployed in Australia on BAM Cloughâ??s near shore civil construction projects, where their older sister (1982) the â??IB-909â?? has been operating for quite some time.

In Australia, a total of five GustoMSC jack-ups will be operational on several projects. At Dalrymple the Buzzard, Zeebouwer and Santa have been working on a large coal terminal project for quite some time.

COSCO, August 30, 2013


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29-Aug-2013 15:47 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Exemption from the Ministry of Transport and shipping enterprises cancellation fees List

Source: China Maritime Service CNSS 2013-08-29 13:58:38   

(From left to right are: Wang Zhiming, Liangxiao An, Zheng Heping)

August 29, the Ministry of Transport held a special press conference to announce a clear specification Water SheQi charges related work situations. According to reports, the total cancellation , shall be exempted from the seven categories of administrative fees charged in the 10 specific projects , to cancel or suspend the collection of four regulatory services fees, and to take measures to regulate the operational and service charges. International and domestic shipping companies to help solve serious out of the current predicament of the important initiatives

Chinese maritime service network compiled a summary of which Ministry of Transport and Water Board, Maritime Bureau specific cancellation and exempt from the toll project .

Which the Ministry of Transport Maritime Bureau canceled and waived fees Project :

1, to cancel the ship out of China's coastal ports escort fees. Maritime authorities decided to cancel the shipping company for the ship escorted out of China's coastal ports and maritime sector by providing escort services.

2, cancel out of the Yangtze River ship escort fees.

3, the cancellation of large LNG ship out of Hong Kong escort fees.

4, eliminating cargo shippers and agents assume unpacking containers carrying dangerous goods inspection process sampling inspection fees.

5, cancellation ship fuel during refueling operations building booms of the cost. Vessels engaged in bulk, liquid, hazardous chemicals for water lightering operations, in accordance with the People's Republic of China " Prevention of Pollution from Ships environmental management regulations" should be laying booms, through research by the oil operations against ships for ways to cancel the maritime sector laying booms costs associated with the column.

6, pause International Ship cleared before the ship left the Chinese port of pollutants prescribed by the ship choose pollutant cleanup port. This measure prevents the ship anchored in international voyages repeated domestic ports in cleanup costs charged pollutants.

7, to suspend the internal transport of coal physical properties testing mandatory. In accordance with domestic routes to transport coal on the implementation of " the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes matters related regulations" requirements, cargo shipper or agent of the need for testing the physical properties of coal. Now cancel enforceable regulations that will reduce testing costs shipping companies.

Ministry of Transport and Water Board canceled and waived fees Project :

1, ship trading service agencies regulate charges . Water Board shall not be required to ship trading profit service organization for the primary purpose principle. Will ship trading service fees associated with shipping price to pay-scale fees, charging methods to solve the high fees and not unified.

2, on the shipping company belongs wholly owned or holding subsidiaries, and between the merger and reorganization of shipping enterprises, involving a change of ownership ship free transactions. For large shipping companies to carry out structural adjustments to facilitate and reduce the burden on enterprises.

3, start sun pilotage work. Pilotage pilotage organizations active disclosure requirements planning, pilotage operations tug assisted standards, pilotage fees content, accept social supervision.

4, to strengthen market supervision and shipping agency. At present, some ports the ship agency mandatory for domestic ship agency, increased the burden on the domestic shipping companies, for which the Department of Transportation requires all incoming administration departments to strengthen supervision and inspection of the ship agency market, according to the law for violations investigated.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transport and Water Board and the State Development and Reform Commission is investigating to sort out the port fees relations, regulating port unreasonable charges.


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28-Aug-2013 22:47 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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China: YZJOE Starts Construction of Le Tourneau Jack-Up Drilling Rig

Posted on Aug 28th, 2013

YZJOE Starts Construction of Le Tourneau Jack-up Drilling Rig

Creon, the Aim-listed resource and resource infrastructure focused investment company announced that, Jiangsu Yangzijiang Offshore Engineering Co. Ltd. (YZJOE), is ready to â??strike steelâ?? on the construction of its 350ft Le Tourneau â??super enhanced 116eâ?? design self-elevating Mobile Offshore Jack-up Drilling Rig.

This follows seven months of detailed technical engineering work, carried out by YZJOE in conjunction with Explorer 1 Limited (100% owned by Mena Offshore Investments Limited (MENA) and managed by Offshore Logistics (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd (OLAP)). The rig is expected to be ready for commissioning within two years.

â??Striking steelâ?? in offshore marine construction parlance means that the detailed engineering phase has been successfully completed and execution of the underlying project can now begin at its joint venture yard based in Taicang, outside Shanghai.

Glen Lau, CEO of Creon, stated: â??Self-elevating jack up rigs such as this, built to the most modern and stringent international engineering standards are in short supply and high demand, particularly with the oil majors. They also have the capability to deliver a valid â??working lifeâ?? of up to 20 years.

â??With ever more demanding technical and accommodation specifications, the rig has to be at least semi-automated and have the ability to meet todayâ??s deeper drilling requirements, whilst of course at a highly competitive priceâ??.

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26-Aug-2013 20:54 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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ZHONG XING SEA-LAND ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Is a joint venture enterprise between COSCO Shipyard group and Hophing(HK) Marine industrial CO.,LTD., which was established in 1985.She has won highly praise from both domestic and overseas clients because of experienced technicians, superior equipment and efficiency management mode. The company has been a subsidiary company of COSCO Shipyard Group after being regrouped and upgraded in 2001,then whose service scope and technology has been improved step by step.   

The main service of the company included: marine repairs the installation ã??maintenanceã??andã??testã??ofã??engineeringonã??land(including petroleum platform and container) NDT thickness measurement ã??fire-extinguisherã??andã??life-savingã??appliances inspection Ship Materials, spare parts supply and food supply etc.
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26-Aug-2013 20:43 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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China: Zhongxing Engineering (subsidiary of the COSCO  )  to Build Two Oil Tanker Superstructures

Posted on Aug 23rd, 2013

Recently, Zhongxing Sea-Land Engineering Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of the COSCO Shipyard Group, entered into a contract with Guangzhou Shipyard International Company (GSI) to build a pair of 115,000-dwt oil tanker superstructures, as well as an LOI (letter of intent) to build two more superstructures for a pair of 308,000-dwt very large crude carriers (VLCCs).

This is the first product tanker superstructures Zhongxing Sea-Land has undertaken to build, as well as the largest in tonnage, which marks a new record for Zhongxing Sea-Land in the superstructure construction business.

Guangzhou Shipyard International is the biggest oil tanker builder in southern China. Hopefully the order will serve as a good beginning for the cooperation between GSI and Zhongxing Sea-Land. The two superstructures are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2013.


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26-Aug-2013 20:35 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Additional Work on P-63 Platform-Vessel Completed

Posted on Aug 26th, 2013

Additional Work on P-63 Platform-Vessel Completed

The P-63 platform-vessel ended being temporarily located in Ilha de Santana, in Macaé (RJ) on Friday (August 23), after being finished, strictly within the set period, additional works resulting from a change in the underwater layout of the wells was carried out to adhere to environmental licensing conditions.

The P-63, which is scheduled to start production on October 23, is among the new units coming on stream in 2013, contributing to an increase in the Companyâ??s oil production as well as reaching production targets forecast in the 2013-2017 Business and Management Plan.

With a capacity to process 140,000 barrels/day of oil and compress one million m3/day of gas, the unit continues on its journey, with the help of tugs, to its final destination in the Papa-Terra field in the post-salt Campos Basin, operated by Petrobras (62.5%) in partnership with Chevron (37.5%).

The P-63 was converted into an FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) from the tanker BW Nisa at the Cosco Shipyard in China, with the latter stages of construction carried out at the QUIP/Honorio Bicalho construction site in Rio Grande (RS). The services were carried out by the Quip consortium (Queiroz Galvão, UTC, Iesa and Camargo Correa) and BW Offshore and employed about 1,500 workers at peak construction.


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26-Aug-2013 16:03 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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China resumes tenders for high-speed trains

Aug 16 (Reuters) - China has reopened tenders for high-speed trains worth an estimated $8.2 billion, lifting a suspension imposed after a crash that killed dozens of passengers in 2011 and signalling a new phase of construction in the country's vast railway network.

State-owned giant China Railway Investment Corp (CRIC) said it had opened tenders for 91 bullet trains with a speed of 250 kilometres (155 miles) per hour.

The move marks the start of another wave of construction in the world's largest high-speed railway and indicates that the government feels public confidence in the network has recovered from the accident which killed at least 32 people in eastern Zhejiang province.

The railway investment firm said it opened the tenders on behalf of five Chinese regional railway bureaus of Nanchang, Chengdu, Nanning, Wuhan and Shanghai.

" Funds for purchases of these trains have already been reserved," it said in a statement.

The tenders are open only to China-based train makers which have licences for manufacturing high-speed trains, it added.

Local media estimated that the tenders would be worth more than 50 billion yuan ($8.2 billion), including trains, locomotives and supplementary equipment.

China's top two locomotive makers - China CSR Corp and China CNR Corp - are the two firms most likely to benefit from the new contracts, the media said.

" The tenders are only the first and will surely be followed by others over time," the official Shanghai Securities News said in a report on Friday.

China's cabinet announced last month that it would widen funding channels to speed railway investment, among a slew of other measures to boost the sharply slowing growth of the world's second largest economy.

The State Council decided to set up a railway development fund, with initial money from the central government but also trying to attract contributions from private investors.

The Zhejiang crash led to allegations of massive corruption, the arrest of the head of the railways ministry and eventually the break-up of the ministry's functions into separate commercial and regulatory agencies. (Reporting by Lu Jianxin and Pete Sweeney Editing by Stephen Coates)
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26-Aug-2013 11:23 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Nantong COSCO Ship with EEP shipyard contract for Brazil

Source: Steel Union Information 2013-08-26 09:32:54 

After nearly a year of research, contact, talk, and field trips, Nantong COSCO Ship supporting Ltd. recently with the Brazilian EEP shipyard signed a supply contract, will provide roller, flat segmented pipeline, parts assembly and welding production lines, segmented transport trolley, hydraulic machines and other infrastructure.

This is following the successful completion of Nantong COSCO Kawasaki first production line, Dalian COSCO Kawasaki plane segmented pipeline, parts assembly and welding production line, Veneer LONG production lines, the company to undertake another one shipyard infrastructure projects, but also the company's independent undertake first overseas project.


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26-Aug-2013 10:47 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Golden Union Holds Naming Ceremony for Two Newbuild Bulkers

Posted on Aug 23rd, 2013

Golden Union Holds Naming Ceremony for Two Newbuild Bulkers

Golden Union held naming ceremony for two of its 57,000-dwt bulk carriers built by COSCO (Guangdong) Shipyard. The vessels were named ?Flag Gangos? and ?Loannis G?.

The cooperation between Golden Union and COSCO (Guangdong) started 19 years ago. COSCO (Guangdong) has already built and delivered four vessels for Golden Union.

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25-Aug-2013 14:04 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangtze River shipping industry: Strict process management to preserve the balanced production
(2013-08-20) Editor Posted:
Yangtze River shipping industry: Strict process management to preserve the balanced production

        The face of new challenges such as ship concentrate to start building in the first seven months to obtain delivery of the vessel 20, launched 16 ships of the good results.
      Since early this year, the overall shipbuilding market is still depressed, then ship owners will is not strong, orders shipping enterprises still difficult to cross the plight of the shipwreck, the Yangtze River shipping industry group also faces new ship to start building focus of new challenges. To this end, the company's various departments to work together, focusing on strengthening production preparation, to ensure segmented supply, improve the integrity of other aspects of the ship into the water to work, " Paul pay shipping, Bao Dai node, security focus ship." In the first seven months, the Yangtze River shipping industry to obtain delivery of the vessel 20, launched 16 ships of the good results, for the realization of the annual plan node has laid a solid foundation.

      Take precautions to strengthen the production preparation work
      currently Yangtze River shipping industry vessels under construction include 2500TEU, 4250TEU, 4800TEU, 1 million TEU in container ships, tankers and other ship wood soon start to have 1100TEU, 6400TEU container vessels. Ship more and more new ship, which the company's entire production system put forward higher requirements, therefore, do pre-production preparation work is crucial.
      Yangtze River shipping industry through the production preparation meetings, corporate and weekly production scheduling department will wait for a platform to strengthen technical, material, production and other aspects of the information exchange, coordinate and solve problems, to ensure that the technical preparations and materials preparation work carried out smoothly.
      In the steel supply side, the first half of this year, the Yangtze River shipping industry who have been influenced steel supply imbalance, a great impact on the balanced production. To this end, the company's production department, production workshop and Materials Department to strengthen communication, the Ministry of emergencies steel materials and green channels, effectively ensuring stable production.
      At the same time due to multi-boat construction, and there are several new boats began to focus on technical aspects of the protection exerted pressure. In order to overcome this difficulty, the Yangtze River shipping industry to deepen production design, improve production design standards, improve production design drawings accuracy, improve the professional materials to purchase mechanisms for timely processing site problems, as according to plan balanced production to create the conditions.

      Staging combine to ensure supply meets requirements rope
      segment is the most important intermediate product shipyard. Since early this year, due to the frequent changes in ship and volume demand imbalance and other factors, the Yangtze River shipping industry there have been segmented supply is not in place to make the ship in the group, and close working very passive.
      According to the Yangtze River shipping industry under the New Yangzi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Production Management Vice Minister Lu Dong, from the statistical data, in the first half, the company's segmented volume reaches its theoretical capacity is only about 70% of the production cycle is extended. The main reason for this situation has two aspects: First, 10,000 TEU container ship entered the construction phase, the difficulty of making segment increased production rhythm also eased two is affected by market factors, steel supply shortages, dominated by the valve member is not timely supplies.
      To this end, the Yangtze River shipping industry production departments conduct regular volume calculations, balance arrange the production plan at a reasonable share of steel in order to ensure a balanced monthly volume remained at 20,000 tons or more. With 10,000 TEU container ship segment construction on track, the production department to further increase efforts to control production cycle segment, while requiring departments to do the horizontal steel supply, material supply and improve the work of technical drawings. Through the joint efforts of relevant departments, at present, the company supplies the whole segment to meet the ship in the group and the need for closure.

      Optimization process to improve the integrity of the water
      last September, the Yangtze River shipping industry to start building 10,000 TEU container ship, and plans to fight the company's brand ship. To this end, the company strictly follow the requirements of this type of ship construction, organization of production management department, quality control department, Institute of the design process and the corresponding implementation of each process workshop and all the preparations and conduct real-time checks for construction work pave the way for smooth implementation.
      It is understood that the construction of the Yangtze River shipping industry in the 10000 TEU container ship during construction difficulties and around key intermediate goods production, from the promotion of new technology, new tooling to start, to ensure construction quality, improve construction efficiency, shorten the construction cycle. Currently, the company has implemented the relevant plate cutting process, no true features ultra-high strength plate assembly process, ultra high strength steel welding process, transverse bulkheads sided rail prefabrication, pre-process the rudder sleeve, segmented (total section) baseline grid positioning technology and other aspects of multiple research projects.
      First ship 10,000 TEU container ship is now well into the dock closure phase. The company is striving to improve production management department in the group of the ship's integrity, especially in the cabin, aft total segment integrity. Its request in the group stage of completion of pre-tube electrical outfitting, equipment installation, painting and construction, etc. closure phase in the segment status and control the total production rhythm, by region, the integrity of the construction in phases to set goals, and constantly refine the total segment Regional Integrity construction schedule. Meanwhile, the Yangtze River shipping industry is also actively promote the use of the host ahead of lifting technology, optimize the rudder shaft installation process, continue to explore the 10,000 TEU container ship in a closed stage of the production rules to control the dock cycle, improve water integrity. July 18, the company's construction of the third and fourth ship 10,000 TEU container ship docking keel laying, thus, the Yangtze River shipping industry a total of four 10,000 TEU container ship in a dock construction. Among them, a subsidiary of Jiangsu Yangzi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Xin Fu 3, New Yangzi Shipbuilding 1, there are two in front of the dock will be the end of October.

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25-Aug-2013 13:49 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Source: Ta Kung Pao 2011-08-12 09:08:20   


Figure: Yangzijiang Shipbuilding will be spending huge sums to improve strength and confidence to the new ship orders

      Singapore-listed China Jiangsu Yangtze River Shipyard chairman Ren Yuanlin said in Singapore yesterday, will be invested in 2013 before four billion yuan (about 623.2 million U.S. dollars), making the shipyard shipbuilding capacity doubled from the current annual amount of 3.5 million truck shipbuilding tonnes to 700 million dwt.         His concerns China to the outside world the problem of excess shipbuilding capacity will, no positive response, but expressed confidence that will receive the new ship orders, because the plant is being designed new ship products, and in capital allocation and utilization on access to bank support.         Ren Yuanlin said the new Yangtze River docks and dock lands and new rich, fully developed in 2013, the shipbuilding capacity will be doubled. All expansion project will be the construction companies cash in bank borrowings. As of the end of June, total orders handheld Yangzijiang is 126, worth $ 5.5 billion.

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25-Aug-2013 13:47 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangzijiang Shipbuilding: VLGC orders for Chinese yards?
â?? Potential VLGC orders?
â?? YZJâ??s expertise mainly in other areas
â?? Still weathering the storm well

China building up a VLGC fleet?
According to Platts, a number of Chinese firms are seeking older Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGCs). China does not have a VLGC fleet, but with imports expected to rise along with developments of several propane dehydrogenation plants, China may seek to cut costs by developing its own fleet for longdistance trips. For instance, China Oriental Energy (Donghua Energy) is building a 1.2m mt/year PDH plant for producing propylene at Zhangjiagang and is said to have placed orders for six VLGCs, with up to 16 options at a Chinese yard. Potential orders for YZJ? But could be
early days yet Plattsâ??s sources said that discussions between China Oriental Energy and Yangzijiang Shipbuilding could be restarted, but a final agreement has yet to be reached. Meanwhile, we note that while YZJâ??s Xinfu yard has plans
to build large vessels and has an annual  production capacity of up to 10 Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs), the groupâ??s capabilities remain primarily in containerships and bulk carriers. Currently,
Chinaâ??s top VLCC yards are mainly held by China State Shipbuilding (CSSC) and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), which are state-owned firms. Aiming to be amongst the select few left standing With more than 1,500 yards in China, YZJâ??s CEO expects that more than half of the countryâ??s yards will have to be closed down,
and of the remainder, only 20% are likely to be profitable. In our view, what is imperative for YZJ is to continue its smooth execution, secure orders (albeit at almost breakeven levels), scale up the value chain by building green vessels and developing its offshore capabilities, while waiting for the industry consolidation to run its course. Should it be
one of the few large yards left standing when the dust has settled, YZJ would then find itself in a stronger position than before. Maintain HOLD with S$0.99 fair value
estimate. (Low Pei Han)
. . . . .

OCBC Investment Research
Market Pulse
23 Aug 2013
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24-Aug-2013 10:32 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Adversity Yangtze River shipping industry earnings of the Road

Source: China Ship Online 2013-08-23 13:39:36   

Although the Yangtze River shipping industry in the first half net profit decline, but with most operating at a loss compared to shipbuilding enterprise status, the Yangtze River shipping industry over $ 1.5 billion net profit performance has been really easy.

August 7, one of China's largest private shipbuilding enterprise Yangtze River shipping industry on the Singapore Exchange Limited Interim Report released in 2013. According to reported, Yangtze River shipping industry in the first half net profit of 15.2 billion yuan, down 20%. In this regard, the Yangtze River shipping industry in the mid-year report explained that quarter, primarily due to a decline in the shipbuilding business income excessive actions, but the results for the second quarter has been a noticeable rise.

According to insiders, assessment, despite the Yangtze River shipping industry in the first half net profit decline, but in the whole context of the shipbuilding industry in the doldrums, with the majority of enterprises are operating at a loss compared to shipbuilding, Yangtze River shipping industry over $ 1.5 billion in net income performance has been really difficult .

Yangzijiang chairman Ren Yuanlin Aug. 12 interview that, benefiting from the cost of management control, before the financial crisis as well as the maintenance of high-priced orders ship diversified business of exploration, the company's performance has better performance than the industry status quo. Ren Yuanlin also revealed that, in addition to the future development of shipbuilding industry, the marine business is an important direction for future development of enterprises, and shipping leasing, non-boat manufacturing, financial investments and retrofit of the real estate business will be an important contribution to the part of the corporate profits.

For the recently introduced national shipping industry Deal, Ren Yuanlin said that the New Deal on the torment of private shipbuilding enterprise is certainly a major positive, but this upgrade policy for further details have yet to be introduced in order to play a role.

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24-Aug-2013 10:24 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Ships price and ship financing round towards recovery

Source: International Ship Network 2013-08-23 11:09:48

With the expected recovery of the European economy to the new shipbuilding orders have become increasingly active, there are foreign investors proposed to increase the newbuilding prices.

Korea Investment analyst Kim Hyun said the second quarter of this year, second-hand vessels and newbuilding vessel prices stable towards recovery, and the first half of global ship financing amounted to $ 28.53 billion, an increase of 35.8%. European banks and now in the field of ship financing plays a key role in the United States, Asian banks showing signs of recovery, is the key to recovery shipbuilding market.

Kim Hyun said, " European manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) has clearly rebounded, had caught in a quagmire of debt in Greece and Spain are also expected to emerge from the crisis, especially the more positive is that German banks exceeded the domestic financial market ship, trying to change the ship financing of evaluation system. "

For newbuilding prices, the analyst explained, " second-hand boat price growth seems to shift to the new building prices, although there is not a cyclical recovery in the shipbuilding market, but the shipyard has enough orders on hand, and LNG ships and marine equipment market fiery, newbuilding prices to give full confidence. "

Kim said: " LNG demand began to grow, market supply and demand gradually balance the ship, ship finance recovery and other favorable factors, demonstrating newbuilding price rise is expected trend toward a theoretical and practical basis. "

Since the 2008 financial crisis, the shipbuilding market towards the hot from the cold cycle, the current shipbuilding market recovery is expected to increase in the year after the spread Shipyard shares rose.


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22-Aug-2013 23:11 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Fast transport demand boosts railway equipment market Last Updated:2013-08-22 11:03 | CE.

MU trains bidding restarted

After two years of silence, bidding for MU trains has been restarted. Recently, China Railway Corporate convened a meeting to study and decide the bidding, which will include MU trains, passenger trains, locomotives, cargo trains. The total bidding amount this year is estimated to be around RMB 100 billion yuan.

It is learned that China Railway Corporation has started the purchase of locomotives, MU trains, passenger trains, and cargo trains based on new increase of operation mileage and passenger and cargo transport this year. The total purchase volume is more than RMB 50 billion yuan, and MU train bidding will not exceed 50 percent of the total amount, concentrating mainly on highly cold-resistant trains operating in the Northeast. This is the first restart of MU train bidding since the " 7.23" Ningbo-Yongzhou railway accident that has resulted in great loss.

In 2011 and 2012, there were several railway equipment biddings for cargo trains, passenger trains, and locomotives, but MU train bidding had been suspended. Compared to cargo train, passenger train, urban subway train, or locomotive those unit prices range from tens of thousands of RMB to tens of millions of RMB, MU train, whose unit price generally exceeds RMB 100 million yuan, can be more efficient to boost the development of equipment manufacturers and related industries.

According to experts, the restart of MU train bidding indicates that the problem of railway construction fund has been solved and that railway is once again on the track of rapid development.

The 2013 National Railway Work Meeting proposed RMB 650 billion yuan of railway fixed asset investment this year. Of this, RMB 130 billion yuan is for the purchase of vehicles and updating and renovation, increasing by 14 percent year on year. After adjustment, the annual budget of fixed investment this year is RMB 660 billion Yuan, RMB 530 billion Yuan of which will be invested in infrastructure construction. This means that the extent of vehicle purchase and updating and renovation would increase.

Leapfrog development of railway equipment

According to the adjusted national Medium- to Long-term Railway Network Planning, in 2020, total length of railway in operation in China will reach 120,000km, with 16,000 km specifically for passenger transport in busy main lines, passenger transport and cargo transport are separated, with double-rail rate and electricity-driven rate both reaching 60 percent a railway network is basically completed that is reasonably laid out, clearly structured, fully functional, and smoothly connected the transport capacity will meet the needs of the development of the national economy and society main technologies and equipment reach or approach advanced international standards.

As of the end of 2012, China's railway in operation reached 98,000km and high-speed railway 9,356km. That is to say China needs to build another 25,000km of railway, including 6,644km specifically for passenger transport. These rails all require large amount of new railway equipments. Take the Xiamen-Shenzhen high-speed rail as an example. According to people from Guangzhou Railway Corporation, in this year 20 sets of MU trains with speed of 200km/h have been purchased for the 502.4km long Xiamen-Shenzhen high-speed rail. One set of MU trains with speed up to 200km/h costs about RMB 150 million Yuan. At this price, the Xiamen-Shenzhen line alone requires investment of at least RMB 3 billion Yuan for the purchase of vehicles.

The rapid development of railway will directly promote the upgrading of the railway equipment manufacturing industry. In 2004 and 2005, CSR Sifang, CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles and CNR Tangshan Railway Vehicle imported technologies from Bombardier, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Alstom, and Siemens and made joint effort to design and product high-speed MU trains. In three years' time, China produced 140 pairs of made-in-China CRH MU trains with speed of more than 200km/h. Later, China upgraded to the 350km/h platform from the 200km/h platform. At its maximum speed, the CRH380, which China has developed independently, will run 60km faster per hour than high-speed trains of Germany and France and 80km faster than Japan's Shinkansen it also outperforms other trains in terms of environmental friendliness and comfort.

Experts predict that large investment in the construction of high-speed railway in China will continue in the next five years. The construction of exclusive passenger lines will release the cargo transport capacity of existing lines, bringing about the renovation of cargo trains and existing lines for heavy loading. In the future, the renovation of high-speed rail and cargo lines and the construction of urban railway transport will boost the development of railway transport equipments in China.

Transport capacity demand keeps going up

Will such large investments result in the excessive production capacity of the railway equipment manufacturing industry? Experts say that this is not a concern at all, because the rapid development of railway equipment is backed by the rising of demand.

First, the explosive growth of passenger flow volume. As more and more lines are launched and high-speed lines connect into a network, the passenger flow volume on railway has increased markedly in the first half of the year. According to statistics published by China Railway Corporation, in the first 6 months, all high-speed rails and exclusive passenger rails had seen dramatic increase of passengers a total of 1,947 MU trains were dispatched daily, carrying 1.672 million passengers, the passenger count on May 1 being 2.763 million, making the highest daily transport record of MU trains. In the first half of the year, China's railways carried a total of 1.01 billion passengers, up 10.9 percent compared with the same period of last year. It is estimated that the MU trains currently in operation can meet only 70 percent of the transport demand and the remaining 30 percent needs to be filled up.

Besides, more and more cities are coming to the realization that inter-city railways and railway transport can bring in huge economic benefits. In the State Council's routine meeting convened recently, it was proposed that the ownership and operation rights of branch railways, inter-city railways, and resource-exploitation-oriented railways will be first opened to social capital currently, cities are busy promulgating investment plans about inter-city railways.

The New Urbanization Development Plan, the formulation of which has been led by the National Development and Reform Commission, currently involves the construction of 20 city groups, over 180 local cities, and more than 10,000 towns. According to the plan, boosting inter-city development through inter-city railways and metropolitan railways will be the development strategy, which may become the growth point for a new round of railway construction. It is calculated that in the next 30 years the need for inter-city railway MU trains may reach or exceed 45,000 sets, an average need of more than 1,500 sets annually.


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22-Aug-2013 22:41 Olam Intl   /   OLAM_OLAM       Go to Message
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Olam Sees Potential for Indian Sugar Exports on Rupee to Surplus

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21-Aug-2013 23:04 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Kai Teck Tan's Overview

  • CFO at Midas Holdings Limited
  • financial controller at raffles education
  • financial controller at raffles education
  • NTU
  • Temasek Junior College

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Kai Teck Tan's Experience


Midas Holdings Limited


March 2003 â?? August 2010 (7 years 6 months) Singapore

Responsible for the financial management and the reporting functions of the Group.

financial controller

raffles education

Public Company 1001-5000 employees Education Management industry

1999 â?? 2003 (4 years)

financial controller

raffles education

Public Company 1001-5000 employees Education Management industry

1999 â?? 2003 (4 years)

Kai Teck Tan's Education


Bachelor, Accountancy

1990 â?? 1993


Temasek Junior College

1987 â?? 1988


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