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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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15-Apr-2009 21:47 Straits Times Index   /   Can STI reaches 1800 tomorrow?       Go to Message
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Dun get too euphoric & throw caution to the wind & get caught off-guard, be the last one holding hot potatoes later.

Remember the term "irrational exuberance", now rearing its ugly head again.

jonahach      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 20:38) Posted:

Finally hit 1900...Now 2000? No more dream....

Andrew      ( Date: 04-Apr-2009 12:19) Posted:

Q reporting season coming, if results not up to market expectation then you know what will happen.

Trade with caution in the coming weeks according to the 958 PMFT.

My opinion......two emails from C and BAC cause a 2000 point up on DJ......after it rise enough.....their gahman say want to banktrupt GM and a jobless is at 26year high or 8.5% of their workforce.  

I am seeing it as a new way to tell you the bad news......release the poison slowly.


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15-Apr-2009 21:42 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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My brother say may go short b4 go long... hehehe.....

handon      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 21:10) Posted:

my boss said dun anyhow short later... hehe... Smiley

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15-Apr-2009 18:56 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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More adverse news:

From Lim & Tan Securities:


Intel fell 5.6% in after hours trading after the

company reported 55% and 26% plunge in 1Q09

profit and sales and gave less details on their 2Q09

outlook than usual. According to management,

there’s still a lot of economic uncertainties out

there and the demand environment remains

tentative, uncertain and volatile. While there were

tentative signs of stability in the latter part of

1Q09, it may reflect inventory rebuilding, but the

key to a sustainable recovery still lies with end

market demand conditions. In this respect, the

disappointing March’09 retail sales in the US was

no help.


Seagate fell 5% in after hours trading after its 3Q to

Mar’09 gross profit margin came in at only 7-7.5%,

significantly less than consensus estimates of 13.2-

13.5% reflecting higher than expected pricing

pressures and higher raw material costs. More

details will be revealed on 21 Apr’09.

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15-Apr-2009 18:51 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Not really true tat US banks all report better then expected results:


Accounting trick:

In today's Straits Times, quote:

"However, GS report was not all +ve. The bank said its net loss for common shareholders was US$1.03 billion in Dec, prompting some to question whether the change in financial years had allowed GS to dump much of its bad news into tat one-off period & start afresh in the 1st quarter"  


Akin to transferring rotten apples into another boxes to hide the true facts tat there are indeed rotten apples in the original boxes.

Pulling wools over gullible eyes

freeme      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 18:33) Posted:

Maybe will sideway liao.. dropping back seem hard nowadays when US bank all report better then expect result. fear level is damn low now.. ppl just got the mentality to buy and keep, even if correct they believe that worst is over liao. buying now in few years time will bring them big reward..

richtan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 18:29) Posted:

(1) Business Times dated 14/4, Chart Point by KElive:

     Heading: Current uptrend may not last


      "The STI continues to exhibit bearish divergence, a tell-tale sign tat the current 

        uptrend may not prevail beyond the short term"

(2)   Straits Times dated 15/4, Bulls & Bears:


      "But some market observers warn tat the recent rally might be a trap set by bears to

       lure the remaining bulls to their doom"


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15-Apr-2009 18:44 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Akin to transferring rotten apples into another boxes to hide the true facts tat there are indeed rotten apples in the original boxes.

Pulling wools over gullible eyes

richtan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 18:40) Posted:

Accounting trick:

In today's Straits Times, quote:

"However, GS report was not all +ve. The bank said its net loss for common shareholders was US$1.03 billion in Dec, prompting some to question whether the change in financial years had allowed GS to dump much of its bad news into tat one-off period & start afresh in the 1st quarter"  

Laulan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 16:56) Posted:

Last nite was a plain correction of weeks of upticks.  Look at the fantastic revellation of the first qtr blasting earnings of Goldman S, though it wants to call for big amount of money.  I am sure banks will be having a field day at DOW tonite!  US is having reasonable confidence of the economy recovery.

Mar retail figures must have not received the impact of most bailouts. The correction last night was good. It would be just a nite of correction. Watch tonite and see which stars are "flying".

Confidence level is good, but please MYOD.

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15-Apr-2009 18:40 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Accounting trick:

In today's Straits Times, quote:

"However, GS report was not all +ve. The bank said its net loss for common shareholders was US$1.03 billion in Dec, prompting some to question whether the change in financial years had allowed GS to dump much of its bad news into tat one-off period & start afresh in the 1st quarter"  

Laulan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 16:56) Posted:

Last nite was a plain correction of weeks of upticks.  Look at the fantastic revellation of the first qtr blasting earnings of Goldman S, though it wants to call for big amount of money.  I am sure banks will be having a field day at DOW tonite!  US is having reasonable confidence of the economy recovery.

Mar retail figures must have not received the impact of most bailouts. The correction last night was good. It would be just a nite of correction. Watch tonite and see which stars are "flying".

Confidence level is good, but please MYOD.

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15-Apr-2009 18:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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(1) Business Times dated 14/4, Chart Point by KElive:

     Heading: Current uptrend may not last


      "The STI continues to exhibit bearish divergence, a tell-tale sign tat the current 

        uptrend may not prevail beyond the short term"

(2)   Straits Times dated 15/4, Bulls & Bears:


      "But some market observers warn tat the recent rally might be a trap set by bears to

       lure the remaining bulls to their doom"


AK_Francis      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 16:55) Posted:

It had been a long long time never see traded vol started with 3 liao. Tks for d support on ALL d GOOD penny stocks. Cheers.

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15-Apr-2009 16:36 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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This is the flashing warning sign, when ikan bilis turn alive, it spells troubles ahead, the last gasping breathe b4 a correction.

cheongwee      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 16:31) Posted:

richtan...no worry..we run on reversal..i know market is still no good...but a rally going on without taking part is sayang...

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15-Apr-2009 16:22 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Tats only wat they said, but wat counts is the Fri release &  forward outlook.

Furthermore, there are more earnings release comming out which can sway the markets too.

cheongwee      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 16:12) Posted:

did u read news...citi already come out to say they are in profit Jan and Feb...

richtan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 16:08) Posted:

It is still a wild card, anybodies guess, wat if citi disappoints, markets will plunge. Is is a big gamble

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15-Apr-2009 16:08 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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It is still a wild card, anybodies guess, wat if citi disappoints, markets will plunge. Is is a big gamble.

cheongwee      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 15:58) Posted:

This week should be good, because Citigroup report on friday...rally to continue the following week..

all my "baqnkrupt counters run like no tomolo"..few hundred % profit...

I will take half profit and leave the other half till cows come home...never mind if they really bankrupt...afterall it is the profit...casino $...leave it to roll

I really wonder 10yrs down what will be the px..

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15-Apr-2009 15:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Could b short covering or syndiacte play, just b careful & not b their baits to be roasted. I rather play safe, plenty of opportunities, markets are always there, keep my powder dry for the right time to shoot.

des_khor      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 15:50) Posted:

all turn green.... crazy market... really catch no ball....

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15-Apr-2009 15:53 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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But joining in now is like playing with fire, can get burnt badly. Markets can reverse very fast & tricky, one moment up, next moment down, next moment up, very very goggy leh, worst roler coaster.

Better wait for confirm reversal. Better be kiasu. Plenty of opportunities to make $$$. As I said, the boat master will still turn back, just b patient, otherwise overload, boat pengsang, jump out late, mati leh.

cheongwee      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 15:27) Posted:

I think we join in first to make $...run on reversal...if u still side line...$ gone...

faster..make while there is still time...the next one will be light yrs away.

richtan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 15:23) Posted:

Just b careful, it could b a firework finale, the last burst, the last breathe, the excitement b4 the inferno and the rush to the exit.

Candlesticks are never 100% gurantees, dun believe, do a study on charts, there are also fakes, u must combine with other indicators.

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15-Apr-2009 15:23 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Just b careful, it could b a firework finale, the last burst, the last breathe, the excitement b4 the inferno and the rush to the exit.

Candlesticks are never 100% gurantees, dun believe, do a study on charts, there are also fakes, u must combine with other indicators.

cyjjerry85      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 15:15) Posted:

we have seen for the past 1yr+ that analysis nowadays turn out to be the opposite...so probably its good to see the analysis being so negative because it will often turn out opposite...then when they speak something positive...its better to be cautious

the volume today is very high...i am pretty sure we haven't seen such high volume for quite a long while...and yes...its a white candle...going up on high volume

richtan      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 11:28) Posted:

From DMG:

Technical View – Global Indices

Straits Times Index: Advocate selling on rallies,

Shanghai Composite Index: Selling pressure to be limited to 2,200 – 2,250,

Dow Jones Industrial Average: Still bearish – 100-day moving average a tough nut to crack,

S&P 500 Index: Targeting the 780 level,

Hang Seng Index: Price action to turn bearish

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15-Apr-2009 15:01 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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These are probably bobby traps, so better not be the greater fool falling into their traps & into thier slaughter house to be roasted. Better to do your own homework, no short cut to make money.

maxcty      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 12:03) Posted:

so all can consider buying more for Capitaland & keppel land now...??

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15-Apr-2009 14:56 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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You are right, all these suckers have hidded agenda, when they call to buy, they have bought enuf & want to unload to fools, so be wise & dun buy & when they call to sell, they are waiting for fools to sell to them, so dun sell.

Make them the greater fool.

cheongwee      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 12:25) Posted:

then call them to buy..they should be buying..not telling other to buy...maybe they are loaded up and want to sell.

Property got more to go down..

Serangoon mall..heresay only 30% takeup rate...US housing still got more to go down.

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15-Apr-2009 11:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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From DMG:

Technical View – Global Indices

Straits Times Index: Advocate selling on rallies,

Shanghai Composite Index: Selling pressure to be limited to 2,200 – 2,250,

Dow Jones Industrial Average: Still bearish – 100-day moving average a tough nut to crack,

S&P 500 Index: Targeting the 780 level,

Hang Seng Index: Price action to turn bearish

des_khor      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 09:58) Posted:

today hit 3 B at least !!

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15-Apr-2009 11:25 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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But if closing down on high volume, tat is extremely bearish!!, u  knowwww...

Even if close up, still cautious, possibly bull trap, would not chase after stocks as chart shows bearish divergence between price action & stoch & market extremely overbought, continuous up 5 straight weeks without meaningful correction 

Would rather wait for pullback. Akan Datang man.

I'm sure there are plentiful opportunities as this is a trading market

des_khor      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 09:58) Posted:

today hit 3 B at least !!

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15-Apr-2009 11:18 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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DOW correction is to be expected as it is grossly overbought without meaningful correction for 5 continuous weeks rally, markets dun go up in straight line, there has to be a meaningful pullback, so any adverse news will trigger a corrrection.

From DMG:

Technical View – Global Indices

Straits Times Index: Advocate selling on rallies,

Shanghai Composite Index: Selling pressure to be limited to 2,200 – 2,250,

Dow Jones Industrial Average: Still bearish – 100-day moving average a tough nut to crack,

S&P 500 Index: Targeting the 780 level,

Hang Seng Index: Price action to turn bearish

Blastoff      ( Date: 15-Apr-2009 07:29) Posted:

Triple-digit selloff on Dow

Wall Street retreats on weaker-than-expected economic news, while Goldman Sachs and J&J report surprisingly better quarterly results.

By Alexandra Twin, CNNMoney.com senior writer
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Stocks slumped Tuesday, after a weaker-than-expected retail sales report gave investors a reason to retreat following a five-week run.

The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) lost 137 points, or 1.7%. The S&P 500 (SPX) index lost 17 points, or 2%. The Nasdaq composite (COMP) lost 27 points, or 1.7%.

Stocks have been on the rise for five straight weeks on bets that the worst for the economy and financial sector has already happened. But with consumer spending a big driver of the economy, the weak retail sales report caused fresh concern among investors.

"The retail sales report was a factor, but I also just think the market had to breathe a little bit after the run we've seen," said Ron Kiddoo, chief investment officer at Cozad Asset Management.

Stocks were already vulnerable to a retreat after the recent rally lifted the Dow 22%. It was the blue-chip barometer's best five-week run since May 1933, when it gained 31%.

The advance followed a downturn that left the Dow and S&P 500 at more than 12-year lows, as of March 9.

Kiddoo said that those lows will likely withstand further selloff attempts, but that supposed market bottoms made in the fall proved to be false floors.

"It seems like this time is different because you're seeing a little better attitude now," he said. "Most of the people who were going to bail, have bailed already."

In corporate news, Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500) reported a better-than-expected quarterly earnings report late Monday, making it the second financial firm to surprise to the upside. But investors sent shares lower nonetheless, with the stock having spiked 54% year-to-date prior to the Monday announcement.

Last week, Wells Fargo (WFC, Fortune 500) forecast a nearly $3 billion quarterly profit.

Wednesday preview: After the close, Intel (INTC, Fortune 500) reported weaker quarterly sales and earnings that topped expectations. The company's chief executive also said that he thinks PC sales bottomed in the first quarter and that the industry is returning to "normal seasonal patterns."

Wednesday morning brings government reports on consumer prices, industrial production and capacity utilization and weekly energy supplies. In the afternoon, the Fed releases its "Beige Book" a periodic reading on the economy. Wednesday is also the deadline for income tax returns.

Retail sales: Retail sales fell 1.1% in March after rising a revised 0.3% in February. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com thought sales would rise 0.3%. Sales excluding volatile autos rose 0.9% after jumping a revised 1% in the previous month. Economists thought sales would be unchanged.

The retail sales report underscores the volatility of the data right now, said Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist at Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc.

"The consumer fell out of bed at the end of last year, we had a bounce in January, February didn't do much and March was bad," he said. "But why expect the consumer to have suddenly recovered when the economy hasn't yet recovered?"

Economy: In addition to retail sales, reports were released on wholesale inventories and business inventories.

The Producer Price index (PPI) fell 1.2% in March after rising 0.1% in the previous month. Economists expected PPI to be unchanged. The so-called "core" PPI, which strips out volatile food and energy prices, was unchanged after rising 0.2% in the previous month. Economists thought it would increase 0.1%.

February business inventories fell 1.3% after falling 1.3% in the previous month. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com thought inventories would fall 1.2%.

In other news, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday that there are "tentative signs" that the economy's slide is slowing, but that a full recovery won't come until the financial sector stabilizes.

President Obama spoke Tuesday about his administration's efforts to stabilize and recharge the economy. He warned about unpopular choices when it comes to restructuring the auto industry and American International Group (AIG, Fortune 500).

Results: Goldman Sachs released better-than-expected quarterly profits late Monday, earning $3.39 per share on revenue of $9.43 billion. The company also said it plans to raise $5 billion through a stock offering to be used toward paying back its $10 billion government loan. Shares fell 11.6% Tuesday.

Other financial shares slipped too, sending the KBW Bank (BKX) index down 8.1%.

On Tuesday morning, Dow component Johnson & Johnson (JNJ, Fortune 500) reported weaker quarterly earnings that nonetheless topped estimates. Shares were little changed.

Market breadth was negative. On the New York Stock Exchange, losers beat winners by more than seven to three on volume of 1.75 billion shares. On the Nasdaq, decliners topped advancers two to one on volume of 2.29 billion shares.

0:00 /02:39Life in the pits

Bonds: Treasury prices rose, lowering the yield on the benchmark 10-year note to 2.78% from 2.82% Monday. Treasury prices and yields move in opposite directions.

Other markets: In global trading, Asian markets ended higher, with the exception of the Japanese Nikkei and European markets ended higher.

In currency trading, the dollar gained versus the euro and fell against the yen.

U.S. light crude oil for May delivery fell 64 cents to settle at $49.41 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

COMEX gold for June delivery fell $3.80 to settle at $892 an ounce. To top of page

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14-Apr-2009 23:51 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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DOW correction, sooner or later, is to be expected as it is grossly overbought without meaningful correction for 5 continuous weeks rally, markets dun go up in straight line, there has to be a meaningful pullback, so any adverse news will trigger a corrrection if not tomoro, then in days to come.

From DMG:

Technical View – Global Indices

Straits Times Index: Advocate selling on rallies,

Shanghai Composite Index: Selling pressure to be limited to 2,200 – 2,250,

Dow Jones Industrial Average: Still bearish – 100-day moving average a tough nut

to crack, S&P 500 Index: Targeting the 780 level,

Hang Seng Index: Price action to turn bearish

idesa168      ( Date: 14-Apr-2009 22:40) Posted:

Is Uncle DOW gonna do it again! Down -150pts and close +150 pts.... it happened 2 weeks ago!

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14-Apr-2009 23:27 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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What's Driving Gold and Gold Stocks:

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