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Latest Posts By yummygd - Supreme      About yummygd
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23-Nov-2010 16:38 Others   /   NORTH Korea fired artillery shells onto a South Ko       Go to Message
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north n china friends lei...

Icymilo      ( Date: 23-Nov-2010 16:28) Posted:

This looks bad for Asia recovery.

Now everyone will be looking at the reaction from Hu and Obama.

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23-Nov-2010 16:32 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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not true investors ipunter. investors cant be bothered by e up n down of e market. like that very easily kena influence one. so i learn up down left right just sit there be happy la. as long as u sure u holdings are good go down sure will come back up... 

iPunter      ( Date: 23-Nov-2010 15:50) Posted:

You are wrong there...

    Whenever the stock market is in a tailspin,

         investors do worry a lot about what they are still holding... Smiley



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23-Nov-2010 15:47 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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bon bon dun worry la. see market up or down affect not alot of people. only people who will be affected are people playing contra. with no money to hold. market crash shortisters pay day.Long players sales time. investors sleep time. contra players cry time.

Bon3260      ( Date: 23-Nov-2010 15:39) Posted:

S'pore now's raining... Looks alike raining, but actually it's crying.

Gods r crying 4 us... : (

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23-Nov-2010 15:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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ohhhhh if really war how?

commando      ( Date: 23-Nov-2010 15:00) Posted:

Breaking news: North Korea arrtillery hits S korea island. S korea returns fire! Siao liao lor

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22-Nov-2010 17:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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many still side line right?I rather it be boring den be super scarry wahahaha. but den super scarry good time to buy..

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 22-Nov-2010 16:31) Posted:

Horribly boring uneventful sleepy start to the week! What an utter waste of time! Smiley

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22-Nov-2010 14:48 Fu Yu   /   FUYU Road to Recovery in the next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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I heard from sources its back to fully operational workload. I think perhaps next year Fu Yu might be back on track.

ZebraCrossing      ( Date: 22-Nov-2010 11:30) Posted:

Uh oh.. Victorf's prediction wrong?

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22-Nov-2010 10:45 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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chill la. He wanna collect or take over. But 0,19 too high lor. So he sell make some money den side line.
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21-Nov-2010 13:11 Others   /   ?= #* @^ &%+ H A P P I N E S S () {} [] :; "' <>       Go to Message
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Im trying my best to be happy everyday. dun think about tom happiness. as long as today is happy can liao. tom will be another try to be happy day. be sure of what i am doing. investing or spending. dun make stupid decision. stay firm n teach my children right. everyone healthy. tell jokes everyday.

pharoah88      ( Date: 21-Nov-2010 11:35) Posted:



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20-Nov-2010 11:05 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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gonna stick with Healthway.After e expansion plan is done its pay back time hahahaha. price is good to collect. though i really dun mind it falling a bit more to buy more. its really yummygd.
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19-Nov-2010 10:59 Others   /   Short but not enough time to buy back       Go to Message
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ipunter this is the best advice so far!!! Im heeding this advice

iPunter      ( Date: 19-Nov-2010 10:20) Posted:

Re: Mrox73.. [ Ipunter,   Can you kind enough to guide me which of your posting is about such shorting? I really love to understand.]

 No need to search, lah.

    I have already repeated that here for your convenience.

       Just trade well on the long side until you are expert in it.

           Then you can start playing the shorting game, but not before thatSmiley

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17-Nov-2010 00:02 Straits Times Index   /   STI To Cross 4000       Go to Message
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haha e moment i posted this i expected this reply. a trader is a trader...trade during bulls or bears...thats why they r call a trader haahaha..

ah_seng1001      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 23:05) Posted:

U r absolutely right !!

The market is the resultant of bulls n bears n what have u clashing together. A beautiful piece of work. I love u darling. hehe

iPunter      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 21:30) Posted:


    Traders don't hate anything...

       They simply love the market for what it is... Smiley

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16-Nov-2010 21:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI To Cross 4000       Go to Message
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traders hate e word correction huh...

iPunter      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 21:14) Posted:

There's carnage at the European markets at this moment...

    NY will take its cue from  the other markets.

         The immediate outlook looks real bad...

            If the STI opens negative on Thursday,

               continuation of the correction is highly probable... Smiley

Hulumas      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 18:34) Posted:

Never short, keep buying, you will be in the right path for stock investment within this two years

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16-Nov-2010 11:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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boy boy i say mostly. I also say its up to the child's choice regardless lei. what u posted is what i am trying to bring across la.

boyikao3      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 10:43) Posted:

If what you said is true, then how do you explain children in households where one or both of their parents are mentally insane, dumb, blind or partially mentally impaired or simply from broken families, but who grow up to be distinguished and learned individuals? Children will choose what they want to choose, irregardless of the amount of teachings and attentions their parents shower them with. There are tons of examples of rich kids with high achievers parents who steal, kill and hurt other people for fun....As such, all that is truthful is; the only thing children inherits is their own Karma ! !

yummygd      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 23:14) Posted:

OF COURSE without a doubt.Parents are mostly responsible for their offsprings failure.But mostly though. they can chose not to heed it though. especially at such a young age. where they feel the need to get acceptance from their peers. but acceptance or not....one should be smart enough to know when is stepping over the line.

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16-Nov-2010 09:58 Ocean Sky Intl   /   Watch the ocean....       Go to Message
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dividends propose again!!!

S$0.008 per ordinary share.

yummygd      ( Date: 10-Mar-2010 08:49) Posted:

thinking of buying ocean sky. seems like almost every year also go dividends and like not bad dividends some more. sooner or later the dividends will cover its price. whats the view on this one??anyone can give advice??

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15-Nov-2010 23:14 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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OF COURSE without a doubt.Parents are mostly responsible for their offsprings failure.But mostly though. they can chose not to heed it though. especially at such a young age. where they feel the need to get acceptance from their peers. but acceptance or not....one should be smart enough to know when is stepping over the line.

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 18:10) Posted:

 Parents are 80% responsible  for their children's upbringing!!  

yummygd      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 14:56) Posted:

seng dun forget they are only teenagers. when one is a teenager how many actually think beyond today? especially parents now give money like water. buy iphone for them psp etc. they dun understand value of money one la. e luck ones will be those who grew up n wise up. e unlucky ones will be the poor living with parents n in n out of jail for free meals. lets us hope us here know how to discipline our children n let them know that these behaviour very malu. gangs are sooooo 1990s. e up to date children are too chic to join a gang.

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15-Nov-2010 23:09 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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thanks Ipunter. thats my understanding too.I think her fren is confused somehow n managed to confuse us all. he said singtel(I think its singtel) said ex Divd is on 16 nov n buy in date is 19 nov. so he claims that he need to hold the stock till 19 for him to be able to get the dividends. We were like ermm no its on the 16 but well its his holdings. thanks again!

iPunter      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 22:12) Posted:

Re: Yummy.

   To my understanding, it is quite simple -

      XD day means just that - XD day.

        On the XD day, stock which you have bought on that day itself is not entitled to the dividends.

            Thus, even if you are the stock's owner who sells on that day, you will be entitled to the dividend.

[ Investopedia explains Ex-Dividend ]

A stock trades ex-dividend on or after the ex-dividend date (ex-date). At this point, the person who owns the security on the ex-dividend date will be awarded the payment, regardless of who currently holds the stock. After the ex-date has been declared, the stock will usually drop in price by the amount of the expected dividend.


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15-Nov-2010 21:23 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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Hi Ipunter ya as of current i am still ok with this stock. I think China property is good still but den must be prepared to hold on.I think arh America might have to fight for their super house position soon n China is coming up but den need a few more years lor.Den if property become so high like America....its cheap cheap...but must hold lor..maybe my head turn pure white wahahha. Anyway can help? My fren call me say she had heated discussion with her fren. about ex D n buy in only

She said ex divd meant he must hold e stock till den for dividend. but he say no must hold till buy in date...but huh??? I thought ex D is ex D?so how come two stocks can have ex D n buy in date? does it mean tat for it to be totally settled? t4? can anyone explained? plsss.

iPunter      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 17:24) Posted:

Yummy you likes this counter?

      I may buy some later on..Smiley

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15-Nov-2010 17:10 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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results out....have to wait until q4(2011) to see movement.

Zhiwei      ( Date: 09-Nov-2010 18:05) Posted:

I beileve YingLi mei mei need to wait till next year 2011 before her next courtship. But be prepared, once she found her Mr.right the price will soar no tomorrow..

Invest with your right choice. DYODD

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15-Nov-2010 15:01 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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there were rumours but lets see here....if he seriously had that thoughts den he wont have sold his holdings down. Someone posted saying maybe healthway didn't wanna heed his advice or allow him to take over hence he went for thomson.

steven080967      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 13:42) Posted:

hey, how about this for a wild maybe crazy hypothesis. peter lim, the master wheeler dealer, combines thomson + healthway. thomson+healthway entity would be a very sexy health care beast, the size would rival parkway.

thomson strong in high end speciality care, women's health plus emerging market vietnam...heathway..strong in bread & butter healthcare (local GP & dentistry), cosmetic aesthetic plus booming china. if peter has the balls to bid for liverpool, he can certainly pull this off with his eyes closed. what do you reckon?

yummygd      ( Date: 14-Nov-2010 19:11) Posted:

well i think PL is just moving funds for his take over. Healthway as long as they make money even with e expansion expense its ok. they r still making money. what i do not wanna see if them losing money . though they better be careful with their spendings.I am for e expansion.Right idea but can the management pull it off. with the results might be pulling it a little thin hah

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15-Nov-2010 14:56 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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seng dun forget they are only teenagers. when one is a teenager how many actually think beyond today? especially parents now give money like water. buy iphone for them psp etc. they dun understand value of money one la. e luck ones will be those who grew up n wise up. e unlucky ones will be the poor living with parents n in n out of jail for free meals. lets us hope us here know how to discipline our children n let them know that these behaviour very malu. gangs are sooooo 1990s. e up to date children are too chic to join a gang.

ah_seng1001      ( Date: 14-Nov-2010 00:31) Posted:

Exactly!!! These ppl know nuts about stocks n investment.. Dont even mention simple savings up in the bank for your own future. Stupid idiots, all just wanna fight n show how garang they r. Who has the most cash is then the biggest WINNER.

Makes me really laugh at them cos they got No $$$ No Hope No Future No Balls No Achievements. We have a brilliant future ahead of us by investing n stock picking.


beruangface      ( Date: 13-Nov-2010 06:29) Posted:

DSP Davin Ng, head of the Secret Societies Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Singapore Police Force, said: "Traditional gangs tend to have a very specific goal. They come together for a common goal to earn money through illicit activities.

"But for street corner gangs, they come together just for companionship - a false sense of security which they don't find, probably, at home and they get into fights for no apparent reason." Channelnewsasia, Nov 13

I wonder what teenagers are thinking these days, maybe they should learn how to invest in stocks rather than wasting time joining gangs and staring at each others, then fight and get themselves killed. There are many other things to stare at like staring at the stock price and make money, that's a smart thing to do.

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