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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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21-Apr-2009 12:53 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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Trading is never guaranteed, when it hits rock, jump ship lah, tats where cut-loss comes in.

Remember "Trading 101" rules, set cut-loss b4 enter trade. Be discipline, not emotional, trade base on your own interpretation of the charts.

Of course, different person interpret charts different, tats what moves the mkt up & down. Dyodd

nickyng      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 12:46) Posted:

har? boatman offer u 3.17 fare to take else next time higher fare? haha...u take loh..skally need to jumpship as the rocks get harder...hee :D gd analogy siah ! :D

richtan      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 12:38) Posted:

When the ocean tides gets rough, this is to be expected.

Those who easily gets sea-sick by teh up & down of the tide & dare not ride the roughshod, then do not board as it is meant to shake those weak-hearted out & reward the brave who can see the trend & know when to jump boat when the signal comes.

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21-Apr-2009 12:46 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Thanks a lot Alligator,  u are correct, this is the chart.

This chart is from DMG but in pdf, can kindly explain to me how to copy charts in pdf.

Once again, thanks a lot

Alligator      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 06:01) Posted:

richtan, sorry , may be this one FSSTI chart?

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21-Apr-2009 12:38 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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When the ocean tides gets rough, this is to be expected.

Those who easily gets sea-sick by teh up & down of the tide & dare not ride the roughshod, then do not board as it is meant to shake those weak-hearted out & reward the brave who can see the trend & know when to jump boat when the signal comes.

nickyng      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 12:22) Posted:

har?? stock goes up and down yes....but in the range up 19cts and dn 21cts next day?? wow..that is volatility liao wor....gee..wonder why no issuer for CALL or PUT warrants on this SPC burger har? hee.... :D

richtan      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 12:15) Posted:

Markets go up & down , not up or down in straight line. Profit taking is to b expected, no need to be so alarmed. Overall, on chart, still uptrend with 13sma, 50sma, 100sma trending up & approaching the 200sma, which is the last hurdle, macd trending above the signal line.

From KELive:

SPC closed above its KRL on 3 April and thereafter, gained more than 9%. SPC may head

toward $3.80 if it manages to break above its recent high of $3.21. However, we would

advocate that traders shift their stop loss upwards to $3.13.

There is a chart in pdf format which I dun know how to copy & paste here.

Can some expert plse advise me. Thks a lot


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21-Apr-2009 12:30 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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 The boat is turning back to give those who missed, a second chance at the boat fare of around 3.17 to 3.21 now, but dun expect the boatman to be so kind to offer u this fare price forever, the next time he returns, he may demand u to pay higher boat fare leow unless u hope for the tides to get rough, then maybe he will offer u a lower fare, but then will u get cold feet, balls shrink, hesitate & dare not board the boat.

nickyng      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 11:56) Posted:

wow...getting lower...3.19 ?? sucker's rally..haha..hmm..i m curious how come Kepcorp can still sustain to 5.75 at current level?? BBs expecting somethg brewing this coming Thur announcement har? hee...
Time Last Vol Buy/Sell
11:54:56 3.190 2 B
11:54:46 3.190 12 S
11:54:12 3.190 3 B
11:54:09 3.190 27 S
11:54:05 3.190 3 S
11:54:00 3.190 1 S
11:53:29 3.180 28 S
11:53:28 3.180 5 S
11:53:21 3.180 2 S
11:53:12 3.180 5 S
11:51:47 3.180 5 S
11:50:58 3.170 2 B
11:50:52 3.170 5 B
11:50:52 3.180 4 S


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21-Apr-2009 12:15 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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Markets go up & down , not up or down in straight line. Profit taking is to b expected, no need to be so alarmed. Overall, on chart, still uptrend with 13sma, 50sma, 100sma trending up & approaching the 200sma, which is the last hurdle, macd trending above the signal line.

From KELive:

SPC closed above its KRL on 3 April and thereafter, gained more than 9%. SPC may head

toward $3.80 if it manages to break above its recent high of $3.21. However, we would

advocate that traders shift their stop loss upwards to $3.13.

There is a chart in pdf format which I dun know how to copy & paste here.

Can some expert plse advise me. Thks a lot


nickyng      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 11:56) Posted:

wow...getting lower...3.19 ?? sucker's rally..haha..hmm..i m curious how come Kepcorp can still sustain to 5.75 at current level?? BBs expecting somethg brewing this coming Thur announcement har? hee...
Time Last Vol Buy/Sell
11:54:56 3.190 2 B
11:54:46 3.190 12 S
11:54:12 3.190 3 B
11:54:09 3.190 27 S
11:54:05 3.190 3 S
11:54:00 3.190 1 S
11:53:29 3.180 28 S
11:53:28 3.180 5 S
11:53:21 3.180 2 S
11:53:12 3.180 5 S
11:51:47 3.180 5 S
11:50:58 3.170 2 B
11:50:52 3.170 5 B
11:50:52 3.180 4 S


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21-Apr-2009 11:22 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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 Take it easy!!! Cool man!!! Why feel so agitated???

I truly appreciate your sharing on the fundamentals, just as I too tried my best to share watever info I have to return wat I benefitted from this forum.

Yes, this is a forum for sharing....as u said "everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions", so likewise I am also entitled to use 3 of ??? to emphasie (1 or 2 ?, I think is too little to emphasie) & this does not mean I am getting excited when others have a differing view from mine.

We are matured adults & surely we agree to disagree & post our individual opinions.

At least I'm glad tat, subsequent to this ??? posting, u shared thru your subsequent post on their NG biz which I really appreciate as it now gives more balance info.

shplayer      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 10:08) Posted:

First of all, this is a forum for sharing....everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions....so no need to get too excited by using lots of ???? to emphasise when others have a differing view from yours.

Gas production is tied in to oil production....broadly grouped under 'Upstream' (US) business. Near future NG production increase is from Kakap field (fr 2010 production of 20mmscfd) and Oyang field (from 2011 - no production rate forecast). The Kakap field, when it comes on stream will increase US output by approx 3,300 boepd.......i.e approx 30% of current production to 13,000 boepd. Lets say when Oyang comes on stream, total production output will be 16,000 boepd.....so 60% increase in US output.

However, whether this is profitable or not depends alot on CO price (NG price is tied in with CO price).

In 1Q09, Downstream (DS) business was $1.4b T/O and $118.6 operating profit and US business was $35m T/O and loss -$18.2m. This loss is due to low CO price....ave of about USD45/bbl?

So, if you look at the ratios of the US and DS business, unless CO price improves significantly, the bulk of SPC's financial performance is still heavily dependant on the DS business.

richtan      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 22:41) Posted:

Wat about future contribution from its natural gas biz??? 

Are u aware tat SPC is not only a pure oil play now, so u have to factor in the future contribution from its natural gas biz.

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21-Apr-2009 10:58 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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Of course, everyone is free to invest their $$$ in anyway they like according to how they feel about the stock.

I am also merely highlighting & creating an awareness of SPC's other biz  (natural gas) besides oil, to post just on their oil biz without factoring the gas biz, I feel is misleading & inaccurate as SPC is no longer a pure oil play.

I am also trying to post the information I know for anyone who cares to use it.

shplayer      ( Date: 21-Apr-2009 10:14) Posted:

ps.......you are,of course,free to invest your $$$ in anyway you like according to how you feel about the stock.

I am merely stating my views of SPC's outlook.......I don.'t make any calls for 'buy' or 'sell'. I believe everyone should have their own investment criteria and should apply it accordingly.

I just try to post the information I know for anyone who cares to use it.

richtan      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 22:41) Posted:

Wat about future contribution from its natural gas biz??? 

Are u aware tat SPC is not only a pure oil play now, so u have to factor in the future contribution from its natural gas biz.

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21-Apr-2009 00:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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From DMG:

Straits Times Index: Accumulate on any signs of weakness

(There is a chart in pdf which I dun know how to copy & paste, any sifu can advise, thanks a lot)

Our contrarian call that most market indices would encounter a pullback

Given these developments, we now believe that the index is still riding on a Wave 1 which is expected to translate into further upside. While the 14-day RSI is approaching overbought territory, we believe that any profit-taking seen in the index should be seen as healthy pullbacks. As with the previous three instances (once in Mar 09, twice in Apr 09) when the RSI was close to or at the overbought mark, the STI did give back some ground although the ensuing rally had more than made up for it – the STI had appreciated more than 300 points since the end of Feb 09. would first serve to cap any additional upside, although we do expect this barrier to be broken. Following which, the momentum is expected to drive the STI up to around the 2,000 mark where stronger resistance at the 1,991 – 2,037 range is located. On the other hand, any retracements seen within the STI should be limited to the 1,836 – 1,848 range which a technical gap resides.

Retracements to be regarded as healthy pullbacks.

Initial but weak resistance at the 1,959 level during the previous week did not materialise. On the local front, the Straits Times Index (FSSTI Index) extended its charge on high volume to eventually chalk up a 3.7% weekly gain.

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21-Apr-2009 00:28 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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From DMG:

Straits Times Index: Accumulate on any signs of weakness

(There is a chart in pdf which I dun know how to copy & paste, any sifu can advise, thanks a lot)

Our contrarian call that most market indices would encounter a pullback

Given these developments, we now believe that the index is still riding on a Wave 1 which is expected to translate into further upside. While the 14-day RSI is approaching overbought territory, we believe that any profit-taking seen in the index should be seen as healthy pullbacks. As with the previous three instances (once in Mar 09, twice in Apr 09) when the RSI was close to or at the overbought mark, the STI did give back some ground although the ensuing rally had more than made up for it – the STI had appreciated more than 300 points since the end of Feb 09. would first serve to cap any additional upside, although we do expect this barrier to be broken. Following which, the momentum is expected to drive the STI up to around the 2,000 mark where stronger resistance at the 1,991 – 2,037 range is located. On the other hand, any retracements seen within the STI should be limited to the 1,836 – 1,848 range which a technical gap resides.

Retracements to be regarded as healthy pullbacks.

Initial but weak resistance at the 1,959 level during the previous week did not materialise. On the local front, the Straits Times Index (FSSTI Index) extended its charge on high volume to eventually chalk up a 3.7% weekly gain.

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21-Apr-2009 00:27 Straits Times Index   /   Can STI reaches 1800 tomorrow?       Go to Message
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From DMG:

Straits Times Index: Accumulate on any signs of weakness

(There is a chart in pdf which I dun know how to copy & paste, any sifu can advise, thanks a lot)

Our contrarian call that most market indices would encounter a pullback

Given these developments, we now believe that the index is still riding on a Wave 1 which is expected to translate into further upside.

Retracements to be regarded as healthy pullbacks.

While the 14-day RSI is approaching overbought territory, we believe that any profit-taking seen in the index should be seen as healthy pullbacks. As with the previous three instances (once in Mar 09, twice in Apr 09) when the RSI was close to or at the overbought mark, the STI did give back some ground although the ensuing rally had more than made up for it – the STI had appreciated more than 300 points since the end of Feb 09.

Initial but weak resistance at the 1,959 level would first serve to cap any additional upside, although we do expect this barrier to be broken. Following which, the momentum is expected to drive the STI up to around the 2,000 mark where stronger resistance at the 1,991 – 2,037 range is located. On the other hand, any retracements seen within the STI should be limited to the 1,836 – 1,848 range which a technical gap resides.during the previous week did not materialise. On the local front, the Straits Times Index (FSSTI Index) extended its charge on high volume to eventually chalk up a 3.7% weekly gain.

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21-Apr-2009 00:11 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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From Macquarie Research:

MQ : Strategy - Rally till June?

Tim Rocks highlighting a list of stocks that we should be top slicing and stocks that we should be accumulating as the demand recovery could last till June.

February OECD leading indicator suggests a pause in the economic
decline. Asian market performance is tightly correlated with the OECD leading indicator, but this time though, the market has moved way ahead of the bottoming of the indicator.

While many stocks in Asia are now priced beyond their fundamentals, there are still a list of stocks that are undervalued -particularly in tech and banks.

Datapoints also suggest more legs to this demand recovery. The fiscal stimulus suggests though that there could still be legs to the demand recovery until June.

The policy stimulus is now hitting many economies while the direct fiscal stimulus in the US will peak in May when every social security recipient will receive a cheque for US$250.

Where Tim still sees value are in the banks - Krung Thai, IBK, Taishin and China Development, Maybank, DBS, ICICI; and tech companies - Powerchip, UMC, AUO, CMO and some hardware companies Asustek, Quanta and Compal. China has the most stretched valuations, and is the consensus Overweight. Taiwan has many more cheap stocks relative to Korea and Singapore is starting to look interesting.

the sector level, tech is still cheaper relative to historical P/BV than materials, and banks are cheaper than consumer companies. Best sectors for profit taking are construction, shipbuilding, cement and steel.

There are also 75 companies that are now trading above their long term average PBV. Most surprising are in shipbuilding, construction, cement and steel. Doosan Heavy, Samsung Heavy, Anhui Conch and Jindal Steel are trading at twice their historical average PBV. Other large-cap stocks include POSCO, Hyundai Heavy and Bharat. The other big group of overvalued stocks are in consumer - Tsingtao Brewery, Tingyi, LG Household & Healthcare, and Hengan.

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20-Apr-2009 23:56 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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AK, u might be leaving the party too early, the party & fun has just started, the cream yet to be tasted, champagne & abalone yet to be served.

It may just consolidate to chuan-kui b4 charging up again.

Yah, u may wait for the boat to turn back but by then, the boatman may demand u to pay higher boat fare leow

See KELive chart analyse:

From KELive:

SPC closed above its KRL on 3 April and thereafter, gained more than 9%. SPC may head

toward $3.80 if it manages to break above its recent high of $3.21. However, we would

advocate that traders shift their stop loss upwards to $3.13.

There is a chart in pdf format which I dun know how to copy & paste here.

Can some expert plse advise me. Thks a lot


AK_Francis      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 23:42) Posted:

OK, will Q sell now at 3.50. Change if DJ later improves n CO future follows suit. Cheers.

lookcc      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 23:18) Posted:

profit taking expected.

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20-Apr-2009 23:46 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Ooopps!!! to excited!!!! forgot to paste the good news:


CHINA HONGXING SPORTS LIMITED pari passu in all respects with the existing issued

(Incorporated in Bermuda)





The Board of Directors of CHINA HONGXING SPORTS LIMITED (the ‘Company’) wishes to

announce on the mandatory conversion of an aggregate 9,608,000 RCPS of HK$0.01 each in the

capital of the Company to 48,040,000 ordinary shares of HK$0.02 each in the capital of the

Company at a conversion price of S$0.25 per share, held by the following RCPS holders:-

OCH-ZIFF Capital Management US Sports, Ltd. (‘OZ US’);

OCH-ZIFF Capital Management Asia Sports, Ltd. (‘OZ Asia’); and

OCH-ZIFF Capital Management Specials Sports, Ltd. (‘OZ Specials’).

Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement dated 13 April 2006 between the Company and (1) OZ

US; (2) OZ Asia; (3) OZ Specials; and (4) CIM VII Limited, the Company has allotted 48,040,000

new ordinary shares of HK$0.02 each in the capital of the Company (‘New Shares’) to the Central

Depository (Pte) Limited (for credit into the securities account of each of OZ US, OZ Asia and OZ

Specials) and such New Shares shall rank

ordinary shares of the Company.

The Company has applied to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited for listing and

quotation of the New Shares on 21 April 2009.

Following the issue of the New Shares, the number of issued and paid-up ordinary shares of the

Company has increased to 2,800,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$0.02 each.

Submitted by Denis Wu Rongzhao, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director to the

SGX-ST on 20 April 2009.

richtan      ( Date: 20-Apr-2009 23:44) Posted:

Good news for CHHX, going to shoot above 25 ct,

Sayonara to tat analist whom adjusting tgt price from one extreme of about 20+ to target price below 8 ct, she must be awe-strike & dumbfounded now.

I guess she will probably very soon revise upward her tgt price now to above 25 cts, very stunning roller-coaster moving live targets, hahaha!!!!....

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20-Apr-2009 23:44 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Good news for CHHX, going to shoot above 25 ct,

Sayonara to tat analist whom adjusting tgt price from one extreme of about 20+ to target price below 8 ct, she must be awe-strike & dumbfounded now.

I guess she will probably very soon revise upward her tgt price now to above 25 cts, very stunning roller-coaster moving live targets, hahaha!!!!....
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20-Apr-2009 23:35 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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From DBSV:

Any pullback from 1947 for STI towards the 15-day EMA

near 1830 represents another buying opportunity.


We maintain our view for STI 2140 and a buy-on-pullback

strategy. While the STI eased off 1947, which is near January’s

high of 1960, the rise that started from 1457 remains intact.

Any pullback towards the 15-day EMA near 1830 represents

another buying opportunity. Index laggards and small caps

should garner interest during the anticipated upswing to 2140.

We also expect index leaders that have consolidated well to

‘show the way’ towards 2140.

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20-Apr-2009 23:34 Straits Times Index   /   Can STI reaches 1800 tomorrow?       Go to Message
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From DBSV:

Any pullback from 1947 for STI towards the 15-day EMA

near 1830 represents another buying opportunity.


We maintain our view for STI 2140 and a buy-on-pullback

strategy. While the STI eased off 1947, which is near January’s

high of 1960, the rise that started from 1457 remains intact.

Any pullback towards the 15-day EMA near 1830 represents

another buying opportunity. Index laggards and small caps

should garner interest during the anticipated upswing to 2140.

We also expect index leaders that have consolidated well to

‘show the way’ towards 2140.

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20-Apr-2009 23:33 Others   /   Penny Stocks       Go to Message
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From DBSV:

Any pullback from 1947 for STI towards the 15-day EMA

near 1830 represents another buying opportunity.


We maintain our view for STI 2140 and a buy-on-pullback

strategy. While the STI eased off 1947, which is near January’s

high of 1960, the rise that started from 1457 remains intact.

Any pullback towards the 15-day EMA near 1830 represents

another buying opportunity. Index laggards and small caps

should garner interest during the anticipated upswing to 2140.

We also expect index leaders that have consolidated well to

‘show the way’ towards 2140.

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20-Apr-2009 23:31 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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From DBSV:

Any pullback from 1947 for STI towards the 15-day EMA

near 1830 represents another buying opportunity.


We maintain our view for STI 2140 and a buy-on-pullback

strategy. While the STI eased off 1947, which is near January’s

high of 1960, the rise that started from 1457 remains intact.

Any pullback towards the 15-day EMA near 1830 represents

another buying opportunity. Index laggards and small caps

should garner interest during the anticipated upswing to 2140.

We also expect index leaders that have consolidated well to

‘show the way’ towards 2140.

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20-Apr-2009 23:30 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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From DBSV:

Any pullback from 1947 for STI towards the 15-day EMA

near 1830 represents another buying opportunity.


We maintain our view for STI 2140 and a buy-on-pullback

strategy. While the STI eased off 1947, which is near January’s

high of 1960, the rise that started from 1457 remains intact.

Any pullback towards the 15-day EMA near 1830 represents

another buying opportunity. Index laggards and small caps

should garner interest during the anticipated upswing to 2140.

We also expect index leaders that have consolidated well to

‘show the way’ towards 2140.

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20-Apr-2009 22:49 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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From KELive:

SPC closed above its KRL on 3 April and thereafter, gained more than 9%. SPC may head

toward $3.80 if it manages to break above its recent high of $3.21. However, we would

advocate that traders shift their stop loss upwards to $3.13.

There is a chart in pdf format which I dun know how to copy & paste here.

Can some expert plse advise me. Thks a lot

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