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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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17-May-2010 15:25 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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In Suntec city , there is a shop for folks to make bear bear themselves by pumping cotton wools into it.  But, these 3 big big bears, i think needs few days jobs to pump it up and it requires tons of thousands of cotton wools.

Hulumas      ( Date: 17-May-2010 11:21) Posted:


warren_buffet      ( Date: 17-May-2010 10:35) Posted:


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17-May-2010 15:01 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Me too!  Smiley  I can also move myself   .

iPunter      ( Date: 17-May-2010 09:56) Posted:

Don't be so sarcastic... I can only move myself

hehehe... Smiley

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17-May-2010 10:12 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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hotokee, ok, will try try your number.

Richman -  sure, i shall wish you good luck with your number 3172. 



hotokee      ( Date: 16-May-2010 17:57) Posted:

Wednesday/Sat/Sun draws can buy:

1234 ibet

0123 ibet

Toto: 04-08-17-19-23-32-44 System 7

Good Luck to everybody.


Richman      ( Date: 16-May-2010 17:26) Posted:

One of the combination will hit First Prize this evening...

Wish me luck please...

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17-May-2010 10:10 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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do you wanna look good?   go change your mirror and you can look like V shap like muscle man - 40, 30, 36.    kekeke!

kellychang      ( Date: 16-May-2010 15:37) Posted:

ah bon so ke lian.


Bon3260      ( Date: 14-May-2010 13:06) Posted:


I hv looked @ mirror myself juz now. Looked here & there, I dun really look like a rich man... So I dun trust ToTo lor.


Since u hv a big family's members. U can try buying their vital statistics (三围). Better dan me, my Maid's vital statistics (三围) r 40, 40, 40...

: (

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17-May-2010 10:05 Others   /   State funeral for former DPM Goh Keng Swee       Go to Message
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aiyoh!  how can?   He is not president.  Taboleh lar! law by law.  :)

tchoonw      ( Date: 17-May-2010 10:01) Posted:

probably next new series of sg currency will have gks face pic on it...

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17-May-2010 09:52 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Dont play play with iPunter, he is the important 'market mover'.  :)

Laulan      ( Date: 17-May-2010 09:37) Posted:

Paiseh, paiseh, bu hao yishi, ni yan jong le,(不好的意思,你言重了 )  I am no match to Ipunter, because laulan only can talk, but cannot punt. 哈哈哈

iPunter      ( Date: 17-May-2010 08:49) Posted:

But I am nothing compared to you... :)

I think you have the most inspiring name, as far as stock market play is concerned...

Whereas I am just a bakshie punter...

like in the children's song... which goes...

Old iPunter had a farm, ye ya ya oh...

And on this farm he had a punt, ye ya ye ya oh...

With a punt-punt here and a punt-punt there...

Here punt, there punt, everywhere punt-punt..

Old iPunter has a farm, ye ya ye ya oh...

hehehe... Smiley 

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17-May-2010 09:50 GLD USD   /   Gold going up this year?       Go to Message
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Jim Roger had shorted heavily last few weeks, and he had bought gold for a while.   Are both he and partners selling gold now to retailers?   :)

Hulumas      ( Date: 14-May-2010 20:21) Posted:


ozone2002      ( Date: 14-May-2010 09:58) Posted:

This is what happens when countries decide to debase their currencies and print money. Europeans are panicking into gold. In both Euro and Dollar terms gold closed at a record high on Wednesday. What is surprising about gold’s rise in dollars is that it is happening when the dollar is strengthening against other currencies, bullish indeed. We may be entering the manic phase of the gold (and silver) bull market

Gold Sales Surge at Austrian Mint on Greece’s Crisis

Gold Sales Surge at Austrian Mint on Greece’s Crisis May 12 (Bloomberg) — Muenze Oesterreich AG, the Austrian mint that makes the best-selling gold coin in Europe and Japan, said sales jumped in recent weeks on concern that Greece’s fiscal crisis will hurt the euro. Buyers have purchased 243,500 ounces of gold since April 26, compared with 205,300 ounces in the first quarter, Vienna- based Marketing Director Kerry Tattersall said by telephone today. Bullion climbed to a record $1,245.07 an ounce today and reached all-time highs in other currencies. “We’re seeing people who want to take money from savings accounts and put it into gold, so it’s small investors who are buying, too,” Tattersall said. “In the last three to four weeks, we haven’t seen any orders out of the U.S. or Japan. It’s a purely European increase. It represents panic buying.” The precious metal, heading for a 10th annual gain, advanced as investors questioned whether a loan package worth almost $1 trillion will prevent a repetition of Greece’s debt crisis in other European states. The euro has dropped 11 percent against the dollar this year, and bullion climbed to a record 982.6727 euros an ounce today. “As long as confidence is under threat in Europe, gold should continue to be on the receiving end of elevated physical demand,” Edel Tully, an analyst at UBS AG in London, said today in a report. German Demand Stronger demand from individual investors is particularly evident in Germany, Tully said. Support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats plunged in a state election this month after lawmakers authorized as much as 22.4 billion euros ($28.3 billion) of loans for Greece that polls indicate most Germans oppose. The Austrian mint is known for the Philharmonic gold coin, which it introduced in 1989. “We’re facing production problems again and are producing around the clock,” Tattersall said. “Our stock is running out.”

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17-May-2010 09:45 Others   /   State funeral for former DPM Goh Keng Swee       Go to Message
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Condolence to his family.   Great man's spirit should remain in here.
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17-May-2010 09:41 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Espensive stock?    Lands in singapore are expensive.  

lawcheemeng      ( Date: 14-May-2010 20:10) Posted:

no wonder someone said this is the most expansive casino stock in the world...........go check next insight.....hehehe......

grandmaster89      ( Date: 14-May-2010 19:00) Posted:

Excluding non cash items, GS would have earned around $55 million in Q1. Since RWS was only operational for half a quarter, lets double the figure thereby GS would have earned around $100 million. 

If GS were to grow by 50% within the next 3 years, its earnings would be around $150 million per quarter. This gives an annual figure of $600 million. Hence at $1 and with 12 billion shares, the company would be trading at a PE of 20 at best case scenario LOL

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14-May-2010 12:46 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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my average cost 0.92,   kindly advise should i sell .  thank you. :)

But, my self imagine target way beyond 1.20. 

sinetic8      ( Date: 14-May-2010 12:26) Posted:

i think the price now a bit too high liao.. around 90 something cents then worth it based on the current economy situation. well what do u think?

master_changkw      ( Date: 14-May-2010 12:09) Posted:

Anthony, sinetic8...you are so right..

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14-May-2010 12:43 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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Anyone, can give out some lucky toto numbers?   I havent bought Toto yet.  I always need to see number, then i know what to  buy.   hahaha!
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14-May-2010 12:41 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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Hi hotokee,  1.5 million, is super good for me liao.   I never won that before leh.  :)

I can buy a 750,000 condo for my parents, then the rest, i donate some and i keep some .   Is this plan ok for you?   LOL!

hotokee      ( Date: 22-Mar-2010 17:29) Posted:

I don't agree with your last statement.  Winning a lottery can make you rich. Of course depending what type of lottery and where you play the game.  In the States, Europe, Australia and NZ, you couild become super-rich.  The top winners are usually reported over TV and you can see them collecting the big cheques. 

niuyear      ( Date: 22-Mar-2010 13:41) Posted:

Huh? are you sure?   I am not 4-D fans but, just buy when i see numbers on street or number just appear in front of my eyes.

I strike on Sat - 1185 and 1155 (system entry)  ,  How Lucky!

Buying 4-D is quite hard to get rich, i buy more on Toto. Dream of becomng 1.5 million richer hahaha!!!


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14-May-2010 12:39 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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Hi Folks,   did you try your luck in tonight's ToTo?   5 millions.   Try buy some, no harm.  :)

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14-May-2010 12:37 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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ristaker,  you need to be active in this thread and give out more 'lucky' numbers.

1185 has been quite good,:)

risktaker      ( Date: 22-Mar-2010 20:27) Posted:

HOLY SHIT ! just now my neighbour's kid was writing 3 set of numbers on my wall !!!!! LOL and one of them is 1185 !

1) 1185
2) 3728
3) 2893

For those who lost in money Stocks Only !

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14-May-2010 12:16 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Which types of BBs now are playing psychology huh?

ah meng type? fund managers?

There are many fund managers shifting here (singapore) and asian countries and not to europe and elsewhere and now Ah meng bbs vs fund managers.

China BBs are young and upcoming and super savvy, they are call China BBs.   LOL!

lawcheemeng      ( Date: 14-May-2010 12:00) Posted:

BB....play psychology lah........

lawcheemeng      ( Date: 13-May-2010 22:07) Posted:

alway expect the unexpected......tomorow......alot will short it down...then BB also short then who knows push up again...hehehe...best not to touch lor......

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14-May-2010 11:48 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Contract for difference - (CFD)

The CFD providers are expanding their services world wide and getting more agressive in its trading rules From one month to one month plus.

If MAS could step forward to set the rule on  CFD a/c trading from its present 1 month to period to2 weeks only which is fairer to most T+3 rule for a normal trade.  CFD provider could design a package suitable to our needs.   

头脑是活的,rules 是死的  .

CFD is apparently , avaiallbe in Most of the EUropean countires, but not available in ALL the countries, so, that is to say the CFD rules is made to suit each country's need.

LONDON is the first country to implement that in early 1990.....thats why their currency was being shorted heavily during the 1997 crisis and s'pore was spared because we didnt allow CFD.    CFD providers then expanded their service to the rest of the worlds..





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13-May-2010 16:51 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Ya,   there is always problems or disastars or crisis happening everywhere on earth,  and,   each crisis is opportunity.  :)

babyboymi      ( Date: 13-May-2010 16:44) Posted:

calm down pls, to be strong when u play stock lah, still haven't heard anything abt the report, why scream like end of the world is coming???

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13-May-2010 16:40 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Normal lar, BBs play with the sentiment of general public.  wait for result .
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13-May-2010 16:28 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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may be fighting in the meeting room.  lol!

sgx shld Halt this, if selling is from major shareholders.
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13-May-2010 12:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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  ----   we help BBs, BBs help us  -------

lawcheemeng      ( Date: 13-May-2010 11:55) Posted:

BB don't play stock......BB play psychology........hehehe.........AKA.....play you...lah.....( YOU.....not refering to anyone ....general public....or can be anyone that fit the bill......hehehe)

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