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07-Jan-2011 05:54 GMG Global   /   GMG CHIONG tomoro -Flash floods hit southern Thail       Go to Message
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how long arh? like e recent spat? lets see it was sold down to 0.275 den rebound back to 0.3 lets see....its in dec...hmm think around after christmas time. someone pls give actual date. I forgot

goldenpiggy      ( Date: 06-Jan-2011 21:35) Posted:

Can I ask how long has this counter been stuck at .3?  Wonder when the brewing will stop and then move...

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06-Jan-2011 21:19 GMG Global   /   GMG CHIONG tomoro -Flash floods hit southern Thail       Go to Message
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ey which idiot sell down at last min? must be some contra player. wah lau
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06-Jan-2011 17:12 Sapphire   /   Sapphire - No.1 Active       Go to Message
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Steelmakers in Asia may be forced to pay as much as 33 percent more for hard coking coal after the worst floods in 50 years in Australia’s Queensland state disrupted output from the world’s biggest shipper of the fuel.

Prices may increase to between $270 and $300 a metric ton, analysts from Macquarie Group Ltd., Morgan Stanley and Daiwa Capital Markets said. Steelmills agreed to pay $225 a ton for the three months starting Jan. 1, Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts said last month.

“Queensland accounts for the majority of the premium hard coking coal supply on a global seaborne basis,” Alex Tonks, a commodity strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Sydney, said by telephone. “A lot of operations have been impacted. It certainly looks pretty bad at this stage.”

Rain in the Australian state has inundated an area the size of France and Germany, prompting BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group to declare force majeure, a legal clause that allows mines to miss deliveries. About 37 percent of the world’s traded coking coal is affected, according to Macquarie. Queensland floods in 2008 left steel producers, including Japan’s Nippon Steel Corp. and JFE Holdings Inc., with a threefold increase in annual contract prices to about $300 a ton.

Australian free-on-board prices may climb to $270 a ton for three-month contracts starting April 1 as the floods threaten to take as much as 10 million tons of metallurgical coal out of the market, said Colin Hamilton, a London-based Macquarie analyst.

$300 a Ton

Morgan Stanley said coking coal prices may surge to $292.50, and Daiwa Capital analyst David Brennan said they may jump to $300. Free on board is a term indicating that delivery at the seller’s expense is included in the invoice price.

Canadian producers rose yesterday as investors bet they will benefit from output disruptions and increased prices. Grande Cache Coal Corp. gained 3.2 percent to C$11.34, while Teck Resources Ltd. climbed as much as 0.6 percent before settling 0.2 percent higher at $63.06. Canada was the fourth- largest coking coal exporter in 2009, according to the World Coal Association.

In Sydney, Macarthur Coal Ltd., the world’s biggest producer of pulverized coal for steelmakers, advanced 63 cents, or 5 percent, to A$13.28 today amid prospects for higher prices. Gloucester Coal Ltd. added 21 cents, or 1.7 percent, to A$12.27.

Flooding is also affecting thermal coal, used by power stations, driving the price of supplies at the port of Newcastle in Australia’s New South Wales, the benchmark for Asia, to the most in 27 months. Prices jumped 3 percent to $126.10 a ton in the week ended Dec. 31, the most since Oct. 2008, according to IHS McCloskey, a Petersfield, U.K.-based provider of coal data.

‘Price Spike’

Coking coal suppliers traditionally held annual talks with steelmakers to fix benchmark contracts for the 12 months from April 1, the start of the Japanese financial year. BHP has urged the industry to move to short-term deals to make prices more responsive to market changes. It agreed with JFE Holdings to the first three-month accord in March last year.

Steelmakers may agree to monthly pricing for coking coal, as proposed by BHP, in a “price spike environment” rather than locking in $300 a ton for a whole quarter, Macquarie said in an e-mailed research note Jan. 4.

“We’re moving away from that quarterly contract pricing,” Daiwa’s Brennan said from Melbourne. “I can see that BHP wants to go to monthly. When I say $300 a ton that would be for one month in April for example, but not for the three months.”

‘Blue-Sky Scenario’

There will be a “material impact” on Australian exports of coking coal, even if no further rain falls, Morgan Stanley Melbourne-based analysts Peter Richardson and Joel Crane wrote in a report yesterday. The cumulative loss of production is expected to maintain upward pressure on spot prices for several weeks to come, they said.

Coal stockpiles at Gladstone harbor in Queensland are “very low” after flooding shut a rail network, said Craig Walker, acting chief executive officer of Gladstone Ports Corp. Eighteen ships are waiting to load and 12 more are expected at the harbor in the next 10 days, he said.

“The flooding will provide further upside to international coal prices and a floor to Chinese prices,” Helen Lau, an analyst at UOB-Kay Hian Ltd., said by telephone from Hong Kong. “It’ll easily take six to eight weeks, in a blue-sky scenario, before Australian supplies return to normal. Maybe it’ll take three to four months.”

Tata Steel Ltd. said it increased purchases in December in preparation for the adverse weather. The Mumbai-based company, India’s biggest producer of steel, ensured it had sufficient supplies, Managing Director H.M. Nerurkar said Jan. 4 by phone.

Deadly Floods

JSW Steel Ltd., India’s third-biggest producer, also imported a higher quantity of coking coal in December in anticipation of the rains in Australia, from where it gets the bulk of its supplies, Chief Executive Officer Vinod Nowal said in a Jan. 4 interview from Mumbai.

About 98 million tons of capacity to produce steelmaking coal is under force majeure, equivalent to 73 percent of Queensland exports, Macquarie said. The floods have resulted in 10 deaths and the displacement of about 200,000 people in Queensland, according to the state police.

Australia had its third-wettest year on record during 2010, according to the Bureau of Meteorology, which says showers and storms will continue across Queensland into next week.

China Steel Corp.’s costs for coal increased by $10 million because of the flooding, Executive Vice President Chung Le-min said Jan. 4 from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Taiwan’s biggest maker of the metal bought spot coal from Russia and Canada because some Australian suppliers were unable to make deliveries, he said.

Steel Demand

Global steel demand is forecast to reach a record 1.34 billion tons in 2011, the World Steel Association said in October. The biggest producers are in China, which account for about 45 percent of the world’s production. Australia shipped 259 million tons of coal for steel and power in 2009, the World Coal Association said on its website.

Australia is the largest producer of coal used in steelmaking, contributing more than 40 percent of the global seaborne trade, according to Deutsche Bank AG. The country is the second-largest exporter of the commodity after Indonesia.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ben Sharples in Melbourne at bsharples@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Clyde Russell at crussell7@bloomberg.net

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06-Jan-2011 17:05 Sapphire   /   Sapphire - No.1 Active       Go to Message
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erm lets see Australia flooded till like no body business, Iron ore price is sky rocketing... (33% more..) If im not wrong(im at sapphire website) they are invested in a iron ore mining company(china vanadium something 9.5%) n 11% on a coke producer....so ermmmthey didnt sell that away right?if not why price still stuck at this level? 0.02cent? plus upgrading to main board soon....is it being overshadowed by something ?I i am backwards with time n they no longer had all these n i didnt know?
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06-Jan-2011 16:47 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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seven years? wahhhhh den by seven n 1/3 bull sure die a horrible death cause run till no breathe liao

sureesh40      ( Date: 06-Jan-2011 11:24) Posted:

7 year bull run , wow how I wish that could be the case. What would sti be at that time 6000 points?

But how did you come to that conclusion

steven080967      ( Date: 23-Dec-2010 09:54) Posted:

recession? 2011 is the start of the new 7 year bull ride, baby!

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06-Jan-2011 16:09 GMG Global   /   GMG CHIONG tomoro -Flash floods hit southern Thail       Go to Message
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is GmG being accumalated right now?few days liao always good vol(top 15) but price still the same as before. I think soon bb will push it up high. 0.350 I bet!!
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06-Jan-2011 16:07 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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so informatics is expected to fall den.. how much do u think it will fall to? what is a good entry price?

louis001      ( Date: 05-Jan-2011 21:46) Posted:

after 7 Jan next week, it depend on how market reacts to the expiry date of conversion, after processing paper works of received payment, in general, it will take another few days for the converted shares to be updated into shareholders CDP account, only then, can they sell the extra lots given in the market, how many will do that, to what extend, is anybody guess....

niuyear      ( Date: 05-Jan-2011 16:10) Posted:

So, wait till 7 jan

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05-Jan-2011 15:18 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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hi sg trader the trend for Yingli is still the same as u posted?

sgtrader      ( Date: 03-Jan-2011 19:42) Posted:


Ying Li Weekly Chart for your reference. A weekly time frame is useful for filtering daily noises in the market and

provide better sense of trend direction.



For more charts action: http://chartfreely-sg.blogspot.com


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05-Jan-2011 10:15 Others   /   Are the Professionals ready to move Wilmar UP?       Go to Message
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thanks dude. ur postings are excellent. u teach at the same time. I never come across someone who is so willing to teach n share. I have learnt some insight. thanks a mil

sgtrader      ( Date: 04-Jan-2011 23:13) Posted:

04/01/11 - Are the Professionals ready to move Wilmar UP the trend?

If you have been following my posts on wilmar, you would have knew that I have been following this
stock closely since mid december. If you have missed any of the post, the links as below.



The same question again, Is Wilmar ready to go up north from today's massive sell down?
Look at the price bar today, the closed is not above 50% of its day range but towards the day's low.
Although there is a sign of  buying back at the end but this does not constitute a "buy order" yet.
If you think that it is cheaper now, think twice as it may get cheapest in weeks ahead.

Look at the wilmar chart today, if a trader has been trying to buy into the huge down day on each
occasion or averaging down.

Let see his portfolio performance.
                                     Date            Activity            Lot          Price
                                11/11/10           BUY                  1             $6.30
                                22/12/10           BUY                  1             $5.62
                                04/01/11           BUY                  1             $5.50
TOTAL                                                                       3              $17.42
 AVERAGE/LOT                                                        1             $5.80
LOSS/LOT (TODAY CLOSED - AVERAGE)                       -$0.30

This loss will continue to amplify if the stock price continues to fall day after day. Paper loss is REAL loss,
don't be childish to think it is not. It is your real money in negative returns. Worse of all, funds are
held up too long waiting for the stock to turn back up again and some never able to survive again with
suspension or delisting issue.

So what will be the tell-tale sign that the stock may have bottom inorder to have a good entry and enjoy the joy ride soon
after purchase...Check my blogsite for more information.

What to look out for this week? Check it out below:


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04-Jan-2011 20:58 Others   /   Freeme watch/buy list       Go to Message
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hi neutral its due to alot of factor for e dropped in price. china raised interest rate, europe prob,china introduce rules for property regulations.All hit this n frankly speakin yanlord n capital land(those property counters with dealings in china.) .Unfortunately for Yingli e property tightening has hit her sales of her first launchin of e(first) high end residential condo in chongqing. n e san ya wan(if im not wrong) so their earning report was not good.

Im sure as a trader/investor u r not just picking a counter to debase n is just frankly comparing n expressing ur thoughts n views. As i have mentioned before I dun think Yingli n Yanlord are of e same capital n resource level. It is without a doubt that Yanlord is bigger. E only same same with them two are they both begin with Y n is a property developer(yingli mainly a commercial n i think yanlord residential) .I think the newbies are very appreciative with ur insight. Even though i am vested in Yingli (hence i am very very well aware of e ups n downs n e factors affecting this stock) I personally do not reccommend to buy in at this time. Is it a bad S-chip?That i seriously do not think so. But who knows with stocks right.Its a they say we hear kinda situation
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04-Jan-2011 14:15 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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thank u victorf

victorf      ( Date: 04-Jan-2011 12:28) Posted:

Our pick of the year for 2011 (as hinted in Dec 2010)

Penny - Informatics, Fuyu, Pac Cent and MDR

Mid Cap - Swiber

Blue Chip - NOL

The reasons why we have 4 pennies are that the year 2011 will be the recovery year for pennies....as always with great transparency and no hindsight, we will review our call in end year 2011....good luck :)

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04-Jan-2011 14:12 Others   /   Freeme watch/buy list       Go to Message
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why is it a germ? lets see they never lie about money making or money lost. i think their book is very clear cut n out to e public to see. of course one can never be 100 percent sure. but to say that it has a high possibility of being a germ is a little tooo ......

Chongqing developement is getting good. Ying li is a major player there. beside Ying li has been totally depressed for a looonnng time. its just catchin up to what investors are expecting from them for 2011. Yanlord price n Yingli price range are a huge difference. Their size n holdings too. how can one compare them one on one? Yanlord is a much bigger company right.(correct me if im wrong) Anyhows its just different risk appeitite. Investors just think that Yanlord (middle chip) is better den a penny stock. Ying li surge might be due to the soft launch during this month.

zhixuen      ( Date: 01-Jan-2011 10:53) Posted:

Yanlord surged without significant volume but Ying Li does.

Ying Li has a high possibility to be a next germ.

The only concern is Ying Li doesn't have good result track.nevertheless, Ying Li intrinsic value could be a germ. 

neutral      ( Date: 01-Jan-2011 01:20) Posted:

btw, can u share yr view on Yanlord at current price of  $1.68? Yingli oredi surged strongly past few days.

I had been waiting to buy yanlord at below $1.65 for the entire month of dec but very sian, it never fell below 1.65.

30th dec it even rose to intraday high of 1.73.

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03-Jan-2011 21:29 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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does it mean there is potential of hitting 0.7cents?

sgtrader      ( Date: 03-Jan-2011 19:42) Posted:


Ying Li Weekly Chart for your reference. A weekly time frame is useful for filtering daily noises in the market and

provide better sense of trend direction.



For more charts action: http://chartfreely-sg.blogspot.com


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03-Jan-2011 12:03 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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its Auntie birthday today wor now i go out with family wahahhaha my bday wish i wish 2011 everybody huat arh!!!

iPunter      ( Date: 02-Jan-2011 22:06) Posted:

We are fortunate that the last two public holidays fall on Saturdays...

   Thus great for those who are "gian-gian" (passionate) to play stocks.. Smiley 

yummygd      ( Date: 02-Jan-2011 21:44) Posted:

tom any trading? yes

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02-Jan-2011 21:44 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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tom any trading? yes?

krisluke      ( Date: 02-Jan-2011 18:53) Posted:

up or down ?

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30-Dec-2010 18:39 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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some announcement but I dun understand the impact of said announcement. can someone explain?
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28-Dec-2010 11:50 Sapphire   /   Sapphire - No.1 Active       Go to Message
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maybe wait till next year lor.

waves88      ( Date: 28-Dec-2010 11:27) Posted:

Why are they still dragging their feet?  No news of EGM

Hulumas      ( Date: 15-Dec-2010 09:59) Posted:

Yes, it is worth accumulating

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28-Dec-2010 11:49 GMG Global   /   GMG CHIONG tomoro -Flash floods hit southern Thail       Go to Message
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ya ok i bought mine at 0.145 den major correction went down to 0.120 den shoot back up to 0.18 den ding dong between 0.18 to 0.24.Den major bought push up to 0.3 den went back to ding dong around 0.21-0.24 den latest went up to 0.335-0.345 den now ding dong around0.27-0.28 every up will come down n ding dong for some times before going up higher before it comes down n ding dong around a higher price. GmG seems to be playing their cards right so far. e Ivory coast is a problem but in my opinion its not a life threatening one. Now is a good time for these weak holders to sell. den it will go up higher. I say next up might hit 0.4 slow but steady. I hope GmG can become a wilmar or noble one of these days.

teapoichun      ( Date: 27-Dec-2010 22:44) Posted:

cheh....only 12%!!!!!! then i think everyone is panic for nothing...keep your stock and go to sleep...it is not how many hundred percent....still got 88% elsewhere and thanks to the weather, rubber price shoot up...weather will never be the same anymore...it is global warming...still a good stock to keep.

i m keeping mine...

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27-Dec-2010 11:58 GMG Global   /   GMG CHIONG tomoro -Flash floods hit southern Thail       Go to Message
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ai ya dun worry la. next Q result wont be nice only wat. den sooner or later it will be back. One can see this as an opp to collect or if investor n out of bullets like me...just turn off n go zzz lor. not like whole plantation burn down hahaha(ok sorry touch wood.)

kiasiDBT      ( Date: 27-Dec-2010 11:55) Posted:

Mkt tends to over-react with kateks being opportunistic but I believe this is juz a temp blip as the tyranical imcumbent president is being suffocated by financial  pressure and cut-off from all funding sources and will be ousted soon

liongyanlin      ( Date: 27-Dec-2010 11:11) Posted:

Come on. I also wanted it to grow remember. I bought at 0.30 and 0.33 leh. We are on the same boat. After new year we will have a big ang bao!!

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24-Dec-2010 10:08 GMG Global   /   GMG CHIONG tomoro -Flash floods hit southern Thail       Go to Message
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ya lor all companies hit rough spots. bullish n bearish. wats goes up must come down. den when it hit lowest it will go back up more den before. GMG good company la no worries. Those wanna sell let them sell lor. den good chance to collect wat right. I was hoping it will go lower....sigh sway.

liongyanlin      ( Date: 24-Dec-2010 09:34) Posted:

Relax. Relax. Two masters Here. I know you all are giving warnings or recommendation to people like me who is uneducated investor. Merry Christmas to everyone and wish Santa will brings me a big ang bao for next year from GMg.

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