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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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28-Jun-2010 13:53 Entertainment   /   Jokes for relaxation for those boring trading days       Go to Message
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i hate 'see thru', but i like no undies.   lol!

pharoah88      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 13:28) Posted:






AA             BiKiNiS

A                Micro Pants [MP]

                   showing CHEEKS and CLEAVAGE


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28-Jun-2010 12:49 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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can you help me invest?  i am not good at that.
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28-Jun-2010 12:14 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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SGX toilet got massage buttock facilities is it?     hahaha!   Today  there will be long queue at SGX toilets .  

KuaiLAN      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 11:49) Posted:

all stock players deserve a try...hehehe.

nickyng      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 10:07) Posted:

WAH! u doing WHAT big BUSINESS have to "test out" the TOILET seat at SGX ?????  :P

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28-Jun-2010 11:22 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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I wont give up my targer price 1.20 deeply and madly,  and my own view only -  if it goes up to 1.18 it may shoot up to 1.25 above..  Simply logically easily........

pharoah88      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 11:19) Posted:


150,000  ViSitOrs  DAiLY

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28-Jun-2010 11:17 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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Singapore population is increasing and the same goes to CPF contributors.  We have the safe and sound environment condusive to investors.  List goes on........

alooloo      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 10:40) Posted:

From the day CPF with a ceiling of contribution and a minimum sum, we should know it is perfectly well design to con the money of sandwich class...

I think Minister should lock 50% of their pay in CPF.... 

jasonfaxingliu      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 10:06) Posted:

can say bye bye to our CPF money liao...

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28-Jun-2010 11:08 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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我们亲中国不是假的。dont be so pessimistic.


alooloo      ( Date: 11-Jun-2010 14:58) Posted:

富不過三代 (wealth won't last 3 gen)

think Singapore is well on track to comply to this... Smiley

teeth53      ( Date: 11-Jun-2010 14:52) Posted:

Just for info sharing.

OIL giant BP's ongoing share price slide is knocking Singapore's publicly-traded investments.


The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation's (GIC) shareholding in the company could have lost US$540 million (S$760 million) in value since May 1 as a result of the fallout from the Gulf of Mexico oil spillage.

This figure is based on Bloomberg data which shows that, as of May 1, GIC had 200.4 million shares in the British company worth around US$1.68 billion. It also assumes GIC has not bought or sold any more BP shares from that date until now.

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28-Jun-2010 10:57 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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Nickyng,Very swee comments!  :)

nickyng      ( Date: 28-Jun-2010 10:38) Posted:

u r hoping for that to happen?? wat is it in for u?? of cos we want Singapore to b successful !! I have a stake here ! :P

teeth53      ( Date: 11-Jun-2010 21:02) Posted:

富不過三代 (wealth won't last three for (3) generations) and we are closer to the target.

Hope not. Wish we don't end up pay more by direct and or indirect taxes.

This one following still valid. (US - Lehman, very shocking. Euro PIIGS - not shocking liao.)
  To ride out over this dark cloud hanging all over this world is trying to bufff & trying to ensure ppl's all over that this storm will blow over.come on, of course we will, not before riding into stage 3.
We are facing at the word, confident right in our face and in our sub-conscious mind. scarySmiley
1st credit issueSmiley, then credit squeezeSmiley, next credit crunchesSmiley, what next ?Smileycredit melt.......Smiley
Cash is king....HmmSmiley

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25-Jun-2010 15:57 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Staying comparable to MBS .  Likely push  to 1.20 matter of time. Hope they still interested in playing the game. 

freshmind      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 11:24) Posted:

A lot of traders already cash out, locked their profits and wait at sideline.  Not much small traders in the market.  May be that's why the BBs keep the price high to lure some new birds for buying their shares in reducing the risks of potential downtrend and correction.

niuyear      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 11:08) Posted:

Possible!  Not many people dare to buy at this present moment.    Let BBs play among themselves and push up price and then, we sell back to them.  hahaha!

But i know of some new singaporeans (PRs and now singaporeans) quite aggressive in trading stock market and casino. Those hiong hiong  buy and sell type.

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25-Jun-2010 15:36 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Why focus on trees only?  Because they know that Trees will disappear slowly and gradually when global warming becomes more serious.  They will laugh out loud when everyone  is looking panickly for the disappearing trees.............hahahah!

ozone2002      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 14:42) Posted:

i'm preparin for the next crisis..........

cos US actually hasn't recovered at all..despite all the green shoots..

the media is just fooling all of us..if u look @ the forest n not the trees..

don't know y they like to focus on the trees so much and get everyone excited..

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25-Jun-2010 12:07 Others   /   4D KT to Share !!!       Go to Message
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1185 ever came out before, chances it might be top 3   this time round?  Must buy cos lately keep on raining and flooding, i think  老天爷 giving us some hint i.e. 11xx looks like the strem of rain drop  ....  hahaha!  
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25-Jun-2010 11:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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kuai Lan,  (i like your name ,  hahaha!)

KuaiLAN      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 10:13) Posted:

this is cheam....  all i know is there is one crazy guy (or group) who keeps on buying like crazy (maybe not that clazy)and challenge the market behaving like a AH BENG.  this is possible and he is KING now because there is no volume.

maybe this guy is PAPA.

shawngoh      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 09:37) Posted:


what was your indication of STI bearishness for yesterday? MACD signal flatten?

What will be your second indication then?

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25-Jun-2010 11:49 Others   /   4D KT to Share !!!       Go to Message
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I thought if  see shoorting stars, should see only  Stars..and nothing else.       LOL!

risktaker      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 11:35) Posted:

Yesterday, I saw a shooting star and i dream 3 numbers !!!!

1st)  4278
2nd) 5516
3rd) 1185

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25-Jun-2010 11:15 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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not to forget, our friend jim roger is here in s'pore and his kids 在这里读书的 hor ........

why he chooses s'pore leh? He is smart to choose here for his kids are in environemnt of bilingualism  and can learn malay and tamil language as well.   One day, when he goes back to his home town, he will be like our LKY and LSL who speak at least 3 languages.
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25-Jun-2010 11:08 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Possible!  Not many people dare to buy at this present moment.    Let BBs play among themselves and push up price and then, we sell back to them.  hahaha!

But i know of some new singaporeans (PRs and now singaporeans) quite aggressive in trading stock market and casino. Those hiong hiong  buy and sell type.

freshmind      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 10:04) Posted:

The more we don't buy, the higher the BBs push up the price, till we are become greedy and forget about the risks.  Who knows selling and buying from the same group of ppl and at the end, the retail buyers suffer to be the victims buy at high price.

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25-Jun-2010 09:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Bon3260      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 09:13) Posted:

I'm using iPhone now... Sweet Heart.


nickyng      ( Date: 25-Jun-2010 08:59) Posted:

gee...lying in hospital ? still can click ard to TRADE ?!?!? wah kor !! u r good :P NEVER SAY DIE atitude !! :P

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24-Jun-2010 15:55 Others   /   food production boom       Go to Message
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It has major impact in OIL PRICES! - further increase of oil price!


##### the report warned that a sharp rise in energy prices could again impact on the food industry.

"A further increase in oil prices could be expected to increase input and production costs, having an impact on crop supplies, prices and trade flows, and reinforce feedstock demand for biofuels." ####
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24-Jun-2010 15:46 Others   /   food production boom       Go to Message
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Emerging economies 'to enjoy food production boom'

Page last updated at 14:08 GMT, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 15:08 UK

Brazil farmland Brazil's vast agriculture industry is forecast to boom over the next decade

The emerging economies of Brazil, India, China and Russia will enjoy an agricultural boom over the next decade as production stalls in Western Europe, a report says.

Agricultural output in the Bric nations will grow three times as fast as in the major developed countries, the joint United Nations-OECD study said.

Livestock and crop prices will stay above long-term averages, it added.

And rising incomes and urbanisation in developing states will drive growth.

"Developing countries will provide the main source of growth for world agricultural production, consumption and trade," the report said.

"As incomes rise, diets are expected to slowly diversify away from staple foods towards increased meats and processed foods that will favour livestock and dairy products.

"For virtually all commodities, the projected growth in imports and exports of developing economies [over the next decade] exceeds that of the OECD area," said the report.

A further increase in oil prices could... reinforce feed stock demand for biofuels.

Agricultural Outlook United Nations-OECD report

While overall world net production of commodities is forecast to grow 22%, production among the 30 members of the OECD is estimated at 10%. Production in western Europe alone will stagnate.

This OECD growth rate is almost three times slower than the growth rate of Bric countries, which is forecast to expand 27%. The report also identifies Ukraine as likely to see rapid agricultural growth over the next few years.

Crop prices, in real terms, will rise between 16% to 40% "above their average for the decade".

And average dairy prices are expected to be 16% to 45% higher, with butter prices showing most gains.

Brazil is forecast to see by far the fastest growth in agriculture, with a expansion of more than 40% through to 2019.

China and India are expected to see growth of 26% and 21% respectively to 2019. Projections for Russia and Ukraine were 26% and 29%. Protests

Food prices in 2007-08 soared, sparking protests and riots, as demand for biofuels diverted commodities into energy production.

The UN-OECD's annual Agricultural Outlook said it did not expect to see a similar food price shock in the coming years.

However, the report warned that a sharp rise in energy prices could again impact on the food industry.

"A further increase in oil prices could be expected to increase input and production costs, having an impact on crop supplies, prices and trade flows, and reinforce feedstock demand for biofuels."

Looking beyond the next decade, the report forecasts global food production to expand by 70% by 2050.
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24-Jun-2010 12:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If really breakout, then good.  But. looks like people sell all they can.  ?  

niuyear      ( Date: 24-Jun-2010 11:49) Posted:

breakout ?   not pimples plse.    hahahha!


pharoah88      ( Date: 24-Jun-2010 11:43) Posted:

STI Market is on STANDBY


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24-Jun-2010 11:53 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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  Now is for those who had vested to sell  back to BBs.   Its ok to let BBs hold the price of 1.17 or 1.18 or 1.20........BBs had been earning tons of  $$$$. 

Unless game enough to hold to expect more upside @ own risk. 

alexchia01      ( Date: 24-Jun-2010 11:48) Posted:

No no no.

Now is too late to Buy.

Buying at 1.17 is even worst.

The price may continue to rise in the short-term, but I'll not be Buying now.

I'll be looking for a trend reversal and sell.

alooloo      ( Date: 24-Jun-2010 11:38) Posted:

blind faith?


 If break 1.17 again, can buy in again...  iguess

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24-Jun-2010 11:49 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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breakout ?   not pimples plse.    hahahha!


pharoah88      ( Date: 24-Jun-2010 11:43) Posted:

STI Market is on STANDBY


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