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13-Sep-2013 12:41 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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ship start to move up after Lunch

cosco CEO try to push up the stock back to $1

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13-Sep-2013 11:43 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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?知 己 知 彼 , 百 战 不 殆 ; 不 知 彼 而 知 己 , 一 胜 一 负 ; 不 知 彼 , 不 知 己 , 每 战 必 殆 。 ? 
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13-Sep-2013 09:55 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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strong support at $0.82


currently hong kong and china is profit taking and sg also

after 11 am will be fine

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13-Sep-2013 09:35 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Nantong again began to build semi-submersible marine life service platform

Source: Department of Transportation, Jiangsu Province, 2013-09-13 09:24:16

Nantong COSCO Shipyard Mexico shipowner company designed and built the world's advanced semi-submersible marine life service platform " High Germany No. 2" (N583) project started smoothly. Following the September 2012 after the company again Nantong COSCO Shipyard built semi-submersible marine life platform, which is currently the world of similar products, to meet the specifications most demanding, the most advanced equipment and facilities, semi-submersible marine life service platform .

" High Germany 2" uses the Netherlands GUSTO MSC ship OCEAN 500 provided by COSCO Shipyard completed the detailed production design, construction and equipment purchase all the equipment installation and commissioning work. The platform length 95 m, width 67 m, depth 35.7 m, total height of nearly 60 meters platform platform design draft of 8.6-20 meters, the maximum displacement of up to 33,300 tons platform is equipped with the world's advanced DP3 dynamic positioning, 8:00 mooring Auxiliary positioning systems provide 750 crew life living functions, and the lives of 240 people reserved modules installed, can accommodate up to 990 persons.


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13-Sep-2013 09:32 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO: shipping market recovery lags losses this year reaffirmed confidence

Source: AASTOCKS.com - News 2013-09-12 14:02:01

China COSCO chairman Ma Zehua that the company into the black this year with confidence.

He believes that the market cycle is likely to continue for some time, but the company is looking forward to next year will be better than this year, there will be some improvement, and pointed out that the shipping market recovery will lag compared to six months or longer macro.

He said that if the central launch the elimination of old boats and other policies, the industry can take advantage of some of these policies are able to adjust the structure. Urgent need to address the current industry is the market quickly recovered.


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13-Sep-2013 09:22 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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COSCO: shipping market recovery lags losses this year reaffirmed confidence

Source: AASTOCKS.com - News 2013-09-12 14:02:01

China COSCO chairman Ma Zehua that the company into the black this year with confidence.

He believes that the market cycle is likely to continue for some time, but the company is looking forward to next year will be better than this year, there will be some improvement, and pointed out that the shipping market recovery will lag compared to six months or longer macro.

He said that if the central launch the elimination of old boats and other policies, the industry can take advantage of some of these policies are able to adjust the structure. Urgent need to address the current industry is the market quickly recovered.


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13-Sep-2013 09:19 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Hawkeye  WE had the same points of view

BDI index rose to a good day shipping stocks?

The recent global economic sentiment index continued to rise shipping since August 12 since the shipping market has been hailed as the barometer of the BDI (Baltic) all the way up yesterday, has reached 1628 points, refresh since last January has nearly 20 months, the highest for the downturn in the market has long been injected a stimulant.

Secondary market, the long silence shipping stocks recently changed the tide, the performance is very eye-catching. Data show that since September has SWS two shipping industry index has risen 15.90%. Specific look, in addition to 2 September fell 5.19%, the other six trading days average closing yang. 13 publicly traded shipping stocks, there are 10 stocks in this interval accumulated rise, which has five stocks rose more than 10%, respectively, CSCL, COSCO Shipping, China Merchants Steam Navigation, China Shipping Development and * ST ocean.

At present, the domestic economy showing signs of recovery, iron ore, coal and other resources, goods transport and gradually become active again, this time BDI rose is a harbinger of what long-term economic recovery in shipping, or just short-term rise? In addition, BDI index despite the sharp rebound, but the distance is still a far cry from 2400 breakeven point for shipping companies, BDI index rebounded What can bring much positive impact?

BDI bring shipping dawn: sail sea

BDI continued to rise, thanks to China's steel prices needed, triggered by the expanding demand for imported iron ore. Great wisdom transportation group senior editor Zhuqiong Hua said that the rise can be described as overwhelmed BDI Capesize vessels of the " solo" , it is understood that this year, the domestic steel prices continued to rise in July for the first time for many years the national steel enterprises' profitability " capacity gradually released, ore demand, and thus due to the large imports of iron ore, led capesize rise.

Publicly available data, Capesize four routes average rents have exceeded $ 25,000, compared with more than 5000 U.S. dollars in early June shot up by more than 4 times. In contrast, the other ship rose relatively small, handy-rents basically at the origin.

Ocean freight rates also led to the rise in coastal freight, while the decline in domestic coal is also a major coastal freight prices push hands. As of September 4, Bohai thermal coal price index (BSPI) has dropped to 540, a drop of 50 yuan three-month period, imports of coal has lost the price advantage, so a large number of domestic power plants buy domestic coal. The coastal coal freight rates generally go along, the low price of coal imports, import volume, the coastal market is a callback, anti then will flourish. Latest data show that coastal coal freight index closed at 931 points, up by 58 per cent, of which the mainstream routes Qinhuangdao to Shanghai, Guangzhou and coal freight rates were 41.4 yuan / ton, 46.8 yuan / ton, respectively, compared with the end of July rose 73%, 40%.

Demand is not now change: To the Yellow River ice Sechuan

BDI menacing face of rising, industry analysts are not optimistic about its medium-term trend. Shipping expert Chen Yi that because both demand and capacity are no major change, BDI index will only be a short-term rise in the shipping industry in the spring is also difficult to foresee. In fact, the " golden nine silver ten" is the domestic steel market, the traditional replenishment time, this time of year there will be a certain degree of tariff increases, although the timing of rising earlier this year, the situation is more rapid, but overall, they are just stage rise, unspeakable trend reversal, limited support for the BDI.

It is noteworthy that, the state attaches great importance to environmental protection at present, steel, electric power production capacity of enterprises will be inhibited release or both, then the demand for iron ore and coal will also decline. More critical is the key issue of excess capacity has not been resolved. China Port Network senior analyst Zheng Ping said, there are some capacity is in sealed condition, but with the rise in freight rates, this part of the capacity is sure to be released, when the immediate supply and demand balance is broken, the tariffs will again decline. Optimistic point of view, perhaps this wave of tariffs to maintain the upward trend in October, then I'm afraid to be cautious pending.

More than a short segment sky: ambition there

Back to the secondary market, the majority of institutions that led this round due to higher BDI shipping stocks rising trend difficult to sustain, much shorter sky became the industry consensus.

Galaxy Securities believes that the current round of the BDI rose by pulling funds face a higher risk, but there are some fundamental support. BDI likely to continue in the short term is pulled upward, or birth-related stocks trading opportunities.

Northeast Securities also said that the current domestic shipping industry in general is still oversupply, but the second half as the better economic situation at home and abroad, there may be a cyclical rebound, investors can seize trading opportunities ahead of the layout.

Specific to the stocks, China Merchants Securities relatively optimistic about the fundamentals bottomed out, plenty of cash flow of the investment ship * ST ocean as profitability, next year's operating trends are also worthy of attention attention is also recommended to benefit from the recovery of small boats COSCO Shipping. The CSDC delivered this year and the next year the capacity pressure, gross margin downside risk, should be treated with caution.

Hawkeye      ( Date: 13-Sep-2013 08:53) Posted:

If History repeat itself, Cosco will lead Yangzijiang by at least 10cts.

You forget to mention.

Oldbird      ( Date: 13-Sep-2013 08:12) Posted:

If history can repeat here is how YZJ climbed from $0.4 to $2 from years 2009 to 2011

Climbed up every 20 to 30 cents in 2 to 3 months made correction 5 to 8 cents in less than a month

When it hit 1.2 ( it took only 3 Q to climb 80 cents) then corrected to 1

It then made a sharp climb to 1.6 then fell back to 1.2 just as fast .

From there it charged to 2 dollars in 4 months time.....

I think history always like to repeat itself

Cheers for those believer

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13-Sep-2013 00:04 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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No more $0.80 .

Tomorrow you will be see $1.00 - 1.20 by next week

when yangzijiang $1.09 . cosco will be over take - $1.20

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13-Sep-2013 00:01 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangzijiang Shipbuilding: Improving Ship Orders Could Drive Re-rating
(BUY, SGD0.94, TP: SGD1.31)
Jason Saw (+65 6232 3871, jason.saw@sg.oskgroup.com)
Lee Yue Jer (+65 6232 3898, yuejer.lee@sg.oskgroup.com)
We upgrade Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (YZJ) from Neutral to BUY with
a higher TP of SGD1.31 vs SGD1.00 previously. In our view, the
shipbuilding capacity cut in China and the recovery of ship orders in
the dry bulk sector arising from improved supply and demand will
drive the stockâ??s re-rating. Our SGD1.31 TP implies 9.5x FY14F P/E.
The Baltic Dry Index jumped 120% YTD and 54% in the past month due
to slower supply growth while demand remains steady. Ship prices have
risen by 5-12% from the bottom six months ago, and seasoned shipping
players are expanding their fleet aggressively.
Strength in dry bulk sustainable as fleet growth is slowing down. Our
analysis shows that global dry bulk demand will start outpacing supply by
early 2014. We estimate global dry bulk capacity to grow 4.8%/4.4%/3.0%
in 4Q13/2014/2015 while global demand is likely to rise by 5-6% annually.
We believe the recovery in ship orders and closure of inefficient yards in
China will benefit YZJ.
Good visibility from USD3.4bn order book. YTD, YZJ has secured
USD1.22bn in new orders for 35 ships - making up 60% of our estimate -
and has options for 51 ships worth USD2.87bn. The options are split into
22 container ships (USD1.79bn) and 29 bulk carriers (USD1.08bn). The
companyâ??s USD3.4bn (CNY20.9bn) outstanding order book, equivalent to
19 months of shipbuilding output, provides strong visibility in times when
other yards are struggling for new orders.

Upgraded to BUY with a higher TP of SGD1.31. We upgrade YZJ from
Neutral to BUY and raise our SOP-derived TP to SGD1.31 from SGD1.00.
Our TP is based on: i) 12x P/E on FY14F shipbuilding earnings (previously
8x), ii) net cash and financial assets, and iii) less debt and amount due to
customers. Our SGD1.31 TP is premised on a 9.5x FY14F P/E.


osk DMG
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12-Sep-2013 23:58 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Early recovery signs
ï?·ï?  Orderflow is gaining momentum, driven by low
orderbook to fleet ratio, low newbuild prices
and rising BDI
ï?·ï?  Capacity cuts a healthy industry development
ï?·ï?  Upgrade YZJ to BUY and Cosco to HOLD  ,==( much change to buy )

Positive industry developments. The dwindling
orderbook to fleet ratio for containerships and bulk
carriers to < 20% (vs mean of 25%), low newbuild
prices, and rebound of BDI to c. 1500 points, have led to
the 89% y-o-y surge in newbuild contacts YTD from a
low base. This will likely sustain in the coming 3-6
months given the current strong enquiry levels and
optimism of shipping recovery. In addition, a series of
shipyard closures and/or capacity cuts in China is deemed
positive as massive yard closures is often a precursor to a
recovery in the industry. All these are positive signs that
suggest that the industry is in an early recovery phase, in
our view.
Upgrade Yangzijiang to BUY. Yangzijiang has won a
total of US$1.2bn YTD (60% of our FFY13 assumption).
Order visibility is strong with remaining 51 options worth
US$2.87bn. Current orderbook of US$3.2bn translates to
a healthy 1.7x book to bill ratio. We favour Yangzijang as
a purer play in shipbuilding sector and proven yard with
strong execution track record. In addition, its informal
dividend policy to peg dividends to 5% of NTA translates
to 5% yield, giving more incentive for investors to hold
the stock while awaiting sector recovery. We have rolled
over our valuation to FY14, and peg its valuation to a
slightly higher PB multiple of 1.2x (1.1x previously) given
the improved outlook, arriving at our new TP of S$1.22.
Upgrade Cosco to HOLD. Cosco should benefit from
the higher bulk carrier orders and efforts to build up its
offshore order book. Cosco has secured orders of
US$1.2bn YTD (60% of our FFY13 assumption).
Upstream reported in early June that Cosco is signing
contracts for two drillships worth US$650-700m each
with X-Drill. If this materialises, Cosco will beat
consensus' order win assumptions for this year. We
raised our TP to S$0.83 as we roll over our valuation to ( TP =$1.30 -$1.50)
FY14, on 1.4x PB (1.3x previously). Upgrade to HOLD. and upgrade to strong buy

due to new contrats wins US $566 million.

Improving industry dynamics
Cycling along the recovery path. While it is too early to call
for a full sector turnaround, we believe the worst is over.
With oversupply still an issue for both shipping and shipyards,
the brighter spot is now in demand, where we see early signs
of recovery, in line with a brighter macro backdrop in the US
and Europe. While we expect the recovery path to be a long
and bumpy one, we observed early signs of recovery, led by
contract awards.
Industry orders for vessels surged 89% y-o-y to 73m dwt in
8M13, and looks set to surpass 2011â??s 84m dwt. Enquiry
levels at the yards are strong, and we could expect more
orders to flow through in the coming months as the
financially sound shipping companies take advantage of the
low newbuild prices, incentivized by recent spike in BDI.
Newbuild contracts rose 89% y-o-y expect trend to

Orderbook to fleet ratio has normalised from c.60% in 2008
to 15-20% currently. Empirically, the ratio falling below 20%
would kick start orders. In particular, the ratios are shy of
20% as of Sept 2013 for containerships and bulkers. We
expect more contract awards to bring the ratios closer to
historical mean (pre 2008) of 25%.
Newbuild prices â?? rebound may take some time. Newbuilding
prices rebounded from the trough over the past few months,
led by larger vessels. We are less optimistic on the rebound of
newbuild prices and margins in the near term in the light of
the still unfavorable supply demand dynamics in the shipping
and shipbuilding markets. However, we do not rule out the
possibility of cost push and/or demand driven price increases
but this is unlikely to come in a big way yet.
Newbuilding prices rebounded from trough, largest
increase in Panamax bulkers (+5%)
Newbuild prices remain rather suppressed due to
overcapacity in shipyards.
Source: Clarksons


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12-Sep-2013 23:51 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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forget about  $0.98  is over . Yangzijiang  will be all the way up to $2 by next year .


Yangzijiang Shipbuilding - Momentum picking up
The re-rating catalyst for YZJ is the potential for more shipbuilding orders,
backed by a sustained climb in the Baltic Dry Index. The BDI is supported by
the stronger steel production and macro fundamentals in China. The
heightened order momentum and FY15 delivery slots being quickly snapped up
suggest that YZJâ??s order drought has bottomed out. We like YZJ as it is one of
the last privately-owned Chinese shipyards with decent profitability. We keep
our Outperform rating and target price (based on 1.4x FY13 P/BV 1 s.d. below
its 5-year mean). The stock has the highest dividend yield of 4.8% among the
ship/rig builders.

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12-Sep-2013 22:44 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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This train just about to move
Tomorrow move up 0.53-0.56
Then 0.56-0.62
Wins contract from CNR is confirm. Ceo going to announced in sgx
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12-Sep-2013 17:10 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Tomorrow Will be cosco show time

0.85 -0.90

92- 1.00
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12-Sep-2013 17:03 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Now look like cosco is 30 % dicount

1.11 Yangzijiang

0.80 cosco

1.16 Nol
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12-Sep-2013 12:48 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangtze River shipping industry to accelerate the pace of cost reduction

Source: Journal of Ship and Offshore 2013-09-12 09:54:16

Yangtze River shipping industry, today announced that the Yangtze River International Trade Co., Ltd. was established in Singapore. Yangtze River shipping industry, said the new company will be associated with the shipbuilding equipment, raw materials, merchant trade and other international trade activities, which will help the Group to Singapore mature financial markets and logistics infrastructure as the basis to broaden existing trading platform to optimize existing There business model and lower financing costs. Yangtze River shipping industry was incorporated in Singapore a capital of one million dollars in subsidiary - Yangtze River International Trade Co., Ltd., the company will directly hold 100% stake in Yangtze River International Trade.


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12-Sep-2013 12:43 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCON build global maritime operations center

Source: China Airlines ZMW 2013-09-12 10:37:39 

COSCO Container Lines yesterday announced the establishment of global maritime operations center , through the huge container liner fleet under the command of the elements of the integration of resources, further agglomeration management advantages, optimize business structure, reducing costs, enhancing effective response to continued downturn in the market competitiveness.

It is understood that the newly established global maritime operations center , unified and integrated COSCON each trade original " Scheduling and pre-match" , trade, security ministry " boxes shipped Plan" Security Technology Management Department " total control room" and " Run Fuel Oil Consumption Management" and other functions, has four departments, will focus on the operation of all ship and cargo operations, and is responsible for the ship's schedule under the jurisdiction of airline self-execution, ensure that the ship according to schedule and track punctuality punctuality run including tracking ship dynamics, coastal published schedules, making arrangements for ship berthing operations, coordinating field operations pier, and a global network of branch lines such as openness and convergence.


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12-Sep-2013 09:55 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Qidong Offshore " I hope the 3rd" drilling platform will shakedown

It is reported by COSCO Qidong Offshore construction for Norwegian customers " SEVANLOUISIANA" cylindrical ultra-deepwater marine drilling platform (I hope the 3rd) will be held the first week of September sea trials.

" I hope the 3rd" drilling platform is the Cosco Qidong offshore construction Nozomi family's third offshore platforms, on Aug. 20 was officially named as " SEVANLOUISIANA" , will be held Oct. 5 from the factory, to Singapore for final equipment and crew, and then departed for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

End of this year or early next year, " SEVANLOUISIANA" After acceptance, will perform LLOG lease contract that was signed in April this year drilling contract worth $ 550 million.

" SEVANLOUISIANA" will SEADRILL operations management, recently handed over SevanDrilling solely responsible marketing agency.

" SEVANLOUISIANA" total height of 135 meters platform, maximum diameter of 99 m main hull, main deck height of 24.5 m, height of 36.5 meters on the upper deck, rig height of 44.5 m, lightship weight of nearly 30,000 tons of variable deck load of 15,000 tons, the operating design depth of 3,810 meters and drilling depth of 12,000 meters.

The series " I hope the 4th" cylindrical ultra-deepwater marine drilling platform being COSCO Qidong offshore construction, the main project has been completed 70%, is expected to put into operation in the second quarter of 2014. The rig is expected to obtain a lease contract at the end of this year, the daily rate is expected to ensure that the $ 500,000.


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12-Sep-2013 09:45 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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  Axis Offshore Orders a Second Harsh Environment Semi-submersible Flotel




Axis Offshore Orders a Second Harsh Environment Semi-submersible Flotel For further information, please contact: Jesper Kragh Andresen Chief Executive Officer, Axis Offshore Phone: +65 81272784 Helge Haakonsen Chairman, Axis Offshore Phone: +47 91374385 or visit our website: www.axisoff.com



10 September 2013



Axis Offshore is pleased to announce the ordering of the company?s second semi-submersible flotel, Axis Vega. Axis Vega is the second in a series of up to four flotels to be built at Cosco Shipyard. Axis Vega is expected to be delivered year-end 2015. The sister vessel, Axis Nova, has been under construction at Cosco Shipyard since August 2012 and will be delivered in 1Q15.



The new-buildings are targeted for the strong demand for modern flotels to operate in the harsh environment of the North Sea, especially in the Norwegian and UK sector with emphasis on high safety standards and comfortable solutions for offshore accommodation for up to 500 crew and guests.



Axis Nova and Axis Vega are based on the GM500A design in compliance with Norwegian rules. The flotels have 11.5 meter operational air-gap, dynamic positioning systems (DP3) as well as mooring to enable year-round operability in the North Sea.


The CEO of Axis Offshore, Mr. Jesper Kragh Andresen, comments: ?The positive responses and growing interests Axis Offshore is receiving from clients reinforce our belief in the superior specification underlying our new-buildings. While we see strong potential for our new-buildings in the North Sea, we remain keen to expand our presence in other regions as well?.



The chairman of Axis Offshore, Mr. Helge Haakonsen, comments: ?Axis Offshore is committed to grow our activities in the high-end flotel segment and we are very pleased to continue the roll-out of our strategy with the ordering of Axis Vega.


In July 2012, partners HitecVision and J. Lauritzen formed the joint venture Axis Offshore in the flotel segment. In addition to Axis Nova and Axis Vega, Axis Offshore owns the flotel Dan Swift, currently on long-term charter to Petrobras in Brazil.




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10-Sep-2013 16:19 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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10-Sep-2013 14:48 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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