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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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12-Jan-2007 23:41 Chip Eng Seng   /   Reason to Vest       Go to Message
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acck....pls don't....am honoured you should think that way, but investors have to have their own minds. plus, one person's trading style might not be another's...i prefer to move cautiously and take smaller real profits (~8-15% per trade) than go for large paper gains (which might very well run away the next day). it's a style that more aggressive gamers would call cowardly. :)

but hey, i'm gonna be trading for the next 25 yrs at least, so i don't see the sense in being greedy. :)
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12-Jan-2007 23:33 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ya know...all this while, i thought tabbykat was a female....from the thread so far, it appears i'm mistaken. o_0

giantlow, i think you mean what happened to the boys. haha.

g'luck with your spc! don't obsess so much over it la...
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12-Jan-2007 23:21 Chip Eng Seng   /   Reason to Vest       Go to Message
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hm...just my guess here...

lead indicators don't work very well for this counter. so i'm venturing a guess based on the lag indicators and on the stock trend itself (seems to trade in consistent waves), not to mention the bullish construction fever:

date of sell should be ard 20th jan, with price target of 41-44c. whichever comes first.

likely to go up after that--this fellow has been consistently up since jul--but with a short 'down' period first. btw, need to watch the dow tonight first. if it goes up, mon will likely be up for sti and stocks too.
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12-Jan-2007 21:20 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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ok billywows, will be counting on your reporting to set the tone for next week. thanks ya :)

keke. man i'm so sleepy... 
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12-Jan-2007 20:46 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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apologies first to mirage for deviating; i'm just responding to awchyeong: in brief:

sembmar--still on downtrend, in fact a drastic drop.

SGX--upside but looks limited.

pan utd--breakout was actually on 4th jan at 60.5c. looks to be on a second wave now but still too early to say; it's overbought tho.
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12-Jan-2007 20:40 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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hey awchyeong, its TA readings are still very strong, altho volume looks like going down. i'd wait and see monday how. if still same price, i'd most likely sell it then. better small profit than big paper gain. :)

think it'll go up mon tho, or at least, the indicators say so.
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11-Jan-2007 21:22 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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ah, i should have specified: institution Temasek buying. i.e, that means even for that one day that i did the detailed posting on institutions bought--there was artificial noise generated 'cos temasek bought like 1% or so of the stock. i.e., count off prob 100 lots or more (what's their total no of shares) off inst bought, which means, leaving out temasek, other big boys were actually selling.

vols seem to be stabilising but it's still dropping. sigh. like i said, reasoning or unreasoning, spc tracks crude.

you have til march isn't it? since you don't seem to be willing to let go, then really, isn't the only option to hold?

eh sorry, really very sleepy, need to zzzzz.....gonna be an elf in hibernation man. act came on just to drop note to awchyeong for allgreen.
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11-Jan-2007 20:54 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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hey giantlow, keep steady yea? thoughts are with you. :)

shplayer, you're right on that. rem i said two ways of inst manipulation, to depress so as to buy up, or to control selling so that they can offload all their stocks first. unfortunately it looks like the second case--i had one crucial error in calculation: hadn't known that temasek was buying; it means even institutions were creating 'noise'. erk. am very, very sorry to those who had bought hope on my words. :(  

if the TA and FA ppl here are right, then a rebound's likely; tho i wouldn't expect it to come before the results announcement.
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11-Jan-2007 20:48 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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hehe awchyeong, our allgreen is all green. :)

will tell ya when i'm selling but warning first: i might not be able to get internet access during the workday, so just in case:

if allgreen does a spurt tomorrow to ~1.53 or more, i'm going to sell. Of course it might go up higher after that, but it isn't my policy to regret or cheer over past trades. To me, better a small realised profit locked-in than an insubstantial large paper gain. :) 
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11-Jan-2007 20:44 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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hey longster...can't see the charts you posted, but how i derived the call (was actually watching this counter from its XD date):

the clear buy for me came btwn 8-10 jan--that's when the A/D and chaikin posted consistent strong uptrend readings, and vols started increasing. bollies (i used 7 'cos of the XD thing) were 'tight' between the 3rd and ~8th, RSI was slowing going up and the lag indicater MAcrossover (3 and 7 used) crossed on the 8th.

so putting all that together indicated a buy for me.

didn't consider the 1.35->1.26->1.29 as a buy since it was very unstable--of course would have been nice to get it at 1.26, but the A/D and chaikin actually made a serious dip prior to and over those days. so yea, bought at the relatively higher price of 1.39, but that meant all signals (RSI, chaikin, A/D, MAcrossover and MACD) read buy.

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10-Jan-2007 21:08 Others   /   How to be the 1st in queue before trading starts       Go to Message
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oh goodness! *suddenly awake* in light of teeth53's post: let me just say that my broker doesn't give so-called inside info. he's just very much in tune with the market, TA/FA, that's all.

kaoz....cannot get ppl into trouble like this....

ok back to zzz....yea byes singaporegal, gonna miss ya too! :)))
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10-Jan-2007 20:53 Others   /   How to be the 1st in queue before trading starts       Go to Message
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yea singaporegal...no sense being first in the queue if it's to get head chopped off first. always need caution....

so tired... workload increasing already. prob gonna disappear for a while from SJ. wanna zzz already; don't think i can make it to billywows and his coloured DOW reports... zzz... tell the shiok maestro nites for me. haha. market looks to be on a correction anyway. I sooo dislike thailand right now, i tell you.

catch22, i've never used online brokering before, so i really have no idea of the comparison or relative merits or disadvantages of either. and i don't know how my broker does it too; it's his job, not mine. sorry. :)   

bullbear, all big fish start out from being small. may we all grow together! :))) ...and not get caught. >~< 

for the record, his name's Francis, from DBS vickers ballas. (sorry, i don't want to put hp no: up here. and paiseh, i dunno surname.) hehe, give him more biz. he's gonna wonder what the heck happened....and pls don't say an elf recommended you. he's gonna think it's a prank call. haha.  
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10-Jan-2007 17:57 Hyflux   /   Hyflux breaks into Indian Market       Go to Message
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hey shplayer, thanks for your words yah. good enough, no drinks needed. :)

nah, didn't lose much. my broker stopped loss for me at 4.16 this morning aft watching trade. so only -2c. I try to keep losses in the hundreds only.

hm yea, thanks for the tip, will check it out. :)
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10-Jan-2007 17:50 Others   /   How to be the 1st in queue before trading starts       Go to Message
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hm, like i said, i'm not sure how he does it.

em...lemme say first that i trade by proxy (ie, buy under a relation's name). but yea, this broker is fantastic. he gives pretty reliable tips too. he's served the family for 2 generations already, so not sure, but i think we get some privileges with him...like i get to do stuff like ask him to put a stop-loss order valid for rest of week, but only sell if the bid vols way outweigh the ask. etcetc.   

but even if these aren't privileges, he really is very efficient. erm. wait. i don't think its nice to give name and hp no online leh....if you're interested lemme ask him first. haha.  
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10-Jan-2007 17:34 Others   /   How to be the 1st in queue before trading starts       Go to Message
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hm..i think the price of queue comes first and then the time of queue if the prices are the same?

not sure abt online brokers since i use a real one, but have the impression real brokers can get shares faster...not sure if i'm mistaken abt this. eg, i can call a buy at 11.53 am, watch sgx, share price act moves up above my buy price, but my broker calls back before 12 to say he got the shares for me already.

don't quite know how he does it tho.  
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10-Jan-2007 17:29 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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ycsiang, stay out of the market now if you're not vested la. it's too high and thailand is causing jitters everywhere.

fair value for genting is act 68c, including the casino win.

you can't trust the market; you can only trust yourself. good luck! :)
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10-Jan-2007 17:25 Hyflux   /   Hyflux breaks into Indian Market       Go to Message
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jackjames, tell me abt it. was out of the country when it moved to that range and subsequently dropped. that's why right now i divest all holdings if i'm going to be out of the country for a long time.

bloody bad tactical move--or more precisely--non-move on my part. It ain't funny man, and your flippant humor is totally not appreciated.    

on FA basis, there are practically no counters that you'd buy now. almost all near 52 week high alr. Except spc.  

singaporegal. FA basket: via fundamentals; TA via trends even if you know mgmt not totally A class. Sometimes, but only rarely, on insider tips. 

admittedly sometimes they cross, esp when you want to buy/sell your FA stocks. but basically, TA stocks short term, watch closely; FA stocks drop in and looksee them once in a week or so.

there's no clear line, really.
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10-Jan-2007 12:09 Hyflux   /   Hyflux breaks into Indian Market       Go to Message
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...btw, in case anyone saw 'elf: vested' and are jumping in: lemme clarify that i bought hyflux at 1.65 long long lonnngggg time ago, before their share split. so yeah, pls don't just read mine (or anyone else's post) and just jump in.


hm...must state clearly next time...*dangerous*
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10-Jan-2007 12:05 Hyflux   /   Hyflux breaks into Indian Market       Go to Message
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hey singaporegal, i meant trading positions--ie, short term TA picks.

FA stocks still holding some--these are long term ones (3, 5 yrs, mebbe longer), so i'm not really bothered by whatever their current prices are, esp the divvy plays and reits--if go down, i just buy more. the aim of these is simply to beat the POSB interest rate.

I actually divide up my portfolio into TA (or short term) vs FA (long term) stocks. So when i buy a counter, i know clearly whether i'm in it for short term gains or long term holdings. it's to diversify risk, basically. do wish i could be like you tho, but hehe, my TA isn't that good yet, so no sense taking unnecessary risks. :)   
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10-Jan-2007 12:00 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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hi awchyeong,

I should think allgreen is good to go in now, esp since you first vested at 1.26. Apologies i don't set target prices, since i just follow the trend. but fyi, i went in at 1.39.

there's very strong buying interest on this counter now, since it's abt the last of the prop stocks that hasn't had its 'run' yet. FA-wise, they have a good position in mid-to-up market props. So less 'hot' than the deluxe properties, but it also means steady increase is possible, and likely to be less volatile.

there was an ask bid this morn of 305 lots, which indicates to me that institutions are starting to pick it up.

no need coffee. you make money, i make money, everyone happy. haha. ;) 

will tell you when i'm going to divest this counter. :)
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