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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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30-Jan-2007 22:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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...geojam....yes, of course i'm kidding! o_0

besides, to declare that i want to be adopted by you after you've revealed your $$ would be make me a gold digger if i were serious, ain't it? hehe.

nope, i'm fine the way i am. :) too much pride to accept handouts when i'm well and able. hehe.  

ok, nites, gotta go zzz, so tired....
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30-Jan-2007 11:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ah...should have told me SPC earlier...would have told you to try for 3.36...no worries anyway; with the divvy, your cost is actually 4.05, which is below its support of 4.2. that's good.

wow. 30 lots. can you please adopt me? i'm cute! :))))

heehee. ok gotta go, byes! :)
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29-Jan-2007 22:47 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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hey, where's the dow boy gone? meh.

anyhow, the dow's broken 12,500.

Markets: Full Coverage
DJIA +31.64 12,518.66
NASDAQ +3.25 2,438.74
S&P 500 +2.16 1,424.34
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29-Jan-2007 22:35 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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no prob; let me know when you're vested in whichever if you don't mind. :)
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29-Jan-2007 22:24 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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thanks giantlow...altho it does sound quite...wronggggg. o_0

ok back to biz! geojam:

food junc is definitely being cornered; the qn is for what? Lippo group is very sharp; have to be careful not to get caught by them. When is FoodJ's FYE? if you know that, you can predict its rapid movement period better. Its A/D and chaikin are dropping, but MACD shows verge of cornered and breakout; signals are confusing for this one.

SPC: posted there already; expect a trading range of 4.34 to 4.5 these few weeks; it must break 4.5 to have a chance of going higher. 'cos PE of 7.5x broken implies 8x can be reached, which then gives fair value at 4.75.

Personally i prefer the other rec by victorian: EDMI. Cornered, and clear intention of acquisition. Recent share placement sold out in two days flat, and you never saw it dip to its placement of 28.5c. Very strong buying. Plus, its FYE is end feb, and unknown buyer needs to make an announcement soon. Either way, you'll hear news sooner than either of the above. fair value at 50-60c. Tech signs very clear for this one: compare its MACD, A/D and chaikin with that of envirohub for period of sept to mid oct. same thing (another manipulated stock). 

could always go into EDMI, then out into SPC or FoodJ when the signals for the latter are clearer. SPC should have a final spike in may before its xd; no hurry to go into it now perhaps.

and eh, the above is just my opinion; loss or gain is yours to bear. :P   
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28-Jan-2007 23:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hohokit, the little lady gives her thanks. :)

sweet dreams to you, and to my pet bunnie too! :)))

oh bunnie, before i forget, i like to think of you as a poofy white little bunnie with sky blue eyes. So here's a little gold elfin bell for you *hands a tinkly little bell* may it be charm against the dastardly emotions that control the market. :)
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28-Jan-2007 23:49 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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heehee, yah, i know, he's actually one of the categories of big boys i talked about before. am glad to have him here in this forum; we get the privilege of seeing in real time how the big boys trade.

we can't follow, but we can tag along for a ride. ;)
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28-Jan-2007 23:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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thank you, livermore. :)

bunbun, market trends...the following just my call:

don't touch property or construction stocks yet. Wait for the dust to settle. Overall market is confused now. Don't move til wednesday, when the US releases its report. You might lose some cents upside, but it's security against insomnia.

Watch SPC. Look for good tech stocks. If you wanna play pennies, listen to victorian and humulas. they invest in different styles, but i've been following their posts, and their methods in pennies are something worth learning.

oh, and try not to touch genting yet. It's too volatile for small timers like us.  
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28-Jan-2007 23:25 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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my lovely arwen, i started posting only 'cos i read your threads, ya know. of course, i'll be good and listen to you. :)

besides, bad blood only hurts the person it's in. gotta let go to live.

bunbun! my dearest little bunnie! *hugs* it's ok, misunderstandings or real, life goes on. Call me stupidly amnesiac, but in this life, is and always, i'll keep only the memory of good. :)  
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28-Jan-2007 19:07 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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thanks geojam, for what you're trying to do. :)

am quite upset and crying right now actually, but i won't vent my feelings here because it is not right, nor proper behaviour to. (yesss, fine, i'm very weak)

had known for quite a while that ipunter did not like me, but that's ok. it's life anyway; you cannot like everyone all the time. This is a forum for investors tho, and investors are first and foremost rational people. So i'll simply stay out of his path, and he can stay out of mine. Prior apologies to the rest of the forumers here for having to witness something this ugly.

ok, gonna go off now. thanks yea geojam, your kindness is really much appreciated. :)
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28-Jan-2007 18:48 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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and thanks geojam, you read my post rightly: that if the market looks bearish, it makes complete sense to get out.

what is so wrong about the above? it is smart, and it does take guts to get out when everyone else is blindly getting in.  

wherein did you read an inference of sarcasm?
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28-Jan-2007 18:38 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sorry, connection got d/ced.

from a detached perspective: it takes a lot of courage, and understanding of the market, in order to be able to move in-and-out so fast. Pure TA traders move with the wind. like singaporegal. it means one is able to call the bulls and bears rightly, to see the trends when everyone else is just following herd mentality.

sorry if you don't think that's worthy of respect. because i do.

i had meant no offence at all.
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28-Jan-2007 18:09 Trading Techniques   /   how would invest if you have only 1 k       Go to Message
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hey Edcifer, don't be discouraged by what you see yea...the important thing is that you want to grow your money and are willing to try. So take heart. courage is half the battle. :)

I believe you're going to start work or have already started work? If so, 1k as initial plus monthly salary/part time job can add up to quite a bit over time. If you're still in university, i encourage you to take on a part time job. The idea is to grow your capital too, and not just depend on the market to grow it for you; it'd take forever with just 1k otherwise. not to mention you'll twitch every time the market drops. haha.

But you must know that this requires a lot of discipline (can't spend wildly like other 20-somethings), patience, and foresight to pick the right stocks.

the idea of combining to buy with others is a good one, since it opens up the blue chips to you.  

Personally, i started investing with only 2k. By combining with others, and consistently saving and throwing every dang dollar i had into the market, i managed to up that measly sum to 5 figures in 2 years. So it isn't impossible.

But you have to be very, very disciplined in money management. Know where every single dollar you spend goes to. Helps if you have a budget and keep to it.

This does require some sacrifice on your part tho. I won't deny it, nor will i sugarcoat it for you. The truth is that, when you start out with nothing, making money at the start is not easy. But then, it is not impossible.  
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28-Jan-2007 17:54 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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neither red nor white. it all depends on the food and/or ambience. for whites i like the gerwurtztraminer... only the ones from the alsace region tho; the australians and NZies have been trying to create it, but they've only got the fragance but not the taste (lychee and floral--if you have lady friends, i highly recommend it, they'll take to it easily).

Italian reds are spicy; takes some getting used to. they're good for cabernets tho, you can actually taste the chocolate! heehee.

(note all the above is just my opinion; i don't bother much with what the experts say. if i like it, i like it, don't care if it's a cheapo two-bit wine; if i don't, no amount of 'expert' opinion is gonna change my mind) 

hehe. actually i've been shifting away from wines already. starting on sake now. less of a headache. tried this absolutely lovely one that tasted of cherry blossoms. *ooh....*

no blue cheeses! o_0

sheesh. ok ipunter, you hunter/scalper/cowboy....abt how many counters do you play each time then? or does it all depends? you really have guts man....*pei fu*
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28-Jan-2007 17:46 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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...sorry, i don't like durians...

geylang normally has good ones. dunno which you prefer, if i really have to eat them then i pref the slightly bitter ones...

segamat in johor is good; by the roadside. they're like 3 little ones for 1 ringgit. closer to main road it's RM$2. i think the little ones are better. or mebbe that's just 'cos i like small things. haha.

agree with chinkiasu about the penang laksa in ayer hitam. (don't particularly like it myself tho; can't really stomach sour food o_0)
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28-Jan-2007 17:41 Others   /   A grain of sand       Go to Message
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that's the opening of auguries of innocence...rather paradoxical to put it in a monetary context, don't you think....

i like breton's manifesto, 'all freedom in art'.

just a digression here.  
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27-Jan-2007 21:37 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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oh yea, i'm a foodie. restaurant or hawker centre doesn't matter; it's the quality of the food and company. :)

what ya like to eat? let's compare notes....hehe.

no particular favourites. I like tomoe (in the north) for japanese, and the or luak and hokkien mee at telok kurau/east coast road there (dunno address; no sense of direction--it's close to alfono's). the chye tau kwei at jago close is good too. yumyum. the everitt road mee pok. char kwei teo at bras basah there. the one with a lot of veggies and little fishies. it's the same place that sells the ah-ballings. 

fine dining: keyaki for japanese; jiangnan chun or jade for chinese.

oh, and seafood. i absolutely adore seafood. barbecued sotongs with sambal lime belacan, black pepper crab (Little Red House not bad), lalas with ginger, coriander and white wine (no: 3 at outram road). drunken prawns stewed in shao xing jiu....ooohhhhh......

sigh. see lah. now i'm hungry. haha.   

shifting house yet? :P
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27-Jan-2007 21:25 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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speaking of wines, my wine fridge is like, full. need to clear. sian. which you like? (no, i'm not giving away, sorry. :P) and what's the one you bought? any good? red, white, champ, or dessert? *kaypoh*

haha, i remember coming back from italy....with seven bottles of wine snugly smuggled in my suitcase. and the only reason why i had seven was 'cos suitcase too small, and no more clothes to wrap them up in! o/w would have bought more. bwah hahaha.

btw, ipunter, may i ask, how many counters do you hold on average each time?
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27-Jan-2007 21:21 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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yahyah, why do you think i said i love the sea? go to the beach very often. gotta love the sun, sand, sea! :))) altho rainy season now, sian...i'm one frozen elf. well, at least my strawberry plant is happy. hmph.

heehee, and it's not only the beach, we got the food too! or luak, hokkien mee, peranakan, lagoon seafood centre, ta mee pok, rojak, sambal cuttlefish kangkong....and geylang for the frog's leg porridge and tau huay!

of course the guys go for another kind of huay. :P

the only thing i like abt the west is the egrets there.. o/w, much prefer the east. :)

and ya, easier said than done. so must try best! (of course, being san ba now and then is extremely therapeutic. *claws out* haha. )
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27-Jan-2007 21:00 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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yah, but let's note here that simple does not equate stupid. it means knowing, and deliberately choosing your own path.

chipchip, can't lah....*wasted*, i live on the other side of the island. sian....a lompang to work would be good man; then wouldn't havta wake up so early every morning. sigh.

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