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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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04-Feb-2007 13:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yah geojam, my friend was rebuilding her house here too, had all sorts of minor regulations you'd never think about, like having to have a green fence outside over the drain, nothing on the balcony extended area etcetc (odd govt rulings)...

hm. if 95% holdings in australia, i take it to mean you got a green card via putting in investment money as a 'high net worth individual' by their immigration criteria? not familiar with the aussie market so won't be of much help there. :) could perhaps look to put a bit more in s'pore tho, considering the bullish climate here cf to australia. assuming it's capital growth you want and not preservation tho.

yah. i think bunbun's an adorable name. *hugs!* keke. nope, i don't know what she's like in real person, but i think she's cute online. hehe giantlow, little bunnies must be protected what. She's my pet! haha.

and just to pre-empt any untoward suspicions, nope, i'm definitely straight; i adore guys too much. bwah hahahaaa.  
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04-Feb-2007 13:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI       Go to Message
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hi nano.invest,  welcome to the SJ forums! :)

If you mean the actual STI index, then it is not possible to buy that, the counter you go into instead is SGX.

if you mean its component stocks, then there's a basket of counters that make up the STI, amongst them your standard blue chips like singtel, and the banks. you can find the list in the newspapers or online, i believe.

if it's technical online brokerage you mean, then hehe sorry, not my area of expertise. :)

a word of caution tho: stocks are at an all time high. so if you're new, try not to get caught up and rush in; likely to get burnt that way. good luck! :) 
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04-Feb-2007 12:52 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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sheesh....well, let's hope they both grow beautifully together. haha.
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04-Feb-2007 12:51 Ho Bee Land   /   Riding High On The Sentosa Wave       Go to Message
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haha, no rogue_trader, if you don't post what you're vested in, no one can tekan you what. :P
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04-Feb-2007 02:09 Ho Bee Land   /   Riding High On The Sentosa Wave       Go to Message
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..it is also where your pure TA basics come in--price volume charts.

by calculating the lots bought/sold and what prices, you can see what manipulation is going on, if any.

and if from there you see yes, there's some shiftiness, you know not to trust A/D and Chaikin etc already, 'cos they'll likely read false positives/negatives.
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04-Feb-2007 02:06 Ho Bee Land   /   Riding High On The Sentosa Wave       Go to Message
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hullo rogue_trader..

it's not a stupid thought at all. it's right. 'cos TA tracks what exactly is, ie, follows the trend. but manipulators set the trend.

which is why big boys don't have to give a damn about TA or FA or whatever. They set the dang waves that us small fries try to catch.

and that is also why TA people will avoid certain stocks. Pennies being a key see-no-touch principle.  
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04-Feb-2007 01:44 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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giantlow...elucidate your post....what way didn't you see bunbun in??
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04-Feb-2007 01:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. where and why in australia i wonder....not particularly my favourite country...
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04-Feb-2007 01:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hm. yes, definitely. no one knows anything for certain. risk is definitely, definitely there. so always, eyes wide open.
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04-Feb-2007 01:36 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hey livermore, i like the ten traits you posted up. thanks for taking the time to post that!

agree with the point that it takes a mix of both value and growth investing. must disagree with the point about no non-professional value investors making it big though. they do; i know some personally. just that, as victorian says, they tend to be quiet ones, which follows their personality, really, like the picking of undervalued (ie, unnoticed and quiet) stocks etc.
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04-Feb-2007 01:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oh okay....as in 'buan lat' ...black jack...*enlightenment*

sheesh. and there i was thinking she was a poofy little bunnie. :(
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04-Feb-2007 01:19 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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i bought my first lots at 28c. :) had to spread over a few days tho, since wasn't able to get all at one shot. it's ok. sitting on them now and just waiting.
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04-Feb-2007 01:17 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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chinkiasu, thank you very much for the rose. :)))

keke, bunnieeee! geojam is willing to adopt us! keke. quick, call godpa!

heehee. :P on a more serious note, where are you building your house that it takes 2 years? and em. no offence..but if you don't read statements and don't do TA, you must have quite some sleepless nights with your stock holdings....

well, what other counters are you holding then? i rem reading somewhere that you're holding onto st engg. if you like, i could keep an eye now and then on your holdings for ya. (assuming you're not holding a gazillion counters!) of course, any call i make is solely my opinion, and as always, investors make up their own mind, yah. so caveat emptor.

hm. now that he's mentioned it, bunbun, are you a roti bun or a bunnie? i always thought you were a rabbit bunnie....*confused*

actually, i think building your own house takes a lot of work and must be quite stressful instructing architects and engineers AND workers. plus, there's all the nitty gritty regulations and laws to deal with.
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04-Feb-2007 01:06 Trading Techniques   /   how would invest if you have only 1 k       Go to Message
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hm.. i have nothing against presents, in fact i love them totally *haha*, but realistically, if your daughter has started working, why give her monetary presents? shouldn't you be asking for the repayment of university fees and all that? 

self confidence and independence. the kind of grace that includes all, and a backbone that depends on none. those are the best gifts you can give a daughter. :)
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04-Feb-2007 01:02 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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yep, noted. thanks very much, victorian. :)
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04-Feb-2007 01:01 Ho Bee Land   /   Riding High On The Sentosa Wave       Go to Message
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good to hear that, singaporegal. :) elf is contra-ing this counter currently. haha.
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03-Feb-2007 17:34 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahaha. ok, enough of serious topics for now. weekend's time for some mischief. let's stir things up. :P

in light of fairygal's posts on true love etc in SPC. would like to poll the predominantly male crowd here: how many of you actually believe in that?

or am i being realistic to say that no guy is ever totally faithful, and it's only a question of opportunity and/or guts which determines if he strays? that it is possible for him to love more than one woman at a time, whether or not he's in relationships with them?

and that (this follows a drinking night out with guy friends last night, you understand), guys really don't think as much as females do; they like girls quite simply: easy on the eye, easy on the mind, and preferably easy on the wallet.  (to quote a fren)

ladies, your opinions too?

whee. heehee.
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03-Feb-2007 17:18 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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actually there is some sense in his words. things like GM food to save hungry people etc, these were the original dreams of the scientists who worked on the Green Revolution too, before it got hijacked by all your big, greedy corporations et al.

yes, the words, the sense of it all, and not the speaker.

must say i disagree with his sensual meditation thing tho; ideally it might be a good idea, esp for a dedicated couple, but realistically it opens the door for paedophilia and all that. i'd generally consider myself open-minded and reasonable, but the one thing i will not tolerate for any reason is paedophilia.

Think, no matter how screwed up you are, you never touch children that way.
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03-Feb-2007 17:03 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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do we really experience and feel more, or do we only believe we feel more?

admittedly it gets more complex as one grows older (eg you can hate yet respect a person at the same time), but is this only because we've been socialised--ie, learnt to be PC and so deny your true emotions, at least in public--or is it real growth? act do babies forget or simply stuff early memories somewhere deep in their subconscious?

sometimes i think children are better to be around with. and animals. at least there's truth in them, and they call it as it is, no need for politics or backstabbing ala so many office politics you find in the working world.  :(
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03-Feb-2007 16:59 Sembcorp Ind   /   FA and TA       Go to Message
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unfortunately did not, sporeguy. :( am quite pressed for time in weekdays esp, so i only tend to read forum threads of counters i'm vested in/interested in. apart from Fellowship thread, of course.  

why 10000K tho? aside, you're one of the better chartists i know man... :)
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