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Latest Posts By samson - Veteran      About samson
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17-Sep-2013 00:04 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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è?ªè¿?è?¡é£?涨 ä¸?家ï¼?å?¬å?¸ä¸?ç??å?©ä¸?å½±å??涨å?¿

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16-Sep-2013 23:57 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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osk DMG

Singapore Oil & Gas Services: Optimism On Rig Builders Returns
Jason Saw (+65 6232 3871, jason.saw@sg.oskgroup.com)
Lee Yue Jer (+65 6232 3898, yuejer.lee@sg.oskgroup.com)
We upgrade to OVERWEIGHT Singaporeâ??s rig builders, which have
underperformed the STI due to concerns over rising competition and
consensus earnings downgrades. We turn positive as: i) the potential
recovery in shipbuilding orders and tightening credit may ease
competition for offshore orders, ii) the risk of EPS downgrades
declines, and iii) valuations look appealing as we roll forward to FY14
earnings. We prefer SMM over KEP and SCI.
Return of ship orders could ease competition. Data from Clarksons
indicate that newbuild prices and new orders are improving. We are of the
view that the revival of shipbuilding orders will divert the attention of South
Korean and Chinese mega yards toward seeking ship orders rather than
offshore orders, thus bringing some relief to the intense competition in the
offshore market.

Tighter yard capacity could boost pricing power. Dalian Shipyard has
secured orders for nine jackup YTD, of which eight are from Seadrill and
one from PT Apexindo. These are due to be delivered between 2Q15 and
3Q16. We believe Dalian has largely filled its near-term slots. As other
Chinese yards jostle to win the confidence of blue chip customers and
credit conditions imposed on the weaker yards tighten, we believe the
pricing power of Singapore shipyards may improve.

Lower risk of EPS estimates downgrades after huge cuts. We
previously argued that street EPS expectations for FY13 and FY14 had
been too bullish and may lead to downward revisions. Since Nov 2012,
consensus has cut EPS estimates for KEP, SMM and SCI by 5%, 23% and
13% respectively. As we believe the earnings downgrades for rig builders
are close to the bottom, their downside risks are now lower.
Positive earnings pace heading into FY14. Rig builders saw earnings
decline in 1H13 as operating margins normalised. We expect their earnings
momentum to swing back to positive growth in FY14.

Prefer SMM over KEP and SCI. We believe SMM  current price is $ 4.51 (BUY, TP: SGD5.60)

$5.60- $4.51  = $1..11  < ==you can make

if you buy cosco at ).82 for 5 lots =$4100

By  May   2014 cosco up $1 .50-$2  ( 5x1.5 = $ 7500 - $4100 )  you can make < == $3400


is a more leveraged play to the positive outlook. The key risks to our view are:
i) expansion in rig building capacity by Chinese state-owned yards, ii) a
steep drop in crude oil prices, and iii) execution risks in Brazil.


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16-Sep-2013 23:45 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Today I  habe sell off my other stocks and buy In 100 %  cosco and hold still Next year  MAY .

NO contra player , you may get burn ..

5 NOV Q3 Results will be very Good . cosco had delivery  two Sevan Drilling cost us$170  million x2


Ultra-deepwater offshore drilling platform, " I hope the 3rd" sea trials

Hits: 354 Date :2013-9-9



September 7, through careful planning, " I hope the 3rd" (SEVAN LOUISIANA) cylindrical ultra-deepwater offshore drilling platform was successfully undocked and sea trials. By Kai Tohoku Branch waterway Yangtze Delta, marching to the Green Mountain anchorage.

" I hope the 3rd" will be in anchorage eight thruster installation, and drilling platforms Speed, DP-3 dynamic positioning satellites and FMEA simulation effectiveness and other tests. (He Bin / Wen, Lin Chung / photo)


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16-Sep-2013 23:33 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco  wins us $566 million contracts also  no support by Local fund manager /

CEO also very ...disappointed


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14-Sep-2013 17:00 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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I still adk all frinds and college to buy cosco and yangzijiang .
They just told me china stock not good all eating our singapore money . You buy now next few mo th company suspect and hold and then close
Shop . I have told them I will show rhem results after next year 10k become 20k
I have reply to them you choice the wrong . Stocks . You just buy the share without do research buy the few cents stocks small stocks you will gwt kills .
95.80 mr. Ng 5.35pm monday -friday reports . Alway told 放 大 抓 小
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14-Sep-2013 16:44 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Buy before the fund managers ask your to buy and the analysis houses adjust the TP : 1.31 to Tp:$2 for yangzijiang .

For cosco CEO didn't buy lunch for analysis whose write reports for the company . And the Q3 result will be very good . Delivery of 3 biiilon shi to customers and not show in sgx announced qeb cosco alo adjust the ship building price higher
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14-Sep-2013 15:40 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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I have in stock market foe about 18 year for last 15 year I found why I buy share alway loose mo ey . The common problem every uncle an antie face why people make money Webuy stock alway make few hundreds only . And all the time stuck I have read alots of books chinese for stock and web site .
1.) Your pokier away ask you to buy when market ip . And sell market when share went down.
2.) Choice a good stocks buy in right time and sell in right time.
Some old uncle I have ask them to buy yangzijiang at $0.84 . And wait . Next two day they told me he sell at $0.87 make few hundred dollars coffe money . Old uncle can't wait for $1.09 -$2 . I have told him you can make few thousand and not few hundred. He repy he can buy back . I reply you are helping ypur trading house to make mo ey .

3.) Research for frist hand news before ceo or papwr announced.

4.) Much able to wait for 3 months . Why wait for 3 months
Q1 result is alway not good companies to q2 and q3 results

I have stop buy stock on jan 2012 . I
And I have research and research for shipping and ship building . They had been dropping for 4 year . When is the bottom . On may and june my research found is the bottom . Time to buy in now.

I 'm working in air ort logical line . System / network engineer.
This months I have see the lorries queues up in the road for custom check . This had been stop seen 2009 for pass foir year

So the bottom out for us and the transportation and shipping will be also bottom out by now

This months they are alots shipping owners place the shipping jack up order . And the price is when up 5% .
More order to coming for cosco and yangzijiang

Good luck to all

By doing good thing we not hope for returns

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14-Sep-2013 13:56 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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I have show him the tesults . After 3 months .
I have told him when he make $3000 in yangzijiang . Can relax ang fly kite in west cost parts
He still defense my advice

I have told him when money give him he didn't kick in time

I have totally give up on him
On lucky for him
Slway buy toto and 4D and soccer only give money to
singaporepools gov

Thanks for readong
Sorry I shell put this over there

对 不 起 。
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14-Sep-2013 13:15 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Use 10 k Can buy $0.815 for 12 lots.
After few months next year mar 2014 $2
You can make 12 ×$2 =$24000 - 9860
You make $14400 .wish is 14k . You put in the bank divided only 1k . The bankers will use your money to buy cosco . After one give 1k . They make 13k .they are very very happy then use othes money to make for them .I have told my friends to withdraw fixed d from bank and buy cosco and yangzijiang
During june 2013 at 0.80 yangzijiang and 0.73 for cosco
He told to to fly kite

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14-Sep-2013 12:50 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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On june 2013 we had started buy in cosco and yangzijiang .another guy heewee . We had see the china ship bottom. And will be bottom out . Then I have sell all my other secomcorp .. . And buy in cosco 0.73 and yangzijiang 0.82 .

Yangzijoang is number two private ship in china.

Cosco is number one ship in china government company back support by gov

Example I have post june
Buy secomcorp for $4.40
Good divided but make few hundreds dollars only gov stocks how to make more.

$4400 you can buy cosco 5 lots at 0.815 . After next year $1.50- $2
You can make 100% to 200%
Wish is 10000 -4090 = $5910
In just few months .if you believe me.
Corrrect if I wrong


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14-Sep-2013 11:56 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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China government is helping out the gov ship . Now your can see from news and papers china ship is bottom out .
You can see china is first in ship building for pass few year . Following by Korean and Japan.
And Singapore can compared .but strong gov supports .now secmcorp kelpcorp is facing very hard to wins contracts over oil and gas .jack up ship building . China can do all ship now and cheap . Secmcorp is change to waters projects industrial .
By 2014 both cosco ang yangzijoang will be on way back to tracks $2 -$3-$5

Cosco had logistical trade and properties also but ceo is not push on this area .
Good Post  Bad Post 
14-Sep-2013 11:34 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Ceo will announced on sgx
I will post the news on monday
Then the share can flying higher to $1
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14-Sep-2013 11:30 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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This is the new secure contracts
From enuo company
Ceo going to announced on mondays
More contracts to be coming
Just wait
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14-Sep-2013 11:28 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Is us dollars 1.8 billion s each total of 3.6 billion s
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14-Sep-2013 11:27 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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I only post news . Company secure contract . No talking others things
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14-Sep-2013 11:25 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Is us dollars 1.8 billion s each total of 3.6 billion s
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14-Sep-2013 10:56 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Yangzijiang had secure two ship building contracts cost for us $1800 million . Total of us $3600 millions . Going to announce

Cosco also wins two +2 ship building contracts cost us $ few billions going to announced on mondays

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14-Sep-2013 10:48 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Two +2 contracts secure by cosco .will be announced on mondays cost few billion
Monday cosco flying $0.92 -$1.20

Follow by yangzijiang also wins 2 ship building contracts cost Us $1800 ×2 us $3600

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13-Sep-2013 15:51 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Bloomberg column: Now cut the QE 5 Reasons

Seize the moment . This sentence my parents always told me, and this is the Fed meets next week to consider reducing the scale of asset acquisition, the need to keep in mind the word.

Could it be that it does not sound like purchase bonds begin to reduce code size sufficient reason? Indeed not. Please bear with me.

Take a look at the following this statement, the Fed eager to exit non-conventional monetary policy back to the basics. Of course, back to the basics involved raised the benchmark overnight interest rate, it is more difficult, to say the Fed has no intention of raising interest rates within a short time. Many different studies and official comments do not seem to mince words, covering the acquisition of $ 85 billion per month in U.S. Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities in the third wave of quantitative easing (QE) policy, if compared with the two previous QE, the gradually diminishing returns generated.

The Fed tends to reduce QE, Bernanke June mapped out a timetable for reduction code (later this year), plus we expect the unemployment rate dropped to 7% when the end of the acquisition of assets. Given these factors, beginning next week seems to be the best time to reduce code QE point.

Need so urgent? United States since the end of June 2009 since the recession, economic growth is only a mere 2.1%. Though the unemployment rate fell, but this is mainly because many Americans out of the labor market. So, why now we must reduce the QE it?

We take a look at the views of the Fed QE impact.


" Usually refers to quantitative easing by changing the amount of bank reserves, the policy of trying to produce results, and this channel, at least the United States appears to be relatively weak." Bernanke in November 2010 to participate in the financial industry conference in Frankfurt, said in a speech . " In contrast, by affecting the yield of the acquired securities and investment portfolio by investing in human displacement effect of a wide range of yield on assets, the acquisition of securities of this trick worked."

If you can no longer be said that the acquisition of securities and other assets yield a positive effect, then continue the current pace of buying the securities will not make sense. Less delay will not reduce long-term interest rates QE code, because we all know this escape, but is coming soon.

In addition, look econometric model to calculate the expected effect. Monthly purchase amount of $ 85 billion debt with the initial purchase of debt may reduce code size to $ 70 billion, both of which are expected effect of the differences is very small, and will cover up the past by other market forces.

Now the scale of debt reduction code share is not too convincing second reason is that the next few months may not have a better opportunity to reduce code. August employment report was disappointing, has triggered when calling for less code QE more cautious. Payrolls increased 169,000 people, down from an average of 12 months. Even more worrying is the second consecutive month, a few months before the next repair job growth data.

August labor force participation rate fell to 35-year low of 63.2% unemployment rate fell to 7.3% in the grounds

Because the labor force participation rate fell sake. Over the past five years, almost every month the number of unemployed leave the labor market more than the number of people to find new workers.

In the fourth quarter of 2012 to the first quarter of 2013, employment grew by more than real GDP growth suggests should be. Today, between GDP and employment figures seems to be more in tune. Accelerated growth in the economy before the population of 169,000 new jobs each person may be the best situation.

This fall is troubled, which is now considered less code QE third reason. The Fed will have a meeting on October 29-30, it may increase the debt ceiling negotiations and the announcement of the Fed chairmanship next time collision.

    Reduced supply of bonds

Credit Suisse economist Neal Soss and Dana Saporta on September 6 in the U.S. economy summary wrote: " Autumn is not a good time to point that the Fed should not test the market turmoil could trigger a reduction code operation."

In addition to the grounds troubled, Soss and Saporta also believe that the face of mortgage-backed securities and U.S. government bonds and reduce and avoid market expectations are falling apart " the best and most painless less code QE reason." Is that fourth reason .

Coupled with the U.S. use of chemical weapons against Syria indefinite extension reaction, which is the Fed next week, you can begin to reduce the size of code share the fifth most debt is not bad reason. However, this does not mean less code QE is a very easy decision. Even if the current unemployment rate is very close to the Federal Reserve is expected in 2014 will reach the level, but still lack the economic aspects of corroboration - the labor market outlook has not improved significantly.

Soss and Saporta expected, the Fed will likely cut yards QE " packaged" is not a tightening of monetary policy in the message - someone did not understand me? - Might even be proposed to allow the acquisition of the assets of maturity, rather than plan to sell at the right time.

Currently, I have to believe that less code QE issue, the market price has been fully reflected. Is not that what you want prospective guidelines?

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Nikkei News: Obama next week as the Fed chairman will

At 14:29 on September 13, 2013     Sina Finance 

Sina Finance YORK September 13 news, " Japanese Economic News" Friday quoted insiders revealed that U.S. President Barack Obama or the appointment of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers (Lawrence Summers) as Fed chairman.

Appointment is expected to declare as early as Wednesday after the Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting released. Nikkei said U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary, former Clinton administration economic adviser Brainerd (Lael Brainard) is likely to be appointed as Fed Vice Chairman.

Current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will retire in January next year.

Summers with the current Fed Vice Chairman Janet Yellen (Janet Yellen) is considered to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve's primary candidates.

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