Halloween Horrors to be held in Tampines?

Singapore Polytechnic students spent seven months organising " Halloween Horrors"

SINGAPORE: Member of Parliament (MP) for Tampines Group Representation Constituency (GRC) Baey Yam Keng has offered alternative sites to Singapore Polytechnic students affected by the cancellation of the Halloween event at the Night Safari.

In his Facebook posting, Mr Baey said they could either use the Sun Plaza Park or the Eco Green Park at Tampines.

Wildlife Reserves Singapore had cancelled its signature Halloween Horrors just two weeks shy of the event.

Students from Singapore Polytechnic had spent seven months working with the Night Safari to put together Halloween Horrors as part of their final year project.

In a statement issued through its principal Tan Hang Cheong, the school said it is encouraged by the " interest shown by several organisations who called up to explore opportunities for engaging" its students in their project.

The school added it has met with the students and have assured them that their grades will not be affected as a result of the cancellation.

It added that the students are naturally " devastated" by the decision to cancel the event, after many months of hard work and sacrifice, but they have learnt much from the process.

Their plight has prompted at least one MP to offer a solution.

" When I first heard about the cancellation, my heart goes out to the students because they’ve spent a lot of months preparing for it," Mr Baey said.

The Tampines Eco Green Park located at Tampines North is one of the possible venues suggested by Mr Baey for the Singapore Polytechnic students to hold their Halloween event.

Many netizens supported the idea of having it there because of the huge area and the park’s low lighting conditions.

Netizens also raised the issue of who’s going to bear the cost of the event if it is to be held in Tampines.

" Certainly the community would not have the kind of resources like a commercial company. So probably, we might have to downscale the project," Mr Baey said.

" But I think we will have to find ways to find the finances (and) I’m happy that North East CDC Mayor Teo Ser luck called me over the weekend to say that he thinks it’s a good idea and if indeed we are going to bring the event to Tampines north, the CDC will come in with some support."

However, there is no word on whether the offer will be taken up.

A spokesperson told Channel NewsAsia that the " rights" to the Holloween Horrors do not reside with the school and therefore it cannot put up a similar show.

Meanwhile, Wildlife Reserves Singapore CEO Isabella Loh said the decision to cancel the Halloween Horrors event, while a difficult call to make, was " made with the best interests of the park and its many visitors in mind" .

In a statement, Ms Loh said over the years, the event has not contributed to a noticeable increase in visitors in the month in which it takes place.