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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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27-Jun-2009 22:59 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Hi naka88,

I can understand the position u are in now, i was there b4, listening n buying based on rumours n tips when I started out n losing a lot of money, hurt my pockets n tat was a wake up call to me n I swear from then onwards not to listen to rumours n tips, started to hunt for books on trading as I realised there is no easy way out as nobody owe us a living n so kind as to give us tips except to find guinea pigs.

Bcos I had gone thru the school of hard knocks, thus why I swear to be the guiding light to newbies to go by the right path n not be mislead by those evil forumers lurking in this forum for their prey n also in the process, accumulate good karma for myself n my next generation.

Those who do evil by misleading post just for their selfish insidous personal gain at the expense of others, causing them misery will accumulate thenselves bad karma.

U are right tat this crisis is an opportune time which only happens a few times in our lifetime as bulls n bears go in cycles which can last a few years.

From your posting, I can sense tat u are serious about making money from trading, but 1st n foremost, u must learn the ropes of the trade, arm yourself with FA n TA knowledge, remember, learn how to fish n u can fish n feed yourself forever.

My advise, do a search under my username as I had recommended a few good TA books n "Free Tutorial on TA" websites n advice to newbies

I always like to remind newbies to remember these 2 mantras:

(1) Plan your trade (study the chart) n trade your plan (dun get emotional, be mechanical, set your stop-loss point n when hit, dun hesitate to sell).

(2) "Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops", dun be to eager to take profit till u spotted reversal sign, reason being we need to make as much as we can to cover all those losses n  make net real profit.

Btw, I would sincerely appreciate tat forumers give me a fair rating based on wat they perceived from my posting as a motivation to me.

naka88      ( Date: 27-Jun-2009 12:17) Posted:

Wow, there are really many ppl benefitting from richtan's posting and TA analysis. I will be still on the receiving end for this forum as i just started out trading not long ago. So i am sry if i cant contribute much to this forum. I am not rushing and am taking my time to learn things in the stock market. I started trading because i see this recession as a chance for me to buy stocks at a low price. Even though i might lose money in short term, my belief is that if i hold long enough until recession ends, i can make some profit out of it. I believe the price i bought these shares including china hongxing are at a much lower price compared previously before the recession soI tell myself not to fret when i lose money and i tell myself to be patient and wait for long term.I tried not to let my emotions rule over me haha.

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27-Jun-2009 22:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I would appreciate forumers give me a fair rating based on wat they perceived of my posting. Thanks.

From today's Straits Times, pg C32, "Bulls n Bears",

"Asian bourses surge on Wall St gains"


"Some analysts believe local stocks are in a consolidation phase, with a possible cprrection of up to 15% in the next 2 mths. Others tip tat the worst is over n believe equities are entering into a new bull run cycle. Kim Eng note: "We believe tat the recent run-up in the global equity mkt, although it has overshot the fundamentals, is not a bear mkt rally"

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27-Jun-2009 22:10 Others   /   Collection of Classical Chinese Songs       Go to Message
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Agree with u, one of my favorite songs, so must paly in the background when trading, hahaha... so then huat ahhhh...

cathylmg      ( Date: 27-Jun-2009 21:04) Posted:

This song is very auspicious especially for people who play shares. Don't believe you go and listen to its lyrics.Smiley

richtan      ( Date: 27-Jun-2009 01:20) Posted:

Copied from Cathy from another thread n repasted here.


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27-Jun-2009 02:21 Entertainment   /   Michael Jackson Sell Salted Egg       Go to Message
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Hi trader, is it true no posting of dancing images in SJ allowed.

Can SJ admin confirmed n if true,  would sincerely appreciate plse advise wat is the rationale?

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 10:41) Posted:

trader....u not scared wait admin give u warning ah? ----No Dancing in ShareJunction

trader88.sg      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 10:36) Posted:

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27-Jun-2009 02:14 Entertainment   /   Michael Jackson Sell Salted Egg       Go to Message
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I agree with u, "Do good to your fellow beings".

I m not to sure is there such thing as "life after death" 9re-incarnation) n our children taking the rap for any sins we committed, but just in case there is such thing, thus why I always try to accumulate good karma for myself n for my next generation, so I always remember the mantra "Speak no evil, say no evil n do no evil" n also remember Confucious teachings "Do not do onto others wat u dun want others to do onto u", thus in my daily life n even in trading n in my posting, I always remind myself to refrain from making emotional postings tat incites greed, fear, making wild calls, posting rumours, making emotional postings just for insiduous personal gain but causing misery to others by tat evil act (poor thy neighbour).


keepnosecrets      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 11:19) Posted:

Do good to your fellow beings and respect life.   Earn honestly. Give a little back to society what greater things you had from it. You will be rewarded with hapiness and longevity.

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27-Jun-2009 01:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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STI does in fact, though indirectly leads DJ bcos it does follow the DJ Futures even b4 DJ start trading.

DnApeh      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 12:03) Posted:

Got. STI leads DJ mah. LOL!

iPunter      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 11:55) Posted:

'Where got meaning'?...

The Dow cheonged nearly 200 pts last night, but se are up only a mere 17 pts...

Not like yesterday...  when the Dow was down, but we cheonged so much!!!

'Where got meaning', man!!! ...  Smiley

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27-Jun-2009 01:20 Others   /   Collection of Classical Chinese Songs       Go to Message
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Copied from Cathy from another thread n repasted here.

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27-Jun-2009 01:18 Others   /   Congrats to anyone who enter market today :)       Go to Message
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Hi Cathy,

Hope u dun mind I copy this link & post it in the other thread on "Chinese Classic Songs"


richtan      ( Date: 27-Jun-2009 01:16) Posted:

Hi Cathy,

Your link is not clickable, u must hit "Enter" at the end of the link so tat it becomes clickable:



cathylmg      ( Date: 17-Jun-2009 18:43) Posted:

This one edicated to all here:-




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27-Jun-2009 01:16 Others   /   Congrats to anyone who enter market today :)       Go to Message
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Hi Cathy,

Your link is not clickable, u must hit "Enter" at the end of the link so tat it becomes clickable:



cathylmg      ( Date: 17-Jun-2009 18:43) Posted:

This one edicated to all here:-




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27-Jun-2009 00:43 Others   /   Suck POEMS ACCOUNT and Service       Go to Message
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Hi weishen,

U may also consider UOBKH, I use both UOBKH n DBSV.

Pros for UOBKH:

(1) provides free "Interactive chart" using ChartNexus with editing tools to add annotations, lines to draw support n resistance

(2) better webpage layout, easy on the eyes

(3) more user-friendly right mouse click "quick" menu to see "Time n Sales", "Trade Summary", "Interactive chart", etc.

Only cons of UOBKH:

(1) does not show the current day candle or price bar.

 Only Pro of  DBSV tat make me use:

(1) provide current day candle or price bar

weishen81      ( Date: 08-Jun-2009 17:18) Posted:

Hi there, saw this forum title and thought it might be a good place to share my "views"... I gotta agree that the service of POEMS really sucks.... One big thing is the attitude of their remisiers.... There was once i forgot to pay up my position, and when they called up to "remind you", their tone and attitude were like Ah Longs and Ah Bengs.... damn crude and sacarstic... after that i stop using them and open an account with DBS Vickers... 

 Well, i guess we cant do much to this matter.... Perhaps just look out for other brokers bah? There are at least 4-5 others choices around... Thanks!

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27-Jun-2009 00:13 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Likewise, in appreciation n  to reciprocate your "Thank you" n "appreciation" posting to me which motivates me further, I will also rate your post favorably.

Thank all of you.

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 23:47) Posted:

Ooops, fingers too fast n typo error, not "foother", should be "other"

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 23:45) Posted:

Hi weishen, dealer0168, naka88, cathy, DnApeh n all foother forumers tat appreciate my posting.

I m overwhelmed n deeply gratified by all your expression of appreciation n would be even more gratified if all of u rate me fairly, give me a good rating if u think u appreciate my posting to boost my moral n vice-versa, as I noticed tat I had recieved a lot of "childish" bad rating on a lot of my TA n factual postings by those whom had an axe to grind with me (I m sure u know who they are).

In any case, just to let these "childish bad rating behaviour" forumer know, bad rating does not affect my ranking a single bit but instead reflect on your childishness which most forumers n I know who you are.

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26-Jun-2009 23:51 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Hi weishen, dealer0168, naka88, cathy, DnApeh n all other forumers tat appreciate my posting.

I m overwhelmed n deeply gratified by all your expression of thanks n appreciation n would be even more gratified if all of u rate me fairly, give me a good rating if u think u appreciate my posting to boost my moral n vice-versa, as I noticed tat I had recieved a lot of "childish" bad rating on a lot of my TA n factual postings by those whom had an axe to grind with me (I m sure u know who they are).

In any case, just to let these "childish bad rating behaviour" forumer know whom had an axe to grind with me, bad rating does not affect my ranking a single bit but instead reflect on your childishness which most forumers n I know who you are.

cathylmg      ( Date: 25-Jun-2009 23:23) Posted:

Thank you richtan, for the chart. Btw, where can I get this chart?

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26-Jun-2009 23:47 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Ooops, fingers too fast n typo error, not "foother", should be "other"

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 23:45) Posted:

Hi weishen, dealer0168, naka88, cathy, DnApeh n all foother forumers tat appreciate my posting.

I m overwhelmed n deeply gratified by all your expression of appreciation n would be even more gratified if all of u rate me fairly, give me a good rating if u think u appreciate my posting to boost my moral n vice-versa, as I noticed tat I had recieved a lot of "childish" bad rating on a lot of my TA n factual postings by those whom had an axe to grind with me (I m sure u know who they are).

In any case, just to let these "childish bad rating behaviour" forumer know, bad rating does not affect my ranking a single bit but instead reflect on your childishness which most forumers n I know who you are.

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 22:50) Posted:

Oh yah, weishen, since u are an army guy, I shall use the analogy of "debrief".

In military exercise, after the excercise is over, there is always a "debrief" to review all the mistakes made, likewise, in trading do a "debrief (ie. review), pull out the chart n see wat u could have done wrong (but b4 tat, u need to be well-versed by reading up TA, otherwise, u dun even realise wat is the mistake) n learn from tat lesson.

Alas, trading  is also another lifelong learning process.

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26-Jun-2009 23:45 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Hi weishen, dealer0168, naka88, cathy, DnApeh n all foother forumers tat appreciate my posting.

I m overwhelmed n deeply gratified by all your expression of appreciation n would be even more gratified if all of u rate me fairly, give me a good rating if u think u appreciate my posting to boost my moral n vice-versa, as I noticed tat I had recieved a lot of "childish" bad rating on a lot of my TA n factual postings by those whom had an axe to grind with me (I m sure u know who they are).

In any case, just to let these "childish bad rating behaviour" forumer know, bad rating does not affect my ranking a single bit but instead reflect on your childishness which most forumers n I know who you are.

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 22:50) Posted:

Oh yah, weishen, since u are an army guy, I shall use the analogy of "debrief".

In military exercise, after the excercise is over, there is always a "debrief" to review all the mistakes made, likewise, in trading do a "debrief (ie. review), pull out the chart n see wat u could have done wrong (but b4 tat, u need to be well-versed by reading up TA, otherwise, u dun even realise wat is the mistake) n learn from tat lesson.

Alas, trading  is also another lifelong learning process.

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 22:25) Posted:

Thanks weishen, I m touched n gratified by u n all forumers tat express their appreciation to me.

Do not be put off by the losses, I had been there too n even now n then still need to cut-loss as no one can claim tat they are perfect n make money on every trade, whoever tells u tat, are lying thru their nose n best to not believe them n their calls.

TA is not infallible, so the key to making money is, remember the mantra: "Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops", we need to let profit run as much as we can to cover for all the losses, so when in profit, do not to too eager to lock in profits till u see reversal sign (eg candles, need to learn how to spot reversal candles, support, resistance, ma, lowerhighs n lower lows, etc).

Do not be too eager n rush into n chase a trade till u can rationally convinced yourself thru your TA analysis but again remember it is not infallible so set stop loss n execute the cut-loss if hit, dun get emotional n hold onto your losses, preserve your ammunition to fight another day, remember the 2nd mantra: "Plan your trade n trade your plan". At all times, remember by heart these 2 important mantras.

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26-Jun-2009 23:15 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Profit-taking is to be expected as yesterday had already rally up 172 points.

dealer0168      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 21:42) Posted:

Monitoring DOW time now:



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26-Jun-2009 23:05 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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"Time n Sales" shows a big buy-up of 21,856 lots at 18 cts from the seller queue at 16:56:58, this should bode well for Monday's trade, but dyodd :- 

16:56:58 0.180 21,856 S

BR9 (China Hongx)

 DAY HIGH :  0.185   NET CHANGE :  0.015   TOTAL VALUE :  18,713,130 
 DAY LOW :  0.170   LAST DONE :  0.185   VOLUME :  105,688 
< />
Time Last Vol Buy/Sell
17:05:01 0.185 2,913 S
16:59:43 0.180 240 B
16:59:27 0.180 200 B
16:59:24 0.180 30 B
16:59:13 0.180 50 B
16:58:53 0.180 15 B
16:58:50 0.180 50 B
16:58:16 0.180 250 B
16:56:59 0.180 11 B
16:56:59 0.180 1,392 B
16:56:58 0.180 21,856 S
16:56:47 0.175 70 B
16:56:26 0.175 27 B
16:56:09 0.180 250 S
16:55:37 0.175 800 B
16:55:31 0.175 200 B
16:55:28 0.175 213 B
16:55:21 0.175 400 B
16:54:18 0.175 50 B
16:54:10 0.175 50 B
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26-Jun-2009 22:50 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Oh yah, weishen, since u are an army guy, I shall use the analogy of "debrief".

In military exercise, after the excercise is over, there is always a "debrief" to review all the mistakes made, likewise, in trading do a "debrief (ie. review), pull out the chart n see wat u could have done wrong (but b4 tat, u need to be well-versed by reading up TA, otherwise, u dun even realise wat is the mistake) n learn from tat lesson.

Alas, trading  is also another lifelong learning process.

richtan      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 22:25) Posted:

Thanks weishen, I m touched n gratified by u n all forumers tat express their appreciation to me.

Do not be put off by the losses, I had been there too n even now n then still need to cut-loss as no one can claim tat they are perfect n make money on every trade, whoever tells u tat, are lying thru their nose n best to not believe them n their calls.

TA is not infallible, so the key to making money is, remember the mantra: "Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops", we need to let profit run as much as we can to cover for all the losses, so when in profit, do not to too eager to lock in profits till u see reversal sign (eg candles, need to learn how to spot reversal candles, support, resistance, ma, lowerhighs n lower lows, etc).

Do not be too eager n rush into n chase a trade till u can rationally convinced yourself thru your TA analysis but again remember it is not infallible so set stop loss n execute the cut-loss if hit, dun get emotional n hold onto your losses, preserve your ammunition to fight another day, remember the 2nd mantra: "Plan your trade n trade your plan". At all times, remember by heart these 2 important mantras.

weishen81      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 18:42) Posted:

Yes. Fully agreed with dealer0168 and naka88. richtan has really been contributing alot in terms of knowledge to everyone especially newbies like me. The willingness to share already deserves a big applause! Even though i got burnt during the recent fast-and furious selldown of CHHX... Painful but its one great lesson learnt. Will continue to brush up on physchology and trading skills. cheers! Smiley

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26-Jun-2009 22:25 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Thanks weishen, I m touched n gratified by u n all forumers tat express their appreciation to me.

Do not be put off by the losses, I had been there too n even now n then still need to cut-loss as no one can claim tat they are perfect n make money on every trade, whoever tells u tat, are lying thru their nose n best to not believe them n their calls.

TA is not infallible, so the key to making money is, remember the mantra: "Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops", we need to let profit run as much as we can to cover for all the losses, so when in profit, do not to too eager to lock in profits till u see reversal sign (eg candles, need to learn how to spot reversal candles, support, resistance, ma, lowerhighs n lower lows, etc).

Do not be too eager n rush into n chase a trade till u can rationally convinced yourself thru your TA analysis but again remember it is not infallible so set stop loss n execute the cut-loss if hit, dun get emotional n hold onto your losses, preserve your ammunition to fight another day, remember the 2nd mantra: "Plan your trade n trade your plan". At all times, remember by heart these 2 important mantras.

weishen81      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 18:42) Posted:

Yes. Fully agreed with dealer0168 and naka88. richtan has really been contributing alot in terms of knowledge to everyone especially newbies like me. The willingness to share already deserves a big applause! Even though i got burnt during the recent fast-and furious selldown of CHHX... Painful but its one great lesson learnt. Will continue to brush up on physchology and trading skills. cheers! Smiley

dealer0168      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 00:31) Posted:

I like to see 2 people write in the shareJunction Forum. And that is Bintang & RichTan. See them write forum can learn new things.

Really appreciate their present here. Smiley

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26-Jun-2009 17:37 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Read this in CNA forum:


Joined: 01 Oct 2008
Posts: 2558

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Hang Seng Index broken intraday double top.. in fact even broken a triple top resistance.

Just now STI plunged because HSI formed a triple top resistance at 18525 area. Shortists dare to short STI stocks big time. However on a very surprise reversal, HSI charged through this major intraday resistance. It is now the new support. STI now dare to cheong on this scenario.

Shortists should cover yourself in such scenario.
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26-Jun-2009 17:15 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Kudos!! keep it up.

This is the type of factual posting, posting tat add-value to the forum tat I m sure all forumers love to read, be it news, TA or FA  but not those un-substantiated wild vague calls n those emotional posting tat instigate fear, greed n rumour-mongering with insidous objectives which degrades this forum.

Lets elevate this forum to be the best stock mkt forum whereby everyone contributes responsibly to the mutual good of everyone n not just selfish pursuits.

erictkw      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 16:39) Posted:

DJ MARKET TALK: China Hongxing +5.9%; Chartist Tips More Upside
  • 26 June 2009 14:12  


    0612 GMT [Dow Jones] China Hongxing Sports (BR9.SG) heads higher, most actively traded stock on Singapore Exchange as investors continue to bet on improving market conditions; shares +5.9% at S$0.18, now +33% over 3 sessions. Sentiment getting boost from Deutsche Bank upgrade to Buy earlier in week, with broker saying China&apos;s sportswear industry was showing signs of picking up, noting sportswear firm&apos;s same-store sales rebounded in May. OCBC Investment Research technical analyst Philip Teo meanwhile, says stock&apos;s positive breakout at key resistance suggests further upside; "China Hongxing could be poised for more gains in the days ahead after breaking above the S$0.155 key support-turned-resistance level convincingly on heavy volume yesterday." Says initial resistance is at S$0.185, which is a support-turned-resistance level and 200-day moving average, with next resistance at S$0.225, based on May 2009 high and 3-month uptrend line. (KIG)

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