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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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29-Jun-2009 12:21 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Posted: 25-Jun-2009 23:36       Contact richtan          *  Quote this Post!
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* Alert Admin

There is another possibility :

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29-Jun-2009 12:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Is this the chart u want, hope I can be of help.

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29-Jun-2009 12:11 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Copied from http://skybach.wordpress.com/

STI shows strong recovery signal

STI 26th June 2009

STI 26th June 2009

STI chart is showing strong recovery, following Shanghai’s close above major resistance of 2900.

Strong recovery signal can be shown by the following points :

1. 3 white candlestick soliders

2. closed up for the past 3 days.

3. closed above resistance of 2302.

4. GMMA shows the short term moving averages turning up. Moreover, within the short term moving averages group itself, we see a crossover. This indicates that the bearish traders that were driving prices downwards have already started turning bullish.

Despite the rise for the past 4 days, the market still presents a good entry opportunity. The reversal has just started turning up, as indicated by GMMA. If market sentiments continue to be bullish, short term traders will most likely push the price higher.

Filed under: Technical ,
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29-Jun-2009 11:33 UniFiber System   /   unifiber       Go to Message
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Always remember, when in doubt, dun trade, we dun have to trade every day, wait for the right opportunity, for me, I would wait for a confirmed breakup with higher high n higher low with increased volume to support n confirm the breakup.

keepnosecrets      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 11:25) Posted:

From the charts given, this share seems to be trading lower and trying to meet the 15EMA

trying to come nearer to the 65ema which is around 5.5 cents.

I won't buy yet, too.

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29-Jun-2009 11:26 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Not necessary unless those low volume counters which can be cornered n manipulated n those seldom traded counters.

hohokit      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 11:01) Posted:

I thought TA is accurate for a dollar and above counter and not for penny counter.

richtan      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:58) Posted:

Hi hohokit,

No tools in this world is infallible, including tA, thus why, important to set stop-loss.

I always emphasie to newbies, remember these 2 mantras:

(1) Plan your trade n trade your plan. (enter a trade only if u are convinced by some tool, not hearsay,we owe ourself our living,  nobody owe us a living n set a stop-loss n adhere to it)

(2) Cut losses short n let profits run with trailing stops -  we need to amximise our profits to cover alll those losses so tat we still make net gains.

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29-Jun-2009 11:20 UniFiber System   /   unifiber       Go to Message
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Generally it is a matter of individual preference, there are people who even use "points n figures".

The 1st group of indicators u mentioned are commonly used, the 2nd group (includung ma, macd are lagging indicators).

The best leading indicators are still candlesticks combined with price-volume action which are later supported by those lagging indicators,

but still, remember, nothing is infallible including candlestick, so remember to set stop-loss.

When the daily chart is not clear, look at the next longer time-frame of weekly n if necessary,  monthly

Preferably keep it as simple as possible, just a few indicators as too many indicators can confused u as at times they are conflicting one another,

particularly lagging indicators conflicting leading indicators for the fact tat they are lagging..

blueprintmedia00      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:59) Posted:

Hi richtan,

I noticed these are some of the commons indictors most people are using:

  • Candlestick
  • Support & Resistance Line
  • MACD
  • RSI
  • Moving Average 1, 2 & 3

Are there any other common / useful indictors that can be performed?

How about the below indictors? Are they effectively useful?

  • Bollinger Band
  • MA Envelope
  • Parabolic SAR

richtan      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 09:52) Posted:

Ooops, some amendments to my chart comments.

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29-Jun-2009 10:58 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Hi hohokit,

No tools in this world is infallible, including tA, thus why, important to set stop-loss.

I always emphasie to newbies, remember these 2 mantras:

(1) Plan your trade n trade your plan. (enter a trade only if u are convinced by some tool, not hearsay,we owe ourself our living,  nobody owe us a living n set a stop-loss n adhere to it)

(2) Cut losses short n let profits run with trailing stops -  we need to amximise our profits to cover alll those losses so tat we still make net gains.

hohokit      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:34) Posted:

Sorry to ask this question, is Hongxing a penny stock?Are TA accurate on penny stock?Can they be manipulate since they are cheap?

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29-Jun-2009 10:48 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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It doesn't matters, wat matters most is I m not the sacrificial lambs of the pipe piper, I make money for my own pockets based on my own hardwork n not influenced by all these noises..

TA n charting had existed since the beginning when stocks are traded, if useless, then it would have been obsolete n died a natural death, but fortunately it is not n existed till this day despite all those detractors.

newtothis      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:42) Posted:

Nevermind I have no comments :) Your only just an average trader. Not Manipulators

richtan      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:41) Posted:

If dun based on tools, then based on wat, "Hot Air Shouting", Every trdesmen needs his tools just as  aircraft n ships needs navigation tools, not just anyhow hantam blindly, listening to the "pipe piper" leading the sheeps to their sacrificail tabl

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29-Jun-2009 10:41 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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If dun based on tools, then based on wat, "Hot Air Shouting", Every trdesmen needs his tools just as  aircraft n ships needs navigation tools, not just anyhow hantam blindly, listening to the "pipe piper" leading the sheeps to their sacrificail table

newtothis      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:32) Posted:

Share Trading is not so simple.... as you think using tools to predict. It is much much more complicated than you think. Sigh

richtan      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:29) Posted:

Based on wat, plse substantiate with facts n figures, not all these BBs bullshit, u may know this group of BB but can play out by other groups of BBS , playing with fir

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29-Jun-2009 10:31 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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How to be convincing with just one short sentence, hahahah...SmileySmileySmiley

richtan      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:29) Posted:

Based on wat, plse substantiate with facts n figures, not all these BBs bullshit, u may know this group of BB but can play out by other groups of BBS , playing with fire

newtothis      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:23) Posted:

Today China Hong will drop Below 0.170

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29-Jun-2009 10:29 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Based on wat, plse substantiate with facts n figures, not all these BBs bullshit, u may know this group of BB but can play out by other groups of BBS , playing with fire

newtothis      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 10:23) Posted:

Today China Hong will drop Below 0.170

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29-Jun-2009 10:26 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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29-Jun-2009 10:24 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Hahaha... no substantiated analysis, just plain shouting, how to be convincing.

newtothis      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 09:56) Posted:


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29-Jun-2009 10:13 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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Hahaha...Smiley  SmileySmiley  

Be extremely wary of predators lurking n prowling in the forum to catch its prey.

Dun be the sacrificial blind lamb n be its hearty meal.

Be wise, nobody owe us a living, dun fall prey to their insiduous agenda,  do not follow blindly, we must do our own homework, plan our trade n trade our plan, set our stop-loss n let profit runs till observed reversal candles n sign.

newtothis      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 09:56) Posted:


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29-Jun-2009 09:52 UniFiber System   /   unifiber       Go to Message
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Ooops, some amendments to my chart comments.

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29-Jun-2009 09:42 UniFiber System   /   unifiber       Go to Message
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Hi blueprintmedia00,

A picture tells a thousand words.

Learn to use a chart editing software (I use UOBKH free Interactive chart, ChartNexus) n post the chart into the forum.

(one of our forumer had shared how to post charts into the forum, do a search "tinypic.com" ).

Below is my chart analysis, but I maybe right or wrong, so dyodd.

blueprintmedia00      ( Date: 29-Jun-2009 02:56) Posted:

Here’s my TA to share for viewing purpose only. I could be wrong. Thanks.

Based on the last few days of last week, my conclusion is that the market is still testing this counter. On 23rd, the market ends with an indecision candlestick between bulls and bears. On 24th & 26th, the candlesticks (not a strong candlestick) end with potential reversal upward or potential price change. But it is not a buy signal. However, on 25th the candlestick looks neutral or a bit optimistic only.

Also, other indicator like MACD has not really show any strong buy signals yet.

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28-Jun-2009 23:37 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Yes, let us all huat ah!!!!! together....

cheongwee      ( Date: 28-Jun-2009 23:32) Posted:

I thk this week is going to be profitable for all...sti abv 2300 again..Smiley

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28-Jun-2009 22:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Hahaha.... Rolling on the floor n laughng out loud!! SmileySmileySmiley

It is very interesting n amusing tat I keep recieving a lot of "childish" bad rating till now on a lot of my TA n factual postings by those whom had an axe to grind with me for exposing their evil deeds (I m sure u know who they are).

In any case, just let me reiterate to these "childish bad rating behaviour" forumer know, bad rating does not affect my ranking a single bit but instead reflect on your childishness which most forumers n I know who you are.

In fact, do continue your futile effort of bad rating as it would instead motivate me n spur me even more to post informative stuff n continually expose their "wolf in a sheep's skin" evil deeds which I m sure not only I detest.SmileySmileySmiley.

richtan      ( Date: 28-Jun-2009 17:50) Posted:

FSB’s Draghi Sees Signs of Improvement in Economy (Update1)
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By Klaus Wille

June 27 (Bloomberg) -- The world economy is showing “convincing signs of recovery,” Mario Draghi, chairman of the newly created Financial Stability Board, said today after its first meeting.

“We observe signs of improvement here and there,” Draghi, who is also a member of the European Central Bank council and governor of the Bank of Italy, said in Basel, Switzerland. “Still, the fragilities of the economy and the financial system are there.”

The Basel-based board, which succeeds the Financial Stability Forum, will look at risks to financial markets and ensure that regulators in each country act upon them. Its members represent economies from Argentina to the United States and institutions such as the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

The global recession is showing signs of easing as financial markets thaw. Government reports this week showed that Europe’s manufacturing and service industries contracted at the slowest pace in nine months in June, while U.S. consumer spending rose in May. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development raised its forecast for the economy of its 30 member nations for the first time in two years this week.

The Financial Stability Board “noted signs of improvement in the global macroeconomic outlook and in some financial markets,” Draghi said. “Banks have raised capital from the private sector, but the process of restructuring and strengthening bank balance sheets is not yet completed. Corporate bond markets continue to see strong primary issuance.”

$1.4 Trillion of Losses

Financial institutions around the world have amassed losses of more than $1.4 trillion during the financial crisis, data compiled by Bloomberg show. In Europe, governments and central banks are on the hook for more than 3.7 trillion euros ($5.2 trillion) of guarantees and funding. UBS AG, the European bank with the biggest losses from the credit crisis, said on June 25 it expects a second-quarter loss.

In response, governments and central banks are tightening banking rules to strengthen the global financial system. U.S. President Barack Obama this month proposed new rules to tighten oversight, while European leaders agreed on a sweeping overhaul of their regulations.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, a member of the Financial Stability Board, will “make an integrated proposal to strengthen the capital and liquidity regime by end-2009,” Draghi said, including requirements to address systemic risk.

Leverage Ratios

The Swiss National Bank on June 18 said UBS and Credit Suisse Group AG must increase the amount of capital they hold in relation to assets to withstand any further losses. The banks should aim for a so-called leverage ratio of at least 5 percent once the crisis is over, the SNB said, meaning the capital base should account for at least 5 percent of the balance sheet total. UBS’s ratio was 2.56 percent at the end of March.

Draghi said as a complement to the risk-weighted leverage ratios of the Basel 2 banking framework, regulators should consider a simpler figure.

“Basel 2 is a very sophisticated way of determining a leverage ratio,” he said. “In the end you come up with a leverage ratio but it’s the product of many different assessments of risk for different categories of assets under different markets conditions. What we are seeing is that markets have a simpler view. They want to look at some number.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Klaus Wille in Basel at kwille@bloomberg.net Last Updated: June 27, 2009 15:37 EDT

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28-Jun-2009 18:39 China Hongxing   /   Good News for China Hongxin       Go to Message
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I m heartened tat u are making some progress but just a word of caution tat we must not just look at one or 2 indicators, particularly as macd, stoch, sma n ema are all lagging indicators, so to be ahead of the flock, we must look for leading indicators such as candlestick interpretation, dun believe, take a look at the candlestick chart n u will notice tat the candles had already turned up a few days ago prior to all these lagging indicators.

Anyway, congrats to u n keep it up.

It is my earnest hope to see your TA analysis in the near future as well as more forumers posting more value-added posting for the benefit of all forumers n to exchange pointers, be it Elliot wave (not my preference as it is too much complex), candlestick (my preference as it is more simple to interpret n once u understand it, it is as if the candlestick is talking to u).

blueprintmedia00      ( Date: 28-Jun-2009 18:12) Posted:

I will agree with Master Ozone2002. I’m currently learning MACD & hope my analysis will help. MACD reaches Signal Point and hope it crosses the Signal Line and the Zero Line tomorrow or next few days. MACD Histogram also indicates begins to converge towards the zero line, which should be a good indication.


ozone2002      ( Date: 28-Jun-2009 16:49) Posted:

this stock technically looking very good... all indicators MACD,RSI etc are trending up..

price movement upwards is supported by fairly large vol which is a good sign..


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28-Jun-2009 17:50 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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FSB’s Draghi Sees Signs of Improvement in Economy (Update1)
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By Klaus Wille

June 27 (Bloomberg) -- The world economy is showing “convincing signs of recovery,” Mario Draghi, chairman of the newly created Financial Stability Board, said today after its first meeting.

“We observe signs of improvement here and there,” Draghi, who is also a member of the European Central Bank council and governor of the Bank of Italy, said in Basel, Switzerland. “Still, the fragilities of the economy and the financial system are there.”

The Basel-based board, which succeeds the Financial Stability Forum, will look at risks to financial markets and ensure that regulators in each country act upon them. Its members represent economies from Argentina to the United States and institutions such as the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

The global recession is showing signs of easing as financial markets thaw. Government reports this week showed that Europe’s manufacturing and service industries contracted at the slowest pace in nine months in June, while U.S. consumer spending rose in May. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development raised its forecast for the economy of its 30 member nations for the first time in two years this week.

The Financial Stability Board “noted signs of improvement in the global macroeconomic outlook and in some financial markets,” Draghi said. “Banks have raised capital from the private sector, but the process of restructuring and strengthening bank balance sheets is not yet completed. Corporate bond markets continue to see strong primary issuance.”

$1.4 Trillion of Losses

Financial institutions around the world have amassed losses of more than $1.4 trillion during the financial crisis, data compiled by Bloomberg show. In Europe, governments and central banks are on the hook for more than 3.7 trillion euros ($5.2 trillion) of guarantees and funding. UBS AG, the European bank with the biggest losses from the credit crisis, said on June 25 it expects a second-quarter loss.

In response, governments and central banks are tightening banking rules to strengthen the global financial system. U.S. President Barack Obama this month proposed new rules to tighten oversight, while European leaders agreed on a sweeping overhaul of their regulations.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, a member of the Financial Stability Board, will “make an integrated proposal to strengthen the capital and liquidity regime by end-2009,” Draghi said, including requirements to address systemic risk.

Leverage Ratios

The Swiss National Bank on June 18 said UBS and Credit Suisse Group AG must increase the amount of capital they hold in relation to assets to withstand any further losses. The banks should aim for a so-called leverage ratio of at least 5 percent once the crisis is over, the SNB said, meaning the capital base should account for at least 5 percent of the balance sheet total. UBS’s ratio was 2.56 percent at the end of March.

Draghi said as a complement to the risk-weighted leverage ratios of the Basel 2 banking framework, regulators should consider a simpler figure.

“Basel 2 is a very sophisticated way of determining a leverage ratio,” he said. “In the end you come up with a leverage ratio but it’s the product of many different assessments of risk for different categories of assets under different markets conditions. What we are seeing is that markets have a simpler view. They want to look at some number.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Klaus Wille in Basel at kwille@bloomberg.net Last Updated: June 27, 2009 15:37 EDT
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