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10-Aug-2010 12:53 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Yeah!!!   It was yesterday!!   9 August!!   hahahah!   

You can remove your national flag  latest by 9 September.

Today,  is beginning of  7th month. 

pharoah88      ( Date: 10-Aug-2010 12:44) Posted:


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10-Aug-2010 12:33 Others   /   Market News that affect STI       Go to Message
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Smiley 8When you use iPhone,  have you thought of 13 death in Foxconn ? Isnt it too 'bloody' to own that phone?

.......Foxconn, which assembles Apple’s iPhone and other well-known products, has seen a series of 13 suicides in its Chinese plants this year that has put the spotlight on conditions for millions of factory workers in the “workshop of the world”. ...............


 Apple's head , Mark Papermaster to leave the company -

Apple's head of iPhone engineering out after '


But analyst argues that Mark Papermaster's departure may be due to culture shock

By Gregg Keizer
August 7, 2010 08:47 PM ET

Computerworld - Mark Papermaster, Apple's senior vice president of engineering for the iPhone and iPod, is leaving the firm, according to reports by The New York Times.

Apple spokesman Steve Dowling confirmed to the publication that Papermaster is leaving the company. His responsibilities will be assumed by Bob Mansfield, vice president of Macintosh engineering.

Papermaster's biography and photograph have already been yanked from Apple's Web site. Google's cache indicated that it had been pulled sometime after last Tuesday.

Dowling did not respond to e-mail from Computerworld seeking confirmation and asking whether Papermaster's departure was connected to the complaints earlier this summer about the iPhone 4's reception.

Papermaster, a 26-year-veteran of IBM, joined Apple in October 2008, but was barred from working at the Cupertino, Calif. company five days later when IBM filed a federal lawsuit that claimed he had signed a non-competition agreement. IBM also argued that working for Apple would "irreparably harm" his former employer.

The bulk of Papermaster's time at IBM was in processor design, and he eventually became IBM's vice president of microprocessor technology development.

Apple and IBM struck an agreement in January 2009 that allowed Papermaster to begin his stint with Apple in April of that year. In his position, Papermaster oversaw the engineering of two of Apple's four revenue pillars: the iPhone and the iPod. In the second quarter of 2010, those two lines generated 44% of the company's total income.

Papermaster's departure immediately ignited speculation that it was connected to what Apple CEO Steve Jobs called "Antennagate" last month.

Shortly after the iPhone 4's late-June launch, buyers griped that signal strength plummeted and calls were interrupted when they touched the external antenna, a new design feature of Apple's popular smartphone. Days after Consumer Reports magazine said it would not recommend the iPhone 4 because of the antenna and reception problems, Jobs hosted a hastily-called press conference, where he said Apple would supply free Bumper cases to iPhone 4 owners through September.

Many felt Apple botched its initial response to the problem when it told users to buy a case or hold the iPhone 4 without touching a small gap on the lower left side of the phone.

Patrick Kerley, senior digital strategist with Levick Strategic Communications, a Washington, D.C.-based crisis management firm, said Apple had been caught "flat-footed" by the mess, and gave the company only a "C" grade for how its handling of the problem.

Although not especially noted at the time, Papermaster was not on stage at Apple's July 16 press conference. Instead, Mansfield, the executive Apple said would assume Papermaster's responsibilities, joined Jobs and Tim Cook, the company's chief operating officer, to take questions from reporters.

Although many connected dots between Antennagate and Papermaster's departure, one analyst rejected the idea.

"I don't think that's the case," said Brian Marshall, an analyst with Gleacher & Company. "When you have a company the size of Apple, you're going to have turnover at low levels and high levels. I don't see this as that big of deal."

Instead, Marshall put forward a different theory.

IBM and Apple have vastly different corporate cultures, with the former known for its button-down ways, while the latter is much more casual, he noted. And Papermaster had worked at the more-structured IBM for over two-and-a-half decades.

"At the end of the day, it might have been that he didn't have enough t-shirts and blue jeans in his closet," said Marshall.

Gregg Keizer covers Microsoft, security issues, Apple, Web browsers and general technology breaking news for Computerworld. Follow Gregg on Twitter at Twitter @gkeizer or subscribe to Gregg's RSS feed Keizer RSS. His e-mail address is gkeizer@ix.netcom.com.

Read more about Macintosh in Computerworld's Macintosh Topic Center.


pharoah88      ( Date: 08-Aug-2010 17:05) Posted:

Another DEATH at Foxconn plant


The 22-year-old woman, who died late on Wednesday, was an employee at a packaging department in Foxconn’s Kunshan plant in eastern Jiangsu province, it said.

The company said it is working with the local authorities to investigate the incident.

Foxconn, which assembles Apple’s iPhone and other well-known products, has seen a series of 13 suicides in its Chinese plants this year that has put the spotlight on conditions for millions of factory workers in the “workshop of the world”.

It was unclear whether the latest death was also suicide.

Labour rights activists have blamed suicides at Foxconn — the world’s largest maker of computer components and a supplier to leading brands such as Dell and Nokia — on tough working conditions in its factories.

— A woman worker at Taiwanese technology giant Foxconn died in eastern China after falling from a dormitory building, the company said on Friday.AFP

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10-Aug-2010 12:05 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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People with insider info already started buying long long time ago.  When public start to take notic,  it is always at high risk price. buy high sell higher. 

If i hold shares of company that i know of some insider news that the company's certain deal is not going thru or company have some bad news etc,  i would have sold the shares way before those public .   Its always the case. 

noobnoob      ( Date: 10-Aug-2010 11:27) Posted:

5cts - 0.215 profit even better... 400%

these ppl will be laughin to banks....


niuyear      ( Date: 10-Aug-2010 11:20) Posted:

Is a good profit from 0.165 to 0.205.   Made enough :)

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10-Aug-2010 11:54 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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which bank go first? i pick

UOB -  Family culture still very strong,  Father/son/......etc


DBS is a nation's bank. - strong wing.

OCBC / Great eastern - wing beneath the wing 

teeth53      ( Date: 30-Jul-2010 13:34) Posted:

DBS - Damn Bloody Stupid to hav bot into Dao Heng Bank was an expensive mistake made in those early 21st century. Lost S$300 million in writing off it debt.

Remember when it tried to acquire OUB, the smaller bank here? It acted so rogue and arrogantly, and the rogue attitude finally pushed OUB to the arm of UOB.

Now MM Lee said two bank is enuff, so either DBS or OCBC got to go, which bank go 1st ?.



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10-Aug-2010 11:36 Fixed Deposits   /   ^ GOLD & SILVER ^       Go to Message
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 Which nation has largest monetary gold reserves?
Take the Rediff Business Quiz and see how much you know about the history of gold


Biz Quiz is best viewed in Internet Explorer (IE) and Netscape above version 6.0.

1. When did the famed Gold Rush begin?
a) 1848
b) 1849
c) 1852


2. In 2003 who was the biggest gold exporter to India?
a) United States
b) Switzerland
c) South Africa

The correct answer is South Africa .
Following liberalisation of import controls on gold, India is looking beyond Switzerland and UAE and sourcing more and more of the precious metal from countries like South Africa, Australia and Hong Kong. South Africa exported gold worth Rs 8,272 crore to India in 2003, compared to Rs 4,794 crore during 2002. In doing so, South Africa has dethroned Switzerland as the biggest exporter of gold to India. India's gold import bill for 2003 was Rs 18,607 crore.


3. Who is the world's largest gold producer?
a) United States
b) South Africa
c) Australia

The correct answer is South Africa.
South Africa has enormous gold ore reserves, estimated at 40,000 tonnes, representing 40 per cent of the global reserves. South Africa's main gold producing area is concentrated on the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin. The Witwatersrand basin, which has been mined for more than 100 years, has produced more than 41,000 tonnes of gold. Gold is the largest mineral foreign income earner in South Africa, contributing 27.4 per cent in mineral revenues. The gold industry is also responsible for 56 per cent of South Africa's mine labour force.


4. Which country has the largest monetary gold reserves?
a) South Africa
b) Australia
c) Neither
The correct answer is Neither.
As far as national gold reserves are concerned, the United States owns the most gold followed by Germany and the International Monetary Fund. If we include jewellery ownership, then India is the largest repository of gold in terms of total gold within the national boundaries.


5. Geologists of which country recently discovered huge deposits of gold?
a) USA
b) China
c) Russia

The correct answer is Russia.
Russian geologist, Anatoly Zaitsev recently discovered huge gold deposits of around 1,000 tonnes in the southern region of Altai. Russia has been cited as one of the greatest unexplored gold regions and reportedly undiscovered reserves of various precious metals in northern Altai could be around 60 million tons. In addition Sukhoi Log, the second largest undeveloped gold deposit in the world could have around 1,029 tonnes of gold. Russia is now at the centre of attention of the big mining companies across the world. The earthquake-prone Altai region sprawls along Russia's border with Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China and is one of the country's biggest grain-producing areas


Click here for More Quizzes

Tell us what you think of this Quiz

Compiled by: Rediff Business Desk

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10-Aug-2010 11:20 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Is a good profit from 0.165 to 0.205.   Made enough :)
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10-Aug-2010 11:11 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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CEO's name can change the FAte of   a Bank.  Is this an implication  to have CEO's names  to be ' Fai Cai' , or  'Lai Fa',  or 'Ah Huat'..........to make the bank prosper.   lol!


No worry, 

the name of DBS (Development bank of singapore)  sounds like  'Da bu si'  (打不死).  It wont die.
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10-Aug-2010 10:28 Others   /   Happy National Day ! HUAT AHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!       Go to Message
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Kudos to the Intelligent Units.

Stand up for Singapore!!


AK_Francis      ( Date: 10-Aug-2010 10:16) Posted:

Splendid. The most important msg conveyed during the live telecast of the event is the 3rd generation defence power, ie the cutting edge aircrafts, heavy n strong metal column. Of course the smart n high spirit marching contingents. And other nation support contingents too.

Dun play play ah, its no more a small red dot liao. Cheers.

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10-Aug-2010 10:23 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hands up! They should continue to work.

Last time , the retired used their CPF money to fund their mistresses,  now, they use their hard earn money to fund the casino.

nickyng      ( Date: 09-Aug-2010 17:15) Posted:

i think we need a RE-EDUCATION of hiring managers instead! to change their outdated mindset of hiring NOT senior/retiree workers!! :P

Those agree with me hands-up!! :P 

pharoah88      ( Date: 09-Aug-2010 13:04) Posted:


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10-Aug-2010 10:14 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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yes sir, thank you.:)

victorf      ( Date: 10-Aug-2010 08:36) Posted:

Peter Lim still continues to buy (now above 19% stake).....with less share available to the public now (34 + 19 i.e. 53% held by two share holders), it will only have a positive effect on the share price (limited downside but unlimted upside)....still waiting for Vincent Tan from Berjaya to act ....good luck :)

victorf      ( Date: 05-Aug-2010 12:30) Posted:

if Vincent Tan from Berjaya invokes a REACTION, it will touch 24, 28 and even 32 within months....let's watch....good luck :)

04-Aug-2010 12:03 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Peter Lim raises his stake to more than 16% (more to report) while Vicent Tan from Berjaya is holding more than 34%....both of them hold more than 50% stake in the company....the impact of Peter Lim buying relentlessly means that there will be less and less share available on the open market and this bodes well for the share price....a REACTION from Vincent Tan in near term is imminent as considerable amount of time was spent by him in the recovery process of the company, and this also bodes well for the share price....just "BUY ON DIP" and wait for fruits to florish under the blessing of the two billionaires....good luck :)

30-Jul-2010 10:03 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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interesting show coming...on 27th July, Peter Lim already has 13.26% of share....Vincent Tan from Berjaya is bound to act soon as there is no way to be in a passive mode....let's wait for the story to unveil in future which will bode well for the share price....good luck :)

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07-Aug-2010 10:26 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Cai shen ye giving out   national day  ang pow.

serene      ( Date: 06-Aug-2010 19:55) Posted:

Cai Sheng Ye has make a few more millionaires in Singapore 

More   coming this way !  Not an inducement to buy. Caveat Emptor.

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07-Aug-2010 10:22 China Jishan   /   From 2009 steady growth throughout the next decade       Go to Message
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I hope is not the 'ghost'  at work?  hahaha!

If it is not ghost, then, you should be glad, this counter got people starts to show interest.   lol!

Hulumas      ( Date: 06-Aug-2010 17:38) Posted:

Market player is so unethical purposely one lot only given at Sgd. 0.07 forming a market closing price! Some one from iOCBC do it! Why? Why? Why?

goondusamy      ( Date: 06-Aug-2010 16:34) Posted:

Ho sai li eh...Hula 1 word 4 horses difficult to chase eh...no horse run eh...(,")

No Bs No Bs eh...kekeke...(,")

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06-Aug-2010 12:52 Mary Chia   /   Shld Sell now or Lose more later?       Go to Message
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hahaha!   only  one  lady trader trading by herself?  and only one person mending the beauty parlour isit?

pharoah88      ( Date: 06-Aug-2010 09:54) Posted:

Beauty and Weight Management in Singapore are either a relaxation service or a scam ? ? ? ?

Market is tOO small  and  Over supply

nO barrier  tO  ENTRY.

One lady show

part - time

home based


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06-Aug-2010 12:47 Fu Yu   /   FUYU Road to Recovery in the next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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yesterday low was 1.05.

cathylmg      ( Date: 06-Aug-2010 12:34) Posted:

If it dips I will buy more.

niuyear      ( Date: 06-Aug-2010 10:50) Posted:

There is always opportunity to buy when it dips,  monitor first,.

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06-Aug-2010 12:45 Tiger Airways Rg   /   TigerAir       Go to Message
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Have you sold??   Now 2.070!!

susan66      ( Date: 05-Aug-2010 23:22) Posted:


• Group profit after tax of $1.9 million for the quarter ended 30 June 2010, versus a loss of $6.0 million for the quarter ended 30 June 2009

• Profitable results driven by strong passenger growth, unit revenue increases, and continued strict cost control

Really flying up to the sky like SIA. Smiley 445Smiley 445Smiley 445 Luckily catch it in time at $2.08 very bullish uptrend, still holding tight! Cheers Smiley 438

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06-Aug-2010 11:50 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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choeng liao................
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06-Aug-2010 11:47 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Good that Genting is holding well at this level. 
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06-Aug-2010 11:15 Others   /   National Day Rally       Go to Message
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jobless becos of what?  lol!  

They lazy to work so no need to pay tax and Yet, THEIR  government has been feeding them.  They got no ERP, no fines and people evading taxes.........so, what can government get from them??    So, it becomes a poor country sooner or later.

Singapore is super smart, got all the fines from citizens,  and can put up nice advertisemnt,  very 搞笑 :

罚我啦!  罚我啦! That fat lady said : 不要乱抛垃圾 !!!!!!

Jackpot2010      ( Date: 05-Aug-2010 22:50) Posted:

US jobless claim unexpectedly up 19k + weak retail sales. No National Day Rally, tomorrow STI will lao sai <3000pt.

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06-Aug-2010 10:50 Fu Yu   /   FUYU Road to Recovery in the next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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There is always opportunity to buy when it dips,  monitor first,.
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06-Aug-2010 09:21 Consciencefood   /   IPO       Go to Message
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tink better dont 'shock' . 
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