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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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12-Feb-2007 22:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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bunnieeeeee!!!!!  mineeeee!!! yeay, you're back!!! i missed youuuu! *hugs* ok, elf won't take another pet. hehe. oh man. we're so flippin' convent girls aren't we. hehe.

and yep, when i say 'pet', i'm referring to you. my one and only pet! :)))) smart girl, you got out of market. hehe. elf outed everything on thurs last week. only edmi now. that FA so i'm not worried.

ok, i got two godpas now. you wanna ask shplayer to adopt you too? hehe. :P

and don't start geojam on convent girls man! what is it with men....only one thing on their little brain...sheesh.... o_0 godpa, if you don't behave, we'll un-adopt from you. muah haha! 

hey, bunnie goes backpacking too? we can go together if it's feasible sometime. :) yesss. venice. oh man. the guide told us 'it's only a short walk back to your hotel', and we ended up walking for flipping two hours!!! like. niama....i loved venice tho. the basilica de san marco. :))) warning: i have no sense of direction. haha.

back to serious biz: godpa, i'm a bit confused. so you sold off STE already? that's some expensive kopi money you earned. So if it's sold, it's sold. don't regret or look back.

currently: don't buy anything yet. Be patient. Let the correction or bull run take place first. In the tail-end of a trending market, the risks are often not worth the reward. elf is watching. I'll surface the March trades when it is time. you can make your own calls then. :)  

ok, nites all. :) bunnieeee! *hugs*

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12-Feb-2007 22:16 Ascott   /   Ascott       Go to Message
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hm. ascott's charts are confused; volume shifts a lot between days, a sign of counter is being manipulated. pls trade with care yea....appears to be crossing a sell signal soon. likely profit taking since it has been up since late sept.
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11-Feb-2007 19:54 Innovalues   /   Buy Potential       Go to Message
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yep singaporegal. concur. trymyluck, be very careful with TA for this counter yea. c/o not particularly accurate for it. Relying more on lag indicators might be a better idea, as well as long term--less chance of error.
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11-Feb-2007 19:45 Genting HK USD   /   Is it time to enter now?       Go to Message
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yep teeth53, will definitely heed your advice. thank you for it. :)

to the rest of forumers here, if i've offended, do accept my apologies. and of course, the bestest luck to all! may all your holdings prosper in this new year. :)
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11-Feb-2007 19:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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btw, godpa, watch st engg very carefully tmrw....markets are volatile, and sentiment's changing very fast.

sporeguy is excellent in using fibonacci and wave patterns. if st engg does drop below 3.3 and the buy/sell vols are overwhelmingly sell, then, it's perhaps wise to follow trend.

do make your own call tho. :)

shplayer....how do i differentiate my godpas now? godpa and godpa2? lemme know how you pref to be addressed. or shall i just stick with shplayer? i like that name.  
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11-Feb-2007 19:40 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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lausk22, ooh, legolas. *swoon*


nooo...singapore girl should not be consigned! where's the fun if everyone looks the same! besides, it's exotic appeal. Rather outdated perhaps, but eh, since when has anyone not liked looking at pretty things?

yeah man. alaska is one of those on my 'must visit' list. the aurora borealis. must see! :))

shplayer. oh man. i think the guys here seem to do a lot of walking/exercise. makes me feel so lazy. haha.

ok godpa2! you were kind to me once, and i remember that. :) plus, still kicking myself for not listening to you on sembcorp. sigh. does shplayer stand for share player, btw? wheeee....

where's my bunnie, btw. meh. i miss my pet. meh. mebbe i should adopt another pet. hehe.  

ok, nites all! think i'm falling sick, and it's work day tomorrow. byebye. :)
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11-Feb-2007 14:34 Genting HK USD   /   Is it time to enter now?       Go to Message
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hm. i'm not vested in this so perhaps it affords a certain clearness. just two points of concern for me:

if brokerage house does not reveal its rating, that is a warning sign already.

you also need to factor in the decreasing US dollar.

plus. with recent IPOs, funds would move into that at least for now. it's like, confirmed profit. why stick with something likely to be stagnant for a while?

teeth53, their problems will not be settled so soon with the s'pore govt. think i posted this on genting thread quite a while back alr....pls be careful yea.
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11-Feb-2007 14:28 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hello singaporegal, why so quiet? :) elf would like your opinion on rally or not leh.....

hehe godpa, your heart might be easily moved but mine is not. Elves are elves precisely because they're different. hehe. The only moves i make are on the market! keke.  

chinkiasu. yep. elf loves nature a lot. Cities are glass, steel, pollution and loneliness. Elves get lost in cities. We like the wild places, the grass, the rolling green, the silence of the immensity of space, the changing seas and the rustling stars overhead. All the things that cannot be bought. They're the only things worth anything. :)
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11-Feb-2007 14:22 Others   /   Quick Poll: Chinese New Year Rally       Go to Message
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scotty,  my broker sends me info. Any co you want? i try and see if in my list. :)

yes, singaporegal, would like your opinion on rally/not?

billywows, yep, the market has already factored in the corporate tax cuts. rem the 72 pt rise after MM lee's words? Again my question--one that i have wholly no answer to--has asia delinked from the US? if we have, then the fall of the dow really doesn't matter, in fact, it'll precipate a super bull run in Asia. But if it doesn't....

ten4one has the right perception that the speech will be good since it's in the govt's benefit to sweeten up the population before CNY. But BBs will be reading the lines very carefully for hints of what lie ahead.

Property. sigh. i don't want to be a wet blanket, but pls be careful yea... The reports from all the fund houses are that they're cutting out of residential props, with exception of those launching in mar/apr. Look for office props now, not residential. eg, Allgreen's revised target px is only 1.33. But look what it's doing now. Red flags are already up.  
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11-Feb-2007 14:07 Innovalues   /   Buy Potential       Go to Message
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hey trymyluck, no prob. :)

bollies are what i call bollinger bands, yep. They sound cuter this way. haha. 

Lead indicators move before the price of a counter move, so they can be used to predict uptrend or downtrend before the actual stock price moves. Your classic leads are Accumulation/Distribution (A/D for short) and Chaikin Oscillator (C/O). These measure buying interest etc, which is a good indication of whether the price will go up.

So your classic buy indication (assuming your stock fits the initial criteria as a TA-able one): A/D up, C/O up, price still down/stagnant, RSI slowly increasing, bollies tight. Indicates a breakout soon.

Pls note that the up has to be consistent as well: you can't see just a one day a/d c/o up and buy. There's short-term uptrend on a longterm uptrend, and short uptrend on a long term downtrend: if you're buying on the latter, movement is likely to be swifter: you need to move fast.

Lag indicators move after the share price moves. so in that sense they offer more security. Standard lags are MACD (aka EMA) and MAcrossover. I find the latter more useful since on SJ you can shift the parameters to match the peaks and troughs more accurately than the standard 7/14 day division used. Personally, rule-of-thumb, found that for short trades, use 3/10 or even 3/9 as division. Not fixed tho. match the troughs and peaks as far as possible, but try to have at least 4 days in between, or you'll generate a lot of false buy/sell signals.

pls note too that TA does not work on all counters. It's mostly insensitive on penny stocks and manipulated/cornered stocks. It helps too if you can run a backtest to see if TA works on the stock of your interest. It doesn't work on all counters. (in fact, after screening the entire SGX, i could find only abt 50 stocks that can be TA-ed--so yes, the criteria is quite strict).

as for pennies: they're very volatile, i wouldn't trust TA on them. but from experience, lags and bollingers work best on pennies with sufficient volume and free float.

hope this helps. take your time to learn. :)
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11-Feb-2007 13:57 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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zhuge_liang, the only question that remains is this: has asia decoupled from the US?

because if it has, then the fall of the DOW heralds the rise of Asia.

since all the money will come here.

Anyone has any ideas? decoupled or linked? Follow the flow of global money as a clue perhaps.  
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11-Feb-2007 13:47 Others   /   Property market       Go to Message
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hey....just an FA fyi post here...for those still invested in property/property shares, pls take note that the BBs have changed the rating already:

for property sector in general: neutral to underweight. Residential valuations are overstretched already and limited upside. The one area expected to do well: office rentals. So look for counters with these exposure.

for specific counters:

downgrade to underweight: Allgreen, CDL, CapLand.

Wheelock: neutral. A wild card being its upcoming property launch.

Expected to hold steady/do well: Kepland (for its exposure to office rents accting for 59% of its portfolio; target px: 8.68), and Allco reits (target px: 1.38)

If CDL launches its office reit, that's the one to look out for. Expected Mar/Apr.
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10-Feb-2007 16:37 Genting HK USD   /   Is it time to enter now?       Go to Message
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..drop likely to continue. TA accurate for now 'cos of its high volumes. My guess is a 1-2c drop per day, prob ~5c drop by end of next week... monday likely to see dumping on back of news today.
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10-Feb-2007 16:26 Innovalues   /   Buy Potential       Go to Message
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be careful with this counter. clear signs of manipulation. i divested at 1.17 liao.

TA-wise it's better to use lag indicators and bollies. lead indicators unresponsive 'cos of volume problems. bollies appear to be pinching in, a breakout might be possible, but direction will only be indicated by the lead indicators. KIV for now.

you can spot earlier too by seeing the actual buy up sell down vols if you have access to such info. good luck! :) 
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10-Feb-2007 16:13 Others   /   Quick Poll: Chinese New Year Rally       Go to Message
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thinking budget day might have a dip but should go up aft that 'cos of continued results release by govt and cos.

the ones to look out for:

cos: cosco 12th. st engg, comfortDG, olam 13th. capland 14th, DBS 15th, sembcorp on 16th, ocbc on the 22nd, SP land 23rd. Allgreen and venture on 26th, citydev, sino-env, banyantree on 28th.  

govt results: retail sales yoy 15th, MOM 15th, budget day itself.

Electronic exports, non oil domestic on 16th. GDP (QoQ and yoy) 16th to 233rd, CPI on 23rd. Industrial pdtns 26th. M1 and M2 money supply yoy 28th.

ones in green are the ones to look out for. the blue chips will be proxy lead indicators for general market. CNY vols shd drop a bit 'cos long hols tho.
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10-Feb-2007 15:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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thanks chinkiasu. :)

ehhh...godpa, your heart's too easily moved man. :P btw, i don't email very often so pardon me if i disappear for days at a time yea.

sigh...singaporegal, after all the noise of singapore, i think i'd like NZ a lot. not sure if i can take winter tho....

giantlow, just a thought, hope you won't get offended: it appears to me that you're rather emotionally vested in your shares. Might like to detach yourself and see the reality instead. Hope does nothing to increase share prices; it only increases expectations, which more often than not lead to frustration. contra-ing SMB is perhaps a little unwise, esp if you need to depend on salary coming in to support it!

celestial's not worth a contra (to me, that is). might consider jiutian tho. FYE on 14th, consistent strong uptrend. enter 12th, run on 14th or when signs say run.

just my opinion yea. pls don't take it wrongly. thanks.
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10-Feb-2007 15:51 Celestial   /   worth going in       Go to Message
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wait for mon to cfm. vols petering out, lead indicators mostly down.
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10-Feb-2007 15:27 LabroyMar   /   Look out for this stock       Go to Message
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labmar's petering out. Frantic activity peaked on 5th feb, thereafter slow decline. vols dropping, lead indicators are dropping slowly: A/D dropped for 3 consecutive days, c/o for 2.. price likely to follow down or stagnate til week of 4Q results on 28th.
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10-Feb-2007 00:10 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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wait...i have a question:

what does it mean if gold AND stock markets are rising? 'cos gold is traditionally bought as a hedge against a falling US dollar and/or falling stock market.

this is a non sequitur leh..."it does not follow".
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10-Feb-2007 00:06 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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when is SMB's results ah? i don't have it on my list leh....

godpa, yah. in your case, put into drawer, don't look at it. hehe. don't get distracted by day to day movement pls, you're holding SPC as an FA investor, hope us shorttimers not distracting you too much. keke.

fwah. trek 20km....i trekked once in the north thailand mountains for one whole day...had to follow rabbit trails through thick undergrowth and bamboo forests...had to buang my shoes after that man....cannot make it....lovely waterfalls and bamboo tho. Dunno how our guide could find the path man. he was from one of the tribes...Lisu, Karen, or Hmong...can't rem...he had a damn cute dog tho! wanted to bring it home....weh...

aiyah...pls...lets not talk about work anymore. for one thing it's the weekend, for another, the less i say, the safer i am. hehe.
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